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 Regra 35: Se não for possível encontrar pornografia de algo, ela DEVE ser feita.
 Regra 36: Não importa o que seja, sempre será o fetiche de alguém. Sem exceções.
 Regra 45: O pinto entra aqui.
 Regra 47: Você nunca fará sexo.
 Regra 50: Sempre haverá algo ainda mais grotesco do que você já viu.
 Regra 55: Nada é sagrado.
 Regra 56: Quanto mais linda e pura alguma coisa for - maior a satisfação de corrompê-la.
 Regra 59: Sempre existe pornografia furry de algo.

 ƒƒƒƒƒ. ˙pɹɐʇǝɹ ɐ ǝɹɐ noʎ 'uʍop ǝpısdn sı ʇxǝʇ ɹnoʎ ɟI - For clear reading go here ►►► upside
down text and flip text ⇚
 ƒƒƒƒ. Uncyclopedia is never wrong, NO EXCEPTIONS, ever.
 ƒƒƒƒ.2. On the other hand, Conservapedia is always wrong.
 ƒƒƒƒ.3. Don't even THINK about Metapedia.
 ƒƒƒ. None of these rules really matter, except for the ones that do.
 ƒƒƒ.2. The ones that matter are 1, 2, 34, 34∞, 63, 93, 406, 899 and ∞34.
 ƒƒƒ.3. Except for 34∞. It's terrible.
 ƒƒƒ.4. No it isn't.
 ƒƒ. Rule 0 is not not not not not untruthful.
 1. Do not talk about /b/.
 2. You do NOT talk about /b/.
 2.1 ALWAYS speak /c/.
 2.2. Remember 2nd place.
 2.3. It doesn't matter! I missed...
 2.5. If anyone asks about /b/ you don't know anything.
 e. Roflcopter makes you look like a n00b.
 e.2. To the power of negative X over lambda.
 e.e. My ROFLcopter goes soi soi soi.
 3. We are Anonymous.
 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399573105.... Expect us.
 abc. omegle is epic and so is tumblr
 4. Anonymous is legion.
 5. Anonymous does not forgive, Anonymous does not forget.
 6. Anonymous can be a horrible, senseless, uncaring monster.
 6.241592653589793238462643383279502888394338799146210... Didn't expect them!
 7. Anonymous is still able to deliver.
 8. There are no real rules about posting.
 9. Always register with your local service provider.
 ln 9001. Power levels tell you nothing. Rules of the Internet tell you everything.

