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DR. Blyden
Noah is a
living and
working in
Sweden. He is
the author of
the Dr.Blyden
handbooks ,
Dr.Blyden radio
podcasts ,novels
, poems ,
factbooks about
LUNGI , 'CAPITAL' OF SIERRA LEONE , 2040 African and
Sierra Leonean
LEONE games , new
inventions etc .
DR. BLYDEN NOAH . E-mail :
Dr. Blyden . WEBSITE : https:// Noah was born
in Sierra Leone . or https:// E-mail :
Dr. Blyden
Website : https://
.com/ or https://

MAGNA CARTA : Magna carta is a document which states
the fundamental rights and obligations of individuals (Sierra
Leoneans) in a community (Sierra Leone) .
What is needed to develop Sierra Leone is a Magna Carta
document and a blueprint . No country can develop into a
modern economy without a system of rules (magna carta) , a
plan (blueprint) and an aim .
The aim : Sierra Leone becoming a developed country in
2040 .
I will start with the Magna Carta document .


1/ National identification number & National ID card

Each and every Sierra Leonean irrespective of age should

have a computerized national identification number
(National ID number) . Adult Sierra Leoneans should also
have a national photo ID card . The national ID number is
usually made up of a person’s date of birth plus other digits .
The advantages and benefits of a national ID number and
card :
a/ Census information and identity verification : It
provides the government with an accurate count of the
populace at any given time . It provides detail information of
the age , sex , occupation etc of individuals in the
population . There is no need for any large , expensive census

exercise to count the populace . The identity of any
individual in the country is easily verified on a national
database making it impossible for someone to steal another
person’s identity .
b/ Health care delivery : It makes the delivery of health
care services to the populace a lot easier . Targeted health
care deliveries can be made to children , the elderly , women
etc . The owner of the ID number or card is automatically
entitled to health insurance provided by the country .
National ID numbers and ID Cards are used together with
health insurance cards .
c/ Accessible banking services and loans : The ID number
or card is easily searchable on a national database so banks
can easily check an adult person’s creditworthiness and offer
the person banking services and loans .
d/ Housing : The ID number or card is easily searchable on a
national database so banks can easily check an adult person’s
creditworthiness and offer the person mortgage loans for
housing etc
e/ Efficient tax collection : National ID number and a
national photo ID card facilitate tax collection from from all
individuals of tax paying age in the country . More
individuals pay taxes and the government gets more tax
revenue . Tax defaulters are easily identified and can be
punished with prison terms .
f/ Easy registration of births and deaths : National ID
number and a national photo ID card facilitate easy

registration of births and deaths . National and local
governments have easy oversight of the demography
(changes in the population ) , income , incidence of diseases ,
the standard if living , the poverty or wealth rate etc .

g/ Forecasting and planning for the future : National ID

number and a national photo ID card facilitate the storing of
large amount of data in a database which can be used for
statistical purposes , analysing past data , forecasting and
planning accurately for the future .
h/ Preventing / Eradicating tax evasion and corruption :
Any country where the leaders are corrupt will never develop
. The national database holding the National ID number and
a national photo ID card is open , transparent and easily
accessible to any member of the public . Any member of the
public can check and see the yearly earnings , taxes paid ,
declared assets of the leaders of the country or of any other
citizen in the country . All other undeclared assets or wealth
should be seized and returned to the state coffers and the
culprits prosecuted and jailed .
i/ Preventing identity theft : Biometric ID cards containing
microprocessor chips with biometric information are
impossible to forge making it impossible to steal someone’s
identity .
J/ Right to vote in elections : National ID numbers and ID
cards are used to prove people’s identities before they can

vote in elections . Overvoting is not possible because only
one vote per person can be registered in the database .
K/ Right to employment : National ID numbers and ID
cards prove that someone is a tax-payer and has a right to
employment in the country .

2/ Free education :

It should be the human right of each and every Sierra Leonean to

have access to free quality nursery education , primary education
and secondary education . Sierra Leoneans who wish to study at
the universities should have acces to loans provided by the
government of Sierra Leone to do so . Free education should be
funded by tax revenue .
It is human beings who create wealth . In order to create wealth in
the modern world a person needs basic education like reading ,
writing , spelling , counting , adding , subtracting , honesty
morals , understanding an international language etc . The person
also needs cheap , 24 hour electricity , cheap internet and
telephone services , a non corrupt and efficient bureaucracy , non
corrupt and hardworking politicians etc .

3/ Universal health care : It should be the human right of
each and every Sierra Leonean to have universal health care
coverage . Every Sierra Leonean should have access to
affordable , high quality health care. Universal health care
should be funded by tax revenue .
The merits of universal health care :
a/ Universal health care provides high quality , cost-
effective , evidence based health care .
b/ It is fair and just . Every person in the country has quality
health care coverage , poor people and rich people . The
taxes the people pay (rich people , poor people , businesses
etc) are used equitable for the benefit of all citizens of the
country and no one is left out . Universal health care
functions best when every adult and every business in the
country is paying taxes regularly and corruption is non-
existent .
c/ It is affordable and reduces the cost of medicines and
medical equipments . The government is the single buyer and
therefore has the power to negotiate resasonable prices for
medicines , other medical products and services with the
private pharmaceutical and other medical companies .
N.B : The single buyer model does not work in corrupt
countries .
d/ Basic and preventive health care is provided by nearby
Health Care Centers staffed by GPs , nurses , mid-wives ,

physiotherapists , psychotherapists etc whilst advanced
health care is provided by well-equipped diagnostic
hospitals . People pay a small symbolic fee when they come
to the first health care provider in the system and then
should pay no more money when they are referred further to
another health care provider . Medicines are cheap and
affordable to buy .
e/ Universal health care is empathetic health care and is
under the controll of the populace ( represented by public
servants such as politicians , doctors , nurses etc) and not
controlled by large corporations dominated by profit margins
and corruption .

4/ Population control / Family planning : It should be the
human right of each and every Sierra Leonean to have access
to free birth control information . All Sierra Leonean women
in reproductive age should have access to free contraceptive
medications or devices (oral contraceptive pills , intrauterine
contraceptive devices or coils , contraceptive patches , female
condoms etc) . Sierra Leonean men should have access to
free male condoms . The male condom however is not as
effective as female contraceptives because a lot of men would
not use them .
Overpopulation reduces the standard of living of the
populace , breeds poverty and suffering and damages the
enviroment .

5/ Standard of living / Minimum wage : It should be the
human right of each and every Sierra Leonean to have a
basic standard of living , i.e a decent and affordable
residence , 24 hour electricity , 24 hour water supply , access
to affordable foodstuffs and medicines , access to affordable
transportation and right to a livable minimum wage .

6/ Taxes :
a/ It is the obligation and duty of all adult Sierra Leoneans
to pay income taxes and declare their wealth regularly .

b/ It is the obligation and duty of politicians and civil

servants to use Sierra Leone’s tax monies and other public
funds for the benefit of Sierra Leoneans and Sierra Leone .

7/ Sierra Leone traditional cultures and religions : It is
the obligation and duty of all adult Sierra Leoneans
(politicians , civil servants , lay people , students , pupils ,
religious priests , imams etc ) to respect , preserve and
promote indigenous Sierra Leonean culture , religions , music
, handicrafts , clothing etc .

8/ African traditional cultures and religions : It is the

obligation and duty of all Sierra Leoneans (politicians , civil
servants , lay people , students , pupils , religious priests ,
imams etc ) to respect , preserve and promote indigenous
african culture , religions , music , handicrafts , clothing etc .

9/ Role of Sierra Leoneans : It is the obligation and duty of
all Sierra Leoneans (politicians , civil servants , ordinary
people , students , pupils , religious priests , imams etc ) to
love , protect and promote Sierra Leone unconditionally .
Each and every Sierra Leonean should do his / her part to
develop Sierra Leone . Each and every Sierra Leonean should
put the interests of Sierra Leone first . Sierra Leoneans
should not connive with foreigners to defraud the country ,
those caught doing so should be severely punished . Tax
payers' monies and other public funds should be used to
benefit Sierra Leone and each and every Sierra Leonean and
not only a handful of individuals . Sierra Leoneans who want
to get rich should get involved in private businesses ,
agriculture , mining , manufacturing etc . Any Sierra Leonean
or foreigner involved in corruption and other practices
damaging to the country and people of Sierra Leone should
be publicly shamed and imprisoned for a long time .

10/ Role of politicians , civil servants , the military , the
police , legal professionals , bankers , bank employees ,
auditors , medical professionals etc : It is the obligation
and duty of public servants (politicians , civil servants , the
police , the military , legal professionals, bankers , bank
employees , auditors , medical professionals etc ) to love ,
protect and promote the interests of Sierra Leone and Sierra
Leoneans . People should not go into public service to steal
from public coffers and become rich overnight , this has to
stop . Sierra Leoneans are paying these top public servants
with their tax monies and other public funds so it is a total
lack of respect and empathy to collect tax monies from poor
Sierra Leoneans and at the same time steal their funds and
deprive them of the basic necessities of life such as running
water , decent place to stay , electricity , health care ,
affordable medicines , affordable foodstuffs , affordable
clothing etc . All connivance with foreigners by top public
servants to defraud Sierra Leone and Sierra Leoneans must
stop . Public servants should not indulge in corruption , those
who do should be publicly shamed and imprisoned for a long
time .

10 / Role of Banks , financial institutions , Sea ports ,
Airports , big companies , government ministries etc :
The rip-off of Sierra Leone has to stop . Employees of banks ,
financial institutions , sea ports , airports , big companies etc
connive with each other to defraud the country and in this
way deprive Sierra Leoneans of the basic necessities of life .
Trillions of dollars have been siphoned-off from Sierra Leone
to countries overseas since after independence ca 60 years
ago . The Banks , financial institutions , sea ports airports
and government ministries are supposed to be noble
institutions who should take care of the wealth of Sierra
Leone and make sure it benefits Sierra Leone and Sierra
Leoneans . This is not the case in Sierra Leone and Africa .
These institutions connive with each other , with politicians
and with foreigners to embezzle the wealth of the country .
These institutions have no love or empathy for Sierra Leone
and Sierra Leoneans .
All over Africa banks , financial institutions , sea ports ,
airports , bordet checkpoints , government ministries , big
international companies , politicians and top civil servants
are conniving with each other to siphon Africa’s wealth out of
the continent . General Abacha could openly steal billions of
dollars of Nigeria’s taxpayer’s money and transfer it via
Nigeria’s banks and international financial institutions to the
banks in Switzerland without any bank official in Nigeria ,

USA , UK , Switzerland , IMF , World Bank or AU raising the
alarm. There is no transparency in these institutions .
Almost all present presidents in Africa , other top politicians
and officials and their family members are dollar
millionairies (tax payer’s millionairies) : presidents from
South Africa , Cameroon , Gabon , Guinea , Egypt , Nigeria ,
Niger , Uganda , Kenya , Madagascar , Equatorial Guinea ,
Burkina Faso , Angola , South Sudan , The Congos etc are
dollar millionairies . These people have not created any
businesses giving jobs to Africans , they are just living
luxurious lives at the expense of African taxpayers . When
african presidents and top officials are sick they travel
overseas for expensive treatments at tax payers’ cost . A lot of
foreign exchange could be saved if african leaders invested in
their countries’ health care and built modern health centers ,
hospitals and medical schools . Can’t the AU or IMF look at
the bank accounts and other assets of African politicians and
other top officials ? A lot of Africa’s promblems could be
solved if their stolen monies were returned to the public
coffers .

