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Script WTF is Crypto


In the introduction we must capture the attention of the public , that is why we
have 4 options to start giving the presentation:

(First slide)
.-Reference to the event: Hello everyone, I am grateful for the invitation from Talent
Land, we know that the adoption of cryptocurrencies is on the rise globally, that is why
that being able to contribute our grain of sand and be able to promote a safe and
effective ecosystem for all of you, fills us with pleasant satisfaction.

. -Rhetorical question: Can you imagine being able to earn cryptocurrencies just
by walking? Imagine that every step you take, translates into a small amount of
cryptocurrencies that accumulate in your account as you go. It would be something
very futuristic, don't you think? Well, no, this is already possible thanks to crypto
technology!, now you can earn cryptocurrencies while exercising. the world?

. -Anecdote and could even use a joke related to technology.

Famous quote: Henry Ford used to say, "If people understood how our financial and
monetary system works, there would be a revolution before tomorrow."

That revolution is happening here and now! People like you, are driving this ecosystem
that is transforming the world, Crypto is the climax of the history of the economy.


In this section we will demonstrate the relevance and relevance of the topic.

(Second slide)
Exempla 1: In 2010, it used to be said that cryptocurrencies were something
unnecessary and obsolete, in 2011, that no one would use it, in 2012, it was said that
only programmers would have access to them, in 2014 that it was only for dealers, in
2016 that it was a scam, in 2018 that solo was for millionaires, in 2019 only small
companies would be using it, in 2020 that only small countries like El Salvador would
use it. And now in 2022, you can even buy with crypto something as everyday as your
morning coffee! But, you already know is about the ecosystem that is revolutionizing the
world. ?

Example 2: Money is a vital tool for all people, and access to it is a fundamental right.
However, in many parts of the world, people do not have access to basic banking
services. This means they can’t save money, get a loan, or even make a basic
transaction. Cryptocurrencies are emerging as a solution to this problem.
Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that can be used to conduct online transactions
. Because they are not regulated by any government or bank, cryptocurrencies are
accessible to everyone. This means that people who do not have access to traditional
banking services can use cryptocurrencies to carry out financial transactions, send
remittances, save and much more. But. What are cryptocurrencies?

Example 3: We live in a unique moment in history. The smartphone you carry in your
pocket has more computing power than the computer that took man to the moon nearly
50 years ago.

In the same way it happens with the history of the economy, cryptocurrencies came to
revolutionize the traditional financial system.

How did they do it?

(Slide 3)
In October 2008, in the midst of a historic financial crisis, a character with a pseudonym
appears who hides an undisclosed identity, Satoshi Nakamoto.

In the midst of this crisis, Satoshi publishes a document known as "The White Paper",
which lays the foundations of a technology that would turn upside down any previous
idea of relationship between customers. , institutions, traders and even governments.

To this day, it seems that cryptocurrencies are on everyone's lips, but there are few who
really know them. Do you already know them?
Main idea: What are cryptocurrencies?
(Slide 4)

If we talk about crypto assets or cryptocurrencies, we must first know what an asset
means, well, an asset is a good and property value, for example: money, buildings ,
gold, silver, commodities, etc... All these assets are tangible, they have a value and the
owner of these can trade with them. right?

In the same way there are digital assets: photographs, web pages, software and
cryptocurrencies. These assets are not tangible, they are digital.

(Slide 5)

In this same way, a cryptocurrency is an alternative digital currency to the conventional

financial system and they offer their own crypto-based system. In other words,
cryptocurrencies have no material form, it is a currency that is issued electronically,
the price of cryptocurrencies is given by demand and their value does not depend on
the government or centralized institutions. It is we who build its value.


Cryptocurrencies have multiple use cases, they can be used to make online payments
or transfer funds to other users. It should be noted that cryptocurrencies are not
regulated by any central bank, which makes them resistant and immune to inflation.
Some of the main cryptocurrencies are Bit coin, Ethereum, Litecoin, among others.


(Slide 6)

To better understand cryptocurrencies, think of them as Email:

To send an email you only need a device, a laptop, a cell phone, internet connection
and the address to which you are going to send the mail, right?, of that same How
cryptocurrencies operate, you only need a device, internet and the public key of the
recipient to whom you will make the transfer and that's it. No one will be able to access
your cryptocurrencies thanks to cryptography, this technology keeps them hidden and
indecipherable to a third party.
Only you are in control.

