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1st house - Ascendant (ASC)

Physical personality

Ascendant (ASC) - Symbolises basic personality traits such as physical appearance, temperament,
behaviour, relationship to life and the first impression the person gives.

Ascendant in Scorpio (Scorpio ruler is Pluto)

People with Scorpio on the Ascendant need to fight against dark and destructive power in their life. For
some, this power can also come from within, in the form of jealousy, envy or lust for power. The dark
and hidden things in the soul must come out. It can be reflected in artwork, for example. ... more -»

The ruler of the Ascendant - Pluto

These people have a tendency to rebel, to express themselves in a secretive manner, or to have secret
goals. They have a distinct sense of justice and the ability to create and explore things in their hidden
deep essence. They completely rely on their instinct and they can become slaves to their sex drive. They
will go through crisis that can destroy or change them.

The ruler of the Ascendant (Pluto) in Scorpio

These people act in seclusion and in accordance with their creative abilities. They are able to reveal the
unknown and they have penetrating but bitter sense of criticism.

The ruler of the Ascendant (Pluto) in the 1st House

The influence of the personality is enhanced in accordance with the meaning of the planet highlighted in
such a way. Strong impact on health.

Planets in the 1st House



Ascendant aspects

Sextile Mercury (2°14’, Applying)

Square Jupiter (1°42’, Separating)

Sextile Uranus (2°43’, Separating)

Sextile Neptune (3°27’, Applying)

Square Node (3°48’, Separating)

10th house10th house - Medium Coeli (MC)

Career, prestige and reputation

Medium Coeli (MC) - Symbolises social status, career, reputation, honours, fame, success, authoritative
personality, father.
10th house in Leo (Leo ruler is Sun)

People with Leo on the tenth house cusp have strong career ambitions. They are proud of their social
status. Leo is dominated by the Sun so this position makes the personality, leadership skills and
executive power of these people more profound. It is very important for them to be well-respected.
Being acknowledged in their society is the most important thing in their lives, so they have to be careful
not to be become too conceited and stuck-up. If they manage to stay open-minded and have broad view
on things, they will have a good chance of getting into power. Their abilities and success will bring
admiration of others. These people are the happiest when they run their own business. If this is not
possible, they will try to become the leaders and boss others around. They do not do well as team
members. These people have great organisational skills but they should try persuading people instead of
bossing them around.

The ruler of the 10th House (Sun) in the 11th House

Career of these people is often dependent on friends and aquintances. They are often talented
politicians and their career may be related to elections. They have long-term plans and projects that are
frequently ahead of time. At a mature age they often become well-known.

Planets in the 10th House


MC aspects

Sextile Mars (2°18’, Applying)

Conjunction Jupiter (0°04’, Applying)

Opposition Node (2°01’, Separating)

Interpretations - Planets in Signs, Planets in Houses

Planets describe a certain process of what is happening - eg. Mars fights, Saturn limits, Jupiter expands..

Sign in which the planet is located determines how the planet is manifesting itself, for example Mars
may manifest itself in a way Aries would behave (vigorously and irritably) or in the manner of Taurus
(more slowly, gradually and consistently)

Houses show special areas of everyday life, in which all this takes place. Location in a house shows
whether, for example Mars manifests in relationships (7th house), employment (6th house), family (4th
house) or elsewhere.


Planets show us what is happening;

Signs show us how it is happening;

Houses show us where it is happening.

Sun - Self, individuality, personality

The Sun symbolises a personal identity. It shows us areas where the person should learn to be
independent, where he should fulfill his potential, differentiate himself from others and shine. The
position of the Sun may tell us which profession would best suit the character of a person.