Sani Abacha (Nigeria)

Jean-Bedel Bokassa (Central African Republic)

Teodorin Nguema Obiang (Equatorial Guinea)

11/ The role of primary schools , secondary schools ,
vocational schools and universities :
Schools and universities should not be only institutions for
acquiring knowledge but also establishments of critical
thinking , problem solving and creating new knowledge.
Critical thinking , new inventions and problem solving of
local challenges should be included in the curriculum of
primary schools , secondary schools and universities . There
should be think tanks in primary schools , secondary schools ,
vocational schools and universities whose sole task should be
to produce solutions to developmental challenges in the local
communities . These think tanks should be made up of pupils
, teachers , students , lecturers and lay people in the
communities . There should be open and transparent contests
nationwide to solve a particular problem and think tanks and
ordinary people can submit their solutions to a jury who will
then choose the best solution . Banks can then give loans to
the winners to create a business which can employ people
and even export their products overseas bringing foreign
exchange to the country . Some of the biggest challenges in
Sierra Leone and Africa are :
- Water supply
- Electricity
- Housing

- Health care and medicines
Collecting water with Jerry cans in Freetown

The rivers of Sierra Keone

Sierra Leone is one of the wettest places on earth , rainfall is
abundant . Annual rainfall is 80-120 inches (2000-3000
mm). Sierra Leone is also blessed with many rivers criss-
crossing the country. It is a shameful paradox that with so
much water around 99 % percent of Sierra Leoneans do not
have access to a regular supply of clean , drinkable water in
their homes or in the near vicinity of their homes . This has
to change . The government , primary schools , secondary
schools , vocational schools , universities , indigenous
religious societies etc should identify and list the problems or
challenges of Sierra Leone and establish open problem-
solving contests in which the best problem-solving ideas win .
The products resulting from the ideas should be produced
with local know-how , materials and financing and should
be affordable to the majority of Sierra Leoneans . An
exemplary problem/question can be : Find a way to
supply affordable , drinkable , running water to 100 % of
Sierra Leoneans using Sierra Leonean know-how ,
materials and financing .
A simple idea is to build dams to collect and store rain water
during the rainy season . People can collect large amount of
rainwater using their roofs into large ponds in their
compounds . Roofs with large surface areas can collect large
volumes of water . People can build filters to purify the water
. Water purification techniques using layers of sand , gravel,
rocks etc is in Youtube or Google for everyone to watch , it is
even in old chemistry text books . The water stored during

the rain season will help to ease the lack-of-water problem in
the dry sesson .

Simple dam to store water for the dry season

Simple dam to store water and produce electricity

How to build your own water purifier . Large drums
can also be used

Electricity :
African teenage genius Taught Himself How to Build a
Windmill for Electricity in Malawi!

One of the biggest obstacles to development in Sierra Leone
and Africa is the lack of cheap , reliable and affordable
electricity . Electricity is the cornerstone of development , all
other sectors are dependent on and cannot thrive without it .
The agriculture secture needs electricity for food
conservation (refrigeration , drying etc) . The water supply
sector needs electricity for pumping water long distances etc.
The housing sector needs electricity for lighting etc . The
health care sector needs electricity for running medical
machines etc . No country can develop into a modern
economy without electricity .
What Sierra Leone should do is to nurture talented people
and encourage them to use their talents to solve the
problems of the country. By doing so everyone benefits .
Contests should be established all over the country in which
schools , universities and ordinary people can come with

ideas on how to produce cheap , affordable and climate
friendly electricity . Young Sierra Leoneans should be
inspired by the young genius from Malawi and build their
own windmills .

The problem/question for the production of electricity

can be : Find a method using local materials and know-
how to create cheap and affordable electricity by making
use of wind power , water power , geothermal power ,
solar power and the power of gravity .

Housing :
The problem/question for the production of cheap and
affordable housing should be : Find a method using local
materials and know-how build cheap and affordable
houses for Sierra Leoneans .

Used-containers can be used to build container houses

Container houses

A good idea is to let Sierra Leoneans transform used
containers into homes . There should even be contests for
container transformed houses . People can take loans from
banks to buy containers and build homes themselves . In this
way all Sierra Leoneans will get decent homes in the shortest
possible time .
A decent container apartment can cost 500 usd . A used
container costs about 300 usd in China . The Sierra Leonean
government should make the import of containers duty free .
Sierra Leoneans should be encouraged to create container-
house industries and export to other countries .

Health care and medicines : Sierra Leoneans should be

encouraged to create pharmaceutical companies , private
health centers and other medical companies to help the
health situation in the country. They should do research and
use local materials to produce medicines and other medical
products .

From Mail & Guardian :

Ugandan invention revolutionises malaria testing

It took several days, and several blood tests, before someone

figured out what was wrong with Brian Gitta. The Ugandan
engineer, now 25, had malaria.
The disease is common in Uganda, and affects tens of
millions of people across sub-Saharan Africa, but obtaining a
diagnosis can be expensive and time-consuming. Blood
samples usually have to be sent to laboratories for
examination under a microscope, and the blood can only be
drawn by medical professionals.

By the time doctors can confirm that a patient is indeed
suffering from the mosquito-borne disease, it might be too
Fortunately, it wasn’t too late for Gitta, who recovered just
But he was convinced that diagnosing malaria should be
easier — and he was determined to find a solution.
“We have all had malaria, it’s such a common problem. So
based on that experience we thought how can we tackle the
problem of diagnostics differently?” he said.
Gitta and his colleagues at Makerere University in Kampala,
where they studied, became consumed with the problem.
They delved deep into their textbooks; taught themselves
cutting-edge medical science from academic journals; and
held long brainstorming sessions where they batted around
ideas. Inspiration, when it struck, came not from the
academic world, but from the app store. “I remember
Shazam [the music identification app] had just come out,
you just put on a few seconds of a song and you get a result,”
recalled Shafik Sekitto, who worked closely with Gitta. “We
thought: can we not do something like that for malaria?”
They could. They invented a device called Matibabu (the
Swahili word for treatment), which promises to revolutionise
how malaria is diagnosed. It scans your fingertip with a red
beam, and can detect any changes to colour, shape and
concentration of red blood cells, all key malaria indicators.
The result is available within one minute, and can be sent
directly to a smartphone. Because it makes diagnosis so easy,
and so fast, it has the potential to save lives.

So far, trials show that Matibabu has around 80% accuracy
when it comes to accurately diagnosing malaria. But Gitta,
Sekitto and their team have been refining the technology
which underpins it, and are confident that new clinical trials
will demonstrate 90%-plus accuracy — on a par with
microscopic examinations, the current gold standard when it
comes to malaria testing.
The Matibabu team’s efforts to take their product to market
received an enormous boost last week when they won the
prestigious Africa Prize for Engineering Innovation, which
comes with a prize of £25 000.
”We are very proud of this year’s winner. It’s a perfect
example of how engineering can unlock development — in
this case by improving healthcare. Matibabu is simply a game
changer,” said judge Rebecca Enonchong.

Attitude : Sierra Leoneans should be encouraged to have a

do-it-myself , yes-I-can attitude . Such an attitude will help
them to find solutions to the myriad problems affecting
them .

Senegal’s salt enrepreneur Marie Diouf

From the Irish Times :
Senegal's Salt Queen tastes success in a man's world.
FATICK, Senegal (Reuters) - Marie Diouf has built a business
gathering salt from marshland she bought in Senegal,
succeeding in a trade where most marsh owners are men and
earning her the nickname “Salt Queen”

Research industry : No country can develop without a

research industry . The government should establish a
national Research and Innovation council . The council
should encourage and nurture research and innovation all
over the country . The council should come up with ideas ,
set guidelines , establish research and innovation contests ,
give prizes to the best researchers or innovators etc . Schools
and universities should also set up their own research and
innovation councils . Ordinary people should also be
encouraged to do research .

Entrepreneurship :
No country can develop without entrepreneurs and
businesspeople . The government should establish programs
for the training and education of entrepreneurs ,
businessmen , businesswomen, street sellers , petty traders
etc . They should be taught how to grow their businesses ,
how to take bank loans , how to sell to the internal and
ocerseas market , how to negotiate with foreigners , how to
make use of the internet and mobile phones to improve their
businesses .

Digital litetacy , internet and mobile phones : No country

can develop without digital literacy .
According to the American Library Association digital literacy
means a person is able to use mobile phones , or tablets or
computers plus the internet to find , evaluate, create, and
communicate information . Digital literacy is the knowledge
of the future .
What the government of Sierra Leone should do to attain 100
% digital literacy :
1/ Remove tariffs on the imports of strategic products
such as mobile phones , surfing tablets , computers , internet
routers and other telecommunication products . The prices of
these strategic products will fall drastically and every school
child will be able to afford at least one of these products .
The high import tariffs in Sierra Leone plus rampant
corruption at the ports has made these strategic products
more expensive in Sierra Leone than in Europe and Asia .

2/ Lower internet rates so that every Sierra Leonean can

afford 24 hour internet connection :
The rip-off of Sierra Leoneans and Africans by corrupt
politicians and internet companies has to stop . The
government should bring in reputable and cheaper internet
companies to compete with the existing ones . The
competition will lower the prices .

List of prices for monthly internet broadband package ,

Internet (60 Mbps or More, Unlimited Data , cable/ ADSL




CHINA 13.8

EGYPT 17.6







In Sierra Leone it costs ca 175 USD per month for 50 Mbps ,

unreliable internet via WI-Fi . One of the most expensive in
the world . This is a rip-off of Sierra Leoneans . It costs 5 usd
in Ukraine and 38 usd in Nigeria for the same service , and
the service in Nigeria and Ukraine is of superior quality . Can
anyone explain how a service can can cost 5 dollars in
Ukraine and 8 times more in Nigeria and 12 times more in
Kenya and 150 times more in Mauritania and 35 times more
in Sierra Leone ? The materials for internet broadband cost
the same on the international market , they can be bought
cheaply in China . Some people are surely getting rich .

3/ Lower the costs of mobile phone calls :



CHINA 0.014

BRAZIL 0.021

INDIA 0.022

RUSSIA 0.040



KENYA 0.260

GHANA 0.360




GAMBIA 1.118

Mobile communications are vital for modern economies .

Most businesses , school work , research work , voice and
face-face communication and a lot of health care contacts are
conducted via smart mobile phones and not via the PC .
Countries with expensive mobile communication will not be
able to compete in the digital economy which is quickly
becoming a standard in the developed countries . The
government should create free wi-fi zones in schools ,
universities , public offices , malls etc . African governments
should re-negotiate the mobile phone contracts in their
countries . They should negotiate with the international
mobile companies as a group to get a standard low price. The
calling rate / min to Nigeria from Sweden is 97 cents , its
twice more expensive to South Africa and Ghana , it is about
four times more expensive to Ghana and Sierra Leone and 10
times more expensive to Gambia .
The situation is the same regarding TV subscription prices ,
electricity rates etc .

4/ Price controls :
The outrageous differences in prices for the same products
and services between african countries and between african
countries and the world has to stop . This is making Africans

poorer and making it harder for Africa to catch up with the
rest of the world . The AU , ECOWAS , MANO RIVER UNION
and other African regional bodies have to set up price control
regulation so that all African countries can get fair and better
deals . A 'price norm' system has to be introduced in west
Africa and in Africa , if for example Nigeria is paying xx usd
for 24 hour internet broadband connection then no other
African country should pay higher . This will greatly reduce
corruption and smuggling.

Price example: Hyundai Santa Fe 2.4, model year 2001 .

Price in Europe : 2000 USD .
Price in Sierra Leone : 15000 USD

Import tariff in Guinea : 400 USD

Import tariff in Sierra Leone : 2000 USD

Cars , buses , helicopters , tractors , motorcycles etc are

strategic products for transportation , agriculture , health
care etc . There should be low , strategic tariffs on them
because it is these sectors that are the backbone of modern ,
developed economies . More people will afford to get

involved in private businesses and grow the GDP of the
country . Th high tariffs and resulting corruption are shutting
the majority of the populace out from getting involved in the
economy .


Lungi today:

Lungi 2040 , the 'capital' of Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone is blessed with lots of assets . Sierra Leoneans
irrespective of tribe , religion , ethnicity or region have to
come together to develop these assets so that every Sierra
Leonean will benefit and everyone will enjoy . The first thing
to do is list the assets of Sierra Leone and valuate them .
All efforts have to be directed towards diversifying the
economy so that all other sectors will contribute to the GDP
of the country . The buzzword is 'diversify' , 'diversify' and
'diversify' .
I will list here some of the biggest assets of Sierra Leone .


Estimated revenue generated per year : 100 billion USD

Lungi province is the crown jewel asset of Sierra Leone .

