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2022 Symposium for Integrative Health, Tai Chi, Qigong

August 13, 2022

Start End Length Presenter Short Description
9:00 AM 9:40 AM 0:40 Laoishi Dr. CJ Rhoads, M.Ed., D.Ed. OpeningCeremonies ALL
9:45 AM 10:00 AM 0:15 Laoishi Tom Tague Yang Chengfu Taijiquan Form FRM

10:05 AM 10:45 AM 0:40 Laoishi Harry Legg Power of Breath HLT

10:50 AM 11:30 AM 0:40 Laoishi Dr. CJ Rhoads, M.Ed., D.Ed. Pain Freeing Qigong HLT

11:35 AM 11:50 AM 0:15 Laoishi Shirley Ha Chock COVID Qigong HLT

11:55 AM 12:35 PM 0:40 Laoishi Violet Li Tai Chi Qigong 18 Form FRM
12:35 PM 12:40 PM 0:05 Laoishi Dr. CJ Rhoads, M.Ed., D.Ed. Group Picture ALL
Developing Balance and Structure
12:40 PM 1:20 PM 0:40 Laoishi Ramsey Yunan Through Tai Chi and Bagua Walking SDC
1:25 PM 1:40 PM 0:15 Laoishi Paul Ramos WuDang Qigong HLT

1:45 PM 2:25 PM 0:40 Laoishi Dr. Dame Effie Chow Qigong is a Way of Life SPT

2:30 PM 3:10 PM 0:40 Laoishi Bob Klein Internal Fluidity in Tai Chi Forms SPT

3:15 PM 3:30 PM 0:15 Laoishi Steve Arbitman Ways To Practice Your Tai Chi (any form) FRM
The Five Animal Frolics of Master Jiao
3:35 PM 4:15 PM 0:40 Laoishi Dr. Kevin Siddons Ed D. HLT
4:20 PM 5:00 PM 0:40 Laoishi Dr. Henry McCann, DAOM, DIPL OM, LAC Introducing Hunyuan Neigong HLT

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2022 Symposium for Integrative Health, Tai Chi, Qigong
August 13, 2022

Start End Length Presenter Short Description

5:05 PM 5:20 PM 0:15 Laoishi Diane Ramftl 8 Cycle Qigong FRM

5:25 PM 6:05 PM 0:40 Laoishi Bill Douglas The Global Transformation Project SPT
How to Benefit from Acupuncture
6:10 PM 6:50 PM 0:40 Laoishi John Chen, L.Ac HLT
Without Needles

Master Jou and Me, Recollections of The

6:55 PM 7:10 PM 0:15 Laoishi Dr. John P. Painter, PhD. ND ACD
Man and Tai Chi Farm

7:15 PM 7:55 PM 0:40 Laoishi Lucy Bartimole Qi, Fascial Tissue, and Taiji HLT
8:00 PM 8:20 PM 0:20 Various Closing Demos ALL
8:20 PM 8:30 PM 0:10 Laoishi Dr. CJ Rhoads, M.Ed., D.Ed. ClosingCeremonies ALL

ACD Academic or Other
ALL Gathering
FRM Forms
HLT Taiji or Qigong for Health
SDC Taiji for Self Defense or Competition
SPT Meditative/Spiritual Development

D:\CJ1Docs\Dropbox\SYIHTQ\Presenters\2022_SYIHTQ_Final Schedule.xlsx Printed as of 7/13/2022

Symposium for Integration Health, Tai Chi & Qigong
August 13, 2022 - Workshop Descriptions

Laoishi Tom Tague - Demonstration of Yang Chengfu’s Taijiquan Form

Yang Chengfu (1883–1936) is historically considered the best-known teacher of the soft style martial
art of Yang Family Style Taijiquan. He was the grandson of Yang Luchan, the founder of Yang-style t'ai
chi ch'uan, the most popular and widely practiced style in the world today. In my practice, I have
found six different variations of the long from. The demonstration is taken from Yang Chengfu’s book
“The Essence and Applications of Taijiquan” originally published in 1934.

