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CHC33015 Certificate III in

Individual Support
ment Workb


Assessment Workbook 2 Version No.1.6 Produced 27 April 2018

Page 2 Ambition Training Institute
Compliant Individual Support
Version 1.6 Produced 27April2018

Version control & document history

Date Summary of modifications made Version

Version 1 final produced following

02 June 2016 1.0
assessment validation.

Added ‘ethical’ in Knowledge

23 August 2016 1.1
Assessment, Part 1, question 3.
Modifications on the following:
- Reworded Knowledge
16 September Assessment Part 1: Question 3
2016 Added response field for Project 2:
SelfReflection Task 2 ‘Sources of
Modifications on the following:
3 October 2016 Contextualised content to individual 1.3
Updated Intranet logins; removed
Study 2 Question 6 Guidance
Rectified minor punctuation and
spelling errors in sections: ‘The
basic principles of
27 March 2017 1.4
assessing nationally recognised
training’ and ‘The rules of evidence’
Added citation in ‘The basic
principles of assessing nationally
recognised training’
Removed Feedback Section
Added Learner Guide Mapping
24 January 2018 Minor changes in formatting 1.5
Updated Subject Title

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Modifications include the following:
Updated resource to current style
guide. Minor changes in wording
27 April 2018 1.6
and formatting.
Updated title in the Assessment
Workbook Cover Sheet.

This is an interactive table of contents. If you are viewing this document
in Acrobat, clicking on a heading will transfer you to that page. If you
have this document open in Word, you will need to hold down the Control
key while clicking for this to work.
WHAT IS COMPETENCY-BASED ASSESSMENT...........................5
THE DIMENSIONS OF COMPETENCY........................................7
REASONABLE ADJUSTMENT...................................................8
THE UNITS OF COMPETENCY...............................................10
CONTEXT FOR ASSESSMENT................................................10
ASSESSMENT REQUIREMENTS.............................................11
ASSESSMENT METHODS.....................................................12
RESOURCES REQUIRED FOR ASSESSMENT.............................12
ASSESSMENT WORKBOOK COVER SHEET..............................13
KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT..................................................14
Part 1: Ethical and Legal Requirements for Direct Client Care...........14
Part 2: Safe Work Practices for Direct Client Care..............................26
PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT....................................................40
Instructions to Student.........................................................................40
CASE STUDIES..................................................................41
Case 1: The Case of Anna Bentley........................................................41
Scenario 1:................................................................................................................................................41
Scenario 2:................................................................................................................................................42
Scenario 3:................................................................................................................................................43
Roleplay Task...........................................................................................................................................44
Scenario 4:................................................................................................................................................45
Follow-up Questions.............................................................................................................................46
Case 2: The Case of Dennis Kyle..........................................................47
Scenario 1:................................................................................................................................................47
Scenario 2:................................................................................................................................................52
Roleplay Task...........................................................................................................................................53

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PROJECT ASSESSMENT.......................................................54

Project 1: Identifying Legal Requirements and Ethical Responsibilities......................................................54

Project 2: Self-Reflection..............................................................................................................................59
WORKBOOK CHECKLIST.....................................................62

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The questions in this workbook are divided into three (3) categories:
Knowledge Assessment, Case Study, and Project Assessment.
The questions under Knowledge Assessments are all in a short answer
format. The longer questions requiring creative and analytical thought
processes are covered in the Case Study and ProjectAssessment. You
must answer all questions using your own words. However, you may
reference your Learner Guide and other relevant resources and learning
materials to complete this assessment.
Some questions cover processes you would likely encounter in a
workplace. Ideally, you should be able to answer these questions based
on the processes that are currently in place in your workplace. However,
if you do not currently have access to a workplace, then answer the
questions based on processes that should be implemented in a typical
workplace setting.

Accessing Intranet Pages and External Links

There are instructions in this workbook that will refer you to intranet
pages and or external links. These intranet pages and external links are
formatted in BlueUnderlinedText.
To access these, hold the Ctrl key for Windows users or the Command ⌘
key for Mac users while clicking on these links.


The features of a competency based assessment system are:
 It is focused on what learners can do and whether it meets the
criteria specified by theindustry as competency standards.
 Assessment should mirror the environment the learner will
encounter in the workplace.
 Assessment criteria should be clearly stated to the learner at the
beginning of the learning process.

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 Assessment should be holistic. That is it aims to assess as many
elements and/or units of competency as is feasible at one time.
 In competency assessment, a learner receives one of only two
outcomes – competent or not yet competent.
 The basis of assessment is in applying knowledge for some purpose.
In a competency system, knowledge for the sake of knowledge is
seen to be ineffectual unless it assists a person to perform a task to
the level required in the workplace.
 The emphasis in assessment is on assessable outcomes that are
clearly stated for the trainer and learner. Assessable outcomes are
tied to the relevant industry competency standards where these
exist. Where such competencies do not exist, the outcomes are
based upon those identified in a training needs analysis.
Definition of Competency

Assessment in this context can be defined as:

 The fair, valid, reliable and flexible gathering and recording of
evidence to support thejudgement on whether competence has
been achieved. Skills and knowledge (developed either in a
structured learning situation, at work, or in some other context) are
assessed against national standards of competence required by
industry, rather than compared with the skills and knowledge of
other learners.


Developing and conducting assessment, in an Australian vocational
education and training context, is founded on a number of basic

The principles of assessment

 Assessment must be valid

- Assessment must include the full range of skills and
knowledge needed to demonstrate competency.

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- Assessment must include the combination of knowledge
and skills with their practical application.
- Assessment, where possible, must include judgements
based on evidence drawn from a number of occasions
and across a number of contexts.
 Assessment must be reliable
- Assessment must be reliable and must be regularly
reviewed to ensure that assessors are making decisions
in a consistent manner.
- Assessors must be trained in national competency
standards for assessors to ensure reliability.
 Assessment must be flexible
- Assessment, where possible, must cover both the on and
off-thejob components of training within a course.
- Assessment must provide for the recognition of
knowledge, skills and attitudes regardless of how they
have been acquired.
- Assessment must be made accessible to learners through
a variety of delivery modes so they can proceed through
modularised training packages to gain competencies.
- Assessment must be mutually developed and agreed
upon between assessor and the assessed.
- Assessment must be able to be challenged. Appropriate
mechanisms must be made for reassessment as a result

(Sourced and adapted from: Standards for RTOs 2015, Clauses 1.8 – 1.12)

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The rules of evidence
When collecting evidence, there are certain rules that apply to that
evidence. All evidence must be valid, sufficient, authentic and current;
 Valid
- Evidence gathered should meet the requirements of the
unit of competency. This evidence should match, or at
least reflect, the type of performance that is to be
assessed, whether it covers knowledge, skills or
 Sufficient
- This rule relates to the amount of evidence gathered. It is
imperative that enough evidence is gathered to satisfy
the requirements that the learner is competent in all
aspects of the unit of competency.
 Authentic
- When evidence is gathered the assessor must be satisfied
that evidence is the learner’s own work.
 Current
- This relates to the recency of the evidence and whether
the evidence relates to current abilities.