Lungi is near to Freetown and Conakry , flat , has an
international airport , and there are plans to build a bridge to
link Lungi to Freetown.
Lungi should be made the capital city of Sierra Leone in the
future . Lungi city should be a modern , well-planned city
with designated areas for recreational parks , housing estates
with apartment blocks for poor people etc , schools , day-care
centers , health centers , hospitals . recreational fields and
stadiums , universities etc , etc . People should build
residential homes only in areas designated for that . The
government should take controll of all state lands in Lungi
province to avoid land grabbing .

Lungi International Airport

Lungi International airport has to be upgraded and

'University for African traditional religion and culture at


A university for African traditional religions and culture
should be established at Lungi. The buildings of the
university should be constructed in african style architecture.
There should be statues of african gods in and around the
buildings (see picture) . Sierra Leone should become a center
and mecca for african traditional religions and culture and
attract pilgrims and tourists of african origin from Africa ,
Brazil , USA , Carribbean , Europe etc . African traditional
religions , african cultures , african languages , african
music , african musical instruments , african clothing ,
african architecture etc should be taught at the university .
There are 1 billion people in Africa and millions of african
descent in the Americas , the Carribbean and Europe who are
curious to know their history . If Sierra Leone becomes a
Mecca for traditional african religion and culture then
millions of tourists and pilgrims will visit every year bringing
in millions of dollars in foreign exchange. The pilgrim-
tourism industry in Sierra Leone can become a billion dollar
industry and can increase the the country''s GDP manyfold .
The government should encourage and support traditional
african religions and culture so that they can thrive and
flourish all over the country . Ogunist (ojeh) temples e.g
Obasai , Ibile or Oki Mori (meaning up-the-hill in yoruba ,
Now called Ok Murray ojeh) at Foulah Town , the paris ojeh
temple at Lungi etc should be upgraded and refurbished .
This pilgrim-tourist industry will encourage other industries
to develop and thrive namely - the hotel and restaurant

industry , the aviation industry , the transportation industry ,
traditional handicraft industry ( masks and drums making
etc) , agriculture , building and construction , IT etc , etc .

Create a Tripolis : Lungi city-Freetown-Conakry

Tripolis is a greek word and it means triple cities which are
integrated economically for the benefit of all three . The
Lungi-Freetown-Conakry tripolis should be transformed into
a shipping and aviation hub for West Africa’s 350 million
people and even for Africa’s 1.2 billion people . The coming
African Free Trade Area will allow this tripolis to easily sell
products and services to Africa’s 1.2 billion people .

Look at the proximity of Lungi , Freetown and Conakry

West Africa : 350 million people

Lungi should be made a Special Economic Zone (SEZ)

having tax incentives , land incentives , electricity incentives
etc to attract domestic and foreign investment , talent ,
researchers and innovators . Lungi should also be made the
future capital of Sierra Leone . Freetown will them become
the old city which will be a magnet for tourists .

The advantages of the Lungi-Freetown-Conakry tripolis :

The combined population in the vicinity of the Freetown-
Lungi-Conakry area is about 10 million . This large
population and the potential 350 million customers in West
Africa will facilitate and attract big domestic and foreign
investment in large projects .
The projects the tripolis should embark on are :
a/ Upgrade and enlarge the Freetown and Conakry
harbours : Freetown harbour is one of the largest natural
harbours in the world . It has to be upgraded so that it can
handle shipping goods for millions of people in the tropical
and sahel regions of West Africa .
b/ Build a bridge likning Freetown to Lungi : A train-
automobile bridge linking Freetown to Lungi will facilitate
transport of merchandise from the Freetown harbour to the
rest of West Africa and Africa via Lungi and Conakry .
Sierra Leone and African know-how : This bridge should
be built mostly with Sierra Leonean and African know-how
and labour . This will bring down the price drastically from
an estimated 2 billion USD with foreign contractors to about
50 million USD . What costs money in such large projects is
salaries of expatriate workers plus corruption . An African
engineer is paid about 200 USD a month and an african
labiourer is paid about 30 USD a month . So the price of the
bridge will be very , very low , african prices . Building a
bridge is not brain surgery. . The Romans built gigantic
bridges and aqueducts 2000 years ago using thousands of
labourers and not having modern machines or electricity .
The egyptians even built larger structures using thousands of
labourers , without electricity or modern machines . These

structures are still standing today . There are millions of
unemployed young people in Sierra Leone and Africa who
can be used as labourers to build the Freetown-Lungi bridge .
I would suggest a temporary pontoon bridge (floating
bridge) with space under so that ships and boats can pass .
The government should create an idea contest for Sierra
Leoneans for the construction of such a pontoon bridge .
Smaller versions of the best ideas should be built across the
rivers of Sierra Leone to see if they work . The one which
works best will be built across the estuary to link Lungi to
Freetown .
I have my own idea for the construction of such a
pontoon bridge , I will send it in when the contest starts .

Mottos for development of Sierra Leone and Africa :

Do-it-yourself : Do things mostly yourself. It is not easy, you
will make mistakes and you will fail many times . But you
will learn from your mistakes and later succeed. You will gain
knowledge and create new products which you can export to
get foreign exchange and help humanity .
Zero tolerance for corruption : If Sierra Leone and Africa
are serious about development then corruption has to be
eliminated . Corruption and development will never co-exist .
Minimal help from outside : Foreign aid has not helped
Sierra Leone or Africa much during the past 60 years . Look
at the GDP per capita of African countries compared to to

rest of the world . Help from outside has to be kept to a
minimum , and only in areas where there is no african
solution to the problem . The big monies involved in foreign
AID and big loans in big projects by international companies
corrupt African leaders and prevent the establishment of
indigenous African companies . The OAU , ECOWAS and
other african bodies should draft laws which minimise
foreign aid and promote and support local african companies
c/ Lungi-Conakry-Morocco -Europe Railway : This railway
should be constructed with African financing and know-how .
All the countries involved in the project should build their
own portion of the railway (Sierra Leone , Guinea , Mali ,
Algeria and Morocco. It is not brain surgery to build railway
tracks and build decent train wagons . The steel rails , steel
wheels and engines can be imported from China , the cross
plates can be made locally of wood . The millions of
unemployed young people in Sierra Leone and West Africa
can build the tracks and wagons with guidance from an
African engineer or talented person . There is a lot of free
information available on Youtube or Google. In this way the
cost will be very low and the construction know-how will
stay in Africa .
The government should create an idea contest for Sierra
Leoneans for the construction of the Sierra Leone portion
of this railway .

I, Blyden Noah , have my own idea for the construction
of such a railway , I will send it in when the contest starts
d/ Lungi-Conakry-Morocco -Europe Highway : Please see
'Lungi-Conakry-Morocco -Europe Railway' above . The same
suggestions are applicable here .
d/ Lungi - Conakry-Timbuktu -Kano- Cape Town Railway :
The same suggestions as above .
e/ Lungi - Conakry-Timbuktu -Kano- Cape Town
Highway : The same suggestions as above .
f/ Lungi - Timbuktu - Kano - Khartoum - Addis Ababa
-Cairo Railway : The same suggestions as above .
h/ Lungi - Timbuktu - Kano - Khartoum - Addis Ababa
-Cairo Highway : The same suggestions as above .


Estimated revenue generated per year : 1 billion

Marine Protected areas (marine national parks) should be
created off the coast of Sierra Leone , just like Gabon and
Seychelles have done . This will boost eco-tourism such as
whale and shark watching and at the same time protect and
preserve marine species for future generations . The coast of
Sierra Leone and Africa is being overfished by fishing
trawlers from Europe , Asia and America , creating marine
protected areas will put a stop to that . Humpback whales
(Megaptera novaeangliae , photo above ) migrate to the
shores of Sierra Leone for calving and nursing of their
young .
Large game parks and other forest protected areas should be
created to protect the diverse flora and fauna of Sierra Leone
, just like Kenya and South Africa have done . There are
elephants , leopards , chimpanzees , pigmy hippos etc in
Sierra Leone . An inventory should be made of the flora
(plants) and fauna (animals) of Sierra Leone . The numbers
of these animals can be boosted by import from Liberia and
Guinea . Lions , zebras , giraffes , rhinos, hyenas , wild dogs
etc can be imported from Kenya etc and placed on the
savannah plains of Sierra Leone .
Seychelles , Gabon and Somaliland are to setting up marine
protected areas .
From : The government of Seychelles has
pledged to set aside 30 percent of its exclusive economic
zone (EEZ) to marine protected areas, out of which 15
percent will be a no take, no fishing and no extraction. The
other 15 percent on varying levels of protection will still be
classified as marine protected areas.
Sierra Leone should do the same as Seychelles.


Estimated revenue generated per year : 5 billion

There are 1.2 billion people in Africa and millions of people

of African descent in the Americas , Carribbean and Europe .
These people want to learn about African traditional religions
and culture. Even the non-African tourists coming to Africa
want to see and experience traditional African culture and
religion , they have already seen large catholic basilicas in

Paris and Rome , large mosques in Arabia or large hindu
temples in India.
Sierra Leone , Benin , Nigeria and Gambia etc are the few
remaining African countries in which African traditional
religions and culture are still thriving today . All other
African countries should do as Benin and declare traditional
African religion as a national religion and invest money in it
to improve it and preserve it .
Elevating the status of Ogunism and other religions in Sierra
Leone will bring back African industries such as mask making
industry , shoe and clothes making industry , drums and
musical instruments making industry , african foods industry
and all the other industries which have gone lost . This will
encourage the creation of African universities and vocational
schools that will do research on great African inventions like
the Xylophone instrument (West Africa) , Kora (21-string
lute-bridge-harp (West Africa) , Bata drum and hundreds of
other drums (Africa) , Religion (Egypt and Sudan) , Bread
(Egypt and Sudan) , Irrigation (Egypt and Sudan) , Gara
dying cloth making (West Africa) , building of large pyramids
(Egypt and Sudan) and thousands of other inventions . Even
reading and writing (Hieroglyphics) which is the most
fundamental of all human civilisations was invented in Egypt
and Sudan .
Sierra Leone is best positioned to become the mecca of
African pilgrimage and cultural tourism because African
traditional religions and culture are still intact and thriving .

The industries created will bring in billions of dollars in
foreign exchange and create hundreds of thousands of jobs
for young sierra Leoneans .

Mask making industry (Sowei mask)

Musical instrument industry (Kora instrument)

African clothing and hat industry

African shoe industry

The government should should build universities inspired by
african architecture and also large statues of African gods in
Lungi . These investnents will become a magnet for tourists .
These investments are about improving the lives of the
African people who are suffering so much and honouring the
achievements of our forefathers . Sri Lanka alone with large
hindu temples and hindu gods make 5 billion dollars a year
from tourism . Sierra Leone has similar tourist attracttions as
Sri Lanka so Sierra Leone should be making 5 billion dollar

or more from tourism . If Sierra Leone can build the
structures and eliminate corruption then the tourists will
come .
Religion was invented in Africa (Egypt) . Judaism,
Christianity , Islam are all derived from the egyptian
religion , the worship of the god Amon or Amun . Amen in
Christianity and Amin in Islam means the god Amon . Go to
the egyptian or sudanese pyramids and tombs and see the
paintings on the walls which prove this. The concepts of
heaven , hell , judgenent day etc were all invented in Africa
by the egyptian-Sudanese .

Amon (Egyptian almighty god)

Judgement day in egyptian/Sudanese religion

Nubian (black African) pyramids in Sudan

Nubian (black) pharoahs of the 25th dynasty of egypt

Nubian (black) pharoahs of the 25th dynasty of egypt

Egyptians / Sudanese used religion to unite their people ,

help the poor and vulnerable , do research and develop their
country . African thinkers , pholosophers etc should update
and modernize the traditional african religions to develop
their countries and bring dignity back to black people all over
the world . They should rewrite and recreate human religion
which their african ancestors created to serve the purpose
which it was meant for : Unite peoples of all races all over
the world, bring learning and development , eliminate all
sorts of discrimination between peoples , prevent wars
between peoples etc , etc .
NB : Egypt and Sudan were one country .
NB : No other continent has contributed more to human
civilisation than Africa . The pillars and fundamentals of
human civilisation were all invented in Africa (Egypt-
Sudan) , namely : Religion , reading and writing
(hirrogkyphics) , irrigation , yeast and bread , research
and development (R&D) , architecture , advanced design
of furniture , clothes and jewellery , large-scale
construction , astronomy (the 365 day calender etc) ,
agricultural tools , building materials and tools , music/
dance as a form of social entertainment and thousands of
other inventions. .

