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Creativity Matters: Writing Feature Articles In writing a feature article, fuel your pen with creativity. _ Ferdinand Bulusan LEARNING OUTCOMES « Determine the characteristics of feature stories » Name the types of features « Differentiate news and feature stories « Apply techniques in writing feature articles and . Formulate mental images based on given motivations LEARNING OUTPUTS « Portfolio entry: character sketch ‘of most inspiring teacher « Actual feature story on school activity Critical analysis on techniques in feature stories. Web activity: boosting local tourism through social media Feature Story: Its Concepts and Nature If defining news were a hard task for many writers due to its many perspectives, feature stories would be less difficult. Many writers agree on the concepts and nature of feature stories. ‘A feature story is an interesting article that focuses on certain people, places, events or subject matters like career, relationships, money, health, lifestyle, among others. Because it is so elaborative, @ writer is “free as a bird” in crafting his ideas, in weaving his ideas and in presenting his ideas. ‘Again, redundant as it may, feature writing breaks the box of rules where news writing is incarcerated. CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your reach &3 ~ With such a concept in mind, you may think that feature articles are longer, mere in-dépth and more elaborate than hard news stories. They make use of the upright triangle style rather than the inverted triangle approach most of the time. However, # writer, you must still keep in mind that feature stories are lodged under the umbrelle of journalism, whose foundations are facts, facts and facts. Hence, feature stories are met opinion essays or editorials and should not be confused with creative writing or works of fiction. A feature story primarily banks on special human interest that may or may Set be closely tied to a recent news event. It goes into great detail regarding concepts and ideas of specific market of interest. ‘Take this comparison. A feature story is like a spotlight in a concert hall. Everyone in the concert hall may become the subject. Once the spotlight strikes a member of t= audience, he or she becomes distinct and eventually grabs the attention of everyone. According to Okoye (2012), a feature story is an in-depth and factual write-up om = topical issue which seeks to give comprehensive information in a more captivating end relaxed style than straight news. Meanwhile, Reuters Handbook of Journalism says that a feature story is “== insight into a trend or an issue or personality. It enlightens the reader about that trend, issue or personality in a broad context. It uses specific examples to illustrate that tread or issue and puts them in q broad framework that allows the social, economic, corporate and/or political implications to shine through, whether sectoral, national or global.” A feature article, therefore, relates to so many forms and subjects. Its forms inelade narrative stories, poems, essays, tales, anecdotes and others. Its subjects, on the other hand, may include love, hatred, jealousy, emotions, war, friendship, and other bumas forms of experiences. With its diverse forms, many campus papers believe that festar= page is the same with literary page. That is why there are campus papers which have a section titled as “literary/feature” page. It must be clear to both beginning and developing campus papers that literary and features are NOT similar. Finally, writing a feature is a war of creativity on the use of language. It is se stylistic that it entails a writer’s constant reading and interminable practice. Characteristics of Feature Stories 1. Variety of subject matter As discussed previously, a feature story can take any topic under the sum. The kindling of the reader’s interest on such a topic primarily depends om the writer’s creativity on using the language. 2. Variety of tones Since feature stories are meant to entertain other than to inform, the feature writer may use variety of dramatic tone, say a creepy story, exciting narration, suspensive drama, angry letter, morbid experience and the like. Variety of form and style Feature stories may use any form and any style depending on the writer’s judicious judgement to capture easily the reader’s attention. One may use acrostic or literary techniques in crafting stories, so long as the content is factual. 3. 4, Well-organized A feature story is actually an essay. Therefore, it follows a general format of having an introduction, body and ending. Its contents, like all other pieces of writing, should be logically arranged such that a smooth flow of ideas is attained. Hence, it still follows the rules of thumb in effective writing. 