Laoishi Harry Legg - Power of Breath

In this workshop we’ll cover the concept of whole-body breathing and how to incorporate it in your
daily life. You will learn some of the profound health and healing aspects that can affect you on both
the physical as well as energetic level. We will also look at basic martial applications and how this
breathing will improve your ting jin – the Chinese term for whole-body “listening energy.” We will be
using Clear’s Internal Push Hands methods as the laboratory for testing your breath and ting jin skills
as you watch them develop right before your eyes. It would be optimum to have a training partner
with you for this workshop. For beginners and advanced alike.

Laoishi Dr. CJ Rhoads, M.Ed., D.Ed. - Pain Freeing Qigong

CJ Rhoads has lived in chronic pain since 2002 when she was injured in a devastating car accident.
But she doesn't let her chronic pain stop her. She cracked the code of how pain works and learned to
short-circuit the pain mechanism so that she can completely ignore the pain and live a full,
productive, successful life. The lessons she has learned can help you deal with any and all your pains,
both small and great, whether caused by muscles, joints, or nerves. The qigong she developed serves
as a mnemonic to the activities necessary to stay out of pain and live a healthier, fuller, life.

Laoishi Shirley Ha Chock - COVID Qigong

It's the newest Qigong routine from the Chinese Health Qigong Assoc, developed during COVID
shutdown. I learned it from Professor Wang Xiaojun, Beijing Sports University. It's a full body Qigong
exercise routine developed to be done seated and is designed for eye health.

Laoishi Violet Li - Tai Chi Qigong 18 Form

Tai Chi Qigong 18 Form or Shi Ba Shi is one of the most popular Qigong Forms practiced around the
world. It is created based on some of the Tai Chi Chuan principles and modified movements. It is
great to generate and balance the live force or Qi in the body. All movements are smooth and easy to
learn. It is great for people of all physical capabilities.

Laoishi Ramsey Yunan - Developing Balance and Structure Through Tai Chi and Bagua Walking
An exploration into the elements and principles of walking exercises from Tai Chi and Bagua; in this
workshop, we will break down and examine the basic skills of movement, such as alignment, sinking,
rooting, footwork, and expressing Qi. We will also discuss how to practice and develop those skills
and incorporate them into your form as well as daily life.

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Symposium for Integration Health, Tai Chi & Qigong
August 13, 2022 - Workshop Descriptions

Laoishi Paul Ramos - WuDang Qigong

This is part of the Wudang Qigong set passed down through the Wudang Long Men lineage. This
lineage has existed for over 700 years and it specializes in health and martial art methods based on
Taoist principles. We will look at a few of the more interesting methods from the first of 3 qigong sets
passed on through the lineage.

Laoishi Dr. Dame Effie Chow - Qigong is a Way of Life

In this virtual workshop, Dr. Chow will direct positive energies toward health and holism for a planet
and a people needing revitalization of spirit, mind, and body, and environment. Local and remote
healing will be discussed and remarkable cases will be presented. Participants will experience the
“QI”, and you will learn how you can reach unlimited optimum health, to aid in the self-recovery and
the healing of others from the above noted and other conditions.

Laoishi Bob Klein - Internal Fluidity in Tai Chi Forms

Mr. Klein shows how to bring each joint and muscle to life, so the form arises from their internal
gearing before it manifests in external movement. This allows the body to flow like water. He will
take a few movements from Grandmaster William C. C. Chen's 60 movement Yang form and describe
the sequential expansion and relaxation of each joint so that the form is like the ebb and flow of the
tides. Concepts from his book, "Heal Yourself and the World with Tai Chi" will be used to show how
to introduce this approach to students. This includes his approach of "the form is created by the
breath" and the importance of releasing and receiving energy.

Laoishi Steve Arbitman - Ways To Practice Your Tai Chi (any form)
It is hard to rub your belly and pat your head at the same time. Similarly, it is hard to focus on your
breathing, proper stance and movement, the martial application, and manipulating your chi all at the
same time while doing your form. This seminar will examine various ways to concentrate on these
topics, one at a time, while practicing your form.

