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This is to certify that Project entitled “Solar Powered LED Street Light System” which is
submitted by Atul Chaurasia, Dharmendra Kumar, Ayush Patel, Pankaj Kushwaha, in
partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of diploma in ELECTRICAL
ENGINEERING of Govt. G.B. Pant Polytechnic, Lucknow, Board of technical Education
Department, is a record of the candidate own work carried out by them under my supervision.
The matter embodied in this report is original and has not been submitted for the award of any
other diploma.


Mrs. Anita Yadav Mrs. Anju Kumari Singh

Lecturer, EE HOD, EE

Date: Date:


We here declare that this submission is our own work and that, to the best of our knowledge and
belief, it contains no material previously published or written by another person non material
which to a substantial extent has been accepted for the award of any other degree or diploma of
the university or other institute of higher learning, except where due acknowledgment has been
made in the text.

Atul Chaurasia (E20220337800001)

Dharmendra Kumar (E19220332800010)
Ayush Patel (E19220332800012)
Pankaj Kushwaha (E19220332800015)


It gives us a great sense of pleasure to present the report of Diploma Project undertaken during
Diploma Final Year.

We take the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of Mrs. Anju Kumari Singh Hear
Department of Electrical Engineering, Govt G.B. Pant Polytechnic, Lucknow for her full support
and assistant during the development of the project.

We owe special debt of gratitude to Mrs. Anita Yadav, Department of Electrical Engineering,
Govt. G.B. Pant polytechnic, Lucknow for her constant support and guidance throughout the
course of work. Her sincerity, thoroughness and perseverance has been a constant source of
inspiration for us.

We also do not like to miss the opportunity to acknowledge the contribution of all faculty
member of the department for their kind assistant and cooperation during the development of our

We would also like to thank to team member for their effort of constant co-operation which have
been significant factor in accomplishment of our project.

Atul Chaurasia (E20220337800001)

Dharmendra Kumar (E19220332800010)
Ayush Patel (E19220332800012)
Pankaj Kushwaha (E19220332800015)


This project proposes energy efficient of smart street lighting system using low cost solar system
based. The main objective is to design energy efficient smart streetlight for energy conservation
in existing streetlights of rural area, urban area and exclusively for smart cities. The system
consists of LED luminaries, LED driver, PV panel, charge controller light switch and sencer. The
smart streetlight is controlled on the basis of traffic on road and day/night time. The system is
programmed to automatically turn off during the hours of daylight and only operate during the
night and heavy raining or bad weather. Many times we see that street lights are remain switched
ON even during day time, this is total of wastes of electricity while India is facing lack of
electricity. Another problem is the traditional street lamp e.g. Sodium vapors, Metal halide,
Incandescent, Fluorescent lamps consumes more power as compared to new advanced Led
Lights. Streetlights can be operated free of cost by using automatic controlled, self-powered,
efficient solar LED street light.


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