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ARTIST’S STUDIOS- a creative arts, craft, culinary and entertainment hub


Typology: Institutional
Location: Pondicherry,India

Architecture shouldn't create limits or borders, but it should really create possibilities for exchange
and for interaction.There is a need for artists to interact with people who appreciate art and relish
it as much as they do. Art institutions become spaces only to learn rather than being an
interactive space to connect people with similar interests. Therefore it is important to create a
space where the creator and the public are prone to interchange knowledge.

Today's world is a world of possibility and freedom. As long as there are people who want to
create, there will be artists. For art to be created, one must have the space and the facilities,
although most importantly, the imagination, creativity and inclination.
A permanent space to promote art, craft and multiple cuisines from around the world is essential
in terms of developing tourism as well as in enriching the art. Especially in places where there
are diverse visitors from all over the world, the opportunity to enhance various cultures and in
expressing individualistic ideas become an exemplary advantage.
This enables artisans engaged in traditional arts and crafts with required skills and or enhancing
existing skills and further provide backward and forward linkages. Also encourages people from
various cultures and generations,talented aspirants to get engaged in economic activities by
employing modern tools.
The project proposes to offer a unique experience of self-discovery as one explores a world of
creative possibilities. The proposal provides workshops for upcoming artists as well as the
curious crowd, studios for established artists looking for a space on rent to showcase their art or
for visiting artists looking for a temporary change of scene.

The aim of this thesis is to create spaces for workshops, studios and interactive spaces to
enhance the creation of art and to create an atmosphere for artists to feel liberated, relaxed and
comfortable. At the same time another objective is to make this art open to interaction with the
public. The solution seeks a one stop solution for an artist to create, display, discuss, and sell
his or her artwork.

● To create a hub dedicated to nurturing creative discovery, learning and sharing through
arts education and artistic development.
● To centralize artist's of different fields at one location (painting, sculpture, pottery,
culinary skills..etc)
● To promote socio-economic activity for artists and artisans by showcasing their products
and talent as well as conducting workshops for the general public.
● To provide year round entertainment for the benefit of the local community as well as
● To offer instruction in painting, drawing, sculpture, ceramics, photography, writing and
more including community classes with exceptional instructors, unique workshops etc.
Design the space to accommodate artists of all disciplines, including painters, sculptors,
photographers, writers, woodworkers,musicians and more.
● Provide the public with easy access to the local arts through conveniently located gallery,
exhibition, performance and classroom space, monthly open studio events and other
public outreach programs created by artists.

It provides additional support of galleries to display the art created and facilitate sale and
investment in art along with artist-investor interaction. Restaurants, public entertainment
facilities and an amphitheater for music shows and other performing arts form a part of the
overall scheme.
In addition, investment in art has become a major financial tool, hence the need for such an
establishment to bring investors to the artists and artisans, engaging the public through
production, exhibition, sale and discussions about art. Such an establishment enriches our
community's cultural environment by establishing a permanent center for the local arts,
engaging people with art thus making it easily accessible.
The project deals with circulation between different activities and connection between open,
semi-open and closed spaces.

● This thesis will not be focusing on cost analysis.
● Limitations in site will be considered if any.


● To promote all cultural and traditional/modern artforms from various regions, by coaction
of interactive spaces.
● To welcome the public to witness the art & craft and make a sale point.
● Study what the artist's studios and workshops require in terms of day lighting and
ventilation- climate responsive.
● Clear understanding on central activities/various users of the project.

❖ Site plan
❖ About the project
❖ Climate
❖ About various cultures to be involved
❖ Byelaws
❖ Site analysis
❖ Case study
❖ Topography and climatic considerations
❖ Area program Proposals
❖ Site constraints
❖ Identity
❖ Safety
❖ Visual awareness
❖ Site plan
❖ Building plans, sections and elevations
❖ Design details
❖ Landscaping

1. Entrance lobby
2. Admin
3. Workshops:
a. Installation workshop
b. sculpture workshops
c. drawing/painting workshop
d. digital art workshop
4. Gallery:
a. Main gallery
b. private gallery
c. exhibition hall
5. Studios:
a. pottery studio
b. photography studio
c. private work studios
6. Culinary:
a. Gastronomy studio
b. kitchen and deck
7. Other facilities:
a. auditorium
b. Library
c. Restaurant
d. private accommodation
8. Open spaces:
a. amphitheater
b. kiosk
c. open platform shops
d. public plaza
e. sanitation facilities
f. parking


● Dilli haat, Janakpuri, Delhi
Designed by Archohm consults- Mr.Sourabh Gupta
● Dakshinichitra, Chennai
Designed by Laurie Baker
● Faculty of fine arts, New Delhi
● College of art, Delhi
● Souq Waqif,Qatar.
● Borough Market,London.
● Grand Bazaar,Istanbul.