5. Strikes keynotes in a first sentence The secret of arousing reader’s attention is to intrigue him at the beginning. That is why feature stories need to be very striking at the first part. It does not necessarily mean, though, that the first sentence summarizes the important details in the first sentence like in straight news. If one does this, suspense is forfeited, excitement is lost. 6. May or may not be timely Unlike news articles, feature stories may skip immediacy because it is up for the writer’s dexterous use of the language to make the antiquated subject rise from the tomb and capture the attention of the current readers. Feature flourishes in: 1. Color 2. Fancy 3. Wit and humor 4. Anecdotes 5. Quotations Qualities of a Well-Written Feature Story Well-researched Catchy Descriptive Exciting Reflective Emotional Engaging Neutral Thorough BSA RO NR CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your reach as Hard News and Feature Story Contrasted ‘A news story greatly differs from a feature story. However, both of them base their contents on facts. A news story starts with a lead composed of five W’s and H. It should be timely and should follow inverted triangle (most vital information to least important). On the other hand, a feature story mainly focuses on who, what and why. It does not need to be current. Often, it is narrative (beginning, middle and end) in its approach and can be first or second person point of view. ‘A news story focuses on the theme of the story; it is written in third person. A news is primarily meant to inform, as it presents information in short paragraphs (one sentence-one paragraph). It is objective and straight to the point. According to Dr. Don Ranly of Missouri School of Journalism in his discussion on “Helpful Hints for Journalistic Writing,” when writing a feature story, one should distinguish its main aim: to entertain. The writer may use wo to three sentences or paragraphs (clear and concise sentences). As iterated, it should be based on facts (descriptive and colorful writing; has writer’s own individual style and tone). It is not necessarily objective, since it allows for viewpoint and voice. Finally, it is delayed in the sense that it keeps readers curious. Types of Feature Stories As stated previously, feature stories have a wide array of forms and styles, hence, the following types. |. Informative feature. This gives information on subject of current interest. This feature is usually based on interview and research. 2. Human interest feature. Sometimes called “concerned story,” it deals with minor incidents that deserve attention because of dramatic, humorous, tragic, sensational or unusual (odd) angle of the story. This kind of feature story appeals to the emotion; itmay have a lesser news value, but it enjoys wide readership because of its human appeal. Primarily, it exposes burning issues which need urgent solutions. It also shows the magnitude of the problem through cases, anecdotes and quotable quotes. ‘This feature highlights the dramatic condition and experiences of certain groups of people. Further, it is written using heart-piercing presentations, which evoke emotional responses to the readers. 3, News feature. It gets its materials from current events, covering details that were omitted by the news. 4, Personal experience. This tells of some unusual true-to-life experiences written in the first person account. 5. Personality sketch, Some books differ in nomenclature; others regard this as MIA atin ole os es 1 profile feature. Silver screen celebrities, political figures, athletes, beauty titlist, these are the popular choices for personality sketch. Notably, people are interested in people, so much so, articles written about them, especially about their private lives, and secrets are much sought-after and read by their fans. However, simple persons may be highlighted through the use of this kind of feature story. Humorous feature. The primary objective of feature stories is to entertain. So, what is more fitting than making people laugh and be relieved of the stress of life while reading your article? A Interpretative feature. This feature helps the reader understand the background and significance of social, economic, political and other problems of everyday life. Seasonal or holiday feature. This feature story includes subjects like events celebrated once a year, It primarily magnifies the significance and relevance of holidays, anniversaries and special events. Travelogue. It is an account of one’s travel experience and a vivid description of places visited. Also, it highlights the beauty of interacting with people and places. It offers endorsements and guidelines on places where money would be worth spending. Travel feature writers demand exceptional descriptive and narrative skills. ). Science and Technology feature. It is concentrated on the latest advancement in science and technology with the’ aim of informing the readers, and arousing their interests. . Historical and cultural feature. Historical events and sites can provide