(Source: Training in Australia by M Tovey, D Lawlor)


The national concept of competency includes all aspects of work
performance and not only narrow task skills. The four dimensions of
competency are:
 Task skills
 Task management skills
 Contingency management skills

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 Job or role environment skills

Adapted Reasonable Adjustment in teaching, learning and assessment for
learners with a disability - November 2010 - Prepared by - Queensland
VET Development Centre
Reasonable adjustment in VET is the term applied to modifying the
learning environment or making changes to the training delivered to
assist a learner with a disability. A reasonable adjustment can be as
simple as changing classrooms to be closer to amenities or installing a
particular type of software on a computer for a person with vision

Why make a reasonable adjustment?

We make reasonable adjustments in VET to make sure that learners with
a disability have:
 the same learning opportunities as learners without a disability

 the same opportunity to perform and complete assessments as

those without a disability.

Reasonable adjustment applied to participation in teaching,

learning and assessment activities can include:
 customising resources and assessment activities within the training
package or accredited course
 modifying the presentation medium

 learner support

 use of assistive/adaptive technologies

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 making information accessible both beforeenrollment and during

the course monitoring the adjustments to ensure learner needs

continue to be met.

Assistive/Adaptive Technologies
Assistive/Adaptive technology means ‘software or hardware that has
been specifically designed to assist people with disabilities in carrying
out daily activities’ (World Wide Web Consortium - W3C). It includes
screen readers, magnifiers, voice recognition software, alternative
keyboards, devices for grasping, visual alert systems, digital note takers.

Reasonable adjustment made for collecting candidate assessment
evidence must not impact on the standard expected by the workplace, as
expressed by the relevant Unit(s) of Competency.E.g., If the assessment
were gathering evidence of the candidate’s competency in writing,
allowing the candidate to complete the assessment verbally would not be
a valid assessment method. The method of assessment used by any
reasonable adjustment must still meet the competency requirements.

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The units of competency specify the standards of performance required
in the workplace.
This assessment addresses the following unit(s) of competency from
CHC33015 Certificate III in Individual Support:

CHCLEG001 - Work legally and ethically

1. Identify and respond to legal requirements

2. Identify and meet ethical responsibilities
3. Contribute to workplace improvements

HLTWHS002 - Follow safe work practices for direct client care

1. Follow safe work practices for direct client care

2. Follow safe work practices for manual handling
3. Follow safe work practices for infection control
4. Contribute to safe work practices in the workplace
5. Reflect on own safe work practices

For complete copies of the above units of competency:

Download them from the TGA website: www.training.gov.au


To complete the assessments in this workbook, students need to have
access to their learning materials and the internet. The Knowledge

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Assessment and Case Studiesmaybe completed wholly at the student’s
home or chosen place of study. The Project Assessment must be
completed in a workplace.

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The assessment requirements specify the evidence and required
conditions for assessment.
Each unit of competency can be unbundled to reveal three key
assessment components:

1. Performance Evidence

- describes the subtasks that make up the element of the unit

2. Knowledge Evidence

- describes the knowledge that must be applied to understanding

the tasks described in the elements
3. Assessment Condition

- describes the environment and conditions that assessments

must be conducted under
The associated assessment method in this kit covers all of these
components as detailed in the matrix to follow:
Units of

Assessment Activities

Knowledge assessment  

Case studies  

Project Assessment  

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This workbook uses the following assessment methods:

1. Knowledge Assessment – A set of generic and workplace questions

testing the student’s general knowledge and understanding of the
general theory behind the unit.

2. Case Studies – Includes detailed scenarios and simulated

environments providing all necessary information required to
complete relevant tasks and activities.
3. Project Assessment – A set of tasks or activitiescompleted
according to set instructions and guidelines to meet the
requirements of the relevant units. These tasks and activities
require you to have access to a workplace.


Candidate will need access to:
 Computer with internet and email access and a working web

 Installed software: MS Word, Adobe Acrobat Reader

 At least one (1) volunteer to play the role of a care facility

 A video recording device (e.g. mobile phone, webcam, video

camera, etc.) A safe place to conduct the roleplay activities



To the candidate: Print this coversheet and complete it by filling in all the
required information and affixing your signature in the space provided. Your
signature must be handwritten. Scan the completed cover sheet and submit it
along with your evidence submissions. Use the filename: CHC30115 Subject 2
Cover Sheet.

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TITLE: Compliant Individual Support Practice



Please read the Candidate Declaration below and if you agree

to the terms of the declaration sign and date in the space
By submitting this work, I declare that:
 I have been advised of the assessment requirements, have been
made aware of my rights and responsibilities as an assessment
candidate, and choose to be assessed at this time.
 I am aware that there is a limit to the number of submissions
that I can make for each assessment, and I am submitting all
documents required to complete this Assessment Workbook.
 I have organised and named the files I am submitting according
to the instructions provided, and I am aware that my assessor
will not assess work that cannot be clearly identified and may
request the work be resubmitted according to the correct
 This work is my own and contains no material written by
another person except where due reference is made. I am aware
that a false declaration may lead to the withdrawal of
qualification or statement of attainment.

 I am aware that there is a policy of checking the validity of

qualifications that I submit as evidence as well as the
qualifications/evidence of parties who verify my performance or
observable skills. I give my consent to contact these parties for
verification purposes.

Name: Signature: Date:


Part 1: Ethical and Legal Requirements for Direct Client


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1.Briefly explain how the following legal and ethical considerations are
applied in organisations providing individual support services:
Guidance: Provide examples where necessary, e.g. specific legislation,
codes of practice which are relevant to the legal and ethical
considerations listed.

a)Children in the Australia has legislation in place to protect

workplace children. Service providers must have
management processes and protocols in order
to protect the health, welfare and well-being of
children entering the facility and others
working on the workforce with human service
personnel or other employees.

b)Codes of conduct Support facilities would typically include

standard code of conduct for individual
support workers in their organizational
policies and procedures SA.
It includes – respect, professionalism, privacy,
health and safety, ethics.

a)Codes of practice Support facilities are required to comply with

industry, local and regional governments'
practice codes, as well as other relevant
legislation. Person help workers are expected
to conform with a code of conduct and follow
industry-specific requirements.

b)Complaints Service providers are required to have a

management complaints management system. The system
should be readily available, confidential,
prompt and equitable. Inside the service, the
system should also be well-publicized. Usually
companies should have processes in place that
enable the handling of grievances that:
• Allow speedy and effective handling of many
• Increase existing partnerships between
service providers and treatment users, their
families and their representatives;
• Contribute to continuous service

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c)Continuing professional Organizations may provide mandatory

education instruction (e.g. fire training) and can give
their workers certain incentives for continued
vocational education. Continuing vocational
training is key to ensuring that individual
support workers can provide their clients with
the best care. It also ensures they keep their
knowledge and skills relevant and up to date.

d)Discrimination Strict protocols and practises are in effect to

ensure that the company complies with
existing anti-discrimination laws (e.g., equality
and fairness protocols). Person aid workers are
requested and required to offer the same high-
quality and secure treatment without prejudice
of the wise, class, age, social status of care
recipients, etc.

e)Dignity of risk To make informed personal choices and self-

determination everyone has the right to be
respected. A person is believed to have the
capacity to do so, unless otherwise stated.
When a individual has diminished capacity for
decision-making, then a replacement decision-
maker can be appointed. All decisions must
involve the client, their wishes, what's right for
them and the relevant information and possible
consequences must be provided.

f)Duty of care Help services and staff have a caring

responsibility for their customers to perform.
The duty of care is a moral responsibility of
service facilities and human support staff to
prevent omission (failure to act) actions that
are likely to place clients and others in risk.