NB : To Say Africa has not contributed to human

civilisation is a big joke and a big lie .

NB : Peoples of African descent should appreciate and

celebrare the creations and achievements of their
ancestors and this is the only way they will be respected
fully by others . Celebrating other people’s ancestors and
degrading and demonizing your own is a self-defeating
strategy .

The government , the Freetown City Council and other

city councils in the country should create an idea contest
for Sierra Leoneans on how to rewrite , update and
modernize traditional african religions and cultures so

that they will help to improve the lives and boost the ego
of Sierra Leoneans and Africans .
I , Blyden Noah, have my in idea on how to rebrand the
traditional african religions and cultures of Sierra Leone .
I will submit it if the government or city councils create
such a contests .

The Freetown Harbour (Queen Elisabeth II Quay or

Deep Water Quay)

The Freetown harbour (Above. Look at it’s size!)


Estimated revenue generated per year : 1 billion

Freetown is the second largest natural harbour (formed by

estuaries) in the world behind Port Jackson in Sydney ,
Australia . With the right investments the Freetown Harbour
can become the marine-freight hub for the whole of West
Africa (more than 350 million people) . The African Free
Trade Area can help Sierra Leone become the biggest
maritime hub in West Africa and Africa . Corruption has to be
eliminated at all levels or this dream will never come true .
The high import duties and the exorbitant costs of clearing
goods at the he seaport , airport and border crossimgs has to
be stamped out . There has to be a price norm for the whole
of West Africa , this will eliminate the corrupt practices in the
ports which are making things very expensive for Sierra
Leoneans and Africans and impoverishing them .

Zero tolerance for corruption : If Sierra Leone and Africa

are serious about development then corruption has to be

eliminated . Corruption and development will never co-
exist . Period.


Create a Duopolis : Sherbro island city -Monrovia
Estimated revenue generated per year : 1 billion

Duopolis is a greek word and it means double cities which
are integrated economically for the benefit of the two . The
proposed Sherbro island city which is to be built on Sherbro
island should be combined into a duopolis with Monrovia
with the aim of transforming it into a shipping and aviation
hub for West Africa’s 300 million people and even for Africa’s
1.2 billion people . The coming African Free Trade Area will
allow this duopolis to easily sell products and services to
Africa’s 1.2 billion people


Estimated revenue generated per year : Together with
Lungi hub 100 billion USD per year

Sierra Leone : The 'center' of the world

Sierra Leone is well positioned at the 'center' of the world to
become an international trading giant. Look at the map
above and take a good look at the black lines (trade routes)
originating from Sierra Leone :

1/ The Trans-Saharan railway : This is represented on the

map above by the black line stretching from Sierra Leone to
Somalia .
This railway starts in Freetown-Lungi and ends in
Mogadishu in East Africa . The Trans-Saharan railway is just
an extension of the above mentioned 'Lungi - Timbuktu -
Kano - Khartoum - Addis Ababa -Cairo Railway' . The
trans-saharan railway should be built by the African countries
who are directly involved in the project . The section from
Lungi to Conakry should be built by Sierra Leoneans , the
Guinean section should be built by Guineans , the Malian
section by Malians etc . Millions of African labourers should
be used in the project . Only African technology , know-how
and manpower should be used . In this way Africans will
learn , acquire knowledge and large African multi-national
companies will be born . If the Egyptians could build gigantic
pyramids with no modern machines 5000 years ago then
Africans can build a Trans-Saharan railway or a Cape Town
to Cairo railway today .
The Trans-Saharan railway connects to the Cape Town -
Cairo railway .

2/ Lungi-Conakry-Morocco -Europe Railway : This is
represented on the map above by the black line stretching
from Sierra Leone to Morocco to Spain .

3/ Sierra Leone - Brazil Shipping Lane : This is represented

on the map above by the black line stretching from Sierra
Leone to Brazil . Brazil has a large population of people of
African descent who can be the target audience for 'Afro'
products such as african clothes , shoes , cultural and
religious products , foods , african literature , african culture
and religions etc .

4/ Sierra Leone - Carribbean Shipping Lane : This is

represented on the map above by the black line stretching
from Sierra Leone to the Carribbean . The Carribbean has a
large population of people of African descent who can be the
target audience for 'Afro' products such as african clothes ,
shoes , cultural and religious products , foods , african
literature , african culture and religions etc .

5/ Sierra Leone - USA Shipping Lane : This is represented

on the map above by the black line stretching from Sierra
Leone to the USA . The USA has a large population of people
of African descent who can be the target audience for ’Afro’
products such as african clothes , shoes , cultural and

religious products , foods , african literature , african culture
and religions etc .

6/ Sierra Leone - Canada Shipping Lane : This is

represented on the map above by the black line stretching
from Sierra Leone to Canada . Canada has a large population
of people of African descent who can be the target audience
for 'Afro' products such as african clothes , shoes , cultural
and religious products , foods , african literature , african
culture and religions etc .

7/ Sierra Leone - Europe Shipping Lane : Europe has a

large population of people of African descent who can be the
target audience for 'Afro' products such as african clothes ,
shoes , cultural and religious products , foods , african
literature , african culture and religions etc .

8/ Sierra Leone - Nigeria Shipping Lane :

9/ Sierra Leone - South Africa - India Shipping Lane :

10 / Sierra Leone - South Africa - Australia Shipping Lane

11/ Other shipping lanes originating from Sierra Leone

Sierra Leone should Lead and champion these projects

then Sierra Leone will become the greatest nation on

earth . Sierra Leone has led West Africa just100 years ago
, Sierra Leone can do it again .

NB : All the difficulties in Sierra Leone can be solved by the

following 'magic words' :
a/ Education : An inclusive , free , basic and useful
education program will unleash the potential of 7 million
Sierra Leoneans and propel the country to great prosperity .
The talented 'Bill Gates' , 'Tony Elumelus' and 'Mark
Zuckerbergs' of Sierra Leone will shine and create great
multinationella companies that will provide millions of jobs
for Sierra Leoneans and boost the GDP per capita of the
country . 'Basic education' means reading and writing ,
simple mathematics , internet education and an international
language such as english . 'Useful education' means
education which the people can use to create jobs for
themselves and others and create wealth . Examples of useful
education are entrepreneurship and research and
innovation . All primary schools , secondary schools ,
vocational schools , universities should have
entrepreneurship and research and development in their
curricula . The Sierra Leone government should establish
entrepreneurship programs like the Tony Elumelu Foundation
Entrepreneurship program to help young Sierra Leoneans
become entrepreneurs . The businessmen and women , petty
traders , farmers , fishermen , shoemakers , garment makers
etc of Sierra Leone should be given free entrepreneurial

courses to help them grow their businesses and contribute to
the GDP of the country . Everyone has to participate to help
boost the GDP of the country , this can only be achieved if
each and every person is given the 'tools' to make this happen

Tony Elumelu : Founder of the Tony Elumelu Foundation

b/ Finished Products / Secondary products : Sierra Leone

and Africa has to encourage and support the creation of
indigenous African companies that can use African raw
materials to produce finished or secondary products for

domestic consumption and for export to overseas markets :
Sierra Leone and Africa should export steel and cars instead
of iron ore, export aluminium instead of bauxite , export
cement instead of limestone , export furnitures and building
materials instead of wood , export canned food instead
perishable foods , export pineapple juice instead of
pineapples , export chocolate instead of cacao, export
processed coffe instead of raw coffee beans , export
electricity instead of importing it , export clothes and fabrics
instead of raw cotton, etc etc . The raw materials are in the
continent to develop it . If African politicians , African banks ,
regional bodies can get their act together then it will
NB : It is finished products or secondary products which give
added value (value added) to primary products . The added
value brings in more profit and income for the african
producers , more revenue (taxes) and foreign exchange for
the country and ultimately prosperity .
A lot of food is wasted in Africa because they are not
preserved . Conserving food will help to prevent starvation
and undernourishment in the continent . African families
should be taught how to conserve food . All types of foods
can be conserved .
One of the best and cheapest ways to conserve food is by
canning .


This method was invented by Nicolas Appert of France in

Appert’s method consists of heating food to boiling point and
then transferering the boiling food to a can , bottle or jar .
The can , bottle or jar is then tightly sealed quickly . The
heat kills the microorganisms in the food, and the sealing
keeps other microorganisms from entering . Foods can be
conserved for ca 6 years using this method .

Conserved foods in jars

One cannot produce decent finished/secondary

products without electricity
Electricity is the cornerstone of development, without it there
is no development. 24 hour electricity should be made free of
charge or almost free of charge for all Sierra Leoneans . The
government should encourage all homes , universities ,
schools , buildings , workpkaces etc to create their own
electricity . Products to produce electricity should be made
duty-free . Most of the products should be made in Sierra
Leone . People should be encouraged to go to Google and
Youtube and learn how to produce electricity themselves .
Free electricity will lead to the creation of hundreds of
thousands of domestic companies and encourage thousands
of multinational corporations to invest and set up shop in
Sierra Leone . This will give the government a lot of tax
revenue , increase the standard of living of Sierra Leoneans
manyfold and propel Sierra Leone to a developed country by
2040 .


Sierra Leoneans should try to produce everything
themselves , only then they will be cheapest and affordable
to all . Importing things make them poorer and make other
people in other continents richer ! Making stuff and also
exporting them will bring in foreign exchange and make
Sierra Leoneans richer .

The components you need to produce your own
electricity :
1/ Copper wire : It conducts electricity well

2/ A metal rod such as a nail :

3/ Use a cardboard to make a semi-thick cylinder :

4/ Wooden wheel or cardboard wheel :

5/ A magnet with north and south poles (below) :

A simple dynamo generator and revolving wheel

How to produce electricity with the components :
Wrap the copper wire around the cylinder hundreds of
times . You'll need hundreds of coils around the cylinder to
create a significant magnetic field that you can measure .
Attach one end of the nail to the magnet and the other end to
the wooden wheel as shown in the picture above. Use a stand
to place the magnet inside the cylinder , the magnet should
stand freely and not touch the inner walls of the cylinder .
The cylinder plus the magnet in it is called a dynamo
generator. So you have now created a dynamo generator or
dynamo . Connect the 2 ends of the copper coil to a 3 volt
bulb . Revolve (move in a circle) the wooden wheel and this
will revolve the magnet inside the coil of wire . When a
magnet moves inside the coil of wire an electric current flows
in the wire . The kinetic (motion) energy of the wheel is
converted to electrical energy by the magnetic field produced
inside the cylinder and an electric current flows in the copper
wire . The electricity produced can be used to charge a
battery , providing enough electricity for 24 hours for a home
Go to youtube and Google and learn how to make a battery
so that you can store the electricity you are producing.
Africa should produce copper wire from it’s copper deposits
and to make magnets from iron (iron ore deposits) . These

are the basic components used in the production of electricity
How to make a permanent magnet : Take a piece of iron
and expose it to strong magnetic fields until it retains it’s
magnetic field .

The technology behind the dynamo generator is basically the

same as in turbine generators . Turbine generators are used
in windmills (wind turbines) , hydroelectric plants (water
turbines) , geothermal plants (Steam turbines) , large solar
plants (steam turbines) etc .

A dynamo generator with magnets outside the

copper coil


You have to make a very tall , vertical , chimney-like
structure made of earthen (baked clay) bricks . This structure
is called a blast furnace . There are very high temperatures

(400 deg C) so cool the walls of the blast furnace by spraying
water over them . Heat and melt iron ore (iron oxides) inside
the blast furnace using coal charcoal (coke) and blasts of air .
The melted pig iron collects at the bottom of the furnace . A
mixture of iron ore and coal charcoal is placed at the top and
air is introduced under pressure at the bottom . See the
diagrams below .


Go to :
Go to : Youtube and Google and learn how to make your own
motorcycle .

Take a loan from a bank to to develop and grow your

motorcycle company . Sell your motorcycles to the domestic
markets in Sierra Leone and Africa and then export to the
world .

