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Appendix I-A

Category:-1.Questionnaire Administered to Heads of Public body heads and
Management staffs

Dear Respondents,

My name is Dereje Dida Woyecha, a Master of Arts student in Department of public Financial
Management (PFM), in Oromia State University. I am carrying out an academic research on the
‘Factors Affecting the Implementation of Effective Public Procurement Auditing in Oromia
region West Arsi Zone: The Case of some selected West Arsi Zone Public Sectors

I am therefore, requesting you to feel free in giving your answers and all will be considered right
and straightforward. The information provided through this questionnaire will be treated with top
most confidentiality and results will be used to make recommendations, which will help the
Public sector at large. Please tick (√) in the space provided and gives a brief explanation where
necessary. Please, be honest in all responses and you need not to write the respondent’s name.

Your co-operation and assistance will be highly appreciated. If you need any clarification or

Contact information: -Tele:- Mobile +251911012173


Section A: The personal profiles

General Instruction: Please indicate your choice by putting “√” mark in the box provided.
1) Age (in year): 1) 20 to 29 2) 30 to 39 3) 40 to 49 4)50 to 59 5) above 60 
2) Sex/Gender/: 1) Male  2) Female 
3) Level of education: 1) Diploma  2) Bachelor's Degree 3) Masters Degree  4) PhD 
4) What is your work Position? ____________________________________________
5) Your work experience on the current position (in years)? Please round to the nearest year,
1) 0 to 2  2) 3 to 4  3) 5 to 6 4) 7 to 105) above 10
Section B: Questionnaires concerning Legal and Regulatory framework of public
procurement audit

What is your level of agreement with the following statements that related to legal and
Regulatory framework for effective public procurement auditing? Use a scale of 1-5 where:
Strongly agree=5, Agree= 4, Neutral = 3, Disagree=2, strongly Disagree=1

No. Statements 5 4 3 2 1

6) Procurement audit is conducted timely in your organization

7) Procurement audit in your organization is effective(help to

ensure transparency and accountability)

8) Procurement audit in your organization is efficient (minimizes

wastage, cost, etc)

9) The existing Laws and regulations ensured public

accountability on the auditee non-compliance practice.

10) The purpose and authority of public procurement audit is

clearly defined.

11) The auditee gives attention to take proper actions on the audit

12) The procurement laws are clear and compressive.

13) The OPPPAA procurement audit system is sufficiently

promoting compliance procurement practice of the auditees

14) The OPPPAA auditing procedures are well transparent.

15) There is a sufficient time available for auditing of public

Section C: Questionnaires concerning on Public procurement Auditor’s Competence

What is your level of agreement with the following statements that related to auditor’s
competence for effectiveness of public procurement auditing? Use a scale of 1-5 where: Strongly
agree=5, Agree= 4, Neutral = 3, Disagree=2, strongly Disagree=1

No Statements 5 4 3 2 1

16) The procurement auditor meets relevant professional and

ethical standards.

17) The audit teams are confidential enough

18) Audit quality depends on auditor’s technical skills and


19) Experienced auditors are likely to come up with effective

auditing procedure and solution.

20) Auditors have sound knowledge on public procurement

laws and regulations.

21) There is a good work relationship and communication

between the auditee and public procurement auditors.

Section D: Questionnaires concerning on Auditor’s Independence

What is your level of agreement with the following statements that related to auditor’s
Independence for effectiveness of public procurement auditing? Use a scale of 1-5 where:
Strongly agree=5, Agree= 4, Neutral = 3, Disagree=2, strongly Disagree=1

No. Statements 5 4 3 2 1

22) The audit teams discharging their responsibilities in

unbiased manner.

23) The auditors are able to produce audit reports without

interference or pressure from external forces.

24) The audit team provides subjective audit opinion.

25) The auditors are free to determine the scope and methods
conduct the procurement audit.

26) Political interference doesn’t influence true and fair view of

auditing process.

Section E: Questionnaires concerning on record Management system

What is your level of agreement with the following statements that related to record management
for effectiveness of public procurement auditing? Use a scale of 1-5 where: Strongly agree=5,
Agree= 4, Neutral = 3, Disagree=2, strongly Disagree=1

No Statements 5 4 3 2 1

27) Auditee record management system doesn’t

influencethe work flow of auditing process.

28) The procurement records are easily accessible.

29) The procurement records are reliable.

30) The procurement records are tangible.

31) The procurement records are complete.

Section F: Questionnaires concerning institutional and structural setups

What is your level of agreement with the following statements that related to record management
for effectiveness of public procurement auditing? Use a scale of 1-5 where: Strongly agree=5,
Agree= 4, Neutral = 3, Disagree=2, strongly Disagree=1

No Statements 5 4 3 2 1

29) The structures of OPPPAA are adequately and

uniformly established in the Zonal, Woreda and
City Adm. Within the region

30) absence of branch office in the OPPPAA at Zonal

level Budget, structural Administration influence
the work flow of PP auditing

31) Absence of branch office in the OPPPAA at Zonal

level have influence on the work flow of PP
auditing effective service delivery

Interview Questions
1. OPPPA is established with the aim to over sight and audit regional public
procurement procedures as well as to build the capacity of public bodies
regarding to procurement procedures in order to improve the procurement
function in terms of achieving procurement principles and to reduce
malpractices public procurement. In your opinion is this objective achieved or
not and please shares your opinion in relation to public procurement auditing.

2. Do you think that there are clear laws that state the relationship between the
auditor’s and the auditee that explain the powers and duties of both parties?

3. . How do you get the competency of auditors who participated in public

procurement auditing and what is the effect of professional skills on effective
procurement audit at WAZFECO?

4. . In your opinion what are the limitation of auditors that you observed and how
overcome the competence limitation of the auditors?

5. . In your opinion absence of branch office in the OPPPAA at Zonal level

Budget, structural Administration and effective service delivery influence
the work flow of PP auditing and how do you overcome the problems?

6. What is the role of auditors’ independence in procurement audit and How do

you examine the independence of Auditor’s both from the point of himself and
external pressure that can affect the objective of auditing and its results?

7. Do you think that the existing laws and Regulatory are comprehensive to carry
out effective and efficient procurements audit and what is the major factor that
affects procurement Audit in related to laws Audit reason out?

8. . Do you think the existing structural and functional audits achieve the desired
results? Why?

9. Do you think that the existing auditor’s fits the ethical standard of their
profession which includes free from engaging in corruption, briber, conducting
their work only according to the rules and regulations _____ what do you
think is it implications?

Thank You very much for your cooperation!!

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