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Alexander Meirelles

Originally written inJ Aneiro 2006 and updated until October 2006
8th Version

Personally, to my astonishment, estand text received approximately 20,000 hits on various

sites and the Concurseiros Forum since I wrote it in January 2006.

It is my costumeas concurseiro until the year 2005, and it is full of tips that I find interesting
for concurseiros.

And then I give a hint inicial: if you are really willing to read this text, print it, because it is
too long to read it on the screen. And you can also read again some points you think you need and
lend to colleagues.

First of all, let me introduce myself quickly. I am from Rio de Janeiro's Ilha do Governador,
buti have been in BH for 11 years, working as Auditor Fiscal of the City of BH, inspecting ISS.
From 1992 to 1994 I studied and tendered some tenders, being approved for Fiscal ISS-BH, ICMS-
MG and TFC, and disapproved in AFTN-94 (now AFRF). I chose to come to ISS-BH. In this AFTN
I was disapproved for an issue, and as there was fraud in it and about 50 people were eliminated
from the contest, I was angry waiting for them to call more people, which did not happen. And I
made the dumbest decision of my life: stop studying for contests, and settle for the little I'd ever
won. Andsse contest always got stuck in my throat, and stood in the corners giving the excuse of
fraud, whenever they asked me why i did not study anymore and / had not passed on it. She suffered
from the disease of "excusitis," which I will speak of further. Came the September contest of '94, I
didn't even give it a hard time, and I saw many who had taken it much less than me in my March
contest being approved.

I saw several colleagues and friends, many of those who were not approved in the contests I
went to, then move on to much better contests and lead a much more comfortable life than mine.

In 1998 I decided to go back to school, and studied a lot for about 6 to 8 months, but without
any method, doing everything wrong, as Iwould later find out. And I aborted everything, stopped
again without even taking a test. I've gone back to my life as a sick man of the excuse.

Until in mid-2005, tired of seeing everyone winning more than me, I decided to heal myself
from the excuse in the only possible way: passing in a good contest, as AFRF or some ICMS tax.

And I resumed the life of concurseiro with everything, but this time I decided to do different
than before, I decided to be methodical and rigorous in my studies, and i took several strategies of

Before someone comes along accusing me of beaded, I say that the vast majority of the
advice I will give here I have received reading excellent books on study techniques, such as the two
excellent books of William Douglas, the very motivating book of Lia Salgado and the great book of
Alex Viegas. And I made an adaptation of them all to the way I studied and I improved it. There are
a lot of people who think it's silly to "waste time" reading these books or a text like this of mine,
which would be a better time if you were studying. I say that if the guy really already knows how to
study, and gets along with this method, I agree with him. Now, I say that 95% of people would have
a lot to gain if they read them. And that many spend years studying without going through anything
because they can't study, and they could have passed ifthey'd read something like that.

Thanks to this optimized way of studying I was approved in 6th place in the AFRF for 6th
region (MG), having studied only about 6 months. I'm sure more than i'd have done it if it wasn't for
this new methodology. Obviously I didn't start studying from scratch, I had a basis for studying
many years before.

I did 220 points in The AFRF, studying basically 6 months, along with work, master's degree
in Statistics at UFMG and family (including a father, who is my great idol, who had to make 6
saphenous bridges in this period), and I guarantee that I would not have succeeded if it were not for
these tips below. Obviously everything I had studied until 94 and in 98 helped me a lot this time, I
didn't start from scratch, but not far from that either. And I have a very strong math base, which
guaranteed me great grades in mat financeira, statistics and computer science, without practically
studying anything. I have two degrees, graduate and master's degree in these areas, all attended in
federal. In return the "rights" and my memory were always there to get in my way.

I used to be very messy, as I am with everything to this day (something peculiar to every
mathematician), and I decided in the study to be extremely organized this time, because I knew that
only then would i get along. I had to radically change the way I studied. And i don't consider myself
a loser. Among military contests (I did the 2nd degree at EsPCEx), entrance exams and contests, I
made 25 selections, and I was approved in 20. With AFRF now they are 21 out of 26. But these 5
disclaims gave me a lot, because they were some of the main ones, like AFTN 94 (now AFRF) and
Naval College 84/85, and I knew that my disorganization was decisive in them. And I've really
changed the way I study. Radically.

Those who have the patience to read this text can save and greatly optimize their study, I
assure you. I'mhere to make me pass, and you can help him too. Each has different needs and ways
of studying, but surely some things can be adapted and used by you.

Over time, I was making some adaptations in this text, including tips from The Demétrio
Pepice, aka Deme for friends , who was the 1st national place in the AFRF 2005. Together we have
given some lectures throughout Brazil, such as the 3rd National Public Tender Fair, in Rio, and at
the Brazilian Public Tender Seminar, in Curitiba. All the fruit of this text I wrote and his tips too.

Let's go to the tips:

1) Place of Study

As quiet as possible, no music and no phone. If you like it or can take it, they say that
classical music, Bach type etc. is good for study. But don't study with sung music, national music,
rock etc. As I really like Pink Floyd and Iron Maiden, and I don't put up with classical music, I don't
study listening to anything.
Use a stand to place the book tilted. You'll have a lot less neck and back pain. Here in BH I
bought a very cool acrylic holder. The one with the wooden Bible is good, too. What I bought was
calling this company:, which is in BH and refers to the whole country.
She's the one who makes the supports. On the site you will see one that is more for those who read
lying down, but they possess what I bought, like these bible, to put on the table. This other one of
them in bed is also very cool, but have to be careful not to sleep. I got it from Lector after the test
and i use it to read in bed, it's very good.
Do not study with the book lying on the table, you will yield much less when the pains come.
And from feeling pain when studying I understand. I spent the last three weeks before the anti-
inflammatory and dorflex-based test. I've been screwed out of my spine for about 10 years. If your
house is noisy, look for some college library. It feels
isolated, facing the corner, to be less distracted by people. In almost every college, including
private ones, admission is free. There will be no phone ringing, the bed and the TV next to it,
relatives interrupting your study etc.
Leave a glass of water by the table and go drinking. Drink a lot of water, a lot of people are
studying and forget about it.
I put a picture of an Astra in front of me, it motivated me to study. And I also thought of
certain people that I'd like to see the face when they knew I went to AFRF, some out of anger, and
others out of love. And how nice it was to see their faces. Only now missing the Astra, but what I
have been written saying that the same is very much spent on maintenance, I'm already discouraged.
The picture is still there, so I don't forget or at least look for another better car later.

2) Note of Study Schedules

Anotand every minute you studyr, by discipline. So: deixand a digital clock in front of you (it
has to be digital, because the tic-tac diverts us from the study), and a little paper block on the side.
If youstart studying accounting at 6:03 p.m.,you're going to start there. If you go to the bathroom,
you'll go to the bathroom, you'll have a few minutes spent and so on. All written down. At the end of
the day passand for a calendar how much studied each subject and the total study of the day.

You will thus have control of your daily study, and you will not be deluded by it. You'll see
that staying at home because of the 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. study doesn't mean you studied 3:00
p.m. on the day. You'll study, on a great day, about 9:00 or 10:00 a.m. at the most, and that's all
rarely. It will lhand show how much you waste time on the phone, watching TV, scrollingetc. But
these hours noted will be actual hours of study, which will bring morecollection with your schedules
and an increase in the number of hours studied. You will notice that you can spend a whole week
"studying" seemingly the same time every day, and the actual study time rangefrom 3 to 9h/day,
without you having noticed much difference from one day to the next. You'll only notice and
correct this if you write it all down. You will identify the reasons that one day you have not
surrendered so much, and you will know how to minimize what has harmed you so that in the
coming days do not repeat the same waste of time.

Another thing I had mania and the book of WD corrected me: I stopped waiting the full hours
to study. As soon as you can, sit down to study. After you sit down is that you will look at the time
and write it down on the block. You'll get more hours of study if you do. I'msure a lot of people
are getting a little bit of a day off the way to study, thinking, "at 2:00 P.M. I'll be back." Then it's
14:10 and the guy, instead of running to study, thinks, "14:30 I'll be back then" etc. Stop this stupid
waste of time, sit down to study as soon as you can and then look at the clock to mark your start.
Change the order of things: first you sit down to study, then you lookat the clock, not the other way

And another touch that WD also gives and that I agree: stop this old nonsense that had to
wait an hour or two to return to school after a meal. That's pure nonsense. Eat slowly, relax, and as
soon as you can come back with everything. There's no such thing as motion sickness, headache,
collapse, seizure, etc. That's from the time I couldn't eat mango and milk. You'll see it's because in
those days there was no contest eheheh.
I always had lunch about 12:40, to see Globo Esporte together, which ends at 13:15, and by 13:30,
at most 13:45, was already back, and never felt anything, nor know anyone who has already felt.
Another stupid waste of time like that.

And always remember one very important thing: what will pass you nakedm contest is a lot
of HBC, but a lot even (HBC = Hours-Ass-Chair). There are many people who spend hours a day in
the corridors of school, winding, in bad classrooms etc., and avoid the main: HBC. That's going to
pass you by much more than anything else. Of course good courses and teachers are important often,
but do not get lot of courses and forget the main, which is to study alone. Your study time has to
always be much longer than spent in classrooms and other things.

3) Study Material

Study principallyfor a single theory book of each discipline. Take the forum, on my site or
with friends the tips of which is the best of each, and study almost always just for them. They are
usually those of impetus/campus or ferreira publishers, with rare exceptions. The online dot classes
are also almost all very good.