Main idea 2: Blockchain

(Slide 7)


In a world where more and more people are concerned about the state of our financial
system, blockchain emerges as an alternative to improve our situation. Blockchain
technology allows us to transact securely, transparently and quickly, making it an
attractive option for those looking for a better way. of doing business. With blockchain,
we can have more control over our money and our finances, allowing us to make better
decisions about our future. Blockchain also offers us the opportunity to create new
business models that are more efficient, transparent and sustainable.

As you may recall, Satoshi, in his Bitcoin whitepaper described a network that is
powered by its users without there being any third party, central authority or intermediary
to control it. Turning each user into a collaborator and participant in what happens
within the ecosystem, this technology is known as Blockchain.


(Slide 8)

Blockchain is a large public ledger, where all transactions are kept. Thousands of
computers around the world connected to each other updating every few minutes,
corroborating that each transaction has been reliable and carried out.

Particular cases

There are a large number of blockchains on the market, for example: Bitcoin, Dash,
Monaro or Zcash. In the case of MMXN, this token operates under the Ethereum
network: secure, effective and cryptographically incorruptible.

Blockchain is reliable because there are thousands of connected computers around

the world and all its users have access to it, this maintains the integrity of this great
book accounting.

Imagine for a moment that you send $20 pesos to a friend, and he himself sends that
$20 pesos to someone else. Somehow , someone has to keep track of these
transactions, right?, based on avoiding forgeries or someone saying they haven't
received the money.

In the past, banks kept transaction details in something called a "ledger." Having
them only access to that data. Blockchain, on the other hand, revolutionized global
economic transparency by giving a copy of that great ledger to every user.

Blockchain gives you the key to access that database that is continuously updated, so
that any changes are recorded and you have the possibility to corroborate what
happens to any time or day.

You may be wondering why do you need so many computers?

Blockchain designers wanted this system to work like this to take its security a step
further. This way, if a hacker tries to fake one of the blockchain computers, he will
have to check it with the other thousands of computers around the world. This makes
Blockchain unbackable.

This is how millions of small transactions are documented in the blockchain day by
day, being recorded forever and preventing them from being corrupted. The
information is trapped as irrefutable proof that the transaction has taken place.

But what is the purpose of Blockchain?

The purpose of blockchain is to give you the power and freedom as users, as
opposed to the centralized system in which a few contribute to the majority.

Secondary idea: cryptography

(Slide 9)
We have already delved into Blockchain technology, but what is the technology that
protects the integrity of your cryptocurrencies?

The technology that is responsible for protecting your data is called "Cryptography".

Even if you've never heard the word "cryptography." Its etymology gives us an
approach to the essence of its meaning. The suffix "crypto" comes from the Greek and
means "secret" or "hidden". In this sense, cryptography is the study and practice of
sending secure and encrypted messages or data between two or more parties. The
sender "encrypts" the message to hide the content from a third party, while the
receiver "decrypts" the message to make it readable again. This technology is used to
protect sensitive information, such as passwords and banking transactions. And it's the
same technology that uses and supports cryptocurrencies, allowing them to operate in
a secure and completely anonymous way.

Cryptographic technology is used for multiple purposes: Firstly to secure the various
crypto transactions that occur on the network, to control the creation of new monetary
units and to verify the transfer of digital assets and tokens.

How does cryptography work?

Think about receiving radio signals from your car that allows you to listen to the
broadcast. This broadcast is in the public domain and is open to everyone. Conversely
, think of defense-level communications, such as those that occur between soldiers
on a combat mission. This communication will be secure and encrypted. It will only be
received and met by the intended participants, rather than being open to the world.
The cryptography of cryptocurrencies works in an almost identical way.

In short, we can say that cryptography is a technique that allows you to

1. Encrypt
2. Protect
3. Hide

All your documents and data so that no one, but you, can have access to them.
That's the technology that cryptocurrencies support.

Subordinate idea: Stablecoins

(Slide 10)
Not everything is volatility within the world of cryptocurrencies.

In mid-2014, stable coins appeared on the scene for the first time, a type of
cryptocurrency that links its value to another asset, usually to national currencies, such
as the dollar, euro or Mexican peso.

We have already mentioned that there are different types of assets, tangible such as
national money, gold, silver or oil and digital assets, such as cryptocurrencies.

(Slide 11)
Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies (or digital currencies) that link their value to another
external asset, usually between national currencies, such as the dollar, the euro or the
peso. Mexican. But they can also be linked to commodities (gold, silver or oil).