Sun in Virgo

Distinctive feature of people born under the sign of Virgo is their sense for order and system. They are
practical people with great design and manual skills. They are always able to fully concentrate on their
tasks. They tend to be charmed by well thought-through and functioning systems and they try to ensure
that everything around them has been properly arranged, because order makes work easier and faster.
This characteristic can change into pedantry if their sun is badly illuminated by planets. more -»

Sun in the 11th House

The Sun in the eleventh house brings help from those who are in a position to provide it, so other
people can achieve their goals. These people will achieve their objectives with the support of their
friends, business partners or through a joint activity. They long for their partner´s recognition for their
mental efforts in the joint activity and for a leading role in this group. They will probably become their
leaders or spokesmen. Their approach to life is very liberal and tolerant. They are humanitarian people
who prefer popularity to power. These people are self-sacrificing and they sacrifice their lives for higher
causes. The support of their friends will always be crucial to them.

Sun aspects

Trine Saturn (9°06’, Separating)

Square Uranus (7°47’, Applying)

Trine Node (6°42’, Applying)

Moon - Emotions, instincts, roots, mother

Place in the horoscope where the Moon is tells us what gives the person a sense of security, and where
to find it. It describes how sensitive we are and how we instinctively interact with our surroundings. The
Moon also tells us about our childhood and our experiences with our mother.

New Moon

(23°37’ Moon Phase Degree)

Birth, Beginning, Clarity

Moon in Libra

Person with Moon in Libra is looking for safety in a relationship, has the need to make somebody happy
and wants to have a rich social life. However, later they must find themselves and things that satisfy
them must prevail. They also have a strong need for balance and harmony. more -»

Moon in the 12th House

The Moon in the twelfth house creates loners who sometimes have the need to move away from
everyday life. These people usually do not find emotional stability in personal relationships and they
often feel lonely. They are easily influenced and they react on subtle influences of the environment.
These individuals are very kind and warm-hearted. They may work for a charity, hospital or other large
institution that serves for the good of others. They are not able to express themselves well because their
emotions are often confused. The Moon in the twelfth house emphasises that these people will feel
secure only when they distance themselves from others.

Moon aspects

Square Saturn (2°44’, Separating)

Mercury - Thinking, communication, intellect, learning

Mercury is the planet that brings us interest in intellectual things, about teaching and learning. It also
indicates into what depth we want to study things. It gives us natural intelligence and the ability to
analyse and reproduce.

Mercury in Virgo

People with Mercury in Virgo lose their carelessness and stop being so carefree. They are thorough and
precise. The influence of earth awakens contemplation and the need to provide evidence of their
findings and opinions. These people are very accurate because they are heavily influenced by their home
sign, Virgo. They are renowned experts in the field they have chosen to specialise in. They are
materialistic and scientific, and they have a talent for economy.

Mercury in the 11th House

Mercury in the eleventh house represents a connection with socialising. This position means versatile
mind, broad views and diverse thinking. The opinions of these people are unbiased, impersonal and
always friendly. They willingly communicate and exchange ideas with people of diverse origins,
occupations and social status. Their way of thinking is unusual and unconventional. Their friends provide
them with various opinions and ideas. Contact with such people brings them joy and pleasure.

Mercury aspects

Conjunction Venus (6°23’, Separating)

Square Mars (1°43’, Separating)

Trine Uranus (4°58’, Separating)

Trine Neptune (1°12’, Applying)

Sextile Ascendant (2°14’, Applying)

Venus - Sensuality, love, harmony, pleasure

Venus symbolises attractivity. Sign in which Venus is tells us what we are attracted to and this enables us
to give or receive love and affection, beauty and happiness, values and principles. The negative side is
that it represents weakness and shallowness.
Venus in Virgo

Venus in Virgo can signal difficulties because love and beauty cannot coexist with analysis, so one of
them must be suppressed. The result of analysing love and art is the realisation that one must accept
secrets and stop analysing them. These people have a very gentle and rare sense of distinction. If people
with Venus in Virgo decide to prefer inspiration over technology, they can become unbeatable in
appreciating, expressing and maintaining the wonderful fragility of love and beauty. They gain their
refined taste for social, emotional and artistic values during their systematic routine of searching for
defects and removing them. As far as love and relationships are concerned, they undergo a process of
purification, which removes unclean thoughts, feelings, and values. Because of this, they can become
temporarily or permanently old bachelors or spinsters.