In the old days I studied with 3 or 4 books open on the table, read every subject in all of
them. That's awful, don't do it. Besides you waste time reading the same thing over and over again,
you won't remember right at the time of the test. When you study basically for a single book, you
see the issue mentally in the book at the time of the test, you remember the position of that subject
on the page, it helps you too much. When you use various materials, you lose it. It is important that
you have other sources of study, to complement something, but do not study for them frequently as

Of course there are exceptions, and I'll give here one: Dir Tributary. If i start studying this for
the first time, I recommend Cláudio Borba's book. Nothing better for a first contact. Then study the
João Marcelo Rocha and then the Manual of VP and Marcelo Alexandrino. In this discipline it is
important that you study more than one. Now, in Dir Const, Dir Admin or Dir Welfare, I don't think
it's necessary. It's one basic one and one for eventual and rare consultation, and that's it. In the two 1
disciplines I recommend without a doubt the vp and ma books.

I had never seen Dir Welfare until a month before the test. I studied for the online classes of
Fábio Zambitte do ponto, both theoretical and exercises. I didn't see anything but those classes. And
I was one of five of the 1,000 approved who boasted the 15 questions of the race. Thousands studied
a lot of books, real Bibles, took short classes, etc. and took 10 or 11. I've read only one source,
several times, and I've boasted. And it was in this test that I took out a little of some low grades that
I didn't anticipate in others, and made me conquer many placements.

Unless you have a lot of time until the test, with no prospect of any date until the same, do not
mind Alexandre de Moraes, Maria Sylvia, Hely Lopes Meirelles, Hugo de Brito Machado etc. But I
clarify: if you have enough time and already know the matter, read them; but if not the case, forget
them. They are excellent books, but almost always only for occasional consultations. Some people
are going to study them with less than a month to go. Either the guy is a Deme of life and already
knows everything and is just perfecting himself, or else, in the vast majority of cases, is wasting a lot
of time to study by his usual source and review everything from it or study something else. Often
doctrinal books contain the opinions of authors on some subject, and that of banking can be another.
The books aimed at contests already give what falls according to the bank, all chewed.

Another important detail: escape from handouts as the devil flees from the cross. They're
almost always full of mistakes, lame, hideous. With very rare exceptions, they are good for
anything. Almost everyone when they're starting to study buys the ones they sell at newsstands or
bookstores, thinking they're just going to go through it. Then when they go to take the test they even
think they've entered the room to do the wrong contest. There's nothing of them on the test. Who
wants to move to a good contest has to study for good books or online classes, which are nothing
more than books in digital form.

And for those who use online classes, never study straight on screen. It's sleepy, you can't
make appointments, anyway, it's hideous. Print everything and study on paper. I always printed
everything on two pages per sheet, because it is exaggeration to print a page only on each sheet, the
letter gets very large and spends paper and ink for nothing, besides getting very thick the material,
making it difficult to handle (no pun intended, please, this here is a serious text ehehehe). If you
print two pages per sheet, the paper will come out horizontally (you don't need to set the print for
landscape, it will come out automatically, just have it printed two pages per sheet) and you can bind
later, halily reducing the thickness and facilitating its handling. The lyrics will still be great for
reading. Only between the notice and the test reloaded my ink cartridge 4 times. Afterssar ssar in
AFRF, studying for ICMS-SP bought a laser for 10 installments of R $ 50.00, and Loved my
purchase. You print thousands of pages with a cartucho only, and to recharge I spend only about R $
55.00. The quality is much better, apart from the speed, and the cost/page ratio is much lower. She
pays herself over time. And you won't have to waste time all the time going somewhere to recharge
the cartridge from the inkjet printers, which last very little. Of course, there's the question of the
money available, I know that every case is a case.

Don't be cheap with materials. As much as you spend on books, printing etc. on your first
salary you will pay everything with leftovers. I know money isn't easy, but some people close their
hands to buy books and then change cars, or on a night out spend the price of two or three books.
Leave that for after it passes, now it's time to channel your money into thestudies. One question that
is that you could have learned in some book that stopped buying is enough to leave you in pindaíba
still for a long time, waiting for another contest, which will make you spend much more later with
other materials, little trips, etc. Typical dumb economy. There are people who see a good book and
don't buy, and depois goes out at night and spends it all in the balada.

Make appointments on the books at will. Books of contest has not those to take pity, because
in a year or two will be totally out of time, will not serve anything, especially those of Direito,
because our CF changes every week. In fact, there are some bookstores now that no longer sell CF,
because they do not work with ehehehh periodicals. Scribble, underline, mark with highlighting
pen, etc. I come back and a half when I buy some thick book, difficult to handle, I have the whole
side cut and notebook. It's a lot easier to study later. Who likes cute book is collector or booklet, is
not concurseiro. I had a teacher who said that whoever had a book with a face again did not pass for
anything, and who only believed in the success of those who had book all crumpled, dirty, scribbled
etc. And was right, for sure. When reviewing the story, read only the markings and do the exercises
you have already scored before.

One detail: I don't know where I read it years ago, but renowned researchers have proven that
the only text-mark pen that helps memory is yellow, and it does. The others: green, blue, pink etc
are just to mark titles because they do not help your memory.

Another thing: do not do the exercises of a chapter on the same day that studied the theory.
The best thing you can do is, for example, study Cap 1, marking the main one. The next time you
study the discipline, review the Cap 1 markings and do your exercises, or do it straight without
looking at the markings. Then study Cap 2, and so on. When you do the exercises right after
studying the same chapter you will have 2 problems: the first is that you will delude yourself with
your performance, you will not train your memory and think you know everything. Second, you will
miss an excellent chance to review the story days later, when you will already be forgetting
everything, and you will lose this "refresh". The pace will be the same, you will spend the same time
doing everything in order, but it will assimilate much more, because you will be studying the theory
one day and reviewing it another day, while doing her exercises and will have a more reliable
measure to analyze how much you understood about it.

And a dica to buy cheaper: always search the publisher's website prices at distributors in your
state, almost always you buy with 20% discount. In many university bookstores, principalmente as
federal, também there are the 20%. And for those who live in Rio, there are two great tips: one is the
bookstore of Moisés, near Cinelândia, often with prices even better than distributors. Phone: 2240-
8342. The other is the Academia Bookstore, in the Academy Course, which gives 20% discount on
impetus/campus books and divides on the card. Phone: 2220-1208. Note: I'm not their friend, but
I've bought it there a few times. So they don't pay me commission for merchandising and don't even
know who I am.

You can also use the Buscapé website, which searches in real time in all bookstores and
returnsthe prices of each. By the way, I use this site to buy everything.

4) Use of Summaries and Mind Maps

Alex Viegas, in his book "Manual de um Concurseiro" is the one who speaks very well about
this. And since I've received dozens of emails asking how to buy this book, you can buy by sending
him an email: It's very difficult to find this book in bookstores. The
2nd edition came out in July 2006. And before they accuse me of anything, I say I don't know him,
unfortunately, but maybe I still have that pleasure. I overrecommend this book. Quick reading,
which adds a lot.
In some disciplines, such as Dir Trib and Contab, I did several summaries and mind maps. It's
great for fixing everything, keeping the memory active and reviewing close to the test. If you don't
pass the next contest, you'll see even more of their usefulness for the next ones.
Now, some important details: don't waste time embellishing them, do them with your
handwriting, and not typing everything into the micro. There are many people, principalmente
mulher, who makes beautiful summaries, loses a lot of time with it, and will hardly have time to
read them.
When you type them, it gets very impersonal, it's harder for you to remember in the test. With
your handwriting you will remember much easier, and you will waste less time making them. Do
them with your handwriting, all colorful, but quickly, and read them many times. Do as much "I've
got" as possible. Use those colored gel pens you buy out there now. They're great. Buy the package
with 10 or more, to vary the colors of one summary to the other, because it also helps a lot to
remember it in the race. At the time of the race you will remember exactly the colors, the face of the
summary etc. If my father saw some i did, full of pink, would be afraid of his son "having changed
teams". Don't mind that. Make it all flashy anyway. Ridicule and bad taste are the rules to be
followed. The brain likes that. If you all do the same colors and pattern, it will be much more
difficult to remember in the race. When it was an exception I wrote in red. Those heaps of "unless
otherwise available" from Dir Trib I put in hydrocolor wine or red. ESAF is
loving asking questions by picking us up in these "SDC", and you'll easily remember that
there's it if you make the summary like that. See the proof of Fiscal Auditor of the RN 2005, was
full of SDC in the proof. When I did this test at home as training I hit all the questions that had it
just because of the memory of my summaries. Before I missed almost everything that in the law had
They have to be small, fast, with little in each. Use abbreviations, such as the "SDC" above,
or "%" for aliquots. The cleaner the paper, the better. Don't do those full of things on every sheet,
full of text. The brain needs space to organize itself and make its associations. If the subject
summary is large, divide it into multiple sheets. Make colorful drawings.
I usually did the half-summing summaries during the study, to help fix and to get clean
afterwards. As I'm a football fanatic (Vascaíno is "fanatic", this "sick" thing is for Flemish),
everything was clean, coloring, during the games of Wednesday night and Sunday. I'd sit at a table
in front of the TV and do the summaries. So, since I wouldn't stop watching some games, at least I
wouldn't miss those two hours totally. My conscience was reassured that I didn't waste study time
watching the game, especially when my team lost. It also served to rest the mind a little. If you can
rest your mind watching my team get hot all the time, because I've been barely used to it. Alex
recommends those lined tokens, but I don't like them, I prefer to cut blank or draft A4 sheets in half
on the back. It's the ideal size, and
it'snot the lines to disrupt visualization and confuse the brain. Number them with the acronym
of each discipline, in the corner, very small. Example: DT5, for 5th dir trib sheet. And fasten
everything in order with a clip or a rubber band (here in BH they call elastic "gominha", is it soft?).
Below are two I did, one on Senate resolutions and one on the Simple. Many issues, even
state legislation, I solve easily just thinking about the first summary, and I never made mistakes. Try
to memorize this in the text of the Constitution and tell me later if it is not much more difficult and
subject to errors in the test.
Read the summaries many times, especially in the week of the test. Of course, over time you
won't always need to read all of them, you can leave some aside, because they will become trivial.
They are great to be read in the doctor's office, in the car waiting for someone or stop in traffic, at
lunchtime at work etc.

