1) Put The Verbs in Brackets in The Right Tense or Form: (2marks)

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Choose the correct option

Nowadays, the entire world speaks English. So why shouldn’t we?
English is the language of business. In fact, Tunisian businessmen (when – which – who)
travel to Asia find difficulties (communicated – to communicate – communicating) with
business men. Besides, most internet websites are in English. If you (will surf – surfing –
surf) on Google and ask for a topic in French, you won’t find lots of web page addresses.
(therefore – that’s why – but) if you look (at- for – in) the same topic in English you (will
find – finding – found) many.

2. Circle the correct alternative.

The internet offers a variety of benefits to everyone who is willing to use it. It’s evolving
as the most powerful source of (to inform/ information/informing) . It has made the search
for jobs (easily/easier/easy) than before. Moreover, the Internet has offered people the
chance to make bank transactions from home quickly and safely. It also (offered/offers/is
offering) a powerful source for shopping. The easiness of having products delivered straight
to houses has made people stop (going/to go/went) out. As for pupils and students, it allows
(him/her/them) not only to communicate with international students, but also to gain
(for/out /from) others' knowledge and experiences, participate in chat rooms,
(exchanging/have exchanged/exchange) ideas and solutions and learn about the many
diverse cultures out there.

1) Put the verbs in brackets in the right tense or form:(2marks)

My name is Andy. I am 15. I (work) ……………………. with charity organisations
since 1995. I always (do) ……………………. gardening, painting, and (decorate)
………………….. for free. Most of those I have helped are old or disabled people. They are
in urgent need for our support. They often suffer from (poor) …………………, loneliness,
and depression.
2- Circle the right option: (4 marks)
The zoo is my favourite place of entertainment for several reasons. In fact, it a place where
we can see (domestic-tame-wild) 1 animals such as bears lions, giraffes and crocodiles. It
is really safer and (enjoyable-more enjoyable-most enjoyable) 2 to see these animals
which are kept in (prison-jail-cages) 3 than to see them in the jungle. Indeed, it is an
occasion to (learn-learning-learned) 4 a lot about these animals and their habits. We can
equally (feed-feeding food-) 5 monkeys, elephants or gazelles. We can also enjoy watching
seal’s (walks-rides-shows) 6 which go down water slides or greet people by (clap-
clapping-clapped) 7 their hands gestures or making (fun-funny-funnier) that make people
laugh. In brief going to the zoo is quite entertaining.
3- Put the verbs in the right tense or form: (4 marks)
Last Sunday, I and my family went to the circus in the town. My father bought
the tickets two days before. In the morning we (get) …………………..1 ready and drove
to the circus. First, we (watch) …………………….2 a silly clown making funny acts.
Then we (enjoy) ………………..3 the acrobats and tight rope walkers’ show. It (be)
……………………4 amazing to see them balancing on one leg or two. Later on, a
magician started (play) …………………… 5 some tricks so well that all the audience
(become) ………………….. 6 silent and attentive. It is mysterious. We cannot figure it
out. A few minutes later, a lion and its tamer (make) …………….. 7 a nice show. The
lion (jump) ……………….. 8 through circles full of fire. Indeed, we were astonished
with the fabulous shows at the circus.
1-Fill in the blanks with 8 words in the box: (4 marks)
Enjoyed-roller coaster-on-in-great-excitement-trembling-rides-entertain-thrilling

Yesterday, I spent a wonderful day with my friends at the fun fair. We took
the bus and reached the place very early. In fact, we had a ……………….. 1 time there.
We really ……………… 2 ourselves very much. There were different ………………..
3 to go on. We started with the ……………………..4. We screamed with
……………………. 5. Then, we went on the Hunted House. Mary and Jane were
……………………….6 with fear, however, the others were laughing. After that, we
went ……………………7 Ferris Wheel, carrousel, car bumpers and crazy horse. The
last ride was another ……………….8 ride. We were in tears but we felt very excited.
1-Fill in the blanks with words in the box: (4 marks)

We all enjoy watching good films no matter what type. Nowadays, action films
are the most ………………. 1 ones with young people. Personally, I love adventure
………………….. 2 . So, last Saturday, some friends and I ……………….. 3 “Dangerous
Mission” at our local ……………………. 4. The hero who is a secret agent did all sorts of
impossible actions as usual. In the ………………. 5 after ha found all the “baddies” he got
on his motorbike and left without a scratch! Indeed, he ……………….. 6 the world once
again before it was too late. This isn’t very ………………..7, is it? Well in monies, things
are totally ………………… 8 from real life.

