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I. Digital footprint

The Internet is a very powerful tool used by billions of people every second of the day. We can now
communicate very easily with people that are half way across the world just by the click of a button.

While access to information, forums, chat rooms, gaming groups, social networks, shopping and emails
is so easy by using a variety of different devices, the need for us to be aware of what is happening when we
use the Internet is becoming increasingly important.

When we walk across mud, snow or sand we leave footprints that are visible. The same applies when we
use the Internet – we leave a digital footprint trail. Every click, every post, every submit leaves a trace. As
soon as you post something online it is available for other users to do with it what they want. Even with the
best privacy settings, you are no longer in control of the information once you have posted it. Other users
can save it, share it, comment on it or use it in a negative way against you. Once it is on the World Wide
Web it is potentially there forever. Even if you delete a post, remove a picture or a comment they will still
be present on a server somewhere.

Source :

1. Highlight all the positive aspects of internet usage.

2. Underline all the facts proving that we need to be aware of its threats.
3. True or false. Justify your answers orally, say where you found the information :
a. Everything you do on the Internet is visible forever.
b. You are always in control of what you post.
c. If you delete a post, the nit will totally disappear.
d. Some people may use your personal information in a negative way.

4. Observe the poster and describe it.

5. Explain the message conveyed.

II. Enjoy social media responsibility

1. What kind of personal data can social networks collect about you ?

2. Watch this first video : and take notes.

3. Watch this second video : and find out the

solutions to enjoy social media responsibility.

4. What are the three questions you should ask yourself before posting ?

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