Venus in the 11th House

Venus in eleventh house points to the benefits gained from contact with friends and social networking.
It means social people who know how to deal with people and satisfy their needs. They have a talent for
organizing social activities. They will achieve success mostly due to these abilities. Their friends often
have some artistic talent.

Venus aspects

Conjunction Mercury (6°23’, Separating)

Trine Saturn (1°42’, Applying)

Trine Neptune (5°11’, Separating)

Sextile Pluto (1°08’, Separating)

Mars - Activity, energy, courage, assertiveness

Mars symbolises the need to get what we want. This means our driving force which includes sex drive,
initiative and courage. Mars tells us about our desires, sensuality, courage and will. It also tells us about
how we are able to overcome obstacles and how active we are.

Mars in Gemini

Mars in the Gemini never stops moving. These people have many projects and ideas, but their energy is
fragmented because air signs are known for not wanting to put up a fight. Instead, when something
does not work out, they redirect their energy on a new goal. Of course, aggressive Mars does not like
this very much. Fortunately, their activity is joined with intelligence. Their fiery temperament manifests
itself mainly verbally, abruptly and swiftly. If people with Mars in Gemini want to get something or know
something, they ask. It may happen that they will impulsively gain something or someone, but they will
not know what to do with it or with the person. So it will not take long before their tireless mind and
moving body starts looking for something else, they will get it and they will not know what to do with it
again. And this will happen again and again.

Mars in the 8th House

Mars in the eighth house suggests a person who has a talent for searching information in more or less in
any field. They can be scientists, researchers, or detectives. They often have the prerequisites to work in
the fields of medicine, law and finance. They can also solve problems in various other fields. They are
experts who are able to find solutions that require research. They need love in their life and they have a
strong sexual urge. Mars in the eighth house also suggests contradictory attitudes towards common or
collective property or heritage.

Mars aspects

Square Mercury (1°43’, Separating)

Sextile Jupiter (2°13’, Separating)

Sextile MC (2°18’, Applying)

Trine Node (4°20’, Separating)

Jupiter - Happiness, optimism, expansion

Jupiter symbolises growth, expansion, laws, faith and ethics that guide it. It represents a sense for
development and support, which can lead to opportunities, wealth and faith. However, if Jupiter is
damaged, the person becomes immoral and extremist.

Jupiter in Leo

There is something very natural about people with Jupiter in Leo because they believe that their mere
existence is the evidence of their value. It may be said that they grow and develop by being excited
about themselves. They may become selfish and arrogant, but sometimes it is better than false modesty
and quarrelsomeness. Their sense of grandeur can lead to manifestations of self-confidence and wealth,
but they may also fall into disfavour because of it. They may be too enthusiastic to overlook the fact that
having a lot of energy is great, but one also has to take into account the personality of the people and
nature of the things the energy is used on. In other words, people and things into which they invest their
time, money and feelings have different characteristics, requirements and limitations, and they tend to
overlook them, which may cause subsequent disappointment.

Jupiter in the 10th House

Jupiter in the tenth house suggests people´s prerequisites for a successful career. These people are
cautious and foreseeable when they make long-term plans. They will achieve success by doing things
their own way. Their moral attitudes will bring them respect and increase their influence on others.

Jupiter aspects

Sextile Mars (2°13’, Separating)

Square Ascendant (1°42’, Separating)

Conjunction MC (0°04’, Applying)

Opposition Node (2°06’, Separating)

Saturn - Restriction, order, maturity, time

Saturn is our strict teacher who is able to ruthlessly examine our maturity. However, it is not only the
despot, but also the archetype of the sage who uses pain as a means to get our attention on what we
should focus on and what we should continue to develop.