Thesis report:
Artist's studios in Goa by Alisha Coelho



Typology: Institution
Location: Chennai

We as architects design campuses that inspire learning and discovery. Designing of college
campus architecture that offers a framework in which students can thrive and that promotes
good study habits and wellness for academic success. Student housing designs that help
students who’ve never lived away from their parents feel right at home. Classrooms should
support changing learning and teaching styles. This thesis focuses on engaging and flexible
designs to facilitate interdisciplinary communication and enable student collaboration.

National Institute of Design (NID) is a premium design school in India. The institute functions as
an autonomous body under the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion, Ministry of
Commerce and Industry, Government of India. The National Institute of Design (NID) is a
multidisciplinary institute in the field of design education and research. Its design education
programmes have also earned their place in the top 25 European and Asian educational
programmes in the world. A unique feature of NID's design education programme is the
openness of its educational culture and environment.
Today the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad, has grown into a multi-campus institute with
campuses at Ahmedabad, Gandhinagar, and Bengaluru and has been declared an Institution of
National Importance by the Act of Parliament, by virtue of the National Institute of Design Act.
This thesis aims at spaces for effective 'design learning' by spaces that achieve
student-community, people-nature and sensory-experience overlap.

To design a new NID campus & provide design intervention for local skills and industries &
contribute towards economic growth. To create a friendly environment for students and staff and
to interact within themselves and the building in all possible ways.

● To study the existing patterns and activities of design institutions.
● To study and understand the Indian market and the impact of design education in the
process of national-building.
● To understand the need, requirement and qualities of a design institution.
● To provide an appropriate space for learning.
● To study the merits and demerits of current design schools.

● Studying and experiencing the working of an institution.
● Understanding the modulation of campus designs with respect to site planning.
● Finding the best solution in terms of site and context responsive architecture.

● The topic in no way aims at challenging the education system of India.
● The thesis does not deal with the economics of the project.


● Designing of flexible elements like corridors, lobby, atrium space
● Strategy for modular coordination (studio as a module, lecture hall as a module)
● Generating geometrical composition of the modules resulting in well articulated interior
spaces and exterior forms
● Good understanding on working of various facilities such as workshops, labs, computer
● Evolving spaces for informal learning and informal gatherings

1. Entrance lobby
2. Administration
3. Registration cabin
4. Auditorium

5. Facilities – Under graduate

A. Studios
B. Lecture halls
C. Jury space

6.Facilities – post graduate

A. Studios
B. Lecture halls
C. Jury space

7.Facilities – HOD’s / faculty

A. Hod cabin
B. Professors cabins
C. Visiting faculty rooms

8.Facilities – supporting

A. Industrial design

I. Product design workshop

II. Transportation & automobile lab
III. Furniture & interior design lab
IV. Ceramic & glass design workshop
V. Toy & game design workshop
VI. Design for retail experience workshop

B. Communication design

I. Computer lab
II. Photography lab
III. Graphic design lab
IV. Animation film design lab
V. Film & video communication lab
VI. Exhibition workshop

C. Textile and apparel design

I. Textile design workshop

II. Apparel design and merchandising workshop
III. Lifestyle accessory design workshop
D. IT integrated design

I. New media design lab

II. Information & interface design
III. Digital game design lab

10.Stationery room
11.Chemical lab
12.Exhibition area
13.Model making
14.Material museum
15.Material testing and structures lab
16. Parking
A. Men's hostel
B. Women’s hostel
18.Staff accommodation


❖ NID Bangalore -Ar.Karan Grover & Associates
❖ IIM , Bangalore - Ar.BV doshi
● NID Ahmedabad-Ar. Gautam Sarabai & Charles Eames
● NID Gandhinagar-Ar.Sen Kapadia
● NIFT, Chennai, by Ar.Sanjey mohe
● Pearl academy of fashion , Jaipur
● IIM , ahemdabad - Ar.Louis khan


