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The relatively recent construct of the friend zone, neutrally defined, describes “[a] situation in which a friendship
exists between two people, one of whom has an unreciprocated romantic or sexual interest in the other.” 1

(Oxford Dictionary n.d.)
(Buchler 2014) (Urban Dictionary 2016)
(Buchler 2014)
(Kelly 1987)
(Buchler 2014)
(Buchler 2014); (Smith 2011)
(Alexa 2016)
(Urban Dictionary 2016)
(Smith 2011)
(Buchler 2014, 16)
(Urban Dictionary 2016)
Ibid., (Buchler 2014)
(Gavey 2005)
(Wilkins 2009)
Ibid, 344.
(Wilkins 2009) (Pascoe and Hollander, Good Guys Don't Rape: Gender, Domination, and Mobilizing Rape 2016)
(Pascoe, "Guys are Just Homophobic": Rethinking Adolescent Homophobia and Heterosexuality 2011, 179)
(Glick and Fiske, An Ambivalent Alliance: Hostile and Benevolent Sexism as Complementary Justifications for Gender
Inequality 2001)
Ibid, 109.
Ibid., (Delacollette, et al. 2013)
Ibid, 109.
(Polaschek and Ward 2002, 394)
(Friend Zone, 2016, entry 3)
(Polaschek and Ward 2002, 396)
(Urban Dictionary, 2016)
(Friend Zone, 2016, entry 96)
(Polaschek and Ward 2002, 398)
(Friend Zone, 2016, entry 46)
(Friend Zone, 2016, entry 22)
Ibid., 395.
Ibid., 396.
(Polaschek and Ward 2002, 397)
(Friend Zone, 2016, entry 55)
(Buchler 2014) (Urban Dictionary 2016)
(Kimmel 2015)
(Pascoe and Hollander, Good Guys Don't Rape: Gender, Domination, and Mobilizing Rape 2016)
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