 Put the words between parenthesis in the correct form: (3 marks)
Television has not only proved to be a means of (entertain)………………… but also keeps
us updated with the latest happenings in the world. These days, one can find numerous
channels being launched. These include music, movies and news channels. You can find so
much variety that you would be confused to select one channel. This great device gives us
the comfort to watch (entertain)…………………… programs from the comfort of our
Some people find it (bore)…………………….. and waste of time. Some others don’t mind
(watch) ….…………… it just to be aware of the happenings going around them. But, it is
(definite)………………… a good medium to keep you relaxed after your tight work
schedule. It is an (excite) ……………………… experience for children too. They like to
watch their favourite shows like cartoons and animation movies.
1- Fill the blanks with 6 words from the list below. (3pts)

effects – respect – danger – on – endangered – ought to – healthy – reserves

We must protect wild animals because thousands of them are in………………of extinction.
Naturalists have suggested different solutions. I think we should help wild animals by
publishing the facts…...……….TV. Those programmes like “Cousteau’s” about the sea will
make us think about the problem. We should also educate people to…………………..wild
life. We should breed………………...species in zoos. Governments………………...agree
to set up nature………………..then there will be enough animals to fill them.
3- Circle the correct alternative. (3 pts)

Pollution is a man-made problem. (Because – That’s why – therefore) of his selfishness and
his irresponsible behaviour, man is doing (harmful – charm – harm) to the environment. Just
look around you and see what we have done to (my – your – our) planet. The air, the land,
the sea, oceans and rivers are now very (pollution – polluted – polluting ). Therefore, we
must do something to save the earth. First of all, we have to plant more trees. Besides, we
have to (discharge – recycle – throw) waste and invent alternative sources of energy (who –
which – where) are less polluting than oil.
2- Circle the correct alternative: (3marks)
Smoking is harmful to your health. Medical tests proved that smoking may ( caused - causes
– cause ) cancer and heart diseases especially for ( addict – addicted – addiction ) people .
Besides, smoking is dangerous not only to the smoker but also to the non-smokers (which -
who - when) have to breathe the air. Moreover, cigarette smoke can be ( threaten - threat –
threatening ) to the throat as well as to the eyes. Even the smell (to –of – for ) cigarette
smoke is unpleasant to the non-smoker. For these reasons, it should be (prohibition - prohibit
- prohibited ).

3 / Put the words between parentheses in the right tense or form. ( 3 marks)
Do you really know what goes into your food? In fact, to produce more and more
crops, farmers usually (to choose) ……………………………… to spray
pesticides to control diseases and insect attacks. Perhaps the use of pesticides is
good for farmers but not good for your (healthy) …………………………….
That’s why you ought (to know) ……………………………………… the
advantages of organic food. ? Organic food is known to contain 50% (many)
…………………………… nutrients, minerals and vitamins than the farm
product that has been intensively farmed. But Did you know that if you
consumed a normal apple you would be eating over 30 pesticides, even after (to
wash) ………………………………… it. Besides, Pesticides in food might
cause many ( ill ) …………………………………………………… including
cancer and obesity.

/Circle the correct alternatives: (3.5marks)

Human life is in danger”, this is what a science magazine has announced and pollution is
the major cause. Of the many great problems which face the world today, pollution is one
which may truly be called ‘man-made’. Although increasing technology has brought
many(benefits /disadvantages/drawbacks) to mankind ,we are in danger of destroying all
that makes life worth living.Pollution doesn’t only(effect /affect/ infect) the environment
but also the human body. For example, the air is (pollution/pollute/polluted) because of
the factories fumes. Besides, (sea life/life sea/sea live) is at risk because the ships spill oil
(for/at/into) the sea. As Man gets his food from this dirty environment, the risk of getting
(reduced/burned /contaminated) is certain. Trying to solve the problem is even more
important than knowing (their/our/its) causes.

3.Fill in the blanks with words from the list.

on/habitats/ addiction /destroy/recycled /However /re-use /extinction /which/

In many countries people cut down most of the forests. They burn the wood or
--------------------the forests for building. They forget that trees protect the crops and that
they are ----------------for many species of animals. The wildlife aspect is particularly
important as many plants and animals are found in woodlands and some are facing ---------
-----------. At present, many countries are trying to make forests being planted or re-planted
to replace the old ones. If more people use ---------------------paper, fewer trees will be cut
down, and there will be less waste to dispose. It is cheaper to save energy than to produce
electricity. --------------------it is known that huge amounts of money are spent on nuclear
power---------------represents a number of threats to the environment.
Some people are trying to help the situation in different ways. For example, some shops are
giving new bags that people can--------------------. Every time you go to the shop, you can
take these bags.
What other things can you do to protect our planet? Act before it’s too late.