Laoishi Dr. Kevin Siddons Ed D. - The Five Animal Frolics of Master Jiao Guorui
The Five Animal Frolics of Master Jiao Guorui are a delightful set of walking qigong movements that
can greatly improve the quality of your life. The original set of Animal Frolics was developed by the
ancient Chinese doctor Hua Tuo (140 – 208 CE). He developed the original set of movements by
observing the movements of five animals: Bear, Crane, Deer, Tiger, and Monkey. Master Jiao
integrated teachings from the 13 Postures of Taiji into the frolics. In this way, you can also build your
skills with the Eight Methods/Energies of Taiji while practicing the frolic movements. In this
workshop you will learn two movements from each of the five animals. The movements of each
animal emphasize a different style of movement, a different mood or attitude expressed through the
movements, and a different pattern of internal qi movement.

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Symposium for Integration Health, Tai Chi & Qigong
August 13, 2022 - Workshop Descriptions

Laoishi Dr. Henry McCann, DAOM, DIPL OM, LAC - Introducing Hunyuan Neigong
Hunyuan Neigong is a Daoist system of internal cultivation transmitted down through the 20th
century luminaries Hu Yaozhen and his disciple Feng Zhiqiang. It is comprised of postures that
gather the Qi, and then move it through various circulatory patterns. It also focuses heavily on
cultivation of the Dan Tian. In this short introduction we will cover several core exercises that, when
practiced regularly, are said to enhance overall wellbeing and supplement the core Qi of the body. In
addition, we will have a brief introduction to the Chen Style Hunyuan system of Taijiquan which was
created by Feng Zhiqiang after combining the Daoist Neigong from Hu Yaozhen with the Chen style
Taijiquan of Chen Fake.

Laoishi Diane Ramftl - 8 Cycle Qigong

Through a series of simple graceful meditative movements the 3 dantians are activated and internal
organs massaged. Yin and Yang are balanced and harmonized to unlock what Qigong Master Robert
Peng calls the "Fountain of Youth". The movements include stroking the waterfall at sunrise, opening
the heart and embracing the day, dancing with the universe, turning the wheel of heaven, stirring the
5 elements, rising mist and flowing water, playing with the qi ball and touching heaven and earth.

Laoishi Bill Douglas - The Global Transformation Project

This workshop discusses how Mind Body practices (Tai Chi, Qigong, Meditation, Yoga, Mindfulness)
are already changing the planet in powerfully positive ways and can literally transform the planet.
World Tai Chi & Qigong Day Founders, William and Angela Wong Douglas, are the Founders of The
Global Transformation Project--a global coalition of Scientists, Health & Education experts and Mind
Body supporters--advocating a United Nations Resolution for "Mind Body Education in Public
Education Worldwide."

Laoishi John Chen, L.Ac. - How to Benefit from Acupuncture Without Needles
Attendees will learn how to identify various acupuncture points. They will then learn qigong
breathing into that identified point.

Laoishi Dr. John P. Painter, PhD. ND - Master Jou and Me, Recollections of The Man and Tai Chi Farm
This is a series of short stories about the many adventures Master Jou and I shared over the 20 years
of our friendship. Some are funny, some are lessons, a few are sad but they all show the real man as
a real man and not just a master of Taijiquan. I hope it will help others understand what it was like
"down on the farm!" This is not a live workshop, but a recorded video of stories, pictures, & videos.

Laoishi Lucy Bartimole - Qi, Fascial Tissue, and Taiji

Explore the body's biggest communication system: Fascial Tissue. This tissue, once simply seen as
inert material in the West, connects everything in the body, wraps around muscle fibers, hugs organs,
and surrounds bone. It is highly innervated and is currently being studied as the possible roadways
for qi flow. This tissue responds to thoughts and emotions due to its deep connection to our nervous
system. During this presentation, you'll explore this tissue, and the importance of "song" and ting jing
to build interoception. When interoception exists, our perception of sensations in the body, is strong,
we have the ability to live with ease, without it we can slip into dis-ease, illness, or injury.

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