1. Richard.P.Dober – Campus Planning
2. Campus Planning by Achyut Kanvinde


Typology: Public/Institutional

This thesis project is developed to experience the marine environment and to interact with
marine life. This structure is for both business as well as research.
This project is concerned with the relationship between humans and the quality and nature of
water which can be experienced consciously or subconsciously. The need for such a study
originated with the desire to understand the elements surrounding us and the way we interact
with them, most often without giving any thought to its existence. As the mediator between
natural and built form, architecture can play a significant role in shaping our experience of water.
Part of the fascination that water holds for architects arises from its essential qualities- fluidity,
dynamics, transparency, sound that it creates and many other aspects. The objective of this
project is to make people experience the qualities that water holds by developing architectural
solutions.The main aim of the thesis is to design a space which creates a platform for the public
to get to know more about the ocean. Unless and until people get to experience something, they
cannot believe in it and unless they believe in the importance of something they cannot protect
After understanding the qualities of water, the journey is designed to have 3 phases- Physical
qualities, phenomenology and emotions attached, and finally the interaction with water. These
are intertwined to create a memorable experience. These phases were detailed out to give
experimental qualities to space by giving meaning to the elements used in it. The choice of
location is governed by two main things- introducing more people to experience the drama that
unfolds with water and a place where there is ample supply of water.

The aim of the project is to design an oceanarium and research center complex at
Mahabalipuram to increase tourism. It shall aim to change the way tourists and the people
interact with the environment. To build a research zone that will focus on conservation of
species which will improve the lifestyle of species.

● The oceanarium will educate people towards marine life in an informal way with
interacting spaces.
● Study and learn about the marine environment, its needs and requirements in an
aesthetic manner.
● The need for an oceanarium stressed, as it is not just a recreational spot, it is a research
platform from which extensive research on flora and fauna is conducted.
● To understand what an oceanarium is and its different facilities.

Tourism is a sector which provides one of the highest employment opportunities for the money
invested. With more than 100 million domestic tourists and nearly 3 million foreign tourists
visiting TamilNadu, an Oceanarium near Mahabalipuram will provide a flip to the tourism
initiative in the region. It would be able to exhibit the complete diverse collection of marine life in
the world with an entertainment package. It will have a combination of educating and
entertaining the masses with its conservation programs.
Only the indoor facilities and conceptualization is to be focused in this project. The outdoor
activities including laser show, musical fountain, Penguin park, seal stadium, etc that are
proposed will not be concentrated.


● This thesis focuses on the indoor facilities of the oceanarium such as a tunnel walkway
with marine life around, the displays through tanks and touch pools.
● Recreational Activities : The oceanarium will be built in such a way that it would attract
not only a single visitor but the entire family to the facility. There should be recreational
activity for people from all age groups.
● Education shall happen in a very informal way with the help of staff and rec-reational
activities. Spaces for seminars and summer schools shall be provided.
● Species and biodiversity conservation : To build a research unit that will focus on
conservation of species and experiments.
● Tourism : The oceanarium aims to increase the tourism of Mahabalipuram city, it shall
aim to change the way tourists and the people interact with the environment.
● Under sea construction for restaurant and rooms.

● Entrance Lobby
● Admin
● Indoor facilities- 8 acres
1. Tunnel Aquarium with the length of 150m minimum of which non-acrylic tunnel is 25m+25m
and acrylic tunnel
is 100m with 270° and 360° viewing and the acrylic portion should be with a possible moving
2. Small Tank Display:50nos minimum
3. Wall Mounted Display including displays in the non-acrylic tunnel is 60 nos minimum in
different size according to space availability
4. Cylindrical Tank should be five numbers with a very huge one in the center of the aquarium
lobby going upto 9m height
5. Touch Pool- five
6. Provision for swimming with sharks, scuba diving and feeding.
7. Big Souvenir Shop-2
8. Special Effect Multimedia Theater with 300 seating capacity 9. Educational Class room of 100
seating capacity with provision to have Audio Visual Show
10. Cafeteria -two
11. Food Court and Fish Food Restaurant
12. Underwater Restaurant with 60 seating capacity
13. Underwater Accommodations:6 rooms minimum
14. Community Center for seminar and symposia and other social and commercial functions
with 1000 seating
15.Marine Biotechnology Research and Development Center
● Curatorial
● Services
● Parking


❖ VGP Marine Kingdom
➔ Taraporewala aquarium, mumbai
➔ Dolphin aquarium, mumbai
● Shanghai Ocean Aquarium, China
● Georgia aquarium
● The lost chambers aquarium, dubai
● Antalya aquarium,turkey- Ar.Bahadir Kul architects
● Poseidon undersea resort



Thesis report:
National Oceanarium at Goa by- Abu Safwan (2013-14)
Oceanarium at Goa by PankajRaj (2014-19)
Oceanarium at Mahabalipuram by R.D. Hemanth Kumar

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