 888. If you add our site to any social bookmarks , you are really good person. No

 10. If you enjoy any rival sites — DON'T.
 11. All your carefully picked arguments can easily be ignored.
 11.1. Anything you say, no matter how truthful or carefully picked, WILL be deemed wrong if the
majority is against you.
 12. Anything you say can and will be used against you.
 13. Anything you say can be turned into something else. - fixed
 14. Do not argue with trolls — it means that they win.
 15. The harder you try, the harder you will fail.
 16. If you fail in epic proportions, it may just become a winning failure.
 17. Every win fails eventually.
 18. Everything that can be labeled, can be hated.
 19. The more you hate it, the stronger it gets.
 20. Nothing is to be taken seriously.
 20.2. Because nothing is a serious matter. Everything else isn't. No exceptions.
 20.3. Except for rule 2719hex.
 20.20 Rainbow Dash is about 20% cooler than you.
 21. Original content is original only for a few seconds before getting old.
 22. Copy 'n paste is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
 23. Copy 'n paste is made to ruin every last bit of originality.
 24. Every repost is always a repost of a repost.
 25. Relation to the original topic decreases with every single post.
 26. Any topic can be turned into something totally unrelated.
 27. ( This temporary rule) If America does a major mistake, there is an old video of Bernie
warning against it.
 28. Always question a person's gender - just in case it's really a man.
 28.5. If it TRULY is a girl, then this is an INCEPTION!!! Only way out is to die, so look at Chuck
Norris the wrong way.
 29. On the internet, all girls are men, and all kids are undercover FBI agents or Justice Decoys.
 30. There are NO girls on the internet.
 30.1. Rule 30 only applies to the deep internet.
 30.2. If girls are found on the deep internet, CODE RED, RED ALERT, ALL SYSTEMS
 31.
 32. You must have pictures to prove your statements. rule 32
 32.5 All your pictures were obviously Photoshopped. No Exceptions.
 32.6 I can tell from some of the pixels and from having seen a lot of shops in my day.
 32.7. The shadows are ALL WRONG! Definitely Photoshopped.
 32i. I'm cool. See rule i.
 33. Lurk more — it's never enough.
 34. There is porn of it, no exceptions. rule 34 of the internet what is rule 34 zelda ❸❹
pokemon rule 34, south park rule 34, reddit rule 34
 34.2. There are ponies of it, no exceptions.
 34.3. If it exists, there's an app for it.
 34.4. If it exists, there is a YouTube of it.
 34.4x2. If it exists, there is a Lego of it.
 34.5. If it isn't in Minecraft, there is a crafting idea video of it.
 34.6. If it exists, there is a parody of it on YouTube.
 34.7. If it exists, there is a Pokemon based on it.
 34.8. There is dubstep of it, no exceptions.
 34.34. Everything IRL is on the internet.
 34.99. There is a mario paint composer version of it.
 35. If no porn is found of it, it will be made. rule 35 of the internet ❸❺
 35.2. If no pony is found of it, it will be made.
 35.3. If there is no app for it, it will be made.
 35.4. If no poop is found, it will be pooped.
 35.4x2. If there is no Lego of it, then make one.
 35.5. If it is in Minecraft, the crafting idea video will be shoved into the farthest corners of
 35.6. If there is no parody of it, make one.
 35.7. If there is no Pokemon based on it, there is/will be a Anymon based on it.
 35.8. If no dubstep is found of it, it will be made.
 35.35. If it is not on the internet it must be by midnight.
 35.99. If no mario paint composer version is found of it, it will be made.
 35∞. The number of objects and situations yet to be porn-ified spontaneously decreases over time.
 36. There will always be more drama than what you just saw.
 37. You can not divide by zero (just because the calculator says so). internet rule 37
 37.2. Xero Chance can divide by Zero.
 37.3. Pinkie Pie can divide by zero. She can break the 4th wall as canon. What can't she do?
 38. No real limits of any kind apply here — not even the sky.
 38.5 Don't drop that thun thun thun. No exceptions.
 38.702. Rule 38.5 is false. Don't drop that Dedenne.
 41. Needs more Desu. No exceptions.
 41.2. Scroll down.
 41.3. ALL THE WAY.
 42. Nothing is Sacred.
 43. The more beautiful and pure a thing is, the more satisfying it is to corrupt it. rule 43
 44. Trying to edit the rules of the Internet with Japanese characters is like trying to make “2 girls,
1 cup” acceptable in society. It only works at A-con.
 45. When one sees a lion, one must get into the car.
 46.
 47. The pool is always closed due to AIDS (and stingrays, which also have AIDS).
 47.2. YOU ARE FOOL!
 48. A cat is fine too.
 49. One cat leads to another.
 50. Another cat leads to Zippo Cat.
 51. No matter what it is, it is somebody's fetish. No exceptions.
 52. It is delicious cake. You must eat it.
 53. It is delicious trap. You must hit it.
 53.2. The trap broke the lazah.
 54.2. And today.
 54.3. So does America.
 55. If you have time to make up new rules, you have no life.