readers a sense of identity. By comparing the present to the past, they can see how time has changed their environment, culture, values and perspectives. . How-to and what-to-do features. They are educational in essence. They provide knowledge about process or activity. Most often, they showcase step-by-step procedure in doing something. . Business and development feature. It provides a glimpse and insight on the business world and the development of certain sector or area. This writing requires a working knowledge and special interest on the workings and operations of the business community. . Lifestyle feature. The quick change of fashion trends and lifestyles makes an interesting reading. . Entertainment feature. Movie stars, pop singers and show business events are common subjects. The goal is to entertain and give relief to people. . Hobby feature. This type of feature primarily interests the readers who are into exceptional hobbies. Career feature. It is a type of feature that focuses on career guidance, tips or issues. . Insider feature. Take note, insiders look at unusual occupations, issues, or events (CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your reach eS which are hidden from the public. Readers are attracted to unusual details or “well- kept secrets” about procedures or activities they might not ordinarily be exposed to or allowed to participate in. The Effective Feature Writer 1. isa keen observer ‘A feature writer should be very wary on processes, on figures, on shapes, on taste, on temperature, on attitude and many more. He should see not only the forest but also the small and large trees, the wild animals and the insects init. Thus, a feature writer should unleash his/her skills in observing. 2. has an analytical mind; According to psychologists, analysis is the process of breaking down an idea. A good feature writer, therefore, should be adept at explaining in details. For instance, when he/she wants to say Juan is thin, the writer should know how to describe Juan to show that he/she is indeed thin. 3. is a wide reader and a good listener Facts are the foundations of journalism. Feature articles are journalistic in nature. Hence, feature stories are factual. Like news, feature stories should be packed with facts. A writer, therefore, should be a wide reader and a good listener to capture facts. As Francis Bacon once said, “Reading maketh a full man.” 4. isa frequent writer “Practice makes perfect,” so a saying goes. A feature writer hones his ability, style and creativity through constant practice. 5. is a master of language ‘A good feature banks on the craftsmanship of the writer in playing with the words, sprinkled with color, suspense and drama, As he/she uses the language, he/ she also must consider the rules of grammar, thus his/her mastery of its rules. Sources of Features News Magazine articles Books Scrapbooks Experience Casual conversation Travel Familiar places Interview Observation Speeches Files of old materials like bulletins cere op ao oe The Stages of Writing a Feature Story 1. Pre-writing Before setting the first draft, you need to plan, research, gather data and organize information. Planning involves finding out what you should write about and defining your purpose. It should be clear to you whether you will write a funny ora creepy story. In this stage, too, limit your topic. Choose the theme and narrow down the subject. 2. Writing Know the level of consciousness and knowledge of your audience. Find out if they read for entertainment, information, analysis or commentagies. This will make your article more responsive and sensitive to the issues and concerns of the reader. Observe the normal triangle structure. 3. Post-Writing Edit your article for clarity and grammatical correctness. Refine your sentences and find better choices for words. Cut out unnecessary phrases and ensure your story flows coherently. Polishing your paper or your article gives a surety that the story is of good quality, thus complete, accurate and correct. Writing the Feature Story Start with a bang and end with an explosion! This statement should be latched in your memory as you start writing your feature article. It gives a very clear relationship of the starting and ending paragraphs of the article. Yes, one secret in attaining an interesting and unforgettable feature write-up is to establish a clear connection between the introductory and ending paragraphs. The opening paragraph also sets the tone for the rest of the piece. Is your feature tongue-in-cheek and light-hearted? For example, if you were writing a humorous story about your love affair with honey and cocoa, it would obviously be going to have a much different tone if yot! were writing a feature story on the Kidapawan farmers who were fired with bullets during their rally. Saying that the introduction should be catchy is easy. Writing one is another story. Often, feature writers-novice or professional ~spend most of their time writing the beginning of their feature article. One saying goes, “The hardest thing to do is to begin.” Hence, the following are common ways to start the feature story. As a writer, however, you are not bound by these techniques. You may use a combination of these or you may devise your own style; anyway, you are free as a bird. Rules of Thumb in Writing the Introduction 1. Provoke the reader’s interest by making an unusual statement. 