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Group 1

Chahat Dalmia-C015
Komal Gandhi-C023
Reeva Choudhary-C038
Tanya Agarwal-C049


 It makes me look beautiful: Psychology

 I always buy shampoo in sachets only: Convenience
 I use shampoo only when I have to wash oil from my hair: Lifestyle
 Shampoo makes my hair strong and healthy: Quality


 Shampoos are not good for my hair since they have chemicals: Psychology
 The shampoo is very expensive: Affordability/ purchasing power

Ques 2.

Cognitive beliefs

Clinic Plus is positioned as a "Family Value and Health Foundation" that helps to treat the biggest
hair problem in India, namely hair fall, while also offering lustre, shine, and strength. It is therefore
suited for consumers in rural India who are primarily of lower income levels.

Head & Shoulders is a brand of anti-dandruff shampoo that has received doctor approval and
celebrity endorsements. The product is priced in the premium area of the market and belongs to the
fastest-growing category.

Chik is a cosmetic shampoo that is the second-most popular and identifiable brand and is priced to
appeal to semi-urban and rural consumers. It would exist in either the popular or economy tier. Chik
guarantees the self-assured Indian woman soft, nourished hair.

Some Statements depicting Cognitive Beliefs:

 It prevents my hair from getting dandruff

 It has a lot of chemicals in it
 It makes my hair smell fresh
 I will buy shampoo only if I find this brand, else I will not buy
 I will buy the shampoo in sachet only
 It is an expensive shampoo
 It is for people with long hair
 It keeps hair untangled and smooth

ffective aspects reflected by advertisements of the three brands of shampoos

Clinic Plus
In the Clinic Plus advertisements we can see the influencer is the mother. The mothers are nurturing
providing what is best for their children; therefore they would select the best shampoo for nurturing
their children9s hair as well. Clinic Plus promises to help them to do that. It instils confidence in the
mothers who may give themselves credit for giving their daughters the freedom to experiment with
hair, without having to worry about their daughters9 hair fall
Head and Shoulders
The endorsements may lead consumers to externalize the benefits experienced from using H&S
sharing experiences with friends giving all the distinctive praises to the shampoo. The H&S
such as Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan makes consumer believe that after using the shampoo they
would look like them (stylish and centre of attraction)
Chik has used beautiful young urban women who are independent and ready to conquer the world.
depicts the minds of the modern Indian women and that is how the target market can relate with it.
leads consumers to discover a new and beautiful side to them and along with it, the confirmation
no goal is too far or unachievabl
ffective aspects reflected by advertisements of the three brands of shampoos
Clinic Plus
In the Clinic Plus advertisements we can see the influencer is the mother. The mothers are nurturing
providing what is best for their children; therefore they would select the best shampoo for nurturing
their children9s hair as well. Clinic Plus promises to help them to do that. It instils confidence in the
mothers who may give themselves credit for giving their daughters the freedom to experiment with
hair, without having to worry about their daughters9 hair fall
Head and Shoulders
The endorsements may lead consumers to externalize the benefits experienced from using H&S
sharing experiences with friends giving all the distinctive praises to the shampoo. The H&S
such as Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan makes consumer believe that after using the shampoo they
would look like them (stylish and centre of attraction)
Chik has used beautiful young urban women who are independent and ready to conquer the world.
depicts the minds of the modern Indian women and that is how the target market can relate with it.
leads consumers to discover a new and beautiful side to them and along with it, the confirmation
no goal is too far or unachievabl
Affective beliefs

Clinic plus

Clinic plus We can observe that the mother is the influencer in the Clinic Plus commercials. The
mothers use the greatest shampoo to care for their children's hair because they are nurturing and
want the best for their kids. Clinic Plus guarantees to assist them in achieving that. It gives mothers
confidence who might otherwise doubt their own ability to let their daughters experiment with their
hair without having to worry about their hair falling out.

Head and Shoulders

Consumers may externalise the advantages of using H&S by telling others about their experiences
and extolling the virtues of the shampoo as a result of the endorsements. Influencers from H&S like
Kareena Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan lead customers to assume that they will look like them after using
the shampoo (stylish and centre of attraction)


Chik has employed stunning, young, urban women who are self-sufficient and prepared to take on
the world. The target market can relate to this because it shows the thoughts of contemporary
Indian ladies. Customers that follow chic's lead discover a fresh and attractive aspect of themselves
as well as the assurance that no objective is out of reach or unreachable.

Some statements depicting Affective Beliefs:

 It reminds me of my childhood
 The person in this advertisement reminds me of myself
 It makes me feel in control
 It makes me feel confident
 It allows me to feel free and unworried
 It will make me feel like everyone’s eyes are on me

Some statements depicting Conative Beliefs:

 I will ask my friends or neighbours about this brand

 I will buy the brand because I like its advertisement
 I will ask the retailer about it before buying
 I will compare the prices of different brands before I buy

Ques 3.