 55.2. Except for me.
 55.3. If you have no life, you do not exist. Therefore, your rule does not exist if you do not exist.
No exceptions.
 55.4. The rules were created by people who do not exist, so the rules do not exist. No Exceptions.
 55.5. Although the rules do not exist, logic exists. The rules = logic. Therefore the rules do exist.
No Exceptions.
 55.5.2 Since the rules exist by logic, then the rules have always existed. No Exceptions.
 55.5.3 So the creation of your rule is only a repost of science. (See rule 24)
 55.6. If Rule 55 applies to you, then /b/ welcomes you.
 56. They will not bring back Snacks.
 57. You will never have sex.
 57.2. I just had sex and it felt so good. (See rule 82)
 58. Desu isn't funny. Seriously guys. It's worse than Chuck Norris jokes.
 58.2. Scroll down.
 58.3. ALL THE WAY.
 58.4. Theodore Roosevelt jokes are better than Chuck Norris jokes.
 59. No one does it like Gaston. No exceptions.
 60. It needs more pumpkin. No exceptions.
 60.1. What pumpkin?
 60.2. It doesn't matter as long as you give him the butter.
 61. It needs more cowbell. No exceptions.
 62. It has been cracked and pirated. No exceptions.
 62.2. The previous rule does not apply to Pokémon X and Y.
 62.3. The previous rule is null and void if you have a gateway 3DS card
 63. For every male character there is a female version. No Exceptions.
 63.2. For every female character there is a male version. No Exceptions.
 63.3. For every asexual character there is a version for each sex. No Exceptions.
 63.4. Rules 63, 63.2 and 63.3 does not include real people. (Too much work. No Exceptions.)
 63.5. Real people are ruled unworthy.
 63.6. Rules 63.4 and 63.5 are lies. Real people can and will be gender-bent. No exceptions.
 64. Don't copy that floppy. rule 64 number
 65. Anonymous is not your personal army.
 66. The cake is a lie.
 66.2. The lie is a cake.
 66.3. The cock is a lie.
 66.4. The lie is a cock.
 66.5. The cake is a liar.
 66.7. Iron Maiden is awesome. No exceptions.
 66.8. Unless you are GLaDOS.
 66.9. Maybe GLaDOS is a lie. You'll never know.
 66.10. Even if GLaDOS is a lie AFH is still truth. Refer to rule 334.3 and rule 93.
 67. Anonymous does not "buy", he downloads.
 68. Milhouse will never be a meme. Ever. No matter what your post ends with. No exceptions.
Ever. No.
 68.2. However, "Milhouse is not a meme" is a meme.
 68.3. It is undecided whether ' "Milhouse is not a meme" is a meme' is a meme or not.
 68.4. Refer to rule 899899
 68.5. Rules 68, 68.2, and 68.3 define falsity, truthiness, and ambiguity. So by definition, Milhouse
is not a meme.
 69.2. If your question ends with "AMIRITE?", the answer will never be yes.
 70. Do not talk about the 100M GET failure.
 71. The internet is SERIOUS BUSINESS.
 71.∞. The internet is better than you.
 72. Darth Vader is your father. No exceptions.
 72.2. Except for Ash. NO ONE knows who Ash's father is. Not even his mother.
 73. If there isn't enough just ask for Moar.
 75. Rule 75 is a lie.
 76. Twinkies are the answers to life's problems.
 76.2. Disregard rule 76.1, the creator was gay. Twinkies are back. They will always be back. No
 77. The internet makes you stupid.
 77.7. Rule 77 is false. You are not necessarily stupid, just incomprehensible.
 78. It will always need more sauce.
 80. Interwebz177 did it. No exceptions.
 81. Anonymous is a fool by default.
 82. Nobody tells the truth on the Internet
 83.2. Only mental slugs edit Star Wars.
 83.4. Han shot first
 84. All rules ARE true, including this one.
 84.2. These rule, therefore, are rule 478-compliant.
 85. Stupid rules are forbidden.
 86. The term "sage" does not refer to the spice.
 87. If you get pepperoni ever again, I swear I'll blow this joint sky-high!
 87.2 But you know I only like pepperoni!
 87.3. Cheese pizza is the best pizza. No exceptions.
 87.4. Sorry, all I got were shrooms, but we can still get high right?

 888. If you add our site to any social bookmarks , you are really good person. No

 88. Anonymous rules the internet. No exceptions.
 89. Bruce Lee was a hero to us all.
 90. It's never lupus.
 92. Chuck Norris Theodore Roosevelt is the exception to rule 91. No exceptions.
 93.2. This is not rule 93. This is rule 93.2., and rule 93 was not here.
 93.3. Rule 899 is rule 93. (This is not)
 93.4. Fagicorn deleted the real rule 93.
 93.5. Rekt.
 93.6. Get it. Kunt.
 93.7. The above rules are rule 93 pro tempore
 93.8. AT LAST! We found rule 93! Everything makes sense now and the balance of the universe
is restored!
 93.9. To the writer of rule 93.8: no it isn't.
 94. This is rule 94. It was definitely not deleted by SOPA.
 95. Anonymous did NOT, under any circumstances, tk him 2da bar?
 96. If you express astonishment at someone's claim, it is most likely just a clever ruse.
 97. The government, The CIA, Everything is a lie.
 97.2. The NSA is out to get you, no exceptions.
 98. Only Zippocat is truth.
 99. All numbers are at least 100 but always OVER NINE THOUSAAAAAND.
 100. Gay will not be tolerated.

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