i) Human rights: The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Universal Declaration includes individual support staff as they are
of Human Rights integrated into applicable business practises
and regulations. The Universal Declaration of
Human Rights is accepted in the laws of
Australia e.g. 1992 Disability Discrimination

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j) Human rights: Human rights are rooted essentially in human

Relationship between needs. All human beings, for example,
human needs and human essentially need food , water , clothing, and
rights shelter to survive. As these are fundamental
necessities to survive, they must be accessible
to all human beings.

k) Human rights: Several frameworks, approaches and

Frameworks, approaches instruments are applied in recognizing and
and instruments used in upholding these rights. Including:
the workplace
 Person-centered care and planning
 Consumer-led care.
 Policies and processes, for example
 Receiving customer feedback.
 Quality in quality or accreditation.
 Continuous change

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l) Informed consent Individual support workers must provide
enough information for the care to be provided
to clients, so that the client can consent to
something they fully understand. Consent can
be inferred, conveyed orally, and written.

m) Mandatory reporting Mandatory coverage requires constitutional

obligation or necessity. This requires
compulsory protocols for reporting on:
• Alleged abuse cases
• Suspected incidents of WHS neglect
• Emergency response
• Safety issues and any related improvements
to consumer health, etc.

n) Practice standards Individual aid workers follow the service

standards below in individual support:
Residential Care:
 Standard one: Administration, personnel
and corporate growth programmes
 Second Standard: Health and family
 Standard three: Lifestyle of care
 Standard four: Physical and Secure
Treatment at Home:
 Standard one: Effective control
 Standard two: adequate access and
delivery of services
 Standard three: The duties and
obligations of service consumers

o) Practitioner/client There are limits in the individual worker-client

boundaries support relationship, and both must respect
this and adhere to it. Person service staff will
also establish and rarely go into a respectful
working relationship with their clients. This is
abused by an individual support worker when
they get overly interested in personal affairs of
a client (e.g. health, economy, etc.), or when
the actual support worker enters into a

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intimate relationship with a client.

p) Privacy, confidentiality, It is always necessary to respect and uphold

and the privacy and confidentiality of all support
disclosure staff , clients, workers and supervisors. It
involves sharing details on and on the correct
grounds and reasons only (e.g. where
permission has been granted by the individual,
complying with certain legal requirements

q) Policy frameworks In the policy setting, an employee support

worker will understand how strategies,
processes, and other organizational records
are created.

r) Records management Person support employees must comply with

privacy regulations and adhere to legal and
ethical requirements regarding safety, secrecy
and transparency when completing,
maintaining, storing and recording workplace
information. When part of this, the company
needs policies and guidelines to ensure the
confidentiality of the sensitive details of clients
as well as employees. In the service business,
other legal and ethical issues include:
• Workers', employers' and clients' rights and
• Legislation on industrial relations relevant to
the conditions of employment
• Health and safety at work

s) Rights and Employers –

responsibilities of:
 A safe environment
- Workers
- Employers  Adequate facilities
- Clients
Workers –
Guidance: Provide at least  Obey reasonable instruction that the employer may give
two (2) examples of rights in relation to health or safety at work.
and responsibilities for
each.  Comply with any policy that applies at the workplace
published or approved by the minister after seeking the

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advice of the advisory committee.

Clients –
 Legal and ethical rights
 Universal rights

t) Industrial relations
legislation relevant to
There are several sources of assistance should
employment conditions of you need help, the safest way to proceed if
role you're uncertain is to email one of the
• Fair Work Ombudsman
• Fair Work Australia

u) Work health and For an individual support worker, complying

safety with WHS laws means taking reasonable steps
to ensure the health and safety of your own,
your clients and others. That is the
responsibility of care of the human support

2. Briefly explain the consequences if the following legal and ethical

considerations are breached:

a)Children in the Australia has legislation in place to protect

workplace children. Service providers must have
management processes and protocols in order
to protect the health, welfare and well-being of

b)Codes of conduct Support facilities would typically include

standard code of conduct for individual support
workers in their organizational policies and
procedures SA.

c)Codes of practice Support facilities are required to comply with

industry, local and regional governments'
practice codes, as well as other relevant
legislation. Person help workers are expected
to conform with a code of conduct and follow
industry-specific requirements.

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d)Complaints Service providers are required to have a
management complaints management system. The system
should be readily available, confidential,
prompt and equitable. Inside the service, the
system should also be well-publicized.

a)Continuing Organizations may provide mandatory

professional instruction (e.g. fire training) and can give
education their workers certain incentives for continued
vocational education.

b)Discrimination Strict protocols and practises are in effect to

ensure that the company complies with existing
anti-discrimination laws (e.g., equality and
fairness protocols).
c)Dignity of risk To make informed personal choices and self-
determination everyone has the right to be
respected. A person is believed to have the
capacity to do so, unless otherwise stated.

d)Duty of care The duty of care is a moral responsibility of

service facilities and human support staff to
prevent omission (failure to act) actions that
are likely to place clients and others in risk.

e)Human rights Several frameworks, approaches and

instruments are applied in recognizing and
upholding these rights. Including:
 Person-centered care and planning
 Consumer-led care.
 Policies and processes, for example
 Receiving customer feedback.
 Quality in quality or accreditation.
 Continuous change

f)Informed consent Individual support workers must provide

enough information for the care to be provided
to clients, so that the client can consent to
something they fully understand. Consent can
be inferred, conveyed orally, and written.

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g)Mandatory reporting Mandatory coverage requires constitutional
obligation or necessity. This requires
compulsory protocols for reporting on:
• Alleged abuse cases
• Suspected incidents of WHS neglect
• Emergency response
• Safety issues and any related improvements
to consumer health, etc.

h)Practice standards Individual aid workers follow the service

standards below in individual support:
Residential Care:
 Standard one: Administration, personnel
and corporate growth programmes
 Second Standard: Health and family
 Standard three: Lifestyle of care
 Standard four: Physical and Secure

a)Practitioner/client There are limits in the individual worker-

boundaries client support relationship, and both must
respect this and adhere to it. Person service
staff will also establish and rarely go into a
respectful working relationship with their
b)Privacy, It is always necessary to respect and uphold
confidentiality and the privacy and confidentiality of all support
disclosure staff , clients, workers and supervisors

c)Policy frameworks In the policy setting, an employee support

worker will understand how strategies,
processes, and other organizational records
are created.

d)Records management Person support employees must comply with

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privacy regulations and adhere to legal and
ethical requirements regarding safety, secrecy
and transparency when completing,
maintaining, storing and recording workplace
e)Rights and If the organization does not follow proper
responsibilities of guidelines and provide individuals with their
workers,employers rights then it may find itself standing in the
and clients area of legal and ethical breach.

f)Industrial relations There are a lot of demands on you as an adult support worker.
legislation relevant The more you know your rights and duties, the more you will
to be able to live up to those standards and become a valued team
employment conditions member.
of role
g)Specific legislation in If specific legislation and objectives are not
the area of work – met then it can lead to dismissal of the aged
objectives and key care worker from the facility.

a)Work health and We all have a duty of care to fulfil under WHS
safety laws. This covers service providers, staff and
even customers, as well as their family and

3. Briefly explain how legal and ethical considerations can impact

individual support workers who work in community services and in
the healthcare context.