To understand how stablecoins work , it is easier to think of one of them, such as

MMXN: for each Mexican peso deposited in its reserve, Moneta will issue an MMXN
respectively, that is, each MMXN that you have can be exchanged for a Mexican peso,
which will give you exceptional use cases, such as:

➔ · International transactions with low commissions

➔ · Fully digital payment method
➔ · Intuition to be able to be acquired directly with Mexican weight.

(Slide 12)

In addition, stablecoins like MMXN offer you

● Backed by real assets (national currency)

● Instant transactions.
● Secure transactions without banks as intermediaries.
● They guarantee stability to the crypto ecosystem.
● Facilitate international payments

(Slide 13)

What is the difference between conventional cryptocurrencies and stablecoins?

Cryptocurrencies are of a volatile nature, that is, their price can vary depending on the
demand that this asset has. So, if few people are acquiring a cryptocurrency, its price
goes down. On the other hand, stablecoins are an investment instrument that has been
developed to solve the problem of conventional cryptocurrencies, because their value
is stable, it has an economic backing in real assets, it is easy to exchange, it allows
you to maintain your profits and the best thing is that they allow you to save in the
currency of your trust.

Stablecoins like MMXN were designed with the aim of creating a stable and secure
ecosystem for users like you in the midst of market uncertainty and volatility. They
are specific assets immune to the fluctuation of conventional cryptocurrencies and
support their value in real assets.

Idea subordinate: Exchanges y Wallets

(Slide 14)
Now we have a bigger picture of what cryptocurrencies are, but, perhaps now you may
ask yourself, where can I acquire cryptocurrencies? If they are not physical coins, where
do I keep them?

(Slide 15)

The answer to this is Exchanges and Wallets.

An exchange is a platform on which you can buy and sell cryptocurrencies. (as an
exchange but virtual) You can use the exchanges to exchange one cryptocurrency for
another, converting MMXN into BTC, for example or to buy cryptocurrency using a
national currency, such as the US dollar. The exchanges reflect the current market
prices of the cryptocurrencies they offer. You can also convert cryptocurrencies into
US dollars or another currency on an exchange, to leave them as cash in your account
(if you want to return to trade cryptocurrencies later) or withdraw them to your usual
bank account.

In the case of Mexico we have Mexo, the most complete cryptocurrency trading
platform in Mexico and Latin America, thanks to the large number of products and
services they have to offer, in addition to a wide variety of cryptocurrencies to trade.
And not only that, Mexo also has a Bot, a crypto academy and a Peer to Peer market!

On the other hand, you can also make use of your cryptocurrencies through a wallet:
Wallets or are nothing more than a digital wallet that allow you to keep your private
keys, the passwords that give you access to your cryptocurrencies in a secure and
accessible way, in addition to allowing you to send and receive cryptocurrencies such
as Bitcoin and MMXN. In fact, in our ecosystem we have one: Trubit, a wallet that has
32 tokens available, is compatible with more than 13 chains and is available 24/7.


Imagine living in a world where you may be having a conversation with your friends on
the beach, be skiing in California's Big Bear, and at the same time be taking notes on
the meeting you have at your work in CDMX. This is something completely possible in
the multiverse.

Metaverse and entrepreneurship

The metaverse is changing the way we relate to work. According to a Forrester study,
metaverse is defined as "a 3D online environment composed of many interconnected
virtuous worlds, in which users can interact with each other. yes and with objects in a
natural and realistic way". This means that the metaverse offers people a new way to
find work and to become entrepreneurs. In the metaverse, companies can hire
freelancers to perform specific tasks, which allows them to save costs and time. They
can also use the metaverse to organize events and meetings, allowing them to increase
participation and reduce logistics costs. The metaverse is changing the way we interact
with work.

But what is the Multiverse and how does it relate to blockchain?

As we have mentioned, metaverse is a digital technology that allows Internet users to

connect with each other in a virtual world. It is similar to other virtual worlds such as
Second Life or Habbo, but with some important differences. One of the main differences
is that the Metaverse is based on blockchain technology, which makes it more secure
and reliable. In addition, the Metaverso has its own cryptocurrency, called "metacoin",
which can be used to buy items in the virtual world or to pay for services.

Metacoins differ from other virtual currencies because they are backed by real-world
assets. This means that they have real value and can be used to buy and sell goods
and services. Metacoins can also be traded on exchanges, just like any other currency.

In the metaverse you can make friends, raise virtual pets, design virtual fashion items,
buy virtual real estate, attend events, create and sell digital art, and in addition to
making money.

The Metaverse is still in its early stages, but ithas the potential to revolutionize social
media and online gaming. With its innovative features and unique approach, the
Metaverse could become the virtual world of reference for social interaction and
online gaming.