Saturn in Capricorn

People with Saturn in Capricorn keep track of their goals with unquenchable determination regardless of
time and they can be compared to the Rock of Gibraltar without exaggeration. In spite of all the
obstacles and failures, they eventually achieve great success and they are respected by others. People
with Saturn in Capricorn have to learn to know their place. These people tend to succumb to what
society expects from people of their social status, class, belief, race etc. Yet, a compensatory reaction
may occur, that is, they may want to avoid and resist all that is expected of them on the basis of their
social status, class or race, and they do not want to be put in a box.

Saturn in the 3rd House

Saturn in the third house influences mental processes and communication. It implies mental discipline
and hand-on approach. It often leads to depressions and low self-confidence. They are practical people
who judge things according to their usefulness. They usually speak slowly and they think their words
through carefully. They are very careful in financial and legal matters. In some cases, Saturn in the third
house may mean difficulties or delays in education, especially at a young age. They are honest people
whose sense of justice is very well developed.

Saturn aspects

Trine Sun (9°06’, Separating)

Square Moon (2°44’, Separating)

Trine Venus (1°42’, Applying)

Sextile Pluto (2°50’, Applying)

Uranus - Originality, freedom, revolution

Uranus is the power of awakening, which often means that there will be some disruption and change.
Events under the influence of Uranus are unexpected or unpredictable, forcing us to do things in a new
way and face the truth about this or that issue.

Uranus in Capricorn

(Note: Uranus is a slow transpersonal planet and may remain in a single sign for up to many years. The
description of Uranus in Capricorn is therefore valid for the entire generation of people and is very
general. The characteristic of the personality is in the description of Uranus in the 2nd house.)

Uranus in Capricorn intensifies some controversial features of people born under the sign of Capricorn,
for example their ability to control others, but it also gives them the tendency to rebel against order and
authority. They will tend to introduce new orders and they may also try to control politics. It will
increase the coldness of people born in this sign. These people have a fairly good chance to introduce
and enforce new management methods.
Uranus in the 2nd House

Uranus in the second house is a sign of instability in material matters. It can repeatedly cause
unpredictable changes that bring about upheaval and changes in financial situation. The desire for
independence can force these people to start their own business. Whatever they do, their income will
not be stable.

Uranus aspects

Square Sun (7°47’, Applying)

Trine Mercury (4°58’, Separating)

Conjunction Neptune (6°10’, Applying)

Sextile Ascendant (2°43’, Separating)

Neptune - Fantasy, illusion, spirituality, imagination

Neptune is called the Lord of the Invisible Empire, which is a mysterious name of a mysterious planet.
Perhaps we could describe it as a dimension of life that cannot be experienced by our five senses and we
can only understand and perceive it in our imagination.

Neptune in Capricorn

(Note: Neptune is a slow transpersonal planet and may remain in a single sign for up to many years. The
description of Neptune in Capricorn is therefore valid for the entire generation of people and is very
general. The characteristic of the personality is in the description of Neptune in the 3rd house.)

Neptune in Capricorn gives people determination and the ability to concentrate. However, it can ruin
their typical Capricorn rationality. This position somewhat shatters their natural desire for perfection,
but it gives people desire to achieve spiritual goals.

Neptune in the 3rd House

Neptune in the third house affects mental processes and ways of communication. It creates intuitive
thinking and sometimes also the ability to communicate at a higher level. It often suggests work in
advertising or in media. At young age, these people are inclined to impractical and unorganized thinking.
They will need to learn how to concentrate and direct their thoughts better. When they are young they
are often insecure.

Neptune aspects

Trine Mercury (1°12’, Applying)

Trine Venus (5°11’, Separating)

Conjunction Uranus (6°10’, Applying)

Sextile Ascendant (3°27’, Applying)

Pluto - Transformation, regeneration, power

Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth. It is the end of all things, it is the Judgment Day. It can give rise
to obsessions or convictions. On the dark end of its spectrum it can manifest as "succumbing to the
urge," or it can create an individual who has the ability to get to the core of things, destroy negative
things and bring on healing and transformation.

