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Jarmaine J.

Anunciacion February 26, 2022

BEEd 1

A Reflection on How is Moral Character Developed

In this report I learned about moral character. We have a moral character

when we decide to do what is right and what is good because we know that it

is the right thing to do. Moral character is very important because it is what

make us be responsible with our actions and decisions, and we can also help

other people because we feel that it is right. Also, I realized that there are

studies on this topic which show how our moral character is developed. One

is that our environment and society can add to our moral character. I agree

with this because sometimes we are influenced by other people especially

our families and friends. Another is we might have acquired qualities of our

parents and these qualities added to our moral fiber. As a soon to be

teacher, this is important for me to know because I know that I work with

people who have different moral characters and it is me to know who

can be a good influence on me. Even with students, they have different moral

character. I am there to guide them along the way.

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