Home made electric motorcycle

The pharmaceutical industry is valued at $446 billion ,
Africa’s share of this is 0 . Africa has lots of unresearched
plants , animals , fungi that pharmaceuticals can be derived
from . Alkaloids such as the malarial drug quinine were the
first pure pharmaceuticals derived from plants . The
antimalarial root (Agbo) in Sierra Leone and other
antimalarial plants and shrubs could be researched on to
produce antimalarial medicines . There are Africans who do
not catch malaria , someone can try to make an antimalarial
vaccine from their blood .

Go to Youtube or Google and learn how to produce

pharmaceutical medicines , vaccines etc .

The majority of Africans cannot afford the medicines that are

being produced in the world today .

Take a loan from a bank of start a manufacturing society to

start and develop your pharmaceutical or herbal medicines
company . Sell your medicines to the domestic markets in
Sierra Leone and Africa and then export to the world .



Africans are spending g a large portion of their income on

food because they do not have refrigerators and freezers to
conserve their food . Africans waste a lot of time cooking
everyday , all their remaining cooked food spoils after a few
days and are thrown away . A freezer can conserve food for 3
months or more . Freezers and refrigerators save lots of
money and make foodstuffs a lot cheaper . The prices of
foodstuffs in Africa would be reduced drastically if
refrigerators and freezers were commonplace .

Go to Youtube or Google and learn how to make your own

refrigerator and freezer .

Banks operating in Africa : African central banks and other

banks should become independent entities like in developed
economies in the world . African leaders are using the banks
in Africa like their own piggy banks , this has to stop. The
banking authorities of the AU , SADC , ECOWAS etc should
have an overseeing role over banks and other financial
institutions operating in Africa and . This will put a stop to
the trillions of dollars that are leaving the continent via
corruption . African banks should give loans to African
entrepreneurs who can use African know-how and raw
materials to create large , strategic companies which will

employ thousands of Africans and raise their standard of
living .
Banks and financial institutions in Africa have been involved
in and facilitating corruption for African politicians and elite
since independence , this has to stop . The banking
transactions of these banks should be monitored and checked
regularly by the world bank , the IMF or the banking
authorities of the AU .



The mantra in Sierra Leone and Africa should be : Trade ,
trade , trade . Trading is the panacea for all Sierra Leone's
and Africa's problems .
The majority of Sierra Leonean traders are petty traders ,
small-time farmers , small-time manufacturers and small-
time businesspeople . Sierra Leonean traders should come
together , pool resources and create cooperative banks ,
cooperative supermarkets and malls , cooperative farms ,
cooperative restaurants , cooperative housing , cooperative
furniture companies, cooperative schools for children's and
adult's education etc , etc . Such enterprises are owned and
run jointly by members, who share the profits and benefit .
Such enterprises encourage and compel the traders to
improve the quality and if possible package their products to
add value to them . It is not brain surgery to create large
supermarkets and shopping malls for local Sierra Leonean
products . A supermatket or shopping mall is just a large hall
with products on shelves . Such large supermarkets will
create a demand for Sierra Leonean products and compel
young Sierra Leoneans to go to the farms etc and create
products to fill the shelves of the supermarkets .
The quality controls imposed by such large cooperatives lead
to the creation of high-quality products for the domestic
Sierra Leone and African market and for export overseas .
Sierra Leonean and African banks can facilitate this process
by adopting modern , inclusive banking methods , modern
and fast international transfer methods and by eliminating
corruption in their midst.

Zero tolerance for corruption : If Sierra Leone and Africa
are serious about development then corruption has to be
eliminated . Corruption and development will never co-
exist . Period.

A cooperative supermarket in Sweden selling foodstuffs ,

clothes , shoes , household items etc

The Sierra Leone government should organize an

investment conference at Lungi inorder to get funds for
Lungi’s and Sierra Leone’s development . Lungi , Sherbro
Island and Kabala should be made special economic
zones (SEZs) having tax concessions in order to bring in
foreign investment and encourage business activities .

Ashobi philosophy : Ashobi is a Sierra Leonean yoruba,
ogunist word meaning same, uniform or equal . In Nigerian
yoruba it is called Aso ebi . In a brader sense Ashobi means
we are all equal , we wear the same clothes , shoes and hats ,
we own the same things , we live in the same flats or homes ,
we go to the same hospitals , we attend the same schools, we
are all the same etc , etc .
Ashobi philosophy and other African pholosophies should be
taught in African schools and universities . Traditional
African religion and culture should be taught in African
schools and universities . This will reduce corruption , bring
self-confidence to Africans and help to speed up development
African leaders and elites do not practice ashobi . They and
their families travel to Europe , Asia , USA etc for medical
treatments , they send their children to schools and
universities overseas , they do ther shopping in Dubai ,
London etc , they travel overseas often and for long periods
of time . This is costing African tax payers billions of dollars .
Medical tourism to India and other countries is costing
African taxpayers 1 billion dollar per year . These monies
should instead be used to build modern and well equipped
schools , hospitals , universities , holiday resorts etc in Africa
which they and all other Africans can use . Where is Ashobi
philosophy ?

The development motto for Sierra Leone and Africa

should be 'Ashobi' .

Hunting god and members in Ashobi (same clothes)

Estimated revenue generated per year : 100 million USD

Sierra Leone is blessed with fertile soil and abundant

rainfall . Fertile soil and abundant rainfall are the
prerequisites for creating a successful agricultural industry .
Agriculture is and has always been the biggest industry in
Sierra Leone , 70-80 percent of the population are involved
in agriculture . Agriculture has been neglected by all the
governments in Sierra Leone since independence . Manual
labour with hoes and cutlasses is still the order of the day in
the farms . The farmers have no access to bank loans , they
have no tractors or other agricultural equipment, no
substances to control pests , little access to fertilizers, little
access to pest resistant seeds, no access to electricity , no
access to good roads or railways etc , etc . The government
should give top priority to agriculture , a substantial portion
of the national budget should go to agriculture .

Actions which should be taken to modernize agriculture

in Sierra Leone :

a/ Sierra Leonean farmers should form cooperatives

(Farmers' Co-op) . In a cooperative a group of farmers pool
their resources together to be in a stronger position when
negotiating with the government or other players . The
cooperative society negotiate better deals for the farmers'
produce and for materials such as seeds , fertilizers , fuel,
machine equipment etc . The cooperative also teaches it's
members how to practice modern farming methods .

b/ Agriculture is a strategic industry for Sierra Leone and

Africa . The government should give top priority to it , a
substantial portion of the national budget should go to
agriculture . The government should waive import duties on
agricultural equipment and products such as tractors ,
combine harvesters , fertilizers etc .

c/ Farmers should come together and create cooperative

banks . Cooperative banks are owned by the members and
provide loans to it’s members at lower interests compared to
other banks .

d/ Banks in Sierra Leone should be obliged to give loans to
african farmers to grow their businesses.

e/ The government should provide the necessary and

indispensable infrastructure to make Sierra Leone an
agricultural powerhouse . The necessary infrastructure are :
1/ Cheap , reliable, 24-hour electricity .
2/ A good network of tarred or concrete roads to link the
farms with the towns , cities , seaports and airports .
3/ Cheap , reliable , affordable and 24-hour internet.
4/ Cheap , reliable , and affordable mobile phone services .
5/ Cheap , reliable , and affordable water supply .
6/ The creation of agricultural research and innovation
centers all over Sierra Leone to discover new technology and
processes that will improve agriculture in the country . The
center can for example research how to use drones to
improve agriculture in the country .
7/ A good railway network to link the farms with the towns ,
cities , seaports and airports .
8/ Expand and modernize the existing seaports and airports
in Sierra Leone . Create new seaports and airports .
9/ Establish agricultural vocational schools and agricultural
universities with campuses all over the country .

f/ The government should have zero tolerance for

corruption , corruption destroys all good ideas and actions .
g/ The government should create a list of 'strategic' crops and
give farmers special assistance and incentives to grow such

crops . Strategic crops satisfy domestic demand and bring in
much-needed foreign exchange . Such crops are :
1/ Rice
2/ Oil palm 3/ Cassava
4/ Sweet potatoes 5/ Bananas
6/ Oranges. 7/ Lemon / Lime
8/ Clementines / Tangerines 9/ Ginger
10/ Hot chili peppers 11/ Pineapples
12/ Cashew nuts 13 / Cocoa
14/ Coconut. 15/ Avocado
16/ Paw paw 17/ Flowers
18/ Plantain . And more

Estimated revenue generated per year : 500 million USD

The Sierra Leone coastline

Sierra Leone is blessed with a long sea coastline and many
rivers . These are prerequisites for creating a profitable,
sustainable fishing industry that could earn the country
several million dollars every year .
The fishing industry is one of the most corrupt industries
in Sierra Leone and Africa . This industry should be earning
Sierra Leone 500 million USD per year but because of
corruption the country gets almost nothing . Norway also has
a long coastline and Norway gets 2.2 billion dollars from
fisheries every year .
The African governments in the coast countries connive with
European , Asian , American officials and fishing companies
to steal Africa's fish . These countries fiercely protect their
own fishing grounds but they come to Africa's waters and
overfish it . They pay African leaders a few million dollars
and they make billions of dollars for their companies and
countries. It is this connivance of African leaders with
foreigners since slavery to sell Africa’s resources to the
detriment and disadvantage of the African people that
has caused and is still causing all Africa's woes . Sierra
Leone and Africa should identify and protect their assets ,
and use them to improve the standard of living of it's
people .

How Sierra Leone can develop it's fishing resources :

a/ Sierra Leonean fishermen and fisherwomen should form

cooperatives (Fishermen’s Co-op) . In a cooperative a group
of fishermen pool their resources together to be in a stronger
position when negotiating with the government or other

players . The cooperative society negotiate better deals for
the fishermen's fish produce and for materials such as nets ,
boats , boat parts , other fishing equipment etc . The
cooperative also teaches it's members how to practice
modern fishing methods .

b/ Fisheries is a strategic industry for Sierra Leone and Africa

. The government should give top priority to it , a substantial
portion of the national budget should go to fisheries . The
government should waive import duties on fisheries
equipment and products as nets , outboard motors ,
commercial freezers , boatbuilding and shipbuilding
instruments etc .

c/ Fishermen and Fisherwomen should come together and

create cooperative banks . Cooperative banks are owned by
the members and provide loans to it’s members at lower
interests compared to other banks .

d/ Banks in Sierra Leone should be obliged to give loans to

fishermen and fisherwomen to grow their businesses .

e/ The government and city councils should have zero

tolerance for corruption , corruption destroys all good ideas
and actions .

f/ The Sierra Leone government should create a coast guard

force to protect the fishing resources of Sierra Leone .
Millions of dollars is lost every year to illegal fishing from
Europe , Asia , America and the Arab world . These monies

should be used to raise the living standards of Sierra
Leoneans and develop the country .
g/ The creation of fisheries research and innovation centers
all over Sierra Leone to discover new technology and
processes that will improve fishing in the country is needed .
h/ Hundreds of patrol boats are needed to patrol the long
coast line of Sierra Leone 24/7 . Manufacturing societies (see
below) should manufacture the patrol boats in Sierra Leone .
Boats made in Sierra Leone will be much cheaper so the
government can afford yo purchase hundreds of them . The
AU , ECOWAS , SADC and other regional bodies should
establish a continent-wide coast guard force with boats ,
helicopters , drones and planes to guard the coast line of
Africa and protect it’s fishing resources . Africa cannot
continue to subsidize the fishing industries of other
continents , this has to stop . The free lunch is over .

i/ The AU , ECOWAS , SADC and other regional bodies

should create continent-wide marine parks to protect the
fishing resources of the continent . Marine parks should
make up 30 percent of the African coast line . Marine parks
protect the flora and fauna of the oceans , bring about
sustainable fishing and preserve the marine eco-system for
future generations .

j/ The government of Sirrra Leone , the Freetown city council

and other city councils in the country should establish
fisheries vocational schools and fisheries universities with
campuses all over the country .

Corruption : The government , the Freetown city council
and other city councils in the country should have zero
tolerance for corruption . Corruption destroys the fabrics
and foundations of a society . All corrupt officials should
be promptly prosecuted and jailed .