It is a worldor virtual to which we will connect using a series of devices that will make
us think that we are really inside it, interacting with all its elements.

Blockchain in the metaverse

Blockchain technology will allow people to interactin a secure and decentralized way on
the metaverse. Blockchain offers a form of distributed ledger that is tamper-
resistant and ideal for storing sensitive data. In the metaverse, Blockchain will be used
to store information about the location of objects and interactions between users.
Blockchain will also ensure that transactions between users are conducted securely
and reliably. Smart contracts will allow automatic transactions to be executed and
simplify the process of interaction between users. The metaverse is an ever-evolving
digital world and Blockchain will be an integral part of its workings.
Web 3

Web 1.0 was the first version of the internet and emerged in the mid-90s. It was a
decade of great technological advances, as personal computers became popular and
the first web browser, Mosaic, was created. In Web 1.0, users could view web pages,
but could not interact with them.

Web 2.0 emerged in the mid-2000s and was a more interactive version of the internet.
In Web 2.0, users could interact with web pages, for example, through blogs and social

While it is true that Web 2.0 has facilitated access to information, but it has also
increased the possibility of erroneous information spreading.

In addition, Web 2.0 has also given rise to new forms of fraud, such as phishing, in
which scammers create fake websites to obtain personal information from users.

Web 2.0 has also increased the risk of viruses and spyware, as it is easier for hackers
to distribute these malicious programs through websites.

Web 2.0 has also made it easier to access illegal content, such as child pornography
and has given rise to new forms of bullying, such as cyberbullying, in which children
and adolescents use websites to bully or harass others.

To solve this, Web 3 is the evolution of today's Web. Web 3 is driven by the philosophy
of making the Internet a place for everyone, rather than a place for businesses and
governments. Web 3 is based on three pillars: privacy, decentralization and usability.
With Web 3, users own their data. Web 3 is censorship-resistant and allows users to
interact directly with each other, without intermediaries. Web 3 also makes it easy to
develop decentralized applications or DApps, which are more secure and tamper-
resistant than traditional applications. Web 3 offers faster, safer and more private
browsing. The benefits of Web 3 are numerous and impactful. Web 3 will change the
Internet forever.

With the blockchain as a basis, Web 3.0 allows the existence of a growing number of
new types of applications and services, among which NFT's stand out .

Do you already know them?

As we've seen in recent years, Web 3.0 is changing the way we interact with the web.
Now, thanks to NFTs, it's also changing the way we buy, sell and store our digital

NFTs , or "non-fungible tokens," are a new form of digital asset that is becoming
increasingly popular. Unlike other tokens, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, NFTs are not
interchangeable with each other. This means that each NFT is unique and

In addition, NFTs are backed by blockchain technology, which gives them greater
security and transparency.

NFTs are being used to buy and sell a variety of digital assets, from art and music to
games and videos. And since they're not interchangeable, shoppers can be sure
they're getting the digital asset they really want.

NFTs are being used to buy and sell a variety of digital assets, from art, music, games,
videos and other content. NFTs can be bought, sold and acquired on online platforms.
This product offers many advantages over other digital assets, such as increased
security, liquidity and traceability. In addition, they can also be used to represent
physical property, such as cars or real estate. NFTs have the potential to change the
way the world trades and works, giving people a safer and more efficient way to
exchange digital assets.

As you may already know, NFTs are fully decentralized and not subject to the
regulations of any country. This means that anyone can buy, sell or trade NFTs without
having to worry about restrictions imposed by governments. In addition, NFTs are
extremely secure and resistant to hacking as they are encrypted and stored on a
blockchain. This means that no one can modify or delete an NFT without the consent of
all participants in the blockchain. Last but not least, NFTs are fully transparent and
traceable. This means it's easy to see which NFTs are in circulation and track their
trading history. NFTs offer a number of advantages over other digital assets and are
therefore an excellent option for investing.

The crypto ecosystem is changing the world for siempre. It's no longer a thing of the
future, it's here and now, and it's changing the way we do business, interact and think
about money. If you are not yet familiar with crypto, we invite you to immerse yourself
in this exciting new world. There are many ways to get involved in the ecosystem, from
buying cryptocurrencies to investing in blockchain projects or even mining
cryptocurrencies. Every day there are more and more ways to use cryptocurrencies, so
it is a good time to immerse yourself in this evolving market. Who knows, crypto could
change your life forever. Thank you! (the question and answer session is opened).

the search for information.

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