2. Provide any necessary background information. 3. Invite the reader to take sides by making a controversial statement. Mees 4, Heighten the drama of an event or incident to intensify its appeal. s 6. Establish your tone. Create a relationship between the writer and the reader. Writing Introduction: Techniques and Samples 1. Question. It raises a question or a rhetorical question which the article may or may not try to explore and discuss. Example: You are not aware that ironing late at night is dangerous, are you? Who does not know about DOTA and COC? Startling statement or exclamation. This may be used to compel attention. Example: Food not bullets! Such statement shook the streets of Manila in front of the Malacanan Palace as warriors from Gift of God Ministries in Bohol protested about the killings in Kidapawan. That's incredible! A college graduate at 16 years old? St ig statement. It is an enticing piece of information in a short punchy format. It adds suspense. Example: Ifyou think that children do not understand viber, think again. The greatest fighter in the whole world is from a third-world country. Descriptive technique. It is used to draw the reader into the story by creating a strong image in his or her mind. The words are colorful and concrete enough for the reader to appreciate and feel the ideas presented in the story. Example: As the sun bids goodbye for one hot tiring day, I see on my left the green robust hills. On my right are the unending curves and twists of the majestic landscapes of Batan Island. In front of me is the bluish ocean whose waves are unendingly racing towards the rocky boarders of the hills. Sitting on a nearly century-old bench, I hear the tourists’ crunchy laughter of amazement. I feel the nearly salty breeze that flies away my anxiety. I see persons extracting the stresses of life. God, I am in Batanes. Summary technique. This sums up the general topic of the story (but does not follow the inverted triangle). Example: At an early age, Toton and Jay serve as breadwinners for their families by selling cigarettes and newspapers by day and night. They represent the growing number of child-workers in poor urban communities. 6. Anecdotal style. This technique in writing introduction relies on a conversational tone to create an intimacy between the reader, the writer and the characters in the article, It is packed with specific details. Example Rowell met Lara in a five-star hotel bar in Bangkok. Rowell, in his tuxedo, was mesmerized by the beauty of the Chinese-looking female in red gown. ‘Can I offer you a drink?” the bachelor asked with confidence. The woman did not refuse the gentle offer. They talked and smiled, That was three years ago. They now have two lovely daughters. 7. Quotation. There are times that quotation — whether overused or not — can arrest the interest of the readers. The writer just needs to ensure that the quotation is appropriate and that he can manage to establish the relationship of the topic and the quotation. Example: “Honesty is the best policy.” In Batanes, this is not merely a quotation. It is the people's policy. 8. Contrast technique. The writer sets off his subject with two apparently contradictory pieces of information. This is to emphasize two contending ideas or events. Example: Three days ago, Mang Tomas was driving his boss to work. This morning, he was seen driving his own car, the very first souvenir he bought for winning the jackpot prize in lottery. Mayweather is unbeaten, still many consider Pacquiao to be better than him despite Manny s imperfect record. 9, Break formal style, This leaves to the reader's imagination the things that happened in between events: Example: He said he would. And yes, he did. 10. Character technique. Primarily, this style introduces the central person ina story. This is most common in personality profiles or stories in which you use an individual to represent a larger topic. Example: Pastor Rowell always seems to have a permanent smile-even when his motorcycle does not want to start in the morning. . Figurative style. It opens the feature article by employing figures of speech. Example: ‘Manny Pacquiao is the Pambansang Kamao... Like a diamond in the rough, Manny Pacquiao was plucked from the slums. er kaa kul ed Me haere Oe eR ay CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your reach a3 12. Quoting an expert. This introductory style uses a statement of an authority in a specified field. Example: / Freddy Roach says, “Manny is the greatest fighter in the world because... a 13. Staccato style. In music parlance, staccato means: short and not sounding connected. A feature writer may start by using sudden and brief ideas or words or phrases. Example: Breathtaking. Mesmerizing. Enchanting. Jaw-dropping. These are only four words among the 101 ways to describe Batanes. 