Estimated revenue generated per year : 50 million USD




Sierra Leone is blessed with offshore winds , mountain top

winds and abundant sunlight . These are prerequisites for
creating renewable , sustainable and cheap electricity
generation via offshore windmills , mountaintop windmills
and rooftop solar panels .
The government , the Freetown city council and other city
councils in the country should subsidize solar panels so that
every roof in the country should have one . Manufacturing
societies (see below) can manufacture and export windmills
and even solar panels . The country can export electricity and
earn 50 million dollars in foreign exchange . Today the

country is importing electricity which is the most expensive
in the world and not even 1% of the population have 24 hour
electricity .












The government of Sierra Leone , the Freetown City

Council and other city councils should create ideas
contests for manufacturing societies that can
manufacture battery electric motorcycle vehicles .
I , Blyden Noah, have my own ideas for creating
manufacturing societies for the production of battery
electric motorcycle vehicles . I will submit ny ideas if the
government and city councils create such contests .
Manufacturing societies should be given subsidies until
they can stand on their own feet economically and then
they will start paying taxes to the city councils and
Go below to read about Manufacturing societies

Estimated revenue generated per year : 100 million USD



Sierra Leone is blessed with forests . Ca 40 % of Sierra Leone
is forested according to the UN's FAO . Forests are vital for
the survival of humans and other species on the planet .
The advantages of forests (Partly from the Express tribune , :

1/ From an ecological (enviromental) point of view forests

play a vital role in keeping the enviroment clean as they are
the main source of oxygen . No species can survive without
oxygen .
2/ Forests are habitats for wildlife and the majority of plant
species .
3/ Forests prevent soil erosion and prevent landslides . The
extensive root network of trees and shrubs hold the soil
together and prevent soil erosion and landslides .
4/ Forests are vital research laboratories which can proviide
life-saving medicines and other useful materials in the
future . Forest plants are used for medicinal purpose in
pharmaceutical industries .
5/ Forests reduce floods . Big trees absorb excess water in
rainy season thus reducing floods and destruction .
6/ Forests are vital for agriculture and food production .
Forests stabilize the climate , producing regular rain periods
and preventing drought .
7/ From a commercial point of view, they provide the raw
material used for wood based industries. They are a source of
timber which is used for construction .
8/ Forests are the backbone of ecological tourism
(ecotourism) which can bring in millions of dollars in foreign

exchange , employ thousands of people and help to
significantly boost a country’s GDP .
9/ Forests provide employment opportunities for people
living in the vicinity of forests . Berries , other fruits ,
mushrooms which are harvested in the forests provide
sources of income for these people and even valuable foreign
exchange when exported .

The desired forest cover for Sierra Leone is 60-70 percent . A

large forest cover is necessary to have a large and sustainable
forestry industry . Sweden which has a large and sustainable
forestry industry has a forest cover of about 60 % .

How to save the forests of sierra Leone and increase the

forest cover to 70 % :

1/ Population control : It is humans who chop down forests

for living space , firewood , construction materials ,
commercial purposes etc . The government should enact a
population control law , provide free contraceptive pills for
girls and women etc to check the population explosion.
Unchecked and uncontrolled population growth leads to
poverty and suffering .
2/ Forest conservation program : Sierra Leone should have
a forest conservation program . The government should enact
a Forestry Replanting Act in parliament that requires the
replanting of every tree , shrub or coral that is chopped down
in a forested area , park , swamp , river or sea . The
replanted species should be the same as those that have been
chopped down . All areas suffering from deforestation should

be reforested . The forests and seas of the country should be
protected by a well equipped forestry force and coast guard
force . The populace should be informed and enlightened
about the usefulness of the forests and the seas and why they
should be preserved for future generations .
3/ Creation of more forested parks : More forested
national parks should be created all over Sierra Leone . More
forested parks should be created in the periphery of
Freetown and the other big towns and cities in the country .
Peripheral forested parks are vital for cities because they help
to stabilize the climate in the cities , they prevent soil erosion
and landslides , they act as water catchment areas and
thereby provide regular water supply to the cities , they clean
the air in the cities , they provide areas for recreation and
ecotourism near the cities etc , etc .
4/ Cheap electricity supply : Electricity should be cheap ,
renewable , affordable and available to all Sierra Leoneans.
The chopping down of forests for firewood and charcoal
should be banned when the availability of cheap electricity in
the country is 100 % . People should use cheap electric stoves
for cooking instead . This will save the forests and help
prevent climate change .
5/ Apartment housing : Sierra Leone is a small country and
the population is increasing rapidly . The government should
enact a Sustainable Housing Development Law that states
that multi-storey apartment blocks should be the standard
form of residence for Sierra Leoneans . Residential
communities should be made up of multi-storey apartments
made of cement or used containers . These communities
should be provided with health centers , kindergartens,

schools , community halls , mini stadiums , religious places of
worship , gym halls , markets , supermarkets , shopping malls
etc , these structures should be made of cheap used
containers or cement . These communities should be well
planned , they should have wide guttered roads, car parks,
wide empty spaces and parks for recreation , lots of planted
trees , shrubs and flowers . Apartment housing save the
forests , thousands of people can be housed in a small space ,
much less forest has to be chopped down as opposed to
bungalows , villas and mansions .

Apartment housing made of containers

Apartment community made of containers

Apartment housing made of cement blocks

6/ ’Importance of forests' awareness campaigns : The
Sierra Leone government , the Freetown City Council, the Bo
City Council , the Makeni City Council and other city councils
in the country should run 'Importance of Forests' campaigns
regularly . These campaigns should comprise radio , TV ,
internet ads , posters , SMS , e-mail ads , newspaper ads ,
booklets etc so that the majority of the populace would be
reached by them . The ads should emphasize the important
role forests play in maintaining a renewable enviroment
(sustainable ecosystem) and preventing climate change .
Forests absorb carbon dioxide which is toxic to humans
and other animal species and produce oxygen which is
necessary for the survival of humans and other animal
species .
Sierra Leone has to grow more forests yearly than it
chops down . If well managed the forest industry can be
worth more than the mining and oil-gas industry
combined .


Estimated revenue generated per year : 100 million USD

Boat and shipbuilding

The rivers of Sierra Leone

Cableway should link Lungi to Freetown

Sierra Leone is blessed with a gigantic , estuary-created

natural harbour , many rivers , mountains , hills , flat land ,
swamps , the atlantic ocean , forests and savannah . These
are prerequisites for creating a successful and profitable
transportation industry comprising extensive waterway
transportation , railway transportation , road transportation ,
electric cableway transportation , boatbuilding ,
shipbuilding , motorcycle manufacturing and car , buses and
trucks manufacturing etc .

Extensive , fast and cheap transportation systems will speed
up the development of the country .


Estimated revenue generated per year : ? million USD

Mining iron ore at Marampa in Sierra Leone

The mining and oil and gas industries are the most corrupt
industries in Sierra Leone and Africa . The current mining
and gas industries in Sierra Leone and Africa have to be
discontinued and replaced with something that will bring

benefits to African people and development to African
countries .
The disadvantages of the current mining and oil and gas
industries :

1/ They breed corruption

2/ They destroy the moral fabric of African societies
3/ They wipe out diversification by creating a mono-industry
situation based on minerals and oil and gas
4/ They destroy indigenous industries and create a
dependency on imports .
5/ They cause enviromental degradation
6/ They create poverty and suffering of the present and
coming generations by damaging the ecosystem of the land
and the sea .

The current mining , oil and gas industries in Sierra Leone

and Africa should be replaced by indigenous , people-
centered mining industries that can manufacture and export
secondary products such as steel , aluminium and oil refinery
products such as gasoline, diesel fuel, asphalt base, heating
oil, kerosene, liquefied petroleum gas, jet fuel and fuel oils .
A people-centered mining , oil and gas industry would
transfer know-how to Sierra Leoneans , create tens of
thoosands of jobs , greatly increase the tax revenue of the
Sierra Leonean government and give a big boost to the GDP
of the country .


Estimated revenue generated per year : 1 billion USD

African garments making company

Motorcycle transportation company

Extreme poverty in Sierra Leone . The people
who live here have been deprived of human dignity

1/ What are manufacturing societies ?

Manufacturing societies are local , indigenous , people-

centered manufacturing and services producing enterprises
operating from the homes or compounds of people in the
community . They are home-based factories producing
strategic goods for the community and country . People in a
community come together and make a list of the strategic
enterprises and services they need in their communities and
then create manufacturing societies according to this list . A
manufacturing society can be a single person enterprise , a
family enterprise , a group of friends enterprise , or a group
of people in the community coming together and creating
one .
How to prevent corruption in manufacturing societies :
There should be zero tolerance for corruption in
manufacturing societies. Corruption and corrupt practices
will bring the whole system crashing down and thus causing
suffering to the poor people of the community. Corrupt
persons should be promptly expelled from the manufacturing
society and reported to the police for prosecution . There
should be external and independent auditors who are
regularly auditing the accounts of manufacturing societies
and reporting irregularities , fraud and corruption to the
police .

Profit : Manufacturing societies should make a small

profit to survive but profit-making is not the main
purpose of manufacturing societies . The main purpose of
manufacturing societies is to help members of the
community to attain a higher standard of living and thus
a better life .

2/ How to establish and organize manufacturing societies

: There should be open and fair ideas contests organized by
the government, the Freetown city council , other city
councils , paramount chiefs, community elders , private
organisations and wealthy Sierra Leonean philanthropists
in which the most promising ideas for manufacturing projects
are given grants or subsidies to start up . These startups will
start paying taxes to the government and city councils when

they stand on their own feet . The subsidies and grants are
Sierra Leoneans's tax money , they have a right to it .
The government and city councils should organise free crash
courses in enrepreneurship , bookeeping , business ethics ,
transparency, honesty and the destructive consequences of
corruption . The government , city councils , paramount
chiefs etc should run awareness campaigns to highlight the
importance of manufacturing societies to communities and
that they should be supported 100 % by the populace
because these societies are for their own benefit .
The products of manufacturing companies should be cheap ,
decent and affordable to the majority of Sierra Leoneans .
The poor people of Sierra Leone (the majority of Sierra
Leoneans) are earning about 30 USD a month. This majority
(earning 30 USD a month) should be able to afford the
products of the manufacturing societies , this should be
one of the most important criterion for the creation of a
manufacturing society . Another important requirement
should be that the products should be made in Sierra Leone
and local know-how and local materials should be used to a
large extent in creating the products.

3/ The types of manufacturing societies

a/ Housing construction manufacturing societies : These

are manufacturing societies that use local know-how and
materials to construct decent and affordable residential
homes for members of the community . These manufacturing
societies can use cheap, imported containers to produce

container houses as shown above . The poorest members of
the community (earning 1 dollar a day , or 30 dollars a
month) should be able to afford these homes .
Manufacturing societies should make a small profit to
survive but profit-making is not the main purpose of
manufacturing societies . The main purpose of
manufacturing societies is to help members of the
community to attain a higher standard of living and thus
a better life .
I , Blyden Noah, have my own ideas for creating
manufacturing societies for the production of residential
housing using used containers . I will submit ny ideas if
the government , the Freetown city council and other city
councils create such contests ( see above) .

b/ Home furniture / Toilet & Bathroom furniture

manufacturing societies : These are manufacturing societies
that use local know-how and materials to construct decent
and affordable home- and toilet/bathroom furniture for
members of the community . The poorest members of the
community (earning 1 dollar a day , or 30 dollars a month)
should be able to afford these furniture . Manufacturing
societies should make a small profit to survive but profit-
making is not the main purpose of manufacturing
societies . The main purpose of manufacturing societies is
to help members of the community to attain a higher
standard of living and thus a better life .
I , Blyden Noah, have my own ideas for creating
manufacturing societies for the production of home- and

toilet/bathroom furniture . I will submit ny ideas if the
government , the Freetown city council and other city
councils create such contests (see above) .

c/ Boat- and shipbuilding manufacturing societies : These

are manufacturing societies that use local know-how and
materials to construct decent , cheap boats and ships which
can be used to criss-cross the Freetown estuary , rivers and
Atlantic ocean , creating easier and cheaper connections and
boosting trade and GDP .
I , Blyden Noah, have my own ideas for creating
manufacturing societies for the production of cheap,
decent unsinkable boats and ships . I will submit ny ideas
if the government , the Freetown city council and other
city councils create such contests (see above) .

d/ Roads- and bridges construction manufacturing

societies : These are manufacturing societies that use local
know-how and materials to construct decent and cheap roads
and bridges that facilitate communication and trade in the
community and between the community and other
communities in the country . This will greatly boost the GDP
of the country and improve the standard of living of the
people .
I , Blyden Noah, have my own ideas for creating
manufacturing societies for the construction of roads and
bridges . I will submit ny ideas if the government , the
Freetown city council and other city councils create such
contests (see above) .
e/ Sierra Leone religious societies manufacturing
societies : These are manufacturing societies that use local
know-how and materials to operate and provide african
rituals and african religious services (Ojehs , Geledeh
societies , Bundy societies, Odelay societies etc ) to the
community. These secret religious societies are headed and
run by Africans , no foreigners are involved here .
These and other manufacturing societies will boost the egos
of Sierra Leoneans and forever and remove the subordination
and inferiority complex Aficans have towards foreigners ,
foreign religions , foreign products and foreign services .
I , Blyden Noah, have my own ideas for creating african
religious societies manufacturing societies . I will submit
ny ideas if the government , the Freetown city council
and other city councils create such contests (see above).

f/ Electricity production manufacturing societies : These

are manufacturing societies that use local know-how and
materials to produce renewable electricity via windmills ,
solar , hydro- , wave energy etc . These societies will produce
cheap and affordable electricity for members of the
community . Cheap and affordable electricity is a prerequisite
for development, without it there is no development.

g/ Water supply manufacturing societies : These are

manufacturing societies that use local know-how and
materials to produce regular water supply to the community .
These manufacturing societies use pumps , pipes , wells ,

dams , rain water collection , water purification systems and
irrigation techniques to supply water to the community .