5) Exercises

Do as many banking exercises as possible, which in the case of AFRF was ESAF. I followed
this advice to the letter from the same source as the 1st place in the AFRF, The Deme, followed, a
text on the importance of doing exercises of the excellent Gustavo Barchet. You find this on the 1st
page of lesson 0 of Dir Admin exercises of the point, which tinha download released. Read, his
statement is impressive and motivating, and it's only a couple of pages.
To wantto read this file from Barchet, lesson zero is no longer available on the dot site, but
you can download it on this page below. It's a page created by me and Deme to help the
concurseiros. There is also all the spreadsheets That I mention in this my text and another with our
tips of bibliographies, both those that welove and those that were recommended by colleagues of the
Forum Concurseiros. There are a few more things too, such as Deme's interview, the "legend", some
summaries of ours, the audio and slides of my and Deme's lecture at the Contest Fair in July 2006 in
Rio, the links most used by us etc.
Here's the link from our page:

In this worksheet below I put the questions they had to make of each previous test of ESAF,
and was scratching as I was doing, noting how many I hit the side. The numbers in the cells are the
amount of questions each test had. Then I wrote with pencil next to how many had hit.

AFRE AFTE and Anal. Adv. AFC
Discipline MG
MG 05
05 05 04 PFN 04
05 05 MPU 04 04 04
Cont. and
15 15 20 20 10 14 94
Dir. Fiscal 10 10 20 15 14 11 10 90
Dir. Constit. 5 5 5 10 5 15 18 10 10 10 15 108
Dir. Admin. 5 5 5 10 5 15 18 10 10 5 10 15 113
Dir. Previd. 0
Dir. Int. Public. 6 4 10
With. Intern. 0
Economy 10 40 5 55
Fin. Public 10 15 25
Portuguese 10 10 20 20 20 30 15 15 20 160
English 10 10 5 10 10 10 55
5 5 10 9 70 65 5 24 193
Mat. Fin. 5 5 10 7 27
Statistics 2 5 7
TOTAL 55 57 80 50 79 51 18 47 150 55 122 60 113 937

I was impressed as the day after the AFRF test Deme put on the forum virtually all dir admin
questions of the AFRF test repeated from other evidence of ESAF. Practically thesame questions,
mentioning what was the evidence that had had equal before compared to those of the AFRF. All
repeated. And how did he know that? because he had done each test several times. At the time of the
test already knew several jigs. Merit of it, who studied too much and well. It was no for nothing that
he took "measly" 269 points and passed in 1st place, with the note considered by many as the most
fantastic in history. It just served to prove that really the best tip of all is to do many exercises of the
bank. If you take the latest ESAF accounting tests you will see that it is almost all the same. Forget
about this latest afrf test, which was completely crazy and out of the pattern.
I followed that literally with Economics and Public Finance. I had never seen these subjects,
and as I did not like the theoretical materials I saw, I decided to learn in the marra to do the
exercises of ESAF. I practically just did exercises, checking viceconti's book. I did the exercises of
the last tests and saw that there was a lot of repeated. A lot of it. It didn't give another, to my
happiness, the AFRF test came from the biggest cake recipe in the world, and I easily hit the 10
questions of the test. It was the matter that until the eve of the race I was most afraid of being
eliminated, and during the race I asked the 10 questions in a few minutes, aware that I had hit
everything, with my feet on my back. The 5 savings were identical to the other tests, there was no
mistake who did the previous tests. They were even a lot easier than the previous ones.

Mark the most interesting exercises, so you can then just redo these. Redo the marked always,
several times, and when it is easy for you, delete the markings, do not waste more time with them.
Itisalso an important advice: mark all the good exercises you find, so as not to waste time solving
silly things again. I usually make a little ball in the question number, and then write down before the
first question how many "bizus" have there, wrapping with a circle the amount of bizus. Sea that
also how many hitair, so: 15 √ / 20, ie hitor 15 out of 20. Redo these bizus whenever you can,
especially near the test.

There on the site that I made available the files, there is a spreadsheet made by my colleague
Halex Maciel that controls your study of classes and exercises. I didn't use that one because he did it
after my contest, but it's pretty cool too. And the good thing about these worksheets is that from
lambuja you will still learn a little more excel, which falls into everything that is tender and is an
excellent program for your everyday life.

And nunca do exercise without feedback. Never.

6) Concentration

I've always had a huge problem with concentration. I assure you, worse than almost all the
people who complain about it.

People like that can't study with music or noise around. If you have too much noise at home,
you're going to be really mad. I know a guy who was studying in the car in the building garage
because of his kids at home, and he passed. If you are unemployed and are on your day your study
schedule, go to a library if you have noise at home. Or change the day at night, like I did in 93. Back
home I was with a nephew and a brother as children, and therewasno way, I reversed almost
everything. He slept much of the day with the air on to drown out the noise of the kids and studied
at night, already in silence. I went to the ICMS-MG of 93 so, playing the bat (well, before playing
batman than Robin, right?).

I have a study friend I met in '93 that his bedroom window was on top of the entrance to
inhaúma cemetery. All day long it was the biggest weeping, people fainting and everything. Apart
from the noise, it was very sad to look at all that. The guy also became a bat. He had lunch at dawn
etc, all the other way around, as if he were in Japan. He went to the IME doing this, one of the most
difficult entrance exams in the country along with the ITA, studied engineering there, then moved
to ICMS-MG of 93 (when I met him, besides having stayed a month with me and Rodrigo Luz in
ESAF Bsb, doing CF tfc) and was still the 1st place for fiscal ICMS bahia, it'sthere to this day.

Another thing: when you're too unfocused, take a story you like more, preferably exact,
because exercising is much better than reading a theoretical book to focus on. This also applies to
the rights, when you are unable to study theory, do exercises, hold much more attention.

Never study with too much sleep. More are worth two good hours of study and one in bed
than 3 sleepy, drooling in the book. I sleep about 40 minutes every time I sleep. You don't need any
more than that. And beware: it is not to give excuse and sleep all the time, or sleep three hours
straight, is to get some sleep and go back to the stop. A cold bath also helps, butone sleeps of about
30 or 40min is sometimes better. Now, if you stay under the warm shower, it's asking to sleep.
Those who sleep more than 6 or 7 hours a day go to sleep a little less and less, to get used to
sleeping less. He sleeps 10 hours a day. That's funny. Doutrine yourself to sleep less gradually, your
body will get used to it. You can't change that overnight, it has to be gradually. And also avoid
stalking nights, sleeping little etc., as I said, your income will fall too much, not worth it. It is not
worth studying one day until dawn, full of sleep, and the other day also have poor quality in the
study due to sleep. You will study two days with low quality. Sleep and enjoy the next day better.

On the website of Editora Ferreira, Professor Nanci teaches some techniques to increase
concentration. Como only appeared this on top of the test, I did not even read, but who knows who
has time to train does not take advantage of something? maybe it's worth trying. I read some of her
tips and thought it was pretty cool. She has even released a book by Editora Ferreira on the subject.

And another thing: concentration increases as you understand matter. When we are still very
raw, it beats the greatest discouragement and we get lost in our thoughts. As we learn more, the
concentration increases a lot, we become much more active studying. At first it is very difficult to sit
for hours studying, this you will gradually achieve. It's a real physical exercise, but a resistance to
your brain and spine.

Generally do not study more than 1h30min or 2h direct. Stop when it's over an hour or so and
you're no longer concentrating right. Take a break of about 10 to 20min, stretch a little, go to the
bathroom, drink more water etc. and the main thing: return to school soon.

Watch out for negative messages sent to your brain, stop thinking "what the bag, there I'm
going to have to study." Your study will have everything to be a failure to think of like that. When
you go to school, go easy, that will be your day to day for months or years. WD says one very
certain thing: "you don't like a subject because you learn it. You learn the subject because you like
it. If you want to start learning an subject, start by learning to like it." That's the biggest truth, and it
goes for her learning, to improve her mood to study and increase concentration as well.

Mentalize from time to time your approval, you giving the news to your family members,
having more money and tranquility, the face of those who do not like you dying of envy etc. This
motivates you to study.

7) Help Colleagues

Help your classmates and study. It is the greatest nonsense to hide materials, tips etc. Share
everything you have. The more you give, the more others will help you too. The concurseiros forum
is the greatest example of this. Everyone helping each other, and almost all who helped the others
the most, such as Deme, Rodrigo Cientista, Fiusa, Zork, FGamaJr, Oscar Lima etc., and in the first
places yet, such as Deme, FGamaJr, Fiusa, Oscar etc.

