Jun 12

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June 12th, 2011

Worship Service
Welcome and Prayer

News & Notes

Lakeside Service at Steeprock Lake on June 19th,

10:30a.m. Potluck lunch to follow.
Church Family Camp at Steeprock Bay
Bible Camp on July 16-17. Details to follow.

Greg Thiessen
(next-Randy Nepinak)

Congregational Singing
& Offering
Kids Korner

Birthday Blessings to
Abby Thiessen (June 15) and
Michaela Hiebert (June 17)

Youth Group
Camp out on June 18-19 at Steeprock Lake.
More details to follow.

Puppet Show
(next-Crystal Nepinak)

(Special Number)
(June 19-Ferlin Abrahamson)

Scripture Reading
Acts 4:32-37 & Acts 6:1-7
Alvin Kroeker

Steeprock Bay Bible Camp

Our church is responsible for the
desserts for weeks 4 and 5.
Monetary donations are welcome,
but the kids and staff really appreciate
the baking too.

(next-Wayne Reimer)

No One Left Behind

Church Cleaning
Kelsey & Alicia

Sunday School

Associate Missions -Bolivia

Verna Doerksen (Wycliffe Bible Translators)
Thank the Lord for news from the colonies that God is
working in individuals who are coming to know Him.

Christian Fellowship Church


Pray that Gods love will shine through to the women

and girls at Case Mariposa (Womens Shelter).
Everyone is a very needy person,
and especially need Jesus as Saviour.


The sacrifice of love we give,

Takes less and yet gives more;
An everlasting hand of love,
The heart an open door.
The willingness to give of self;
To lay down your own life;
To touch another persons heart,
In loving sacrifice.
The chance that God has given you,
To reach another soul;
Forever changed by kindness,
A life your love made whole.
For life is but a circle,
Each life part of the chain;
Each link is joined by sacrifice,
That causes man to change.
To turn and reach a hand of love,
To touch anothers life;
Will cause the circle to be whole,
In loving sacrifice.
~Allison Chambers Coxsey~

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