Accessible water supply is a human right : According to

the UN's Human Right to Water and Sanitation (HRWS)
"The human right to water entitles everyone to sufficient,
safe, acceptable, physically accessible and affordable water
for personal and domestic uses." The HRWS obliges
governments to ensure that people can enjoy clean, available,
accessible, and affordable water and sanitation .
From Wikipedia .

h/ Health Centers manufacturing societies : These are

manufacturing societies that use local know-how ( medical
students , nurses , retired doctors , doctors , lab tecnnicians ,
mental health counselors , psychotherapists ,

physiotherapists , etc ) and materials to establish and run
primary health care centers in the community . These
manufacturing societies will provide cheap , affordable and
high quality primary care for the people in the community .
Cheap , affordable and good quality medical care boosts the
health , quality of life and standard of living of the people .
The GDP of the country also gets a boost because more
healthy people are in the workforce .
I , Blyden Noah, have my own ideas for creating health
centers manufacturing societies . I will submit ny ideas if
the government , the Freetown city council and other city
councils create such contests (see above) .

i/ Iron , steel , cement production manufacturing

societies :
These are manufacturing societies that use local know-how
and materials to produce iron , steel , aluminium , cement
etc for the community . No country can call itself a developed
nation if it does not produce it's own iron , steel , aluminium
or cement . These are the building blocks used to build a
developed society , without the building blocks there will
never be a developed society .

j/ Agriculture/farming manufacturing societies :

These are manufacturing societies that use local know-how
and materials to grow crops and raise livestock (cows, bulls ,
sheep, goats, fowls (cocks, hens) etc ) . 70 % of Sierra
Leoneans have agriculture as their occupation. Sierra Leone
is blessed with arable , fertile land and anbundant rainfall .

Sierra Leone should be a powerhouse for ambundant
agricultural production and export .

k/ Horticulture (Growing of vegetables and flowers)

manufacturing societies : These are manufacturing societies
that use local know-how and materials to grow vegetables
and flowers for the local community and for export to other
african countries . Horticulture societies can be established
by people in big towns and cities .

Tomatoes growing in plastic bags with holes in the bottom

and sides

l/ Clothes and shoes manufacturing societies :
These are manufacturing societies that use local know-how
and materials to produce african garments and shoes .

These societies will reduce unemployment by putting people

to work , reduce imports , increase tax for the government
and boost the GDP of the country.

m/ African indigenous games manufacturing societies :

These are manufacturing societies that use local know-how
and materials to produce indigenous african games for the
local market and export to african countries and overseas .
I , Blyden Noah, have my own ideas for creating
indigenous games manufacturing societies . I have an
idea for creating a new game based on BOTKIDI . I will

call the new game NEW BOTKIDI . I will submit ny idea if
the government , the Freetown city council and other city
councils create such contests (see above) .

n/ Wi-Fi and mobile operator manufacturing societies :

These are manufacturing societies that use local know-how
and materials to produce wi-fi and mobile phone services to
people in the community . The very very expensive Wi-fi ,
internet and mobile phone services in Sierra Leone and Africa
is blocking the development of Sierra Leone and Africa .
These vital services are very expensive because of corruption.
Wi-fi internet is free in town centers , schools , government
buildings in Sweden and you can get fast 24 hour broadband
internet in your home for 10 U S dollars a month . Poor
Sierra Leoneans and Africans have to pay 20 times or more
for internet and mobile phone services because of corruption,
this has to stop . Internet is the world's largest Library and
99% of people in Sierra Leone and Africa cannot afford to
use it fully and regularly . There can be no development
without cheap and affordable internet and mobile services
for the people of Sierra Leone and Africa. The government,
the Freetown City Council and other City councils should
offer free Wi-Fi in government buildings , town centers ,
schools , universities etc .

o/ Forestry and reforestation manufacturing societies :

These are manufacturing societies that use local know-how
and materials to produce tree seedlings which they sell to the
community or to the government . These societies are also
paid by the government to reforest the deforested areas of
their communities or the forest areas of the country . The
government, the Freetown City Council and other City
councils should organise tree planting exercises all over the
country regularly and millions of trees should be planted in
the country every year .

Tree seedlings grown in plastic bags with holes

in the bottom and on the sides

p/ Fishing manufacturing societies :

These are manufacturing societies that use local know-how
and materials to fish in the sea and rivers , create fish ponds
and conserve fish using refrigeration , drying , smoking etc .

Fish and sea food are the most important source of protein
for Sierra Leoneans . Fishing stocks are declining fast in
Sierra Leone's waters because of overfishing by foreign
trawlers . Foreign trawlers should be banned. Sierra Leone
should set up Marine Protected Areas as Seychelles have
done . This will make fishing sustainable and make sure that
coming generations also have fish to eat and do not starve .
Sierra Leone should even set aside 60 percent of its exclusive
economic zone (EEZ) to marine protected areas .

From (also above) : The government of

Seychelles has pledged to set aside 30 percent of its
exclusive economic zone (EEZ) to marine protected areas,
out of which 15 percent will be a no take, no fishing and no
extraction. The other 15 percent on varying levels of
protection will still be classified as marine protected areas.

q/ African banking (Osusu banks) manufacturing

societies :
Osu is a yoruba word and it means month . The yorubas of
Sierra Leone have been practicing a type of banking called
Osusu banking . This is an ancient yoruba and african
banking system . Osusu banking was practiced in Sierra
Leone from the early 1800s , it died out in the 1970s .
Members of the osusu banks will pay a certain percentage of
their monthly income to the Osusu bank . The Osusu bank
uses the funds to help the community e.g to build roads, dig
wells, build a market , a school etc . This is a people-centered
banking , no interests are taken . People with good ideas are
given non-interest loans to create businesses that will benefit

themselves and the community . The osusu funds are used to
help members in distress or in great need e.g for funerals
etc .
Osusu banking are generally run by women . Crooks , thieves
and dishonest people are promptly thrown out of the Osusu
banking system . The government of Sierra Leone , the
Freetown City Council and other city councils should
encourage and help people to set up Osusu banks all over the
country. . Osusu banks will reduce dependency on traditional
banks that are charging extremely high interests on loans and
thus stifling development of the country .

r/ Beekeeping and honey making manufacturing societies

: These are manufacturing societies that use local know-how
and materials to do beekeeping . Bees are vital for the
ecosystem we live in . They pollinate your vegetables,
flowers, garden plants and trees giving us food and raw
material such as wood and paper . They provide employment
and income for people . Information on how to do
beekeeping can be found on Youtube and Google.

s/ Missionary services manufacturing societies :
These are manufacturing societies that use tradional Sierra
Leonean philosophy , traditional religions , culture , games
etc to establish missionary societies which carry out mission
work in Sierra Leone , other african countries and the world .
Ashobi philosophy , Osusu banking , Sierra Leone's Ogun
religion , the Sierra Leone version of Ojeh , Geledeh , Odelay
and Bundu societies are activities that can be exported via
missionary work to other West African countries , other
african countries and the world . Sierra Leoneans have done
missionary work in other african countries before . Bishop
Samuel Ajayi Crowther , Dr. Edward Wilmot Blyden , Isaac
Theophilus Akunna Wallace-Johnson are examples of Sierra
Leoneans who have been missionaries in other African
countries .

Bishop Samuel Ajayi Crowther

I , Blyden Noah , will establish a Foulah Town Yoruba
Missionary Ojeh-Gelede and Odelay society in Sierra Leone if
the government , the Freetown City Council and other city
councils create contests (see above) for the creation of
missionary religious societies in the country . Missionary
religious societies are supposed to do mission work in other
african countries and spread the word .
I , Blyden Noah , am eligible to start a yoruba religious
society at Foulah Town in Freetown and in Sierra Leone.
My paternal grandfather , Alpha Issa Noah , was the yoruba
chief (Adikalie or Oba) and Imam of Foulah Town in the
1950s and early 1960s . My material grandfather was Blyden
Nasiru-Deen Dahniya , one of the leaders of the Foulah Town
yoruba in the 1960s and 1970s . I am eligible to become a
narrator and custodian of yoruba culture in Foulah Town and
Sierra Leone . African religions and culture can become a
large foreign exchange earner for Sierra Leone which can
bring in tourists and billions of dollars annually to the
country's coffers . New industries will be created : Drums
making industries, mask making industries, ogun dolls- ,
Gelede dolls- , bundu-dolls making , african musical
instruments making- , african clothes and shoes making
industries etc etc . Tourists will buy the goods creating
employment opportunities for young Sierra Leoneans.
The Freetown City Council and other City councils should
organise African traditional gods' carnivals regularly a' la Rio
festival . African religions and culture can create hundreds of
thousands of jobs , bring in billions of dollars yearly in

foreign exchange and boost the GDP of the country manyfold
. The situation for Sierra Leone is urgent . The GDP per
capita of Sierra Leone is 500 USD . Sierra Leone is at the
bottom , even other very poor African countries have a GDP
which is twicce as much as Sierra Leone . Singapore has a
GDP per capita of 60000 USD ! .

One of the Talabi (warning) gods: This one with horns

Another Talabi (warning) god with horns

The Freetown City Council should declare Foulah Town a

historic site . This will bring in tourists and foreign exchange
which will help upkeep and presrve the unique and
wonderful yoruba culture of Foulah Town . When tourists
come to Africa they want to see African culture and religion ,
listen to African music and eat African cuisine. The Ojeh

music , Gelede music etc and restaurants in Foulah Town
serving creole food will thrive . This is a win-win .

t / New research and innovation manufacturing

societies : These are manufacturing societies that do
research , introduce new thinking and ideas and use local
know-how and materials to create new products , processes
and services which are beneficial to the community .
Here are some ideas , processes and products that can be
introduced in Sierra Leone :
Plastic bottles , other plastic materials , motor vehicle tyres
should be melted to make bricks , home furniture , bathroom
furniture , toilet bowls etc , etc . Used plastic bags should be
used to grow crops . Used motor vehicle tyres should be used
to make furniture , shoes etc . The government of Sierra
Leone , the Freetown City Council and other city councils
should pass laws requiring 100 percent of used plastics ,
bottles and motor vehicle tyres to be recycled . This will save
the enviroment from contamination , add value to used
plastic and tyres , create industries from these used products,
provide employment for hundreds of thousands of Sierra
Leoneans , increase tax revenue , raise the standard of living
of Sierra Leoneans and boost the GDP of the country
Sierra Leone should strive to become the most enviroment
friendly and ecological nation on earth and at the forefront
of countries that are fighting against climate change . Tree
planting should be involved in the curricula or to-do lists of
universities, the police force , the armed forces, the civil
services , lay people etc .

