RIZAL Assignment 1

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Rizal Law

Name : John Ezequiel Longui Prof. Reyes

Section : 2 ALM
1. Discuss the history of the passing of the Rizal law
The Republic Act 1425 or better known as the Rizal Law led by Jose P. Laurel was approved on June
12, 1956 when it was still called House Bill No. 5561 led by Jacobo Gonzales and Senate Bill No. 438
led by Sen. Claro M. Recto. Several generations including the current generation have been affected
by the implementation of the Rizal Law which they have advanced. Implementing this has not been
easy for lawmakers. This bill went through a long process before it became law. A heated debate
ensued where various opinions and motives emerged from government leaders in their quest to
enact the Rizal Law. Several goals have been set out to better understand the importance of drafting
the Rizal Law. This is because there is a need to revive freedom and nationalism in which our heroes
have lived and sacrificed their lives. Moreover, the Rizal law helps to empower our knowledge and
critical understanding when it comes to our forefathers and the circumstances of that events we
should be aware and shouldn’t repeat. With the help of this law, every Filipino citizen is reminded of
the blood and sweat that our heroes have to offer that can inspire each other to help build a
successful nation. It is also to honour our national hero Dr. Jose P. Rizal and remind the Filipino
people of his accomplishments. For the articulation of the Law, it states that the curriculum of all
schools, colleges and universities, public or private, must be included in the study of life, works and
writings by Jose Rizal, in particular his two novels Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. In addition,
this law also states that every college and university is obligated to have and keep in its libraries
sufficient copies of the original and modern versions of Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo, as
well as other written material. of Rizal, including his biography.

2. Look for other laws that concerns Rizal

There are such laws perpetuate and respect the deeds of Rizal such as the Republic Act 289 or an
act that provides for the construction of monument national hero or patriots for the country. With the
purpose of immortalizing and remembering the struggle of our national heroes in the era of
colonialization in the past. Another law that concerning about upholding the ideals of Rizal is known
as Republic 646 or an act to convert the “ORDEN DE CABALLEROS DE RIZAL” into a public
corporation to be known in English as “KNIGHTS OF RIZAL” and Spanish as “ORDEN DE
CABALLEROS DE RIZAL. The said law encompasses the in organizing every festivities related to
Rizal and also have the duty to spread his teachings among the future generation. Lastly a law which
stems from the birth of our historical revolution is the Republic Act 8491 or also known as the flag and
heraldic code of the Philippines. This mainly aims to promulgate our national ideals and traditions
especially to remember those patriots who fought for our independence.

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