Pluto in Scorpio

(Note: Pluto is a slow transpersonal planet and may remain in a single sign for up to many years. The
description of Pluto in Scorpio is therefore valid for the entire generation of people and is very general.
The characteristic of the personality is in the description of Pluto in the 1st house.)

People with Pluto in Scorpio have a passionate desire for mystery. They like to use intrigues and they
have a great disposition for personal transformation that can happen especially through their desires.
They are prolific, universal and capable. They radiate occult powers. Their sexuality is also transforming
for them, but at the same time they can feel restricted by it.

Pluto in the 1st House

Pluto in the first house means intensity and strong will. These people have magnetically attractive
nature and a considerable amount of egoism. They want power. Sometimes they may show initiative,
but they do not have a good ability to cooperate with others, even if it is indicated by their ascendant,
because people under the influence of Pluto are too bossy and power-hungry. These people are
somewhat mysterious, strange and difficult to understand.

Pluto aspects

Sextile Venus (1°08’, Separating)

Sextile Saturn (2°50’, Applying)


Lunar Nodes - North Node and South Node

The Lunar Nodes aren’t planets, but rather astrology mathematical points, that are directly opposite
each other in the chart. It is said, that your life purpose is encoded between them - in the line between
North Node and South Node. The South Node indicates your comfort zone, your habitual place, while
your North Node shows life lessons and what you’re striving for in this lifetime. Both Lunar Nodes are
almost always retrogade.

North Node (Mean) in Aquarius - South Node in Leo

North Node in Aquarius brings the conflict between the self-centred egocentric showing off and being
aware that they belong to a group. The conflict between platonic love and passionate, sensual erotic

These people need to learn to look at life from different perspectives and not just think of satisfying the
needs of their own ego. They should develop the spirit of the community, promote new ideas and
reforms and spread awareness that we are all citizens of the world.
Beware of self-denial and of trying to always be centre of attention. Beware of demanding attention,
recognition and admiration.

North Node (Mean) in the 3rd House - South Node in the 9th House

North Node in the third house brings the conflict between seeking objectivity and lively communication
on the one hand, and clinging to a highly subjective understanding, firmly anchored opinions and
commands on the other.

These people need to learn how to express complex contexts and ideas in everyday language, how to
convey spiritual thinking into practical life, transfer it in comprehensible form and show clearly the
connection between the philosophical and noble knowledge and values of everyday life.

Beware of prejudices and stubborn beliefs.

Node (Mean) aspects

Square Ascendant (3°48’, Separating)

Opposition MC (2°01’, Separating)

Trine Sun (6°42’, Applying)

Trine Mars (4°20’, Separating)

Opposition Jupiter (2°06’, Separating)

Lilith - Black Moon - Fascination and Denial

Lilith is a fictional point - the second empty focal point of elliptical orbit of the Moon around the Earth.

In mythology, Lilith refused to submit to Adam, rebelled against the connection between Adam and Eve,
decided to escape from the world of people and made a connection with Satan.

In astrology, Lilith symbolises either fascination or refusal of topics with which she is connected with.
Both, the fascination or the rejection of the given topics, can eventually engulf the person and take him
"away" from the human world.

Lilith (Mean) in Sagittarius

Rejecting borders and laws; moving away from values.

Faith and uselessness is the main topic of this position. These people have a great desire to learn the
truth about things and the spiritual world, but they are often disappointed. It is difficult for them to
believe in God, they are often atheists or, on the contrary, they become fanatical. Both is possible. They
seek balance between spiritual and secular life. There may even be resistance to the Church. If you ever
lie to these people, you will never get their trust again. It is necessary to speak with them openly from
young age.

Beware of injuries to thighs, hips and gall bladder.

Lilith (Mean) in the 1st House

These people are reserved; they are fascinating but they also make other people nervous.

Chiron - Wounded Healer, inner teacher

Chiron is an asteroid between Saturn and Uranus. Its orbit is very unusual and represents a bridge
between material and spiritual worlds.