Legal Issues and Offenses-

• Nursing home / residential support facility abuse and neglect
• Discrimination and Client Harassment
• Mindfulness in duty in service
• Infringement of secrecy and confidentiality of the personal and
treatment records of customers
• Failure to conform with the legal provisions, such as rules of conduct,
guidelines, etc.
• Residents lack access to medical records and care records
• Legal matters relating to health

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• The misuse of medicines
• Company susceptibility to identity fraud;

Infringements and ethical issues

• Lack of specific family guidelines requiring care institutions to take
actions that are especially important to hospitalization, intrusive /
invasive interference, etc.
• Ethical problems relevant to managing pain
• Unless medication is delayed or removed
• Sedation with palliative effect
• Conflict of interest
• Client / family assistance through responsible decision taking,
agreement etc.
• Uninformed about rights, e.g. making a complaint or proceeding with
• Not being treated individually and supported to satisfy individual

4. Briefly explain the similarities and differences that may exist

between legal and ethical frameworks.

a)Similarities Both legal and ethical frameworks are based on

decision-making on support issues, including how
organisational policies and practises are
implemented in a support facility.

b)Differences In the legal system it is the law that decides the

legal course of action. Legalities are founded on a
limited series of principles and laws defined by the
branches of government.
In the ethical framework, it is the individual who
determines the ethical course of action. Our belief
systems (religion), societal norms, law etc. may
affect ethics

5. Briefly explain the interrelationship differences that may exist

between legal and ethical frameworks.

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a)Similarities There are also interrelated regulatory and ethical
systems. Often regulations are not focused on
principlescompulsory coverage has been created by
statute to shield citizens from violence and
misconduct, and often contradictions exist between
the two.

b)Differences In the legal system it is the law that decides the

legal course of action. Legalities are founded on a
limited series of principles and laws defined by the
branches of government.
In the ethical framework, it is the individual who
determines the ethical course of action. Our belief
systems (religion), societal norms, law etc. may
affect ethics

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6. List two (2) examples of legal issues that commonly arise in a
support setting. Guidance: Provide responses which are only
relevant to the work role of an individual support worker.

a)Aged care rights

b)Work health and safety act

7. List two (2) examples of ethical issues that commonly arise in a

support setting. Guidance: Provide responses which are only
relevant to the work role of an individual support worker.

a)Patient confidentiality

b)malpractice and negligence

8.Answer the questions that follow based on the scenario described

Cindy Smith is a new resident of Lotus Compassionate Care.
While you were preparing her breakfast, she shared with you
how she was “put away” in the centre. A couple of months ago
she had spent some time in the hospital due to a major surgery.
During this time, her son offered to help manage her finances.
She said that she thought it seemed like a good idea at the
time, so she signed an Enduring Power of Attorney, not fully
knowing the extent of the power she handed over to her son.
When she went home about two months later, she checked her
bank statements and found that her bank balance dropped by
$25,000. Another month later, she found that the house was
being sold, and she was being asked to choose a home.

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a)Briefly explain how you will respond to the situation described above.
Guidance: Take note of your legal and ethical responsibilities as an
individual support worker.

We should tell this situation to the manager of the organization and

discuss it with him as it is a clear case of financial abuse, so a legal
inquiry in this matter might also be there and re-assure the individual
that you will look into this matter.

b) List one legal consideration you have to address in responding to the

given situation.

The violation of Universal Human rights is there.’

c) List one (1) ethical consideration you have to address in responding

to the given situation.

The right to privacy and confidentiality, before disclosing the

information to anyone, firstly ask the client if he or she wants a legal
action over it.

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9.Answer the following question based on the scenario described
below: Joshua Black is a resident at Lotus Compassionate Care.
While supporting him with his bath, you noticed rashes all over
his arms and torso. You asked him when it appeared, and he
casually told you not to worry about it. He explained that Mary,
a new staff member, didn’t know he was allergic to ibuprofen
and gave him some for his arthritis. He said the young lady
looked really worried, so he told her not to worry about it
because he’s had it before and it’s nothing serious. Mary is
also an individual support worker like yourself and is not
authorised to give medication to clients.
Briefly explain how you will respond to the situation described
Guidance: Take note of your legal and ethical responsibilities as an
Individual support worker.

a)Briefly explain how you will respond to the situation described above.
Guidance: Take note of your legal and ethical responsibilities as an
individual support worker.

This is violation of the rules and responsibilities by an aged care

worker. In an aged care we are bound to do activities in our area of
boundary and are not allowed to administer any kind of medications.
Such a situation should be firstly discussed with the manager of the
health care company as well as the employee and then any action
should be taken in these circumstances.

b) List one (1) legal consideration you have to address, in responding to

the given situation.

User legal rights are violated as per charter of aged care rights.

c) List one (1) ethical consideration you have to address in responding

to the given situation

The right to an appropriate standard of care to meet individual needs.

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Page 30 Ambition Training Institute
10.Provide an outline how workplace policies, procedures and protocols
are/should be developed and reviewed. Provide a brief explanation of
each step.
Guidance: There is a range of acceptable answers for this question,
however, you must include in your explanation development processes
to ensure all policy requirements are covered, including but not
limited to consultation and mechanisms for input.

1. Define Scope of policy

2. Research, plan and design policy
3. Identify and consent relevant stakeholders
4. Draft policy
5. Review and revise
6. Implement

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Part 2: Safe Work Practices for Direct Client Care

11.Briefly explain how the following State/Territory legislation relevant

to support services impact workplace regulations.

a)State/Territory WHS Workplace regulations will typically include

authorities provisions for fulfilling specific duties under
the WHS Acts, and other procedural or
administrative requirements to support the
WHS Act. These could include but are not
restricted to:
· Provision of permits for practises and
record keeping
· Require workers to receive preparation
and/or evaluation before certain activities
are performed
· Reporting procedures in compliance with
relevant WHS Act requirements
• Monitoring the state police
· Compulsory training, for example fire

b)Rights and An employer must ensure that their workers

responsibilities of and employees are free from injuries and
employersGuidance: safety threats whilst at the workplace.
include duty of care Workplace regulations will thus usually
include provisions which promote and
• Safe Surroundings
• Fitting services
• Quality and access to appropriate material,
guidance, preparation and monitoring to
ensure that both employee and company is
free from injuries and safety risks
• Procedure and Laws

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c)Rights and Employees must take good caution to prevent
responsibilities of an act or inaction in the workplace adversely
workers Guidance: impacting the health or welfare of themselves
include duty of care or any other individual (coworkers or clients).
Typically, workplace regulations will include
provisions requiring employees to:
• Using health or safety devices issued.
· Obey reasonable instructions given by the
employer in relation to occupational health or
· Comply with any policy that applies to the
workplace that the Minister has published or
approved after seeking advice from the
Advisory Committee.
• Ensure that the employee does not risk the
employee's own health at work or the health
of any other person at work by drinking
alcohol or drugs.

d)Hazardous manual tasks Workplace laws may usually contain

requirements that allow workers to follow
prescribed manual handling protocols and
routinely review certain procedures to ensure
employee and customer health. This
evaluation typically encompasses:
• Identify threats
• Risk-evaluation
• Risk-check

e)Infection control Usually, the occupational regulations will

contain policies and procedures which
• Personal grooming and the treatment of
• The use of personal protective apparatus
• Safe use and elimination of sharps
• Clean up the air regularly
• Incorporation of safe blood processing
procedures, bodily fluids, and secretions, and

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12.Briefly explain how the following State/Territory legislation relevant
to support services impact codes of practice.
Guidance: Provide examples to support your response.

