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Year: Second Baccalaureate Sciences "F"


Activity 1.
Read the text about heart.
The Heart
Our heart is a muscle that is responsible for pumping our blood throughout our bodies every
minute of every day! The heart is part of our circulatory system. The heart has two sides that
work together as a team. Circulation begins when the right side of our heart pumps the stale
blood from our body into the lungs where it collects oxygen. The blood leaves the lungs and
travels back into the left side of the heart. The left side of our heart then pumps the oxygen-
rich blood out to every part of our body. Veins are tubes that carry blood to the heart. The
arteries are tubes that carry the oxygenated blood away from our heart. Smaller tubes called
capillaries connect the veins and arteries. These tiny tubes exchange food, oxygen, and
wastes between blood and body cells. Your heart pumps between five and six thousand
quarts of blood each day! The body’s blood is circulated through the heart more than one
thousand times a day.
Activity: 1.2
Choose and circle the correct option
1.The (middle / left / right)side of our heart pumps stale blood into the lungs.
2.Our blood gets(oxygen / cells / tubes) from the lungs. 2.
3.The heart has four sides: True / False.
4.The right side of our heart pumps the oxygen-rich blood out to our body: True / False.
5.(Capillaries / Veins / Arteries) are tubes that carry our blood away from the heart .

Activity 2:
Observe and analyze the structure of past perfect in negative form .
Activity 2.1 :
Complete the sentences .Form the past perfect tense in affirmative form. Use
the verb in parenthesis.

Had spended

had did
had seen
Had been

Activity 2.2 :
Rewrite the sentences above with the past perfect tense in negative form.
a) Paul___________
hadn't spended (spend) his holiday in Holland.
b) They ____________
hadn't did
already____________(do) their work.
hadn't asked
c) She __________ (ask) that question before.
d) I__________
hadn't seen
never ______(see) such a thing.
e) We____________
hadn't been _ (be) there before.

Activity 2.3 :
Look at the pictures and form simple the sentences in past perfect tense
negative form.Use the following verbs.

1 He had not flew

2 She had not played tennis

3 They had not driven

4 She had not been studying

5 They had not a clean room

6 He had not know who stole from her

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