By the way, here's another tip: use this forum, it's excellent, with everyone helping each
other. Quite different from other forums in which everyone just gets assaulted, in this if someone
starts messing up is suspended or expelled. And there are already14,000 users registered on the
forum, it is no clique no. You will always have the news quickly, you will ask your questions about
the subject, bibliographies to use, teachers, short stories, questions, will make simulations etc. In
addition to making new friends, with people who are in the same boat as you, going through the
same anxieties, and not with people who do not even know what a contest is and all the time put it
down with inconvenient comments. Especially for those who live away from the major centers of
competitions the use of the forum is mandatory.
This is his link:

Some of the best teachers have individual rooms just to answer your questions. And all for
free. Some people think the forum is a nerd thing. Well, I say it's not, and these nerds are going
through too much, picking up almost every first seat and place in the toughest contests.

8) Work and Relationships

As for work, try to leave your vacation to take in the weeks before the test, save them for that
moment after the announcement. Don't use silly vacations for nothing. Vacations are for studying ,
and a lot. That's when you'll be able to take some of the difference that thousands of unemployed
candidates are in front of you. If you use the only month a yearto be able to study the same or more
than they do to "rest", forget it. Enjoy your vacation, hard, in your so-called cart, in that house you
borrowed from a relative, eating your noodles with sazon. Forget about going through a good
contest and spend your future vacation traveling to Northeast, Rio, Floripa, Europe etc. Holidays are
to study, and nothing else! And preferably after the announcement.

In my case I took vacations and then award vacations. A lot of people called me crazy, it was
stupid to lose the money from the holiday-award, and I laughed at the situation, convinced that it
was a mere investment, and that if i spent I would receive much more than that money every year,
just in the difference in salary. Me and my wifealways dream of those 6 months of salary, which
come without any discounts, to put everything up to time, pay fit etc. But when I decided to go back
to school I told her that we would have to forget about it, that i would spend everything studying and
doing the training course. And if you hadn't done that, how would you do the CF now? with unpaid
leave? I'd be screwed. And she, companion as always (this is very important, as we will see soon
after), agreed with me, even with great pity, but today she sees that it was the best indeed.

As for relationships, I'm radical at this point. If you're with someone who's complaining a lot
that you just think about studying, who doesn't care about her, who doesn't go to her friends' party at
work, etc., rethink their relationship, that person isn't willing to squeeze you in life, and who will
certainly show up, regardless of money.

There are 3 billion women and 3 more men in the world. You don't need that negative person
on your side. Well, I'm a mathematician, I always think about numbers and cost-effectiveness.
That's not to say I have no feelings, obviously that's not it, I've been with my wife for 10 years, very
happy, but that's only because she supports me in everything, just like me to her, if I wouldn't be
with someone else for years, and she with someone else too. She supported me too much in that

I saw some colleagues in the AFRF Training Course who lost their girlfriends while studying
rejecting their "exes", who now, with the handsome Auditor of the Irs, asked to return. And I was
very happy when I saw them giving them a banana, because they didn't really deserve them. Mate
thus, who is only by our side in good times, only serves to hinder our lives. After they pass, all the
men saw Thiago Lacerda and the women, Scheila Carvalho. Money for gym, plastic, silicone etc.
will not be lacking.

I'm going to give a true example of how a wrong relationship ends a person's life. I have a
colleague in Rio who started dating a girl, who a lot of people said was worthless. The guy had a job
just to keep up with his basic expenses, because he lived with his parents; he made a thousand reais
of life. His dream was to be a fiscal in the northeast. About 10 years ago he studied too much and
passed a contest for tax there, I do not remember which . Great paycheck, financial independence,
and you'd live where you've always dreamed. And what happened? this new girlfriend said she
would never leave Rio, that if he went there they would finish. The idiot, even with his closest
friends (who do not include me) the execrando, saying that she was not worth it, that it was a recent
courtship etc., the guy gave up, continued with his little job. Result: a few months later the guys
caught her cheating, he ended the courtship, lost the job so dreamed and to this day is in the same
job, living in the bar of the skirt of the mother, all screwed with money, with 36 years in the face.

Talk to your family: parents, siblings, children, etc. Explain to them that you will go through
a difficult phase, that you will need their understanding and support, which is for a much better
future, both yours and theirs, give examples of people, preferably close, who have passed and today
are very well. Have allies, not enemies at home.

9) Candidate-Vacancy Relationship (C/Vg) - A Tremendous Nonsense

There are two questions that annoy me:

the 1st: what is your sign?
and the 2nd: what is the C/Vg ratio?

As the 1st has nothing to do with contest, we go to the 2nd:

In class and talking with friends I have already gave an example that many people laughed, but it is
not to laugh only, it is to motivate yourself and forget this nonsense that is the C / Vg relationship.

You've already passed the largest C/Vg ratio you could spend a day: 100 million candidates
for just one spot. YES! you have already been approved in this contest. You're only in this world
because it was that exact sperm, among the other 100 million, that found the egg. If you hadn't
passed this almost impossible contest, you wouldn't be here. I don't remember, but I'm sure there I
was, wearing Roberto Dynamite's 10 shirt, against 99,999,999 Flemish, and I won! Remember that
one day you were that brave warrior, and you won. Any C/Vg ratio of 40, 300 or a thousand is
ridiculous near this first contest of yours, and that you have been approved, without needing
annulled question or anything. Remember always this, lose the fear of this nonsense of C / Vg. If I
had not passed this 1st contest, would not be here writing all this, maybe would be more a Flemish
in the world, instead of a happy vascaíno, or an examiner of ESAF, or worse: a flemish ESAF
examiner! 95% of people who are registered do not even know that we have passed constitutional
amendment 45, nor what is a DRE. They do not represent anything, they are there because the

asked to go there, because 15 years ago a relative passed to BB without knowing anything,
and you will give that luck too, right? Give them a written proof in Greek that their grades will be
pretty much the same.

I'll give you some examples of how silly this is. I always see the news of the biggest C/Vg
relationshipsof federal entranceexams. And every yearthe vestibulandos, even specialists, talk on
TV and newspapers tremendous nonsense, such as "Physiotherapy will be very difficult", because it
has the highest C / Vg ratio of all etc. Now, the most difficult areas will always be the same,
regardless of the c / Vg ratio: Medicine, Dentist, Computation ... what matters is the minimum note
to pass, not the C/Vg ratio.

Look at this last AFRF:

7th region, RJ: C/Vg 202. Minimum rating: 187 UC, Brasilia: C/Vg 38. Minimum grade: 194

And look that RJ is the world capital of competitions.

There are hundreds of cariocas who registered for other regions and were totally happy not to
have chosen Rio when they saw these C/Vg. Then theyfound that C/Vg is a tremendous nonsense,
when they saw that they took more than 187 points and did not pass where they had subscribed,
with C /Vg much smaller. Or they have moved to distant regions of Rio and it will take many years
to return to the Wonderful City. Obviously no one knew beforehand that this nonsense would
happen, what I mean is that laughing at the C/Vg relationship is a tremendous nonsense. They would
have made it to their home state, not away, and they would still have passed. In time: I also did not
sign up for Rio, for fear of competition, but it serves as an example of how the C/Vg ratio is silly.

In short, don't waste time looking at the C/Vg ratio by region and falling apart or getting more

excited about it.

I remember that in my region, the 6th (MG), were 80 C / Vg. When I went into the room to
take the test, with about 40 candidates, I thought: one guy will pass only every two of these rooms
full. And on my side there were 3 candidates who were taking the training course here at AFRE-
MG, that is, they had been among the top 50 of this contest so difficult, and also done by ESAF. I
thought, damn it, there's only one guy going to go through every two rooms like this and only on my
side have three well-rated. I calmed down, and I thought it was to get it out of my head, that the four
of us would pass then and that there were several rooms without anyone passing. Well, I passed, and
well placed, and they didn't pass. And another colleague, who later became a friend, who I only met
in cf and who was none of those 4, in 7th place (is the Galobis Xulambis forum). My concern was
really stupid. Then I had the pleasure of finding one ofsses 3 approved with me in the tax iCMS-SP.

I found out i'm still that same sperm warrior, and i just want you to be, too.

You were one of those too, never forget that!

10) Study Before the Notice - The Use of Cycles

I, before the announcement, did a study by cycles, I learned this in an old edition of the book
of WD.

But what's that like? I divided my study, for example, into 4-hour cycles, into 4 phases of 4 h.
I put in it about 10 subjects, varying the time of each one according to my degree of knowledge and
the importance of them. Obviously, the greater your knowledge of her, the shorter the study time set
aside for her, and the greater her importance in the total points of the test, the longer the study time.
You have to know how to combine the two previous factors well, but with a little common sense
you can share well.
I divided an A4 sheet horizontally into 4 thick horizontal bands. Each of these parts was one
of the 4 phases of the cycle. And I divided the time I stipued before each matter in the total of those
total 16 hours of the cycle. Example: Contab with 3h30 ;́ Dir Const, Dir Trib and Economy with 2h
each; Dir Admin and Info, 1h30min; mat fin, estat and port 1h and inglês, 30min.
I divided these 16h in the 4 phases, trying to alternate matter more decorate with reasoning,
and dividing the 2h into two of 1h. And went studying in order, marking each as it ended,
continuously, without almost ever changing the order. There's a lot of people who wrote me because
they didn't understand that, so I'm going to explain it better. It is not to study each phase of 4h at a
time, separately, or per day, it is not that, you go studying in order, always. If you stop at the middle
of a phase today, no problem, you start again tomorrow from there.