a)State/Territory WHS Human support staff have a higher than

authorities normal chance of being seriously injured at
work, as such, the authorities of the State /
Territory WHS develop workplace guidelines
that will mitigate this risk. This covers but is
not restricted to:
• Secure transfer of persons
• Bringing men back into bed
• Switch people from their beds and chairs
• To switch users from toilets and baths
• Assisting those who fell

b)Rights and They must exercise due diligence to ensure

responsibilities of that the organization’s health and safety
employersGuidan obligations are met. This duty is related to
ce: include duty strategic, structural, policy and key resource
of care decisions; that is, how the location is
managed. Due diligence means taking
prudent action to:
• Acquire and retain up-to - date awareness of
workplace health and safety issues.
• Consider the complexity and procedures of
the job and the associated threats and
• Ensure that the agency has enough tools
and procedures and uses them to reduce or
mitigate health and safety threats at operate.
• Ensure appropriate processes are in place
for the organization to receive and consider
information on work-related incidents,
hazards and risks and to respond in a timely
• Ensure that the company has and maintains
procedures to meet its responsibilities and
commitments (such as reporting notifiable
accidents, communicating with staff,
compliance with alerts, delivering proper

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preparation and guidance and ensuring that
HSRs are entitled to preparation).
• Verify the provision and use of the
resources and processes concerned.

a)Rights and Workers must take reasonable care of their

responsibilities of own health and safety while at work, and that
workers of others who might be affected by their
Guidance: actions or omissions. We do need:
include duty of Conform with all fair directions provided by
care the agency to conform with WHS laws in so
far as they are competent.
Cooperate with the fair occupational health or
safety protocol or practice of the company
that has been communicated to staff. In the
help environment the following workplace
rights and obligations apply:

Employee freedoms include but are limited

• Abandon deductions
• Safeguarding gender misconduct and sexual
• The freedom to operate in healthy
Employee competencies include but are not
limited to:
• Take fair consideration about others' health
and welfare
• Record any hazardous work conditions,
casualties or accidents

b)Hazardous manual Policies and protocols have been created to

tasks reduce or remove the risks posed by unsafe
manual handling and slides, drops and falls to
health and safety. Examples, but not limited
• Secure transfer of persons
• Bringing men back into bed
• Switch people from their beds and chairs

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• To switch users from toilets and baths
• Assisting those who fell

c)Infection control Policies and procedures for minimizing and/or

eliminating the risk of infection within a
support environment have been developed.
Relevant government principles and
standards are used to develop internal
policies and procedures relevant for the
control of infections. One proof of this is the
'Australian Recommendations on Hospital
Infection Prevention and Management'

13.Briefly explain how the following State/Territory legislation relevant

to support services impact industry standards.
Guidance: Provide examples to support your response.

a)State/Territory WHS Human support staff have a higher than

authorities normal chance of being seriously injured at
work, as such, the authorities of the State /
Territory WHS develop workplace guidelines
that will mitigate this risk

b)Rights and They must exercise due diligence to ensure

responsibilities of that the organization’s health and safety
employersGuidan obligations are met. This duty is related to
ce: include duty strategic, structural, policy and key resource
of care decisions; that is, how the location is

a)Rights and Workers must take reasonable care of their

responsibilities of own health and safety while at work, and that
workers of others who might be affected by their
Guidance: actions or omissions. We do need:
include duty of Conform with all fair directions provided by
care the agency to conform with WHS laws in so
far as they are competent.

b)Hazardous manual Policies and protocols have been created to

tasks reduce or remove the risks posed by unsafe

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manual handling and slides, drops and falls to
health and safety. Examples, but not limited
• Secure transfer of persons
• Bringing men back into bed
• Switch people from their beds and chairs
• To switch users from toilets and baths
• Assisting those who fell
c)Infection control Policies and procedures for minimizing and/or
eliminating the risk of infection within a
support environment have been developed.
Relevant government principles and
standards are used to develop internal
policies and procedures relevant for the
control of infections. One proof of this is the
'Australian Recommendations on Hospital
Infection Prevention and Management'

14. Identify the following safety signs by matching them to their correct
meaning.Choose your answers from the list provided under each
safety sign.

a) b) c)

Biological hazard
Toxic chemicals Hospital/ First aid

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d) e) f)

Wear Mask Gloves must be sworn

Automated heart defibrillator

g) h) i)

Fire exit
Cautious Radioactive materials Parking for people with
disability only
j) k) l)

Biohazard Crush hazard

No sharps

15. Which of the following definitions best explain the meaning of

hazard? Guidance: Select one (1) response.

a)A hazard is anything that has the potential to cause injury or

b) A hazard is a likelihood (probability) that an injury/illness will
occur and its potential severity (consequences).

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c) A hazard is a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation
requiring immediate action.

d) None of the definitions is correct.

16. Consider a typical support facility.

a) Identify three (3) examples of hazards commonly found in
support facilities. Include at least one (1) specific hazard
relating to manual tasks, infection control, and general
personal safety.
b) List two (2) possible harmful effects that may be caused by
each hazard identified.
c) List two (2) strategies to minimise the risks posed by each
hazard identified.

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Hazard Possible harmful effects Strategies to minimise
Fire Hazards Severe burns • Ensure everybody knows what
Loss of property to do in the case of a fire
• Install hearing impaired Special

Infection Various diseases • The diagnosis as highly

Outbreak in the home setting contagious in all human body
fluids, organs and tissues.
• Wearing personal protection
equipment (PPE) such as gowns,
boots, helmets and goggles if skin,
eyes or mouth are likely to meet
oils, blood and tissues in the
human body.

• Prepare. Apply and carry out an

Manual Handling Musculoskeletal Injury environmental risk assessment.
Physical injuries e.g. bruises • Refer to the care plan of the

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17. Briefly outline the typical workplace procedures for hazard

Human support staff have a higher than normal chance of being seriously injured
at work, as such, the authorities of the State / Territory WHS develop workplace
guidelines that will mitigate this risk. This covers but is not restricted to:

 Secure transfer of persons

 Bringing men back into bed

 Switch people from their beds and chairs

 To switch users from toilets and baths

 Assisting those who fell

18. Which of the following statements describe the responsibilities of a

support recipient relevant to safety considerations in a home-based
Guidance: Select three (3) responses.
a)Participating in safety assessments of their home.

b) Ensuring their pets are controlled during service provision.

c) Providing a dedicated smoking area for an individual support

worker, if applicable.

d) Securing any equipment and/or supplies recommended by the

individual support workerto be able to provide proper care.

e)Providing cleaning equipment that is suitable and well maintained.

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Ambition Training Institute

19. Which of the following statements describe the rights of a client

relevant to safety considerations in a home-based environment?
Guidance: Select three (3) responses.

a To receive reliable, coordinated, safe, quality care and services

) which are appropriate to clients’ assessed needs.

b To receive support according to the decisions of the service

) provider.
c To be treated without exploitation, abuse, discrimination,
) harassment or neglect.

d To receive care without being obliged to feel grateful to those

) providing my care.