14, Lyrics of a song, This technique covers many forms and is appropriate for any topic just that, the writer should link the relationship of the lyrics to the topic or theme of the article. Example: If could have One final walk One final Dance One final chance with you Tplay a song that would never ever end How I love to dance with my father again... Thave played the song at least 15 times already to pluck out my longing to the ‘one who considers me an apple of his eye - my father Ambo. 15. Letter Style. Some dramatic and hilarious feature stories start with a letter style: Example: Dear Ate Charo, Please call me Anabelle as I relate my experience with a tikbalang in front of the Balete tree. The Nut Graph After writing the introductory statement, here comes the nut graph. This is the paragraph in which the main points of a story are summarized. Nut graphs are often used in conjunction with delayed [leads] on feature stories. A feature story may begin with a delayed [lead], often featuring description or an anecdote, that can last in several paragraphs. That is then followed by a nut graph that outlines the main points of the story.” (Tony Rogers, Sometimes, this is referred to as the thesis statement of your story, where you lay out for the reader exactly what the story is all about. Usually, it is found in the third or fourth paragraph, and it explains why the story is being written. It likewise provides vital information while it educates, entertains and emotionally ties an audience to the subject. ENE CR corns ovenatison mn ur rch The Body of the Feature Article The usual components of the body are subheadings. Do not forget to include facts and statistics which support your content. Other shaking ways to make the body creative and packed with facts is to include opinions from authorities and experts, quoted statements and interviews, anecdotes and stories. Specific names, places and dates should also be verified before they are included. Important components of the body include: a. Background information. A paragraph or two of background should be placed high in the story to bring the audience up-to-date. b. The “thread” of the story. This connects the beginning, body and conclusion of the story. Because a feature generally runs longer than a news story, it is effective to weave a thread throughout the story, which connects the lead to the body and to the conclusion, This thread can be a single person, an event or a thing, and it usually highlights the theme. ¢. Dialogues. They may be used to keep a story moving. In feature reporting, dialogues must be accurate that they can give readers strong mental images and keep them attached to the writing and to. the story’s key players. d. Voice. The “signature” or personal style of each writer, the voice of the feature refers to the personality of the writer which can be used to inject color, tone, subtle emotional commentary into the story. Paragraph Development Some techniques used to develop paragraphs and sentences are the following: 1.- Improve the simple narration strategy by magnifying the character ofa person or an event. Instead of saying that Ruben is happy, sad or angry, try to reconstruct the sentence by saying that, “Ruben was so happy that he kissed the forehead and cheeks of Mario and hugged him tight.” 2. Avoid using ambiguous modifiers such as “tall,” “short,” “fat,” “thin.” Say: “Pedro was so short that he had to climb up the Arius tree to see the parading soldiers.” 3. Animate verbs and work for sounds. Add color to the actions of the characters. Instead of “drank quickly,” write “gulped,” walked quietly — tiptoed. . Use the active voice. .. Avoid clichés by reconstructing them. .. Play with figures of speech. Nw . Vary sentence length to emphasize thought. es in the Campus cM ovens vino’ DD How to End the Feature Article TS. Elioi, a famous American essayist and playwright, once averred, “If you start with a bang, you won’t end with a whimper.” As stated, the crucial parts of feature stories are the beginning and ending. Difficult as it may seem therefore, beginning an article is as equally difficult as ending it. In doing so, just remember that a good feature article establishes a direct or indirect link between the opening and the closing statements. It is a rule that the ending of a feature story should be glorious and must show the reader that the time he invested in reading the piece was well-spent. It must remind them of the main message and idea of the article. Here are some ways that you could use in ending the feature story. 