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Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU)

College of Social and Natural Sciences

Psychology Unit

Course Title: General Psychology and Life Skills Academic Year: 2022
Course Code: Psyc 1011
Submission date: Friday, June 17/2022

1. Group Assignment (15 %)

Overview: Chapter Review
This assignment will test your communication skills, your organizational proficiency, and your
ability to incorporate any and all necessary information in order to give the class an in-depth
understanding of your chosen topic. Moreover, the assignment is expected to give students form
groups thereby learn from each other, share, interact, and work as team. Remember, you will be
issued a grade based on your individual and collective performance. Form a group as per the
instruction given by your instructor and do the group assignment.

The Chapters for Review are:

• Self-Concept and Self-Awareness
• Self-esteem and self-confidence
• Self-Control and Anger Management
• Emotional Intelligence & Managing Emotion
• Stress, Coping with Stress and Resilience
• Critical and Creative Thinking and Problem Solving and Decision Making
• Time Management, Note-taking and Study Skills
• Test-Taking Skill and Test Anxiety and Overcoming Test Anxiety
• Goal Setting and Career Development Skill
• Understanding cultural Diversity
• Gender and Social Inclusion
• Interpersonal Communication Skills
• Social Influences, Peer Pressure, and Assertiveness
• Conflict and Conflict Resolution, Team Work, and Overcoming Risky Behavior
Note 1: The review document will be marked.
Note 2: Each group members will present the reviewed document to the class.
Note 3: The presentations will also be marked.

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU)
College of Social and Natural Sciences
Psychology Unit
1.1.General instructions for the group assignment
- Form a group of three. Roughly divide the class into three groups. Then, take a randomly
selected chapter (Chapter 9, 10, 11) for review.
- Group members must decide among themselves how to split up responsibility for the
group work but the presenter will be selected randomly from the group.
- The delivery of presentations must be between 15 - 20 minutes, and at least 2 of the
group members who will be selected randomly must deliver the presentation.
- The overall time is approximately 20 minutes for each group, with the remainder of time
used for live questions and discussions about the presentation.
- It should come as no surprise that you’ll be expected to demonstrate exceptional listening
skills when your classmates are presenting.
- All members should participate equally in the discussion, planning, research and delivery
of this group assignment presentation.
- Your presentation should be informative, interesting, and well presented.
- Respect each other (respect each other’s ideas, respect the other group members, don’t
interrupt each other, everyone’s opinion should count and be honest with each other).
- Time management (Every presentation will start on time): Attend and arrive on time to all
group presentation and Keep on task (limit talk about non-related events).
1.1.1. Requirement from each group assignment
Before your presentation, your group is responsible to submit:
• A 8 - 12 page, computer-typed summary of your assignment project.
• Your outline should indicate which group members will deliver which part of the project.
• Attach this assignment instruction paper just next to the cover page of your assignment.
• A reference, listing all the specific resources that your team used.

• The review document will be submitted by Friday, June 17/2022

As always, your outline must be
- Formatted with 1” margins all around; 1.5- spaced
- Printed in 12-point Times New Roman
- Numbered on all pages
- Spell-checked, Carefully edited and proof-read
- Make sure you put the right personal details:
• Name (Group members’ name in alphabetic order: A to Z),
• Id. No.,
• Stream (Applied or Engineering),
• Section, and
• Chapter Reviewed (Chapter 9, 10 or 11) on the cover page of your

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University (AASTU)
College of Social and Natural Sciences
Psychology Unit

2. Individual Assignment (10 %)

Dear students, here below are the major concepts that students are supposed to learn via the
course General Psychology. Thus, attempting to answer these questions will help students
comprehend, understand, and apply those psychological principles. Hence, while answering the
following questions, students will have the opportunity to learn and re-learn those major
psychological concepts, theories, perspectives, and approaches.
 Explain the basic interests and applications of selected branches of psychology.
 Describe how monocular and binocular cues are used in the perception of depth
 Recognize and define three basic forms of learning—classical conditioning, operant
conditioning, and observational learning
 Identify and describe the three stages of memory storage
 Understand and explain all been proposed as theories of motivation
 Explain the major theories of emotion
 Describe the assumptions of the psychodynamic perspective on personality development
 Discuss the Big Five factors and describe someone who is high and low on each of the
five traits
 Identify and explain the formal criteria that thoughts, feelings, and behaviors must meet
to be considered abnormal and, thus, symptomatic of a psychological disorder
 Explain how people with psychological disorders have been treated throughout the ages
1.2. Requirement for individual assignment
You are responsible to submit:
• A maximum of 12 pages.
• Make your hand-writing attractive; if not, it must be readable (Do not type in a computer)
• Attach this assignment instruction paper just next to the cover page of your assignment.
• The review document will be submitted by Friday, June 17/2022
Your paper (individual and group assignments) includes the following:
Cover page:
• Name of the University, College, Course, and Title of the paper.
• Make sure you put the right personal details:
- Name,
- Id. No.,
- Stream, &
- Section on the cover page of your document.
• Date of submission: Friday, June 17/2022
Contents of the individual assignment shall be:
i. Table of Contents
ii. Introduction - Introduce Psychology.
iii. Main body – (main section of your assignment)
iv. Reflection on their Experience, feelings, & practice of the topics reviewed.
v. Conclusion.
vi. References – Use books, journals & other credible materials. Follow APA Format.


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