Here's the cycle of the example given:


30 ́ to 1h to 1h30 ́ to 2h to 2h30 ́ to 3h to 3h30 ́
0 ́ to 30 ́
1h 1h30 ́ 2h 2h30 ́ 3h 3h30 ́ to 4h

Phase (1h) (1h30 )́


Phase LAW (1h) (1h)

3 (30 )́
Phase LAW (1h)

Then, in the cycle example above, you will study: 1h de Cont, 1h30 ́ dir Adm, 1h30 d́ e Info,
1h de Dir Trib, 1h de Cont ... until 1h from Port, when you will return there to the beginning, with
1h of Cont, 1h30 ́ de Dir Adm etc.

I called the 4 parts of 4 hours of phases just to get easier to make the spreadsheet in the
micro, but there is no difference between them. Some people thought it was to study four times
each, and then go to the next stage etc. As I have already written, it is only the order of the
disciplines to be studied. It would be more correct for me to put everything in the shape of a ring,
one followed by the other, but it is difficult to draw and understand this. Also does not need each
phase to have the same number of hours, what matters is the total of all of them, which in this
example was 16h, and the order to be followed. You can do it with more or less phases, with more
or less than 4:00 pm, any way you want. The one I did was like this, but it could be any other way.

In this cycle there are 10 disciplines, just as an example. The red ones are more theoretical
and the black ones are more accurate (Informatics is half ground - I did not put every letter of a
color not to get too Flemish). Try to intersperse red with black and place the disciplines alike, when
divided into more than one part, in equally spaced places. Remember that it is not to put one in
the1st phase and another in the 4th, for example, because you will study the two almost together
when turning the cycle, with interval of a few hours between one and the other. It is to put one block
in the1st phase and the other in the3rd, or in the2nd and 4th. Put Mat Fin and Est too, like they're
one thing. Separate Dir Admin and Dir Const too, because the brain works just like two (the same
for MF and EST), and the idea is to make it vary as much. Glue this picture in front of you, on the
wall, for example, and make a mark on every comic you're studying. When necessary, study each
block longer, or change the order, but then return to those left behind if you find it convenient. I
always noted the over minutes on top of the mark you made, because sometimes you will study a
little less that matter one more time and your consciousness will not weigh. She put "+15 "́ , for
example, in her comic.

Avoid studying direct more than 2h30min each discipline, because your income will be much
lower. The idea is to vary the disciplines a lot. Two hours is already a great limit most of the time,
because more than that it is worth more you divide into different phases. Of course studying 30min,
for example, with rare exceptions, is also not profitable, because you are still getting into the
rhythm, but more than 2h30min only in extreme cases. If in your cycle you have 16h, and you

reserved 3h30min for Contab, as in the example given, separate these 3h30min into 3 blocks, as I
did, or in two. This will bring two immense advantages: the 1st, you will always study the subject
with the head ready to learn, the brain ready for the novelties, and will not enter the downward curve
of learning, when its yield falls too much after some time of study; and the second, you will always
be seeing that matter, which is great to keep your memory good. In this example given, you will see
Contability almost every day, and not on a day here and another up front, and with a muchbetter
advantage than if you studied 3h30min direct.

This previous cycle I recommend for those who already have a good notion of several of
these subjects. I think a longer cycle, lasting longer hours in each discipline, and with fewer
disciplines, better for those whoare starting. You can start with a 24-hour, for example, with about 5
disciplines, such as the following:


0 ́ 30 ́
1h to 1h30 ́ 2h to 2h30 ́ 3h to 3h30 ́ 4h to 4h30 ́ 5h to am to
to to
1h30 ́ to 2h 2h30 ́ to 3h 3h30 ́ to 4h 4h30 ́ to 5h 5h30 ́ 6:00
30 ́ 1h


ACCOUNTING (2h30 ́) TAX (2h)
Phase (1h30 ́)


ACCOUNTING (2h30 ́) TAX (2h)
Phase (1h30 ́)


ACCOUNTING (2h30 ́) TAX (2h)
3 (1h30 ́)


Phase (1h30 ́)

I consider this a good cycle for those who are starting to study for the tax area, using 5 basic
disciplines. Para Accounting, as it takes longer to get your base and the program is immense, there
are a good amount of hours, just like Dir Trib. The study times in each discipline are longer, because
in this early stage it is much more theory, and it takes time to pick up the rhythm in each and mesh
in the study. After a good amount of rounds in this cycle, you can increase the number of subjects,
reduce the workload of each of the basic, and in the future pass parto the cycle of 16h. But I advise
you to only do this if you are close to leaving the tender notice and / or your base in these disciplines
is good.

You're not going to hold on to that like a gauge. For example, if there is 10 min left and you
have finished a subject, note that you studied less than 10min that day, leave thenext block and then
study more time another day, when you need it. It works as if it were a time-clearing table for each
discipline. Or use the excess time to rev andr your summaries or mind maps. I redid the cycles a few
times, as I was improving in some discipline or needed more than another, or changed some
disciplines etc. You don't have to have a cycle forever, in fact, the idea is that you have a few
different ones, the important thing is that you follow the order when you make a new one, to always
be in contact with various disciplines every week. With the cycles you will study two to 8 subjects
in one day. It's great for your brain and your memory. These two allies of yours will love the cycles,
that's for sure.

There are people who also asked me where I fit the exercises in it, if in one cycle studied only
theory and in the other only exercises, for example. I didn't do any of this, I simply studied both
theory and exercises according to the need and knowledge of each. For example, if it was the turn to
study accounting, I would decide at the time whether it would be theory or exercises, and that it
could be the opposite of the next discipline. There was no such thing as one cycle being necessarily
theory and the other of exercises, each discipline was one thing.

I've received a lot of emails from people asking to help them put together their cycles. I can't
do that. Each person has his previous knowledge, training, difficulties, etc. Understand how it
works and adapt to its particularities. The idea of how to set up a cycle is the one I launched up
there, but it was for my case, because I know very well my limitations and qualities. There's no
point in asking me, because you can't help. I'm sorry, it's not by bad will, far from it, it's because I
don't know anything about you, and it's not going to be in a simple email, even if huge, that I'll know
more. See how I did and ride yours, no one better than you to do that.

This use of cycles is excellent, because it forces you to leave nothing behind, you are always
seeing all the stories every week. This I did very wrong in the old years, porque took a discipline
just to study for a week or two, only her, and i was disawaiting when I went back to a previous one
and did not remember anything, many people do it, which is totally wrong, in my opinion.

Let me explain one thing here: people study for contests as if they were still in college or
school. There you had one test a week and could study desperately one subject a week and after the
test forget everything. In the contest no, you will study without even having any idea when an edict
will come out, often it will not leave for another year or two. So why do you still study like you
were in college, if at that time you forgot everything after a week? That's stupid, my friend, get real.
It's all very different from those meek days of life when you didn't curse your memory so much. For
a contest you have to study all or almost the entire program, and the main, KEEP in memory
everything you studied. And the use of cycles, or something like that, will help you a lot more in this
than these one-story studies for hours straight, sometimes days. Always think about this: keeping the
study in memory is often more important than just worrying about studying always forward in the
program, without keeping in memory what you studied. In the contest you will not take a test of one
or two disciplines per week, but 12 to 25 in a weekend only, so why do you still study like that?
wake up! you've finished college for a long time, only there that worked like this, in the world of
public tender this does not work!

With the cycle, you don't forget things much, you're always reviewing everything. In
addition tothe motivation to mark more and more tractions in the cycle, studying more and more.
11) Study After The Edict

The day the edict came out I took all day to organize myself. I took half a sheet of cardboard
and made a calendar for the test. In it I made all my appointments, such as work, master's degree etc.
And i made up every day how many hours I would study on average. Ready. This gave a total of
280h until Wednesday before the race. I took these 280 hours and divided them across the
disciplines. For example: 20h for Accounting, 40h for Social Security Law, 6h for Mat Financeira
etc., until totaling 280h.

I then put on paper the subjects and the total study i had for each of them until the test. And
the cool thing was that on the Wednesday before the race I added everything and saw that I had
studied 320h, 40h more than had programmed me 50 days before. It gave me a sense of duty
fulfilled and excellent security for the test.

As she studied each one, she took it out of her total what she had studied that day. And i was
controlling myself, leaving a little of each one para thelast two weeks, when I would do a general
review. Of course I did several relocations during this period, taking some time from one and
putting in another. I had no way of knowing on the day of the announcement how much time I
would spend on stories I had never seen and did not even know the size and difficulty of each, but
the basic lines I followed.

It is common for a person to shoot the study of one or two disciplines and when they arrive in
the week of the test despair, seeing that he has not reserved a few hours to review several others that
he has not seen in a long time. And the result is almost always disastrous.

Using the time control of each you will balance everything.

Do a kind of cycle in the disciplines, studying some per day, interspersed.