Page 42
e To independently revise their own care plan.
20.Which of the following statements describe the responsibilities of an
individual support worker relevant to safety considerations in a home-
based environment?
Guidance: Select three (3) responses.
Clearly communicate and understand what services are to be
provided to the client.
bAssess additional services before being performed and report to
c Provide equipment and supplies outside the scope of
) responsibility required to ensure safe and proper provision of
d Repair broken steps, provide adequate lighting, restrain the
) animal, etc.
e Review an activity that may have changed to ensure the controls
) are still working or need to be altered within the scope of
21. Which of the following statements describe the rights of an individual
support worker relevant to safety considerations in a home-based
Guidance: Select three (3) responses.
a)Have policy and procedure in place for reporting risks/hazards.

b) Ignore WHS risks/hazards as the client’s home is their problem.

c)Be provided with relevant WHS training.

d) Have regular workplace risk assessments conducted.

e) Individual support workers have no WHS rights when it comes to

working in a client’s home.

22. List three (3) examples of basic home fire safety considerations when
working in a home-based environment.

a)• Examine smoke detectors

b)• Prepare fire escape plans or revisit them
c)• Install hearing impaired Special Alarms

23. Identify at least two (2) high-risk groups in support services.

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a)People over age of 65
b) People with disabilities

24. Refer to your responses in the previous question. Briefly explain fire
safety considerations for individual support workers working with
high-risk groups in a home-based environment.

• Examine smoke detectors

• Prepare fire escape plans or revisit them
• Install hearing impaired Special Alarms
• Ensure everybody knows what to do in the case of a fire
• Carefully treat bags full of wheat
• Always be vigilant about possible fires
• Do not smoke while in bed
• Install a registered electronic health switch
• Should not overwhelm electricity outlets
• A certified electrician routinely inspects electrical equipment
• Regular compulsory training and fire drills

25. Name three (3) behaviours that may contribute to fire injuries and
fatalities when working in a home-care environment.

a)• The very elderly and/or the disabled may depend on others for their safety
and their escape.
b)• The very elderly and/or persons with disabilities may have forgotten
tendencies that may lead to fire accidents and injuries (forgot to turn off the stove,
left the iron on, etc.). The very elderly and/or persons with disabilities may have
decreased dexterity, which may lead to fire accidents.
c)• The employees do not report any hazards, such as broken electrical

26.Complete the table below by outlining the prescribed placement,

installation and maintenance of a smoke alarm in the home.
Guidance: You may refer to the provisions specific to your home

South Australia

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What are the legal Legislation requires that a qualified electrician install hard-
responsibilities of home- wired (240 volt) smoke alarms. Battery-powered alarms may
owners be installed by the householder, carefully following the
to install working smoke manufacturer’s instructions.
alarms in their homes.
What is the prescribed These alarms must be hard-wired to the 240-volt mains power
placement of smoke alarms supply unless the dwelling is not connected to such a supply.
within a house?

What are the testing and Press the test button once a month, and when you return
maintenance requirements from an extended absence, to ensure that the smoke alarm is
for smoke alarms? working. Test the backup battery of a hard-wired (240 volt)
alarm by isolating the power supply (main switch or circuit
breaker) before pushing the test button. If the smoke alarms
are inter-connected make sure that the interconnected
smoke alarms also sound when you press the test button. To
test the alarms which are connected to a security system,
refer to the owner instruction manual or follow the testing
advice which is displayed on the control panel.
27. List three (3) examples of risks to individual support worker’s personal
safetywhen working in a home-based environment.

a)Slips, trips and falls

b)Manual handling injuries
c)Assault and musculoskeletal disorders

28. List three (3) common sources of infection and ways to minimise the
transfer of infection within the support facility.

How to minimise their transfer to

Sources of infection
the care facility

a)• By opening the body, through • Hand washing between tasks is

contaminated hands or materials. effective.
• Use of aseptic techniques when
b)By contact of blood to blood necessary.
through broken skin or mucous • Avoid touching the sharps when
membrane. materials are disposed of.
c)The inhalation of airborne bacteria • Infectious waste carefully
disposed of and handled.
• Use of cleaning agents
• Vaccinations.
• Food processed and treated

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Ambition Training Institute Page 45
29. The statements below describe the fundamentals of the
musculoskeletal system. Fill in the missing words to make the
paragraph correct. Choose your answers from the drop-down list
provided after each response field.

The back has (a) four

natural curve/s.

The spine has (b)twenty-four

bones (vertebrae).

(c) Discs betweenthe vertebrae absorb shock.

The muscles and joints at the back receive the (d)least strain
in an upright posture which maintains the natural curves.

These natural curves should be maintained in order to prevent (e)back pain


30.List two (2) examples of practices to minimise musculoskeletal

injuries to self as an individual support worker and to clients.
Guidance: At least one (1) response should refer to the self and at
least one (1) should refer to the clients.

a) Planning. Apply and conduct an environmental hazard assessment.

b)Using manual handling devices (e.g. hoist) properly according to the
experience and the directions of the maker.

31. Consider a typical support facility and answer the questions that

a) List two (2) examples of emergency procedures typically implemented

in support facilities.
Provide an outline of each emergency procedure that you have
i.Fire emergency procedures- When it comes to fire protection, you will remember
that individuals over the age of 65 are known to be at greater risk of fire accidents.
They 're known to be individuals at high risk.
ii.Disaster emergency procedures

b) List two (2) examples of WHS policies and procedures typically

implemented in support facilities.
Briefly describe the WHS policies and procedures that you have
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1.Hazard reporting
2. Incident reporting- WHS law provides minimum standards for reporting
notifiable accidents. There are accidents at work that must be reported to
approved WHS regulators.
Instructions to Student

This section of this workbook covers the assessment of your skills

relevant to the performance evidence requirements included in Subject
This assessment is completed using simulated tasks based on given case
study scenarios. You will not need access to a workplace or a support
facility to complete these tasks.
This practical assessment will assist your completion of the assessment
activities relevant to the requirements of the units covered in this
Assessment Activities

Part 1: Case Study Assessment

 Case Study: Anna Bentley
 Case Study: Dennis Kyle
Part 2: Project Assessment
 Project 1 – Identify legal requirements and ethical
 Project 2 – Self-reflection

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Case 1: The Case of Anna Bentley

This is Anna and her daughter Julia.

Anna is 82-years-old and has been a
resident of Lotus Compassionate
Care for two (2) years. Julia is Anna’s
only child.
Although Julia did not like the idea of
her mother living in a home, Anna
convinced Julia that it was the best
for both of them.

Julia is 36-years-old and has never been married. Anna believes that she
is the only reason why Julia has not settled down yet. Anna believes her
daughter shouldn’t be spending all of her free time taking care of her.
She wants Julia to live a life of her own.
Apart from Anna’s arthritis which makes it difficult for her to move
around, Anna’s mind and body are very healthy for her age.
Scenario 1:

Anna has been recently diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer. Having
caught the cancer at an early stage, the doctor advised Anna to consider
having a mastectomy and chemotherapy. Anna refused the surgery and
treatment fearing how risky and difficult it will be at her age.
Anna made arrangements to make sure she will be ready if her condition
worsens. Although she has never needed a substitute decision-maker
(SDM), Anna appointed her sister-in-law, Cynthia, as her SDM, should
one be needed.
Anna also signed a refusal of treatment certificate (advanced care
directive), which includes a do-not-resuscitate order. Anna has asked the
centre and her sister not to let Julia know of her cancer and her decision
not to have the treatment.
Rose, an individual support worker, has been providing care for Anna
since she moved to the centre. She has become really good friends with
both Anna and Julia.
She thinks Anna is making a mistake by not taking the treatment.