1, Summarize the key points of the story. You may mention the main point of the | article for the first time based on previous discussions. Example: Lorita’s message is simple: We, the hope of the future, must prepare our glasses to catch each single precious drop of knowledge. 2. Straightforward question. This is effective in challenging the readers and making them think through the story. Example: Would you let COC and DOTA take away your child's future? Think again 3. Offer solutions and recommendations. This style may help the readers make informed choices. Example: Amidst the boisterous honking of tricycles and jeepneys, it is never wrong to give ourselves some time to relax. 4.- Forecast or predict. You may end your feature story by showing a good understanding of the arguments and the implications of current situation to the future, This conclusion offers inferences on the future based on the foregoing arguments. Example: With the scarcity of water that we are facing, there will come a time that included in the list of imported products are barrels of potable water. 5, Appropriate quotations. They are effective in dramatizing the main points raised by the article. Example: Indeed, in Batanes, honesty is still the best policy. the Campi cy Writing Titles of Feature Stories The title is the door to arresting one’s curiosity. It is read first and cited most often. It leaves an indelible mark to the reader’s mind such that when he wants to reminisce your theme or idea, he/she names your article through its title. With these, titles should be the catchiest part of the story and the wittiest part of the article. Here are some ways to create a snappy, brief and witty title. IPAS JOURNALISM within your reach 1. You may use a one-word title. Just make sure that it capsulizes the theme or the subject of your feature story. 2. You may use a brief question. Example: Where are the clowns? 3. You may use a contrasting phrase. Example: Brusko Pink 4, You may use a description with alliteration. Example: Love. Love. Love. 5. You may use one brief sentence. Example: After a decade, he repaid the tree Tips for Beginning Feature Writers Limit to 500 words or less. Use facts and statistics when appropriate. Use appropriate quotes. Consider your audience. Consider the medium the feature will appear on. yen Feature Writing Contest Tips If you are a feature writer preparing for the next Campus Journalism contest or Division Schools Press Conference or Regional Higher Education Press Conference, here are some feature writing contest tips that will be useful for you. 1. Know your judge. Remember that your target reader in a feature writing contest is the judge or the judges (in Campus Journalism, usually there is one judge in each slot). So make him your ultimate consideration. Every individual has different canmasjounnauisn wine racr lS preferences, has varying likes and dislikes. Every person thinks differently. Every judge judges differently. If it is possible, know him or her personally. Get an idea ‘on how he thinks or behaves. You will have an edge if you know the writing style your judge prefers or sees better than any other writing styles. If he is a media practitioner, read in advance his works published in the net or newspaper. Show, do not tell. Many school paper advisers and budding feature writers believe that a feature article is an arena of adjectives. This leads them to memorizing many adjectives in the lexicon. While such belief bears an inch of truth, what matters in a feature article is the writer’s skill in creating mental images using the language, which includes verbs, nouns and adjectives. Show, do not tell. Instead of writing: She is truly fat. You can write: She always wears her XL shirt and fears to use the weighing scale. Use sounds (onomatopoeia). Your readers want to hear what you are hearing. Your readers want to experience what you want them to experience. To make the article livelier then, you may consider using onomatopoeia. Example: Tok...tok...tok... every knee is now trembling as Mrs. Panaginip comes in the room, Theard the bang of the gun that echoes within the building. Use personification. Make your characters or your subject move. This is also one way to create a mental image to the reader’s mind. Example: Death opened its jaw and swallowed my dog. Use comparison. To help the reader understand a concept or an abstract idea in your article, you may consider using comparison. Sometimes, using comparison causes your reader to appreciate your effort in helping him comprehend the idea. Example: Like a baby, he cries very loudly that it can be heard up to the next room. Not all bombs are dangerous. Once you taste the Arius candy, your tongue usually feels the explosion of the candy s combined sweetness and sourness. The taste leaves a bang in your head which will make you crave for tongue-bombing Ivatan delicacy. The place may be more scorching than in Hades’ lair: MEE CD) cernsyperpusmnttinywenah 6. Compose your feature story so as to radiate a positive energy to the judges. One thing young feature writers tend to overlook is the whole outcome of their feature story. Sometimes, if they are asked or assigned to write a story based on tragic or saddening events, their stories will end up tragic and gloomy as well. If you are to write a feature story on such topics that do not suggest a positive disposition, compose and end your story with one that still enlightens, motivates and inspires. For instance, in a feature writing contest, you are to write a story on something that evokes hopelessness, end your story with a tinge of bright hopes. If you are to write a feature story on something that is full of grief or struggle, angle or end your story with a touch of comfort and peace. If you are to write a story on something that is anger-filled, compose and end your story in a way that would mellow down the wrath. 7, Avoid using highbrow language; otherwise, you will not be communicating effectively. Remember, your contest judge will not have the luxury of time browsing his Encarta or Merriam-Webster’s dictionary. 8, Remember to highlight and to establish a connection between the beginning and ending paragraphs of your feature article. Dramatize if necessary. Sample Feature Articles Cool-tura Ivatan By Ferdinand Bulusan (This article was first published in The Northern Forum, December 2015 issue.) The waves are alluring. The scenes are captivating. The life is so amazing. This is Batanes, a group of islands that surely deserves a second stay. Situated at the northernmost spot in the Philippine archipelago, Batanes is indeed at the top list of tourist destinations because of its well-preserved local colors. Like in fiestas, it is never wrong to say that the local color offiesta, written and described in history ‘books, is vividly shown in Batanes. Every house, whether big or small, literally prepares “handaan”’. Native Ivatan delicacies grab the spotlight in almost all dining tables in the houses. The smile painted on every Ivatan radiates like a shimmering light as everyone: welcomes “dayo” [visitors] from different towns and international tourists. Houses are literally and figuratively open. Anyone, whether relative or not, may just get inside any house to take the sumptuous edibles. Just do not forget to say, “Diyos Mamates!” aj the meal. It is so amazing how the Ivatans have preserved their very solid family ties and traditions attached to them. For instance, if you come from a different municipality and. have relatives in the town celebrating the festivity, you have to visit “ALL” your relati Wee eee cammusjounnauis win yur Mal houses to manifest your greetings and to show respect to them. “Pagmamano”, aseemingly vanishing tradition in the mainland, is strictly observed in Batanes. One may stand in awe and astonishment when he or she sees a 60-year-old friend kissing the hand of his granny in one house. Your heart must jump in glee when ‘you see children of varying ages hold the hand of the visitors and shortly touch it on their forehead. Claimed to be the safest and peace-loving place in the Philippines, as it has the lowest crime rate in the country, Batanes is a place not to be missed in one’s vacay list. The calmness amid the very colorful and vivacious festivity is very conspicuous in the place. The Mayor, the Vice Mayor, and even the Provincial Governor are just on their solo walk during the festivity. Thats why, you can have the chance to have a photo opportunity with these personalities. In the island, every motorist is always required to blow his horn each time he passes by a curve to avoid accident since the roads in Batanes are not that wide. The “Blow UR Horn” signage only found in Batanes is iconic; anyone who sees it, associates it with Batanes. The iconic “Blow Ur Horn” signage along the Mahatao cliffside roads is an evidence of Ivatan’s ingenuity and creativity. Carved out from cliffs or boulders, the unique road signs remain serviceable for years despite torrential winds of the strongest typhoons. Further, even when text messaging had not yet been invented, this signage already used “UR” for “your”. Ivatans are known for their hospitality and jolliness. That must be the reason why even in their dining table, the “yellow rice” has become a signature dish during fiestas, birthdays, Christmas, New Year or any important occasion. The yellow color of the rice is obtained from a native yellow ginger called “Hama,” which is very luxuriant in Batanes. The love of Ivatans in cooking made the taste of yellow rice bursting in one's mouth. Because of the geographical location of Batanes, it is still far from the colors of modernization. It has sustained original Filipino culture. Helpful and kind, Ivatans never fail to execute the Bayanihan termed as “yaru”. They ofien perform it at weekends usually ‘on Saturdays. Ivatans