1/ Fill in the blanks with words from the list; be careful! There are
two extra words:(2.5 marks)
convenient / secure / on / risky / hackers / transport / sightseeing

Every day, many people travel to other places by sea, by air, by train or by bus. Preferring
a means of ……………………………… to others depends mainly …………………………
the amount of money and time a person has at his disposal.
Personally, I prefer travelling by the plane because it’s the most rapid and comfortable one.
For me it’s the most …………………………………………… because it helps me save time
especially if I want to travel for long distances.
However, the plane has some disadvantages .It’s the most expensive . Besides, it’s not always
………………………….. . That’s why, some people are afraid of using it. Finally, the plane
doesn’t allow …………………………………… .

2/ circle the correct alternative: ( 2.5 marks)

The situation of the Earth is getting worse and worse. ( Because /That’s why / However )
many organizations are established to save it. The ( many / more / most ) famous one is the
“National Audubon Society” which ( was / has been / will be ) founded in 1990. It campaigns to
protect forests from fires and ( spilling / logging / recycling ) and to save animals ( that / who /
what ) are endangered such as pandas and tigers.

Task2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words from the list on the right: (3mks)

1- more There are many organizations that try to protect the
famous/ famous/ most
environment. The………………………………… (1) one is
the “National Audubon Society ………….. (2) was founded
2- who/ which/ where.
in 1990. It is dedicated to protect wild ………………………
3- life/ live/ living. (3) and their habitats. It campaigns to protect birds against
4- danger such as pesticides and ………………………… (4).
fishing/ logging/ hunting. The “World Wildlife Fund” campaigns to preserve

5- from/ about/ in endangered species especially ………… (5) rain forests. It

tries to improve the quality of life by informing the public
about how to protect the environment and
therefore/ but/ because. ………………………… (6) provide a safe wildlife.

1) Put the following words in the correct tense or form: (2.5 marks)
Surfing the net and making international acquaintances are becoming very up to date.
But (to make) ……………………… pen friends through e-mail is not always safe for your
(secure) …………………… You should not give out your personal address or phone
number to someone until you are certain that you can (to trust) ………………….. that
person. And if you (to decide) ………………… to meet your pen friend make sure that the
first (meet) …………………………is to take place in a public place
2) Choose the correct answer and rewrite it in the space provided: (3 marks)
Film maker George Richards has been interested in cinema since he was a small child. He
made his first film when he (has been/ was/ is) …………………………. twelve. He is
now almost forty and he has made thirty (taxi/ films/ film) ……….. George loves
(travels/ travel/ travelling) …………………………………….
His work has taken him all over the world. George is married to a singer ‘Kathy Burke.
They have been married (for /since/until) …………………………………………….ten
years and they live with (they/ their/ there) ………………. two children. They bought a
house on this (wonderland/ wonderful/wonder) ………………………………. island

in 1987 and they have lived there ever since.
1/ Fill in the blanks with words from the box: There are two extra items! (2.5 marks)

who – believe- some – young – relationship – bring up – independence

Although American parents are not strict, teenagers leave home as soon as they reach 18.
They think that family 1/.…………………………....... is not as important as personal
freedom. They want to have their 2/………………………..….. which they think is
necessary to grow into adults. The problem is that 3/………………………….. ..parents
believe that their children are too 4/……………………… to take care of themselves. They
really 5/.......................... that their children are in need of protection, care and guidance.

2/ Put the bracketed words in the right for or tense. (3.5 marks)
I hate the household chores. I don’t mind (to clean) ……………………………… the car
because I get extra pocket money for that but I don’t like tidying my room, that’s the
(difficult)…..……………………..……........... task for me . I know that my room is always
a mess but I know where everything is. My sister Tania, who is
(old)…………………………..... than me, usually helps mum with housework. She is a
reliable and a (work- hard)……………………………..girl.
Mom thinks I `m lazy and that I don’t help much but I don’t see why I should. Mom is at
the house all day and it’s her responsibility to look after the house. Last week, my mom (to
catch)……………………………….me surfing the net instead of washing the dishes. So,
she refused to give me the permission to go out with my friends and She didn’t let me (to
use) ……………………………..my computer for a week. I felt upset about that. I wish
my mom could understand me and stop treating me like a child.

1/Complete the paragraph with words from the box.(3pts)

buses- on- depends- join- journey- around

When you see men and women in the streets of London ……………… foot ,in taxis and
in the famous red …………………… you don't see every one. Many more take the
underground to get ………………………………….. it's the fastest and easiest means of
transport in London. The cost of the ticket ………………………….. on the length of the
…………………….. .people usually buy their tickets from machines. But when they
haven't got the right coins they usually …………….. the queue in front of the ticket officer.