I give the following example: for a team to be world champion, it is not enough to have great
striker, goalkeeper and a side, and the other 8 players are bad. It's not enough 3 or 5 are flying and
the others getting tired fast and delivering the game at the end. You have to get to the decision with
the 11 well physically, attacking and defending in block. Of course with one or the other geniuses
on the field (which would be the disciplines you most mastered, in my case all of the exact area), but
with the other players giving to the expense at least. It's the same thing as if you don't do a good
review of each subject in the previous two weeks, because you misplanned your study. You will get
too good in some and totally forgotten or bad in others. And what can happen, as happened to many
people in The AFRF and qualquer another contest? the guy will kick apart several, make more than
200 points, and stay in others, because he planned his study badly. By dividing your study well by
the disciplines, you will arrive in the competition with all the players well physically, or at least not
compromising the team.

Why was the Netherlands national team so successful in '74? because she attacked and
defended in block. Do the same with your study, attack and defend in block.

The following is the spreadsheet I made to stipulate the number of hours of each and the time
marking that was studying each:

AFRFB - 2005

Questions Minimum
Discipline / week x weight
Hours left

Cont.Geral and
20x2 = 40
Dir. Fiscal 20x2 = 40

Dir. Constitutional 20x2 = 40

Dir. Administrative 20x2 = 40

Dir. Pension 15x2 = 30

Dir. Int. Public Inthis line s go scratching the remaining time in each matter,
15x2 = 30
Intern trade. decounting how much he still had than he studied on the day.

Economy Example assuming you still had 10h to study:

10x2 = 20
Public finance 10h 9h 8h15 ́ 7h 5h20 ́ 4h 3h 1h30 ́ 0
Portuguese 20x1 = 20

English 10x1 = 10

Computer science 15x1 = 15

Mat. Financial
15x1 = 15

And I did even more: conforme I was doing the tests before, Iwrote down how many
questions Had hit each subject in each one. With about 3 weeks left in the race, I made an average
of hits in each discipline and made my projection of hits for the AFRF. I took care to sometimes
lower my goal a little, first because the AFRF test is usually harder than the others, and then
because some exercises certainly Got it right because I had seen the resolution in some book before.
And I increased my goal in some others, because I had not studied everything yet and lacked these
new knowledge that I would still study when I took the test training.

The most interesting and surprising is that on the day that came out the notice I stipued a
score goal: 207 points. And I said to a friend, "My goal is to score 207 points!". The day the
feedback came out I called him and asked if he remembered how many points I had spoken to him
on the day of the edict and he remembered, and when he heard that I had done exactly the 207,
neither believed it. Then I won 13 more with annulments, but I did the 207 spiked before them. In
only 4 of the 11 disciplines I ermable my goal on more than two issues, down or up. That is, in 7
tests I practically hit the goals I had set based on my performance in solving the previous tests.

Study the edict very well. See the programs, what falls and what does not fall in each
discipline, mainly analyze what has changed in relation to the previous notice. In Dir Const's, for
example, there were changes, which many people went to prove without knowing, studied State of
Sítio, which had left, and not even looked at Social Rights, which had entered, for example. Or at
least he came to study things that would not fall for a few days after the announcement.

Know by heart how many questions fall from each, their weight and the minimum to pass. I
am impressed as there are people who on the eve of prova do not know how many questions are of
some discipline(s). Boy, how did you split your study time then? Was it in the summer? didn't
balance how much you should study of each? and look at that there are a lot of people like that.

Leave the phone mute, just on the desk. When you go to lunch or stop for a while, look if
there's a message. Always cell phone on silent, and then look at the missed calls. The worst thing is
studying by answering the phone. No, don't do that. Until 10 years ago no one had a cell phone, and
if you weren't home, no one would find you. What's wrong with returning a call to the person an
hour or two later? I always told him not to do that. And he laughed at my paranoia.

So answer the phone and then tell me if you go back to study normally, if you won't miss
several minutes of study, both talking to the person and to focus again. ..

And one thing: I passed, my colleague was close. Did all your time wasted with phone calls
been decisive? It's a little detail that's part of the last ones approved. One question just makes a lot of
difference. Look at the damage that caused the late cancellation of a measly mat fin issue in the
AFRF, worth a speck in only 300 possible. It changed the lives of 128 people, half crying with joy
late because they entered the new list and the other 64 crying for elimination after celebrating.
Therefore, a small detail is often key yes! attention to the details in your study.
So: TURN OFF THE PHONES! Leisure, almost none. A movie every two weeks and look there.
And some movies on DVD/video/TV as well. After the race you will have too much

time for this, and with better quality to pass. Alcohol doesn't even think about it, it impairs
your study the next day. The Sunday after the test, I called my wife to dinner and had a beer after 2
or 3 months without drinking. The day the result came out I took all I could, of happiness. And for a
few days in a row too; but during the study, no way.

You don't have to be social after an edict. You don't have to go to everything that's wedding,
graduation or party. Only when it is extremely paramount, stay only as long as necessary, and drink
very little, or nothing.

Two weeks before the test a great friend of mine from the master's degree got married, and I
went only to mass, I did not go to the party, even withall my migos "cursing" me for it. I came home
early and still studied, besides being better disposed the next day. If you had gone to the party,and
you would have missed that night of study and much of the next day, besides studying in this with a
much lower concentration.

After you pass, call your friends and family for a draft beer, dinner or bbq and pay.
Everything's going to be a party.

12) Eve of the Test

Well, here I will disagree with some colleagues. I really need to study on the eve of the test.
Of course it is not to learn more new things, but to review the most important markings, summaries,
read the dry laws and the CF and decorate formulas.

I remember that Rodrigo Luz, my college classmate (Informatics-UFRJ-89), excellent

teacher, and unfortunately Flemish (not everyone is perfect right? nor he, the 5th national place in
the AFTN of 94), wrote that it was for each to eat a beautiful bar of chocolate and not study in the 2
days before the test, if I'm not mistaken. I had to laugh when I read that. 1st because I was already
eating 5 bars of 200g of chocolate per week since the announcement (and lost 3 Kg in those 2
months, after having lost another 4 before the dital – and who knows me knows that I'm skinny,
even cambito), and then because it was no chance I left home. I had to go over the main and the
formulas. I wouldn't leave the house or by decree.

And I give an example of my success in this: when I came home after saturday's race,
devastated, because I knew it had gone badly (and I was, I took practically the worst notes of those
who passed here to MG in Dir Const and Dir Admin - and did not expect it, I thought it would go
well in these), I took a bath, I cried with despair and rested for an hour after dinner. I sat and read
the whole part of the CF on Dir Social Security and the formulas of andstat and mat fin. I spent a
couple of hours on it and went to sleep (at least try). Result: I was one of the 5 people of the
thousand approved who boasted Dir Previd and I took 13 out of 15 in estat and mat fin, the highest
note of my region. I'monthe part of the CF I read for social security and the formulas.

As my ROM memory is terrible, I feel the need to read the decorates the day before. On the
eve of Saturday's test I was going to read the parts of the CF that talked about health and welfare,
which I hadn't read for days. I decided not to read because I thought this would only be charged in
the dir previd test on Sunday, and I left the reading then for the Saturday after the race. Result: I
erbed all those who appeared on this in dir const's test, questions with the full cf, and only got away
with Dir Const because I hit the 4 that fellon Const's control, which had reviewed the day beforeand
needs more reasoning and less to decorate. Before the annulments I had hit 9, I hit the crossbar. If I
had read this part of the CF on Friday, I certainly would have hit a few more and it would have been
the 2nd or 3rd in my region, not the 6th, because of Dir Const. In my case, this difference in
placement would be silly, because I chose where I always wanted to work without problems
(Confins), but what if I had not passed the contest for one or two questions?
When I read this part of the CF on Saturday night I was disgusted to notice that I had
everything wrong in the afternoon test, apart from the fear of not having done the least, but it served
for me to hit everything in Direito Previdthe next day.

I'm not talking here for the person to kill themselves from school the day before, don't do it!
it's just to study a few hours to review the main. Don't go to the test without decorating the formulas
the day before.

The day before I like to put some movie endings that I have here and that give me more grit:
Men of Honor, Rocky 3, Two Sons of Francis etc. Logically, these films vary from one person to
another. I watched about five of those finals for about two hours. And it made me win a good race
and energy for the next day. It was really good. This whole movie thing, I'm never going to stop
doing it.

Be careful with your health in the weeks leading up to the test. Beware of colds, very cold
water, food in a place desconhandcido etc. Anyone out of your state, don't even dream of eating
typical food. In the three weeks leading up to the '94 AFTN contest, I fell out of bed with a sore
throat. Tomei 3 sets of antibiotics and nothing to improve. Melhtheking on the eve of the race, but
in addition to having taken the test in bad conditions, very weak still, I could not study in the 3
weeksbefore thetest. And I did not spend the damn tiebreaker, all because of a beautiful day that to
espairecer a little stayed on the beach until dawn chatting with friends, in the cold. Well, that's
another one of my old excuses that I'm going to talk about, but that happened, it happened, and it
also contributed to me not passing that event. But xoh, excuse!

Also do not eat much or heavy foods, such as feijoada, pasta etc. Especially when you take a
test in the morning and have another test in the afternoon, eat something very light. Your body uses
a lot of energy in digestion, and that energy will be lacking for your brain at the time of the test, in
addition to making you sleepy.

As for Rodrigo's tip to eat a chocolate bar, I, as a chocólatra, I've been doing it every day
anyway, for decades... I don't think he remembers that I ate chocolate every day in college. ..

