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G PC LIST PROBLEM ------------------------------------------------------------1.PC ALWAYS HANG/PC RESPOND SLOW SOLUTION : 1.RUN WINDOWS CHKDSK 2.CONFIGURE VIRTUAL MEMORY 3.

RE-IMAGE 4.HDD 8GB FREE SPACE MY COMPUTER-->PROPERTIES-->ADVANCE-->PERFORMENCE-->SELECT VISUAL EFFECT"ADJUST F OR THE BEST PERFORMANCE"-->SELECT TAB ADVANCE-->VIRTUAL MEMORY-->CHANGE-->INITIA L MB(3096) MAXIMUN 4096MB-->CLICK SET-->OK--->RESTART. 2.PC AUTO RESTART SOLUTION : 1.ON PROPERTIES PLSE DISABLE AUTO RESTART WHEN WINDOWS FAILED TO LOGIN 2. 3.PC CANT DETECT MOUSE/KEYBOARD/USB/PS2 4.PC INFECTED BY VIRUS *update antivirus *full scann *run sfc /scannow * 5.PC NO DISPLAY 6.PC NO NETWORK 7.PC BLUE SCREEN Could be : 1.OS Corrupted 2.HDD Faulty Diagnostic -->Run chkdsk -->Remove any removelable drive on USB -->Press F8 to Safemode -->Scan with antivirus -->Could be HDD faulty I wanted to thank everyone for the great information and discusion in this threa d! We have found that there is only one patch that requires un-installation to reso lve the blue screen issue. KB977165 is the patch in question, the other patches do not seem to cause the blue screen behaviour and do not need to be uninstalled . With that in mind, here's the updated solution steps: 1. Boot from your Windows XP CD or DVD and start the recovery console (see this Microsoft article for help with this step) Once you are in the Repair Screen..

2. Type this command: CHDIR $NtUninstallKB977165$\spuninst 3. Type this command: BATCH spuninst.txt 4. When complete, type this command: exit 8.PC BLANK SCREEN 9.PC LOAD TO NORMAL WINDOW 10.PC AUTO LOGIN AND LOG OFF 11.PC CANNOT BOOT UP 12.PC NO POWER 13.PC NTLR MISSING OR FILE DLL OR MBR Solution : i).run chkdsk /r ii).just copy file what is file missing then paste to PC.u can using commond pr omnt to perform this. iii).last option is re-image iv). 14.PC SOUND NOISY / BEEPING Solution : 1.check RAM 2.take out RAM then put back 3.check power supply casing check cpu fan 15.PC AUTO SHUTDOWN 16.PC CANNOT LOGIN TO WINDOWS 17.UNABLE TO LOAD START PC 18.NO NETWORK ICON 19.CANNOT PREVIEW IN INTERNET EXPLORER 20.NETWORK CANNOT CONNECT TO PC 21.HARDDISK PROBLEM Solution : chkdsk 2.replace HDD 22.CMOS FAULTY Solution: 1.take out CMOS batery then plug it back 2.replace CMOS batery with new one. 3. 23. PC SAFEMODE :

GENERAL :F8 ============================================================= SERVER LIST PROBLEM ------------------------------------------------------------1.SERVER HARDDISK DEFUNT 2.SERVER CANNOT ON 3.SERVER CANNOT BOOT UP 4.SERVER BLANK SCREEN 5.SERVER BLUE SCREEN 6.SERVER CANNOT BOOT TO WINDOWS 7.SERVER SOUND NOISY 8.SERVER NO NETWORK 9.SERVER HANG 10.SERVER AUTO SHUTDOWN/RESTART =============================================================

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