4/Choose the correct alternative (3.5mks)

Jenny is very busy now. She ( packs- is packing- packing) her suitcase. Tomorrow
she( goes- will go- will goes) on a trip to London with her husband . But the children

( won't go – will go ) with them because they (are- were- is) too little: Sarah is four and
Peter is two. Patricia's mother (takes – will take- take) care of them. They will be happy
to stay with their grandmother. Last year Patricia (visits- visited –visit) Egypt and (buy-
buyed- bought) many souvenirs. But she (doesn't enjoy- enjoyed- didn't enjoy) her
holidays there because the weather was too hot.

Task 1: circle the correct alternative: ( 2.5 marks )

Means of transport have advantages and disadvantages. Cars are fast and comfortable but
they cause (freedom – pollution – underground) and accidents. Buses are cheap, but (it –
we – they) are slow and full of people. So, we often spend a lot of time (wait – waited –
waiting) at the bus stop. That’s why, I prefer riding my bicycle (who – where – when) I go
to school because it’s a good (queue – spare time – exercise) and I don’t lose time in the
traffic jams.

1) Circle the right alternative [3 marks)

I used to love school and studying. I had (frightening /great /cruel) teachers and
supportive friends. I was stupid and did something I will always (forget / regret /
remember). In fact, I cheated and was caught. I asked my friend if I could look at her sheet
but I did (more / less / many) than just looking. I copied parts of her writing essay and
submitted it as (me / myself / mine). My teacher could see this wasn’t my own work. My
friend was in a big (trouble / terrible / horrible). I wanted to confess the truth but I

couldn’t. I was so afraid at that time. Now I think I will never (forgive / forget / forbid)
2) Fill in the blanks with 5 words from the box [2.5 marks]

to | mind | pleasant | share | however | argue | with

Family relationship can be extraordinary, when parents and children see eye ---------------
eye. More than that, it‘s more -------------------(2) that parents and children-----------------
----(3) the house chores. Women in general and especially working mothers need some help
from all members of the family. In fact, there are some husbands who do not --------------
giving a hand to their wives. -------------------(5) others think that housework is women’s
3) Put the bracketed words in the right form or tense. [2.5 marks]
When I was at school, I (to waste) --------------------(1) my time. In class, I was lazy and I
used to make a lot of trouble. boy and a lazy pupil. My parents (to keep) -------------------(2)
always saying: “if you (not behave) --------------(3) Well, you will be excluded from school.
Unfortunately, they (to be) ------------(4) right. Now, here I am without any qualifications or
any good job. I really regret (to disobey) -------------------(5) them.
Task 1 :Circle the correct alternative(2.5mks)

Hi Daniel,
My name’s Alessandra. It’s an Italian name, (and-because- so)1) my grandmother was
from Italy, but I’m Argentinian and I live in Mendoza, a big city in the west of the
country. I live with my parents and my two brothers. I ‘m 19, and I’m at university. I’ m
(attending – getting – studying)2) computer science. I’m in my first year and I really like
I(am going –go- will)3) to tell you about myself. As you can see from the photo, I have
long hair– it’s quite fair – and green eyes. I wear glasses but I (won’t–want – went)4) to
get contact lenses soon.
I think I’m a positive person. I’m quite extrovert and friendly. My mother says I’m very
talkative – I think she means that I talk too much!
(On – In – At)5) my free time I love reading and going to the cinema. But I don’t have
much free time because I have classes every day, and a lot of work to do even at
weekends. I also go to English classes on Friday afternoon.
Please write soon and tell me about you and your life.
Best wishes

Task 2:Fill in the blanks with 6words from the list (3mks)
the –however – geek – respect –forget – that –our – memories
Have you ever done something that you really regretted afterwards? Well, I had a little
accident at school once that I will never……………………………1).
At the beginning of the term……………………………2) art teacher announced that we
would have a new pond. She was very enthusiastic about the project and made
sure……………………………3) everything was perfect. The fish were well fed and the
plants were beautifully arranged.
One Saturday, during the winter, my friend and I went to school and found that the
pond had iced over. As there was nobody around, we decided to throw a few stones to
break the ice. ……………………………4), the ice was thick and it wouldn’t break. I
found a metal bar which easily broke the ice and sank into the pond.
On Monday morning the pond was empty. ……………………………5) metal bar that I
had thrown had made a hole in the bottom of the pond . I didn’t know it was plastic. I had
Art that day and my art teacher came up to me and said “How could someone do such a
horrible thing?” I replied: “I know some people have got no……………………………6)”.
What else could I say?


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