13) Time of Proof

I'll take a bottle of water, a hall and a cereal bar, and I sit in the back. Idon't understand how
someone likes to sit in the front, listening to the noise of the hallway, the inspectors talking, the
people who leave etc. I think it's absurd. In the final hour of the race you are tired, needing to
concentrate to make the last and decisive questions and is wasting concentration and time with the
noise of those who are leaving. Outside you can get distracted and mistag on the answer card.

Be active taking the test. Don't let her dominate you and you can't go into despair. If the test
is difficult, it's for everyone. If you're nervous because you forgot something you're asking for in the
matter, everyone's going through it too, even Deme, I assure you. You didn't think you'd be the only
one of the thousands of candidates who wouldn't have a white one, did you? That's normal, skip the
question and then go back to it.

Mark the first card in pencil with a tiny ball. Then check it out. Only then pass the pen over.
Rest assured, if the little pencil ball got in the way of the reader, I wouldn't be among the approved
ones. Do not erase hard, because the rubber can damage everything even (this I did not, therefore do
not guarantee eheheh).

Never pass the feedback straight to the pen. A colleague of mine didn't go through a point,
and in a hurry she went through a wrong English question, saw the nonsense at the time and couldn't
do anything else. And he also came out as approved on the first list and then disapproved in the 2nd,
to increase his suffering. If I'd done it first in pencil and checked it before I passed the pen, i'd be
approved. She was an English teacher, who lived in the Usa for four years, and who missed only this

nessthe proof, but because of this nonsense did not pass. At the moment we think that a point will
not be missed, right?

Get used to always, even at home, mark the expressions: "no", "except", "wrong" etc. that
appear in the utterance. The first time we ask the question we are still attuned to this, but if we try to
solve the issue later, our tendency is not to read the statement anymore, and go over it and mark an
alternative that is correct, instead of the wrong one. I take yellow mark-on pen for proof, and always
use in these cases or when I need it for another reason.

And another thing: NEVER forget to write down feedback! Even though I have gone very
badly and make sure it will not pass, write down and check after, it will serve as the basis for you to
plan your studies in the future.

I said back there that I got home very badly after Saturday's race. And I even came in,
thinking like John Lennon, "the dream is over!", and I told my wife, crying. After a bath and
something to eat, I raised my head and remembered that almost everyone had also screwed up, for
sure. And that if I had taken the bare minimums, I'd still be in the fight, which on Sunday would be
the real game. And I'm vascain, who is the famous team of the turn.

I studied about two hours, and I said to my wife, angry, "a morningi'm going to kick ass on
that m...!" And I did it, I went to the test in anger, I didn't go out to the bathroom, I ate the test, no
salt. When the afternoon test was over, I thought, "I broke it today! if I did the minimumyesterday, I
passed." I was still in the pile when the test was over. Result: even with virtually the worst grades in
my region in Dir Const and Admin, I was in 6th place, thanks to Sunday's race. I'm sure a lot of
people were devastated like me on Saturday, and even took more than I did that day, but it didn't
pass because it fell down for Sunday. A lot of people on the forum said they didn't pass because they
didn't take the minimums in the afternoon on Sunday because i couldn't take it anymore. You've
certainly forgotten your sperm days.

In football it is said that the game only ends when it ends. Play the game with maximum claw
until the end. You've studied for months or years on end thinking about that day, and you're going to
give up before the game's over? I can't understand how so many people do that. Don't hand over the
stitches before the final whistle.

Test day is your D-day. Maybe in your whole life, you haven't had a day that can change her
course as much as this. So enjoy it, face it head-on, with a lot of race.

14) Serious Illness That Occurs in Many COncurseiros: The Excuse

The big problem for most concurseiros is a disease called "excusitis". This disease is serious,
I suffered from it for 11 years, but now I'm cured. You see this disease in a corridor of cursinhos. It's
everyone giving an excuseas to why he didn't get through or couldn'tgo to school. Usually the
common enemy of the 1st is banking, such as ESAF, and the second are children, work, noise,
diseases etc.

If you haven't been through a question, fine, it really hurts, I know very well what that is. But
analyze well: the AFRF test had 180 questions, worth 300 points. On average, who scored 200
points and all the minimum, passed. If a guy made 199, he lost 101 points, about 70 questions out of
180 he missed, more than a 1/3 of the total. It comes to ESAF and misses the typing or feedback of
one of them and does not cancel it. Who is the biggest fault, esaf who missed one or five questions
or yours, who missed the other 69 or 65 questions? now, it is very simple to put the blame all his
disapproval in the bank, the teacher who did not guess the questions, the noise he made out there,
the piriri that gave in the middle of the race etc. Perguntand Deme if he thinks that ESAF did not
hurt him too much? You don't give a, and you know why? because he doesn't need the competence
or incompetence of ESAF for nothing, he goes there and does what he knows, and he got 269 out of
300 points. If they had nullified everything that was wrong, or if all the questions were well asked,
he would have done almost 300, for sure.

Of course I do not mean by this that people do not have to revolt with the incompetence of
banking, anyone who read my mensagens in the forum will see that I am disgusted with what ESAF
did in AFRF. And if you feel really hurt, you have more to do with seeking your rights in justice,
and I'm really rooting for you to do it. But what can't be you living 11 years, as I lived, suffering
from excuses in a short course or in the family. Raise your head and study further to the next, there
will be a time when you will not need the bankfor anything. There are people who are for a month
just cursing the ESAF and forgot to study for the TRF, ICMS-SP, TCU, AFC etc. There will take
pump in these all and the fault will be ESAF again? if you were studying would pass to a TCU or
ICMS-SP of life, which are better than the AFRF, in my opinion.

Did when you were that sperm warrior you cared about the ESAF? If not you wouldn't be
here reading this. Oh, i'm so sorry what is missing is to be a warrior as in those sperm times ...

At the time of the test, the examiner does not want to know who has a small child at home,
who is with piriri, who got sick in the previous weeks, who does not know how to do quick
accounts, who did not control the time of the test, who missed the appointment of the answer card,
who works and does not have time to study, who has concentration problem etc. On the contrary, he
wants someone who doesn't have any of it. So stop all thisnonsense and face the dragon head-on,
without excusation.

When I say I've been in this contest life for 20 years, that's not a force of speech, no, it's true.
Of course I haven't been studying in 20 years, what I'm saying is that I've always been involved with
this, with my friends all always doing contests, or when I taught classes in high school, etc. And the
cool thing is that in all this time I've met a lot of people who have overcome everything and won in
life. And I'm going to tell you another case here of a boy I knew, a friend of a great friend of mine.

He was very poor, lived in the suburbs of Rio. At the age of 14, he had the big dream of being
a cadet, but he didn't have the money to take a short school. In exchange for helping out in the
course, he attended classes for free. With a lot of raster, and without any basis for having made
public school, he went to EPCAR, a competition that was very competitive at the time. He went to
high school there, and then he went to aFA. He failed in flight. He went back to his parents' house,
who were very humble. He tried his job and only managed to be a clerk at Bob's. It'sthe same:
collector, and a hideous and violent line, in the suburbs of Rio. He was studying on the bus's money
counter, with an earplug he had from his AFA era. Between one robbery and another, he was turning
around. I studied too much. And with his great cadet school base, he went to law school at the feds.
And you know what he's been through? for PGM Technician of Rio, then for TTN (today TRF) in
SP, then for Finance Agent in the City Hall of Rio, then Official Justice of RJ, then Attorney
General of the Union and, finally, Attorney of the Republic. Could this guy be suffering from
excusable to this day, angry at his expulsion from the AFA? of course, but he decided to win in life,
and today he earns a lot more and has much more status than any Major in his class, even a
Brigadeiro. Imagine well, a Prosecutor who was a bus collector and attendant of Bob's !!?? Would
you in his place have been able to study or would you be even today with excuses cursing at the
examiner of your flight there at the AFA? Well, he decided to remain a sperm warrior, and won in

And it also follows my father's example: an orphan of a father at the age of 5, he was very
poor all his life. He didn't even have notebooks to study, he wrote the classes on those old gray
papers to wrap bread that he asked for the bakery Portuguese (maybe that's why he had the excellent
taste of turning vascain). He used bread crumbs like rubber. Studying a lot, always with books
borrowed, he made 3 colleges at UFRJ, being two engineering, at a time that was the most difficult
vestibular in Rio and only had 40 vacancies per year, not 400 as now, and everyone still complains
about the difficulty to pass. He won in his life and supported his four children, always in the best

Therefore, I see in people with this speech that they do not have time, can not buy books,
have no basis etc., some future defeated, chronic victims of excusit. At home I learned that we can
change our destiny whenever we want, just sit down and study for real. In the army we always said
that "nada resists a good night of study!".

Several people now stop me to talk about contests, and instead of talking about something
more useful, they already start with their excuses of lack of time, money, good classes available,
lack of support from family members, low concentration etc. Can I confess something to you? I
answer fast and go out of the way, or I'll say what I think, trying not to be too rude. I don't have the
patience for that. Now, either give up once of that life and go back to your usual life or face the
dragon head-on with what you have at your disposal. This disease called excuse snags, and I want
distance from it. If I were to surrender to everything bad that has happened to me since I returned to
study, I would not have passed either, neither in AFRF nor iCMS-SP.

