My Best Friend

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1. ¿Quién es tu amigo más cercano?

Cómo donde
¿Lo conociste?

Good morning, today I'm going to tell you about my best friend
My best friend is Carlos, we have bin friends sins chail hud, twenty yirs
agou, we met at school and from there we are inseparable. We are very
intrested in ech other. We spend a lot of free time together. He likes to
play sports. He is very trestworthy and risponsive.
2. ¿Cuánto tiempo han sido amigos?
we have been friends for twenty years
3. ¿Por qué es tan importante su amistad?
He is always looking out for me, and he has been in the good and difficult
moments, we always support and help ech other in oll difficult situations,
we also have many things in common and we have fun together, that is
why their frendship is important.
4. ¿Cuáles son sus puntos fuertes?
He is an excellent father, a good husband, a good san and abov oll a
good friend. Thoz are its strengths.

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