Some manufacturing societies can create courses to teach
people with ideas how to find information on Google ,
Youtube , Facebook , Instagram etc which can help them
create viable products out of their ideas .
I , Blyden Noah , have an idea to use used melted platic
materials and motor vehicle tyres combined with earth to
make non-flammande blocks , drums , pillars , pipes ,
floor tiles , wall tiles , home furniture , bathroom
furniture etc . I will submit ny ideas if the government
and city councils create such contests (see above) .

u/ Other manufacturing societies : Other manufacturing

societies e.g african restaurants , barber shops , hair saloons ,
metal industries, mask making - , african cultural objects
making - , african musical instruments making industries ,
game parks , tourist guides , etc etc can be created . The
possibilities are limitless.


1/ They will create employment for hundreds of thousands of

Sierra Leoneans .
2/ They will produce goods and services locally using local
know-how and products.
3/ They will create research and innovation centers to meet
the challenges the country faces at the present time and in
the future.

4/ They will build up a 'made in Sierra Leone' brand , boost
the ego of Sierra Leoneans , reduce dependency on others
and bring about self-reliance and patriotism .
5/ They will increase the tax revenue for the government
because the many workers in manufacturing societies will be
paying taxes to the government . The government will thus
have more funds for social spending and the development of
the country .
6/ They will increase the standard of living of the populace
and boost the GDP of the country manyfold.
7/ They will make Sierra Leoneans help themselves instead
of always begging foreigners and NGOs to help them .
8/ They will create wealth and bring in foreign exchange
when the products are exported to other countries.
9/ Manufacturing societies will unleash the potential of each
and every Sierra Leonean , every Sierra Leonean will
contribute to national development . This is good for the GDP
of the country.
10/ They will add value to local products, the enviroment,
the ecosystem , the flora , fauna and the culture and religions
of the country and turn them to assets which the local
populations will protect and preserve.
11/ They will help to fight climate change because the
enviroment and ecosystems will become assets which the
local populace will preserve and protect .
12/ Some manufacturing societies will grow into large
corporations bringing prestige , respect , honor and pride to
the people and the country .
13/ Manufacturing societies will reduce corruption because
they will bring about a culture of honesty , transparency and

fair-play, make the people participate more in the running of
their country and make the government more accountable
for it's actions.
14/ Manufacturing industries give people real jobs and
know-how instead of money . Billions of US dollars are sent
to Africa every month in the form of AID from developed
countries and remittances from relatives in the diaspora.
The money is quickly used up and by the end of the month
the people start crying out for more money to be sent . This
has been going on for 60 years and Africa is getting poorer
and poorer when compared to other regions . Compare the
GDP of regions of the world . People should be given jobs
and know-how to help themselves and not money .
15/ Manufacturing societies will reduce dependency on
low-paying government and civil service jobs . People will
earn more and pay more taxes to the government. The
government gets more revenue and can then increase the
salaries of government and civil-service workers . This will
also help to reduce corruption .
16/ Manufacturing societies will help Sierra Leone to benefit
from the gigantic African Continental Free Trade Agreement
(AfCFTA) which will commence in July 2020 . This will
open borders, cut tariffs and boost trade among 1.2 billion
people . They will also help Sierra Sierra Leone to trade
easily with 350 million people in West Africa . Large numbers
of manufacturing societies all over the country can provide
the products and services to trade with this gigantic bloc .
17/ Manufacturing societies are easy to start and set up .
They are established in and run from homes and private
compounds and thus avoid expensive rent and start-up costs .

18/ Manufacturing societies are win-wins : The people win ,
the government wins , the country wins , the enviroment
wins , plants and animals win and the climate wins .


Estimated revenue generated per year : 5 billion USD

Lumley beach in Freetown

Lumley beach and Aberdeen cape

Lots of mountains for mountain sports

Forests, rivers and swamps

Savannah vegetation (having bush elephants) for

the establishment of big game parks

Plenty of virgin forests and beaches

Sierra Leone is blessed with Lungi province , beautiful

beaches , mountains , a long coastline, forests , savannah
vegetation , the historic city of Freetown , Bunce island ,
Sherbro island , fantastic cultures etc etc . These are
prerequisites for a successful tourism industry . Sierra Leone
should strive to develop an up-to-standard , homegrown
tourist industry . Manufacturing societies geared towards the
tourism industry and the Sierra Leonean and African middle
class will make the industry grow very fast . Many members
of the middle class in Sierra Leone have never seen elephants
, leopards etc or visited Sherbro- or Bunce Islands for e.g . An
internal and international tourism industry will be created
and this will be good for the people of Sierra Leone and for
the country.


1/ Valuations : The estimated revenue in USD which can be

generated every year might seem to be too high and
unrealistic . The valuations were made in comparism to other
countries with similar assets . Norway has a long coastline
and makes 2.2 billion USD every year from fisheries . Sierra
Leone , also with a long coastline makes maybe 2 million
USD a year or less from fisheries (No one knows the exact
amount) . It is the same fish that is been fished. How can the
fish be worth 2 billion dollars in Norwegian waters and then
when the same fish migrate to Sierra Leonean waters they
lose all their value ? The whole of Africa has a coastline
many times longer than Norway and Norway makes more
money than the whole of Africa combined from fisheries .
Tens of billions of dollars are being lost every year through
corruption in the fisheries industry in Africa , these lost
monies could have been used to boost the GDP and standard
of living of African people.
If Sri Lanka is earning 5 billion USD from tourism per year
then Sierra Leone with similar tourism assets as Sri Lanka
should be earning the same . Period .

2/ Lungi City : Lungi City should be made the capital city of
Sierra Leone . Lungi city should be planned in advance
before people start buying land there to build houses and
other properties there (See above) .

3/ Made-in-Sierra Leone philosophy . Knowledge


The government should pass a 'Made in Sierra Leone' law :

25 % of all products and agricultural produce consumed in
Sierra Leone should be made (produced) in Sierra Leone
(Africa) . After 10 years 50 % of all products and agricultural
produce consumed in Sierra Leone should be made
(produced) in Sierra Leone (Africa) . After further 10 years
75 % . The aim is to reach 100 % and Sierra Leoneans should
always have the 100% goal in mind.
A country which imports more than it exports is destined to
be poor .
If you want to achieve something , start doing it , don’t
hesitate or ask someone . You will learn from your failures
and mistakes on the way . Don’t brag . Let your actions
speak for themselves . Those who want to develop will do the
right things (e.g Rwanda ) and develop. Those who don’t
want to develop will continue to do the wrong things and
give all kinds of excuses .
Farmers , fishermen etc should be allowed to produce and
sell their products at the highest prices in the international
markets . The corrupt government middle-man monopoly
institutions should be abolished . The business of the

government is to create laws beneficial to the people of
Sierra Leone , collect taxes and use the tax money to
develop Sierra Leone and Sierra Leoneans . Period .

4/ Promote and preserve African traditional religions and

culture : These are one of the greatest assets African people
have . These assets are renewable , never depleted and boost
the egos and self-confidence of Africans .

Talabi (warning) gods

The Talabi gods are the most spectacular gods in yoruba
culture. They use different head masks to warn people in
yoruba villages about impending dangers . The most
spectacular one was Ogurumi , the talabi god with a head
mask of fire (Yes , there is real fire on this god’s head) .
Ogurumi , the god of fire , warns the villagers of impending
forest fire and to take cover . A Talabi god with a a head
mask of horns will warn villagers of nearby dangerous wild
animals . A talabi god with a head mask of a slave ship will
warn yoruba villagers of incoming slave traders and to hide .
The Talabi gods of Foulah Town in the 1950s and 1960s
usually appeared early in the mornings to inform people
about the Ogungun ceremony which will be taking place
later in the day .
Large statues of African gods , goddesses , african
religious shrines and temples should be built in Lungi ,
Foulah Town , Freetown and other cities and villages in
Sierra Leone . Our African ancestors also has to
celebrated in the Sierra Leone and Africa .

5/ Manufacturing societies/ manufacturing fond :

The government should give subsidies to unemployed youths
to set up manufacturing societies which manufacture
products which the country badly needs . The government
should establish a manufacturing fond to finance the
manufacturing societies . Irrigation canals and agricultural

manufacturing societies e.g will help the country to produce
enough food to feed itself and for export .
Manufacturing societies should be given subsidies and
tax incentives until they can stand on their own feet
economically and then they will start paying taxes to the
city councils and government.

6/ Free trade zones :

According to Wikipedia a free trade zones is special
economic zone or area in a country area where goods may
be landed, stored, handled, manufactured, or reconfigured
and re-exported under specific customs regulation and
generally not subject to customs duty . Free-trade zones are
organized around major seaports, international airports, and
national frontiers , areas with many geographic advantages
for trade. Examples of free trade zones are Hong Kong,
Singapore, Colón (Panama), Copenhagen, Stockholm,
Gdańsk (Poland), Los Angeles, and New York City.
Lungi city , Sherbro island city (Bonthe) and Kabala
should be made free trade zones to speed up the
development of Sierra Leone .
Foreign companies operating in the free-trade zones in Sierra
Leone should be obliged to transfer technology to Sierra
Leoneans so that Sierra Leoneans will be able to manufacture
the products themselves in the future .

6/ Add value to African products : Sierra Leone and Africa

should strive to produce and export finished or semi-finished
products . This is called value adding and it is value adding

that creates industries, provide thousands of jobs for Sierra
Leoneans, create big profits , boost the GDP of the country
and raise the standard of living of the people. For example
Sierra Leone should export iron and steel instead of iron ore ,
export aluminium instead of bauxite , export cut and
polished diamonds instead of raw diamonds , pineapple juice
instead of pineapple fruit , chocolate instead of cacao ,
packaged coffee instead of coffee beans etc etc . The
industries created by adding value to products will create
thousands of jobs for Sierra Leoneans and provide a lot of tax
revenue for the government . The coming Africa Free Trade
Area will be a market for 1.2 billion people , this market
alone is enough for tens of thousands of Sierra Leonean
companies to thrive .

7/ Investments : Foreign investment by International

corporations should be facilitated . The government and the
city councils should also facilitate domestic investment by
wealthy Sierra Leoneans and investment by the large African
diaspora communities .

Face of extreme poverty in Sierra Leone (Pic above) . These
Sierra Leoneans have been deprived of their human dignity .
No Sierra Leonean should be living in such conditions in
2040 .

8/ Pledge to eliminate extreme poverty in Sierra Leone by

2040 :

The government, the Freetown City Council, the Bo City

Council , Makeni City Council , other city councils ,
paramount chiefs , other community leaders should make a
pledge every year that no Sierra Leonean will be living in
such shanty towns by 2040 . Sierra Leoneans have been
deprived of their human dignity for too long . This has to
stop .

9/ National parks and big game parks : More national

forest parks should be established housing bush elephants ,
schimpanzees , hippos , leopards etc . Large savannah big-
game parks should be established in the savannah areas of
Sierra Leone. Lions , rhinos , giraffes etc can be imported
from Kenya etc to roam the parks .
Sierra Leone should strive go becone the most enviroment
friendly nation on the planet.

10/ Zero tolerance for corruption :

The government , the Freetown city council , other city
councils , paramount chiefs and other leaders in the

country should have zero tolerance for corruption .
Corruption destroys the fabrics and foundations of a
society . All corrupt officials should be promptly
prosecuted and jailed . If corruption continues no serious
or honest investor will come to the country and the hope
of Sierra Leone becoming a developed country will just
be a pipe dream .


Sierra Leone's Integrated GIS (Geography Information

System) portal :
State house :
Freetown City Council:
Bo City Council - Facebook
Makeni City Council - Facebook
Sherbro island city (Bonthe) City Council

Website the Sierra Leone government should set up : The

Sierra Leone government should set up a commercial
website to showcase the products and services which Sierra
Leone offer , business information for potential investors ,
contact information for Sierra Leone businesses etc .

Council the Sierra Leone government should set up : The

Sierra Leone government should set up a Research,
Innovation and Development council staffed by intellectuals
and academics to advice the government on developmental
matters .
Modern national statistics office : A modern national
statistics office should be established to provide the
strategic , statistical information the government needs for
the development of the country .



DR. BLYDEN NOAH . E-mail : .

WEBSITE : or https://


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