In order to comprehend persuasion and attitude modification, the elaboration model of persuasion
was created. It suggests that there are two main ways to successfully persuade someone or change
their mindset. This dual process model's "central route," where attitude or behaviour change
happens as a result of the persuasive message, is the first route. Instead of a cognitive processing of
the persuasive message, the second route, or "peripheral route," relies on peripheral cues or choice
heuristics that are already present. Affecting and reducing consumer motivation to buy the
merchandise was the advertisement.

The central route of the elaboration likelihood model, which Clinic Plus and Chik utilised, allowed for
logical consideration of the product in relation to what is depicted in TV ads. On the other hand,
Head & Shoulder used a celebrity endorsement from Kareena Kapoor and other peripheral route
cues from the elaboration likelihood model.

Ques 4.

Brand Cognitive affective conative

Clinic plus medium high High
Head & Shoulders medium medium medium
chik low medium medium

As mentioned in the case, after comparing all the mean value of the factors considered in the
For head and shoulders, the mean value for the belief that it prevents dandruff, smell fresh, it makes
hair healthy and strong and it is recommended by hair experts is medium and at par with clinic plus.
Therefore, the cognitive score of head and shoulders and clinic plus would be medium. But for chik it
would be low.

Factors like -the shampoo makes them look beautiful, they feel confident, they feel free and
unworried, they feel in control and believe that Everyone's eye are on them when considered and
scores were compared among the three. We gave clinic plus high rating because the mean value for
that shampoo was highest while head & shoulder and showed similar scores so we have gave them
medium rating.

When the scores for the probability of buying that shampoo again in future, we rated conative belief
scores as high for clinic plus and medium for both head and shoulders and chik.

Ques 5.

Conative beliefs Clinic plus Head & shoulders chik

I will ask the retailer about 4.1 4.0 4.2
it before buying
I will tell my friends and 4.1 4.0 4.2
neighbours about my
experience with the brand
average 4.1 4.0 4.2

Total average 4.1

Cognitive beliefs Clinic plus Head & shoulders chik

It has a lot of chemicals in it 3.1 3.2 3.1
It prevents my hair from 3.8 3.9 3.3
getting dandruff
It makes my hair smell 3.9 3.9 3.9
It keeps my hair healthy 4.0 3.8 3.8
and strong
It has a great fragrance 3.9 3.9 3.8
It keeps hair untangled and 3.3 3.1 3.8
average 3.67 3.63 3.62
Average of 3 3.62

Affective beliefs Clinic plus Head & shoulders chik

It makes me look beautiful 4.1 3.2 3.3
It makes me feel confident 3.4 3.1 3.2
It allows me to feel free 3.4 3.0 3.2
and unworried
It reminds me of my 2.7 2.4 2.2
It makes me feel in control 3.4 3.2 3.3
It will make me refreshed 3.5 3.4 3.4
and revived
It will make me feel like 3.4 3.3 3.2
everyone’s eyes are on me
Average 3.41 3.08 3.11
Average of 3 3.2

According to the analysis, commercials for the shampoo brands Chik, Clinic Plus, and Head &
Shoulder heavily incorporate cognitive aspects. Either by their feelings or knowledge from reliable
sources, they demonstrate their functionality. As a result, in order to compete in this market, one
must either challenge existing cognitive ideas or secure more trustworthy endorsements.

Since the option of using natural, chemical-free products hasn't been chosen, the approach that can
be taken is focusing on the centre first. Our storyboard could highlight the value of selecting
shampoos with a long-term strategy in mind rather than opting for a quick fix.

Then, tradition can be used to evoke a sense of responsibility and nostalgia in the consumers.

Also the brand should focus on word of mouth strategy as the score of these factors are high for all
the three shampoo and it will build the trust towards the shampoo.

Product Strategy: To draw in rural consumers, the product's packaging should be in attractive,
colourful sachets. The usability of the products is more important to rural consumers. In rural areas,
brand awareness and loyalty are quite high. Therefore, it is necessary to establish a brand value
among rural clients first.

Distribution Channels:

Developing customised distribution plans for rural areas is crucial. The distribution plan designed
specifically for rural India includes:

 system of general distribution distributed canters with several uses

• Distribution all the way to mandi towns, feeder markets, hats, etc.

Pricing Strategy: Compared to metropolitan areas, customers' per capita income in rural areas is
fairly low. As a result, the product's pricing in the rural market should be lower than it is in the urban

Promotional Strategy: Television, radio, print media, and movies are not very well-liked in rural
markets. As a result, fresh and creative promotion tactics should be used. Promoting the goods at
local haats, melas, and mandis could be one tactic. Additionally, pamphlets detailing the product
might be sent to the people in their native tongues.

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