According to mythology, Chiron was a great healer, wise teacher and one of the immortal Centaurs.
Unfortunately, he was "deadly" injured by a poisonous arrow by Heracles, his favourite disciple. He was
suffering in great pain but he could not die. Finally, he gave up his immortality for the benefit of
Prometheus who was also suffering, and Chiron was sent to the underworld. In the underworld Zeus had
mercy for him and he raised him to the heaven.

In astrology, Chiron symbolises our unhealable injuries and incurable trauma. However, if a person,
instead of drowning in his own trauma, is able to accept the trauma and help others who are also
suffering, and accept that suffering is part of life, then Chiron may be the key to wisdom, or even to
some sort of "Initiation Gate".

Chiron in Cancer

The unhealable injury of these people is their family. They believe that their parents did not give them
proper care, love and a sense of security. Even in adulthood, unhappy childhood can still be their open,
unhealing injury. They compensate for this for example by creating their own big family, by constantly
dealing with the past, or by deciding to never become parents in order to never cause pain to their

Chiron in the 9th House

These people are repeatedly forced to experience religious and ideology crisis and face doubts about the
meaning of life. The world seems to them like a ship full of crazy people where no rules apply, and they
are unable to find a meaningful place in it. They feel like trusting and naive outlanders, foreigners in
their own country, while others seem to them invulnerable. Their injury has a name - spleen.

Main aspects

Trine- Sun Trine Saturn (9°06’, Separating)

This harmonious aspect give these people the ability to work hard and take on responsibility at work, so
they are usually very responsible. However, they often have low self-concept and tendencies to be too
hard on themselves.

Square- Sun Square Uranus (7°47’, Applying)

This aspect creates people that are too individualistic, selfish and eccentric. They are very independent
and they guard their independence carefully. They are not always considerate towards other people and
they sometimes suffer from mental exhaustion. These people have the need to be different and they
want to show their uniqueness. They want to be teachers, mentors and examples to others. These
people are willing to go to the extremes in order to show their originality. They have trouble accepting
authorities. They use rebellion as means of attracting attention of other people.

Square- Moon Square Saturn (2°44’, Separating)

This aspect creates people who are unable to express their feelings and prefer to hide behind a mask
they create. They need a stable home where they can feel safe. In their family life they tend to artificially
create too many duties. They are inclined to depressions.

Conjunction- Mercury Conjunction Venus (6°23’, Separating)

This conjunction gives people good manners and mental balance. They can express themselves well and
they are convincing. Their views are also well-balanced. Their thinking is often so rational that they are
not able to express their feelings too openly.

Square- Mercury Square Mars (1°43’, Separating)

This aspect gives people impatience and they are often quarrelsome. They have strong personalities so
they usually do not have good relationships with others. They are good leaders. Many reformers had
this aspect. Their thinking is quick and practical, but they tend to persuade others about their truth and
they are often arrogant.

Trine- Mercury Trine Uranus (4°58’, Separating)

This harmonious aspect is very inspirational and it gives these people the ability to discover and invent
new things. These people like new technologies. They often need to exchanges ideas and opinions with
others. They are curious, intelligent and creative. They have novel way of thinking and they like to argue
about opinions.

Trine- Mercury Trine Neptune (1°12’, Applying)

This harmonious aspect gives people great fantasy and a good taste for art. However, these people do
not have a good sense for detail and they may find it hard to cope with the practical and material
aspects of life. They like photography, esotericism and fashion. They are too trusting and sometimes
they have to pay a big price for it. This aspect often brings intuition and inspiration linked to thinking,
speaking and communicating.

Trine- Venus Trine Saturn (1°42’, Applying)

This harmonious aspect brings responsible and reserved behaviour in most of emotional and social
activities of these people. They are very faithful, conventional and stable. They need a strong and stable
relationship that gives them confidence and ability to trust. They have hidden fears of rejection, and
their self-confidence in their relationships is too low. Older and reliable partners give them confidence.
They are careful and responsible with things they are entrusted with.