You can win in life basically for 5 reasons: the 1st, born in a cradle of gold, which was not
my case; the 2nd, hit the lottery, but statistician does not lose money playing in the mega-sena, so
I'm out; the 3rd, marry rich spouse, and that also did not; the 4th, grating in the trade, but never got
good for it; and the 5th and last, studying. Well, there's only that last one left at home, just like it
was for my dad, so we ran after it. I believe that for you only have this last option too, and you will
still waste time with "excuses"?
Stop standing in a short-course hallway or at home trying to make others feel sorry for you,
showing yourself to be wronged and that the bank has scoffed you, that it was all her fault.

Stop the excuse syndrome! and I say that a person only heals from him onthe day hepasses
the position he wants. You're never going to get your symptoms again.

Be "man", say that you did not pass because you studied less than the others, that your time
has not yet arrived, but will still arrive, just want . Besides being a much more "man" attitude, you
will not pass on your sadness to family and friends. These don't have to feel sorry for you, but pride
when they see your name in the Official Gazette. Not passing the contest is normal, the abnormal is
to pass. Disapprovals may be many, but remember: you just need a good approval!

15) Contest is for Everyone - Not Just for Geniuses

When I visited the week after the result the great course I did here in BH, the Point of
Contests, came a girl and asked me if I was this Alexandre Meirelles, who had made 220 points and
had been the best ranked of the course here for MG. When I said yes, she stared at me scared and
said she would never imagine a normal-looking guy getting it. You always imagined guys with high
scores with nerdy faces, Bill Gates lookalikes. I told her that this is pure bogagem, that who passes
in contest is normal people, does not have this face of nerd. In Alex's book, he talks very well about
it. The coolest thing is that after she moved to the TRF in MG, I met her in CF and became my

Colleague, who passes in contest are normal people like you, who in a beautiful hour decided
to take a turn in life and studied a lot for a few months or years, nothing more than that. Take that
image that they're geniuses out of your head. I've never been in the top 10in any contest in my life,
nor as a classroom student. I was 103rd in the AFRF in Brazil all over, placement that anyone can
do much better.

We are normal people, who glued in college exam, distasted and m some disciplines, made
recovery in school, fought in the street, were suspended in high school, gave little heartbreak to
parents, jumped micareta, took "all" countless times etc.

You want to see that? you certainly know someone who has passed the AFRFpa r a your
state. Go there for an hour at his Training Course at ESAF, and look at the approved ones. You'll see
that the vast majority don't look like nerds, they're normal people, who you could never imagine as
AFRF. You'll see people with a boy's face, 22 or 23 years old, and people over 60. Here for MG
passed a very nice couple, Amanda, who is 22 years old, and her fiancé, Evandro, a figure, who only
walks in a cap, all dropped. Here is also the 1st place of the inspector of ICMS mg, André, which
has the biggest face of playboy. They have two jiu-jitsu champions, with black belts and everything.
Another who was a car driver in america. In short, here in the course of AFRF it is impressive the
amount of people you would never give anything if you saw them in a short course. They have
playboys, older people, people who look "ignorant" etc. This is all in our minds, just to pay for the
language and review our prejudices anyway.

I'm sure no one says they look like nerds, they're normal people, they take draft beer and eat a
lot of fried aipim in a little bar whenever they can. And some just sit, like me, in the last chairs in
the living room back there. Another thing I don't understand is why so many people look at people
in the back of the room with bad eyes. I'm done watching the fundão pass and the front crowd
watching ships. No one's better than anyone. Honestly, if you saw the faces of some who take the
training course, you'd think, "damn, if this guy passed, I can pass too!".

16) In the End Everything Pays Off

Always think about it. As much as you've been sad, desperate, lost dating or parties, hard
because your money went all the way to books and courses, in the wholething everything pays off.

There were people who already wrote to me saying that you stuck that phrase in front of your
study desk.

I remember when I called early to give the news of my approval and the surprising placement
to my parents in Rio, it was one of the best sensations of my life. Listening to my father and mother
crying on the other side of the line moved me too much. I forgot all the physiotherapy sessions and
back pain I suffered, my despairs thinking I wasn't going to pass, the anguish until I left the
feedback to see that I took all the minimums, the hours locked in the office away from my wife, the
parties I missed this year, including the wedding of a great friend of the master's degree etc.
Everything was compensated. I'm a tax auditor for the IRS. I'm elite now.

I also remember that I put Iron Maiden at the most here at home and i was singing loud, like a
madman, for a half hour, even at 7:00in the morning, bothering the neighbors, which I never did.

After contacting the crowd in the forum during the morning,I went in the afternoon in the city
of BH, where I work as a fiscal ISS, to give the news. I put more Iron on the stalk in the car and i
was singing like crazy, face out, until then. I hope no one i've ever met.... nor that has been fined
also ehehehh

All the effort was compensated. Imagine these moments with you, you don't have to play the
crazy like I did, but imagine your family listening to the news, has no better feeling, no greater
motivation either.

I always tell my colleagues in the Training Course that if people knew how good it is to pass
such a contest, the good it does for us in all aspects, they would study much more. I myself, if I'd
known you were this good, I would have studied many years ago, and with even more grit.

People will never doubt you again, you will die being an example to others , always

Believe me: passing a good contest is too good, but very good indeed, it is indescribable!

17 ) Conclusion

Colleague, adapt this advice to your way of studying, each one yields better in a way. With
mefi z so after reading all those books and listening to different tips from friends and teachers all
these years. In Alex's book you see that he did a little differently, was much more radical with such
summaries etc. Thebasics for everyone's success is good looking.

In the forum has a topic with tips from several other approved too, with many very cool
bizus. There you will read the tips of Deme, Fiúsa, Rodrigo Cientista, Oscar Lima, FGamaJr,
Amanda, Morpheus, Zork, Vânia Fauth, Oro-SP etc., all victorious in various contests, not only in
this one. The address of the forum concurseiros is this:

Contest is a lot of study and discipline, and nothing more. If you study hard and the way you
best enjoy the same, sooner or later, you will pass, and you will forget everything you faced and
spent money. Just don't give up.

I'm almost 36 years old, and from the statistics (you haven't forgotten that I'm one of those
crazy people who like it, right?), I'll live another 50 years. What were those months of study and
stress close to 50 years of good pay and stability to come? NOTHING! STUDY! and do not let false
friends or losers in life disturb you saying that contest is only

for marked cards or geniuses etc. When after the race I met Rodrigo Cientista in Rio, who
only knew by the forum, the guy was surprised bymy parence at 35 years, thought he would find a
guy pot-bellied, bald, with a crown face. Well, I've been a tax auditor for the city of BH for 11
years, and it certainly contributed to my smaller aging. And who knows Rodrigo then, not even
spoken, the biggest face of playboy, and he is there, approved at the AFRF, in Brasilia, next to the
"hómi". A playboy on the plateau. And good people, which is what matters most in life, always
helped everyone in the forum, of which he was one of the admins.

All my childhood friends are tax: AFRF, AFPS, ICMS-SP, ICMS-RN etc. And no one is
genius, nor bought proof, nor was rich, but all won in life in the same race, with much, but a lot of

And here I tell the last case: mI best friend had the great dream of being fiscal of ICMS-SP,
as his father was. He studied for five years until the contest appeared. In that period did not pass for
another 4 tax contests, all hitting the beam, but did not give up. You switched your study chair
twice, really, because you were all screwed up that he was on top of her. When the ICMS-SP contest
came from '97, it broke and passed. Today it's happier than pinto in the trash. Ask him if they
compensated those thousands of hours sitting there, in a small room of 3m2muffled? His older
brother, seeing his success, left his position of management of Loreal, where he earned very well,
but the stress was immense, and studied hard for 2 and a half years until the ICMS-SP 2002. His
younger brother and father helped a lot in this period of harshness. Also p before in otherexcellent
contests, and chose the ICMS-SP. He married before being appointed to his fiancée who waited
patiently for the great day of his approval to arrive, always giving support. Now it hasmore quality
of life and much less stress. Ask him if they compensated those thousands of hours in the same
3m2m2 minuffled room, listening to everyone call him crazy for having quit such a good job, to risk
a life full of fraud, sales of jigs etc. , what's the talk of all these losers out there? ask his wife, who
had a nice life with him and saw her fiancé give up everything and endured these years of
toughness, hoping for a better future for them. They just spent a month in Europe, from where she
came back pregnant, much to their delight. Remember what I wrote earlier about analyzing well
who you're dating?

A few months later since I wrote the first version of this text, several new events werein my
life. Andu awakened again the sperm warrior, studied a lot and passed to the Tax ICMS of SP in
May 2006, post that I currently exercise and hope for the rest of my life. I didn't go to the AFRF,
even though I did 3 months ofa C heavyormation F bear there. But for you to understand why this
radical change, you will have to read another text, which is available on my site and Deme, which
also went with me to SP: Erro! A referência de hiperlink não é válida. Erro! A referência de
hiperlink não é válida.

The greatest basketball player of all time, Michael Jordan, said, "AndI made over 9,000
baskets and lost almost 300 games. In 26 different finals of matches I was tasked with playing the
ball that would win the game... and I failed. I have a history full of failures and failures in my life.
And that's exactly why I'm a success."

Be like him, don't be hit by failures, they only value our sucesso. And that success, if you
don't give up, is inevitable.

Withgood says the WD: "in public tender the pain is temporary, but the position is forever."

Go back to being the same sperm warrior!

Bons studies and um aarm of his fellow concurseiro,

Alexander Meirelles
Fiscal ICMS of São Paulo


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