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Page 48 Ambition Training Institute
Identify two (2) potential ethical dilemmas that Rose might
encounter in the given scenario.
a)End of life issues
b)Confidentiality issues

Scenario 2:

Rose learned that she was included in Anna’s will. In the event of Anna’s
death, Rose will be receiving a monetary token of gratitude for her
services. Rose is currently going through a financial crisis and thinks the
money she will receive from Anna will help her considerably.
She decided that she will find a way to make Anna have the surgery and
the treatment. She believes her decision to do this is justified because
she really believes that Anna has a good chance of beating the cancer,
and in case Anna does not make it through the surgery or the
chemotherapy, then she will be able to receive the money from Anna.

2) Identify the conflict of interest in the given scenario.

Guidance: Consider your own emotional involvement as the individual
support worker in the given scenario. Consider also the personal
interests of the other parties involved (Anna and Julia).

As a support worker, rose will be finding it very difficult to take decision regarding her health issues,
but the surgery is a best option for anna and she can definitely recover from that, but if in case she
doesn’t she will have to loose her good friend and get prepared to overcome this situation. The
personal interest will be here that she will get money if anything unfortunate happens to anna.

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Scenario 3:

Rose told you about her condition, the money she will receive from
Anna’s will, and the financial struggles she is currently having.
Rose plans to tell Julia about Anna’s condition, and convince her to talk to
Anna and convince her to have the surgery and chemotherapy.
Rose asks for your advice.

What advice will you give Rose?

The advice given to rose will include the potential consequences of any kind of breach and we will
also let her know that she should not think of her benefit own.

4) Identify one (1) potential and one (1) actual breach described in the
given scenario.
Guidance: You must identify one actual breach and one potential

Potential breach: End of life issues and the person will

Actual breach: Confidentiality

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Roleplay Task
The aim of this role-playing activity is to allow you to demonstrate your
skills in:
 Recognising potential breaches and reporting these breaches
according to organisational procedures.
 Recognising potential ethical issues and dilemmas and discuss with
the appropriate person.

You will be playing the role of an individual support worker working at

Lotus Compassionate Care. For the purpose of this assessment, the
organisational protocol requires all staff to report to the supervisor any
identified potential breach of client directives.

To complete this task, you will need access to:

 A video recorder A volunteer: o One (1) volunteer to play the role
of your supervisor

With a volunteer (to play the role of your supervisor), simulate a

conversation to report the potential breach of client directives. Refer to
your responses from Case Study 1, Question 4.
To document your completion of this task and to allow your assessor to
evaluate your performance, you are required to submit a video recording
of this roleplay conversation. The video must not be longer than three (3)
Save your video file using the filename: Subject 2-RP1
Take note that your assessor will be evaluating you against the following
Assessor checklist
(for assessor’s use only, please leave this section blank)

1) Did the candidate report both the potential and actual

breaches described in the given scenario?

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2) Did the candidate discuss with the supervisor other
potential ethical issues and dilemmas involved in the
Guidance: Include potential and actual conflicts of interest you
have identified.

Scenario 4:

Despite your advice, Rose decides to go through with her plan. Not
knowing how Julia found out about her condition, Anna files a complaint
against Lotus Compassionate Care for breach of privacy and
Lotus has launched a full investigation to determine who provided Julia
with the confidential information.

5) Identify at least one (1) unethical conduct described in the


6) You know it was Rose who breached the confidentiality agreement.

What will you do?

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Follow-up Questions

7) Identify how the investigation by Lotus Compassionate Care could

have been avoided.

8) Review Lotus Compassionate Care’s Policies and Procedures by

clicking here.
(username: newusername password: newpassword)

Are there any provisions or protocols regarding what must be done

when an employee breaches the client’s confidentiality?

9) Create an email to your supervisor. In your email, suggest two (2)

protocols for Lotus Compassionate Care on what to do should a
scenario like Rose’s happen again.
Guidance: There is no need to send an actual email to address provided

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To: rachel.a@yourdomain.com



Case 2: The Case of Dennis Kyle

Dennis Kyle has been a resident of Lotus Compassionate Care for over a
year. Dennis has arthritis, which makes it difficult for him to move
around. He is 72-years-old.
Before his stay at Lotus Compassionate Care, Dennis was being cared for
by his wife Sheryl. Sheryl passed away two years ago.
Their only son, John, was involved in a car accident years ago and is
confined to a wheelchair. John is being cared for by his children in
Ireland, where Dennis originally came from before moving to Melbourne
40 years ago, to marry Sheryl.
Because of these conditions, Dennis was placed in Lotus Compassionate

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Scenario 1:

To make him feel as comfortable as possible, John put Dennis in a private

suite at Lotus Compassionate Care. He is given everything he needs, and
he has so far been happy at the home.
Tanya Pereira, the individual support worker who works with Dennis,
helps him with his daily morning routine. She helps him up from bed and
prepares his shower. While Dennis is in the shower, Tanya tidies up his
One morning, as Tanya was helping Kyle get up from bed, carrying his
legs towards the edge, she felt sharp pain in her lower back. She could
not stand upright and had to call on you, another individual support
worker who happened to pass by Dennis’s room, to assist her.

1) Looking at the picture of Dennis and Tanya on the previous page,

identify two (2) manual handling hazards that Tanya and Dennis
face daily.
1.2 Injury to musculoskeletal system
Injury to spinal cord

2) Who would be the appropriate person to contact to address Tanya’s

Guidance: There is no need to mention names.

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3) Following Lotus Compassionate Care’s relevant policies and
procedures, complete the Incident Report form provided below.
Consider industry standard protocol when filling out details.
Guidance: You may use the current date and use anytime in the

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Response to incident (indicate which is applicable)

First aid treatment administered (please specify what/by whom etc.):

Medical treatment administered (please specify where/by whom etc.):

Assistance sought:
Ambulance Police Counsellor

Other information

Who witnessed the incident? (Please use full name, details of staff’s job title where applicable, and telephone

NOTE: Be specific. Describe in detail what actually happened, stating the facts in a clear and precise
manner. Include exact location of incident, factors involved and any other details that may be
beneficial. A drawing of the centre layout, identifying where the incident occurred, would be useful.

Other information

This report was compiled by (full name, title, and contact On (date/time):telephone):

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This report is a true and accurate summary of the incident that occurred (please sign):

4) Write an email to your supervisor, Rachel Allcot, about what

happened to Tanya and why it happened. Suggest policies and
procedures on how to prevent a similar incident from happening
a. Write your email in the space provided. Do not exceed 200
b. Fill out the Hazard Report form that follows to attach to your
Guidance: There is no need to send an actual email.
You may use the current date when filling out the form.
To Rachel Allcot<rachel.a@yourdomain.com>

From Your email address



Name: Date:
Description of hazard:
(Include area and task involved, and any equipment, tools, people
involved. Use sketches if necessary)

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Suggested actions:
(List any suggestions you have for reducing or eliminating the
problem, e.g. redesign, use of mechanical devices, training, etc.)

To be completed by the person identifying the hazard

Report to (name): Rachel Allcot

Position: Supervisor
Scenario 2:

You have taken over as Dennis’s individual support worker while Tanya is
recovering from her back injury.
One day, you notice Dennis is sneezing and sniffling.

5) According to the Lotus Compassionate Care handbook, should you

apply infection control measures when handling Dennis? Briefly
explain your answer.

6) Write an email to your supervisor, Rachel Allcot, about Dennis’s

current condition and if certain measures should be applied.
Write your email in the space provided.
Guidance: There is no need to send an actual email.