Trine- Venus Trine Neptune (5°11’, Separating)

This harmonious aspect gives people a sense for romance, compassion, and intuition in relationships.
These people have great fantasy, inventiveness and sense of art. They also have a good taste for fashion,
they can dress well and they have their own distinctive style. Transcendent, mysticism and magic
sexually arouse women with this aspect. This aspect in men tells us about characteristics of his inner
woman-anima and thus it also tells us about the personality of women that will be interested in him. For
artists, this aspect brings inspiration, creativity, imagination, and very good taste.

Sextile- Venus Sextile Pluto (1°08’, Separating)

This harmonious aspect gives people the ability to experience relationships very deeply. However, these
people require the same from their partner, and this may give rise to problems and conflicts, especially
if these requirements are not met by the partner. This aspect gives people talent for publicity in media.
They often have many useful contacts that help them succeed. This aspect activates sexuality and sex
appeal. In general, these people can experience their sexuality without unnecessary "adornments" and

Sextile- Mars Sextile Jupiter (2°13’, Separating)

This harmonious aspect gives people energy and activity. People with this aspect need movement,
whether in the form of active sport or tourism. They are also eager for new information so they like to
participate in various courses, seminars and training sessions.

Sextile- Saturn Sextile Pluto (2°50’, Applying)

This harmonious aspect gives people strong-mindedness, ambitions and desire to meet the needs of
their I. The power of Saturn is positively enhanced by Pluto's energy. It is a fusion of responsibility with
power and intensity.

Conjunction- Uranus Conjunction Neptune (6°10’, Applying)

This conjunction is responsible for urge for changes. These people tend to change their lives and to
interfere with political affairs that they are never satisfied with. If they are publicly engaged, then their
reformist efforts have some chances to be successful, otherwise they live in discontent with the
circumstances all their life. This conjunction gives people immense originality, intense creative abilities
and innovative inspirations.

Other aspects

Sextile - Ascendant Sextile Mercury (2°14’, Applying)

This aspect gives people vitality and curiosity.

Square - Ascendant Square Jupiter (1°42’, Separating)

The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are generous, kind and that they are usually in
excellent health. The negative side of this aspect is that they can be arrogant or even violent. They can
suffer from illnesses that result from their eccentric behaviour and sometimes there is a risk of obesity.

Sextile - Ascendant Sextile Uranus (2°43’, Separating)

The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people skilful and original behaviour.

Sextile - Ascendant Sextile Neptune (3°27’, Applying)

The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are intuitive and understanding.

Square - Ascendant Square Node (3°48’, Separating)

Interpretation is not available.

Sextile - MC Sextile Mars (2°18’, Applying)

The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people fighting spirit and lot of energy that helps
them achieve success at work.

Conjunction - MC Conjunction Jupiter (0°04’, Applying)

The positive thing about this aspect is that these people believe in their ability to achieve success. This
ability helps them grow. The negative side of this aspect is that they often overestimate their skills that
are frequently not as great as their ambitions.

Opposition - MC Opposition Node (2°01’, Separating)

Interpretation is not available.

Trine - Node Trine Sun (6°42’, Applying)

This aspect brings great combination of life energy and life focus. The zodiac sign is very helpful and
useful. However, it can eventually become an expression of convenience and missed chances.

Trine - Node Trine Mars (4°20’, Separating)

The positive thing about this aspect is that it gives people vigour and determination that help them
achieve their goals. They can fight with passion for what is important to them.

Opposition - Node Opposition Jupiter (2°06’, Separating)

The positive thing about this aspect is that these people are confident in their abilities and this helps
them overcome challenges in life. Their life challenges are often connected with profound sensory
experience and it gives people luck on their life journey.

The negative side of this aspect is that there is no harmony between the meaning of life and searching
for its focal point. There may be strong internal dissatisfaction and excessive, unrealistic expectations.
These people usually want more from life then they can get and they push everything negative out.

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