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To Rachel Allcot<rachel.a@yourdomain.com>

From Your email address



Roleplay Task

The aim of this role-playing activity is to allow you to demonstrate your

skills in:
Following workplace procedures for at least one (1) simulated an
emergency situation.

You will be playing the role of an individual support worker working in

Lotus Compassionate Care, responding to the emergency situation
described below. To complete this task, you will need access to:
- A video
recorder - A
o One (1) volunteer to play the role of Dennis
Dennis’s sneezing was particularly bad one day. As he was having his
breakfast, he sneezed hard and accidentally knocked his glass of water
over. The glass broke, cutting his hand in the process. He has sustained
several small cuts and one deep cut in the palm of his hand. He is

To document your completion of this task and to allow your assessor to

evaluate your performance, you are required to submit a video recording
of this roleplay situation, including how you would respond to this
emergency. The video must not be longer than three (3) minutes.
Save your video file using the filename: Subject 2-RP2

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Take note that your assessor will be evaluating you against the following

Assessor checklist
(for assessor’s use only, please leave this section blank)
1) Did the candidate apply first aid?

2) Did the candidate call for help?


Project 1: Identifying Legal Requirements and Ethical


As an individual support worker, you are required to comply with all the
legal requirements and ethical responsibilities relevant to your work role.
This project will assess your knowledge and skills to ensure you are
prepared to take on this aspect of your role in a real-life support
environment setting.
Project 1 will require you to identify these relevant legal requirements
and ethical responsibilities through a set of written questions and tasks.

Task 1
Review the different legal requirements that apply to individual support
workers. Select three (3) that you find most useful and relevant to your
role as an individual support worker. Complete the table below.
Guidance: Name the legislation and/or identify the section in the
legislation from where you have accessed the legal requirements, you
identified. Write your response here under the ‘source/s’ column of the
table below.

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How does this
requirement apply to
Legal requirement Source/s
you as an individual
support worker?

The aged care act This law guarantees that Australian Government Aged
whoever needs aged care has care quality and safety
access to it, where appropriate, commission
irrespective of ethnicity, religion,
language, class, economic
status. It ensures care recipients
are provided with high-quality
care and services that meet
their individual needs and
protect their health and well-
The fair work act It is the law which protects the Australian Government Aged
rights of workers and employers. care quality and safety
As staff and supervisors, it also commission
outlines their obligations. It
includes unfair dismissal,
national conditions of work (e.g.
average working hours, parental
leave etc.) and other related
labor concerns.
Work health and safety act It is the law that ensures the Australian Government Aged
health, safety and well-being of care quality and safety
clients, employees and other commission
personnel. It defines the duty of
responsibility of these workers
to ensure health and safety in
the workplace.
Privacy law It is the law which protects the Australian Government Aged
privacy and confidentiality of care quality and safety
individuals. commission

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Task 2
Aside from understanding the different legal requirements, you must
comply with, it is also important that you know the scope and nature of
your own legal rights and responsibilities as an individual support
worker. This helps ensure that you not only protect your clients but also
Review your legal rights and responsibilities as an individual support
worker, and complete the table below:
(1) List three (3) legal rights of individual support workers and
describe how they apply to the scope of your role.
(2) List three (3) legal responsibilities of individual support workers
and describe how they apply to the scope of your role
Legal Rights of an Individual Support Worker
List three legal rights of
Explain how these rights apply to the scope of your
individual support
role as an individual support worker
The aged care act This law guarantees that whoever needs aged care has access to it,
where appropriate, irrespective of ethnicity, religion, language,
class, economic status. It ensures care recipients are provided with
high-quality care and services that meet their individual needs and
protect their health and well-being.
The fair work act It is the law which protects the rights of workers and employers. As
staff and supervisors, it also outlines their obligations. It includes
unfair dismissal, national conditions of work (e.g. average working
hours, parental leave etc.) and other related labor concerns.
Work health and safety act It is the law that ensures the health, safety and well-being of
clients, employees and other personnel. It defines the duty of
responsibility of these workers to ensure health and safety in the

Legal Responsibilities of an Individual Support Worker

List three legal

responsibilities of Explain how these responsibilities apply to the scope
individual support your role as an individual support worker

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To abide by the laws
The rights of the individuals which include the aged care act, work
health and safety act.

Work within scope of your roles Always work professionally within the boundaries of the roles in
and responsibilities. the aged care services.

Work with enough awareness of Always be aware of you client and his or her surroundings to
your clients. protect yourself from any kind of mis happening as well as your

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Task 3
Review the different ethical requirements that apply to individual
support workers.
a) Select two (2) that you find most useful and relevant to your role as
an individual care worker. Complete the table provided below.
b) List two (2) sources of information about these ethical

How does this requirement apply to you as an

Ethical requirement
individual support worker?
Right of individuals to be Human support employees should regard, integrity and courtesy
treated with respect for residents and their relatives, caregivers, personnel and
attending practitioners.

The right of individuals to have • Value the rights of tenants, their families / careers, other
their religious and cultural workers and providers to political, cultural and religious values of
practices to be respected their own.
• Providing services to meet the cultural and language needs of
residents and their families;

Sources of information

a) Code of ethics for residential care

b) Universal declaration of human rights

Project 2: Self-Reflection

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Task 1
What signs do you notice in yourself when you are stressed and fatigued?
a. List two (2) signs you notice when you are stressed and when
you are fatigued.
b. List two (2) ways you cope with these conditions.

Signs I am stressed Signs I am fatigued

a)Anxiety a)Body ache

b)Restlessness b) Physical inactivity

How I cope with stress How I cope with fatigue

a)Try to reduce anxiety by doing some a) Listen to light music.

b) Sleep
b)Engaging in work that will be more
productive like washing clothes.
Task 2
How do you maintain currency on safe work practices in regard to
workplace systems, equipment, and processes in your own work role?
List two (2) responses.
List down three (3) specific sources of information you have referred to.

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Ways to maintain currency on safe work
practices: a)I try to get familiar with the new
changes in the rules and policies of the
b)Try to follow Safe work SA guidelines to manage health and safety of

Sources of information:
a)Staff Handbook
b)Safe Work Australia
c) Safe Work SA

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Task 3
How do you ensure non-judgemental practice in your work role?
List two (2) values that you apply to work, and briefly explain how you
apply these to keep a non-judgemental attitude.

Values How these are applied

Accept Once we begin to understand something or you try to think about

it you accept the person as he or she is.

Love Once we accept someone for who she or he is, we try to love
them even if we don’t know them.

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When you have completed assessing the assessment workbook, review
the candidate’s submission against the checklist below:
 The candidate has completed all the assessments in the
workbook and has submitted all of the required evidence:
 Knowledge Assessment
 Ethical and legal requirements for direct client care
 Safe work practices for direct client care Practical
 Case Study 1
 Written Tasks
 Roleplay Video Recording Case Study 2
 Written Tasks
 Roleplay Video Recording Project Assessment
 Project 1
 Project 2
 The candidate has submitted all of the following evidence:
 This completed workbook
 Cover Sheet (Assessment Workbook Cover Sheet signed and

Candidates must achieve a satisfactory result to ALL assessment
tasks to be awarded COMPETENT for the units relevant to this

To award the candidate competent in the units relevant to this subject,

the candidate must successfully complete all the requirements listed
above according to the prescribed benchmarks.

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End of Document

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