offer their precious time even if they receive no payment. Instead they receive happin This activity really shows that they are'willing to join hands for their co-Ivatans. The place, the people, the is undeniably never-ending. The fun is undeniably never-ending! Indeed, there are local gems silently waiting to be unearthed, and Batanes is one! aon te ~ Culture and arts on wheels : By Purita S, Licas Cagayanos have found a way to promote its culture and arts in an unlikely medium uniquely Ibanag: the horse-drawn rig public transport kalesa. Unlike the rest of kalesa elsewhere in the country, the Ibanag kalesa is made of a combination of rubber, wood and GI sheets. Add to that is its full passenger capacity of eight persons unlike, again, the other kalesas where it can only accommodate two passengers. No one knows who made the first kalesa in Tuguegarao City and who first owned ‘one but the more than 200 kalesas now plying the concreted barangay roads and those in the poblacion can be your best bet to promote and conduct a massive information and education campaign on almost anything, at the same time preserve and promote the Ibanag culture, arts and traditions. While it is now relegated to the minor streets of the city to ease monstrous traffic, the Ibanag kalesa definitely has seen better days. Its history is the history of the labanags. Its existence is the existence of a culture of a culture, many believe, may soon be at the verge of extinction. Simply said, its possible disappearance on the streets of the premier Ibanag city may likewise be the demise of a culture, researchers from the academe warned. This is the reason why, according to Sangguniang Panglunsod member Esterlita “Mimi” Dayag, the city government of Tuguegarao passed a resolution for the preservation of the kalesa and to allow it to continue serve the public. Yet, despite its historical and cultural values, the kalesa has received flaks from people who seem irritated by its presence along the city streets. “There have been cases where the kalesa has caused traffic jam and even accidents, ” a traffic enforcer said, In the 1950s and onward to the 1960s when only a few thousands live in the city, the kalesa is the undisputed King of the road. The late Gorio Mabatan, a cochero all his life and until his death can be one of the proudest rig driver in the country during his time. Ina casual pep talk with him in the late 1990s, Tio Gorio said he has no less than the President of the Philippines, His Excellency Ramon Magsaysay, as passenger when the latter visited the province a year after he was elected. Despite the invention and arrival of a contributor to the alarming global warming scenario called tricycle, the kalesa has remained environment-friendly. It uses no gas and its power machine, the horse, is fuelled only by grasses which when entitled can be converted into organic fertilizer when mixed with other degradable materials, Mee Mea CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your reach 3 : Ata time when people started to see the kalesa as a traffic nuisance, the kalesa ‘metamorphosed into another useful public transport and invaded the medium of communication. It started in the 1990s when a tertiary school painted on the body of the kalesa its curricular offerings. It became a walking billboard for the school that enrollment in that school dramatically increased, according to the school's officials. In Tuguegarao City, one of the earliest agencies to acknowledge the power of the kalesa as an IEC medium is the Commission on Population when it started to bring messages on Family Planning and later responsible parenthood on the public transport. Soon, business establishments, the private sectors and government agencies started to utilize the kalesa for their promotions and publicity. Things have never been the same again for the cochero (Ibanag term for rig driver) who could hardly paint his own. “Icould hardly paint my kalesa now. When Iwas identified as one of the beneficiaries, I grabbed the opportunity. I was paid a modest amount and my kalesa is now beautifully painted by students. Proud people are taking notice of our kalesa these days,” Eddie, 45 years old of barangay Annafunan, said. The cochero was referring to the Kalesa painting contest initiated by the National Nutrition Council in 2009 when it launched its own nutrition advocacies on wheels. Earlier, the Provincial Tourism Office likewise realized the potentials of the kalesa that it conducted a similar competition which focused on the promotion of Cagayan’ scenic spots. “We should always go back to our roots. The kalesa is a novelty item that its use should be maximized,” Lorie Decena Malbog, coordinator of the contest said. ‘She added that the kalesa should not only be seen as a medium to promote business and government programs but to boost awareness on the Ibanag culture. Thus, a kalesa in Linao, while promoting a business establishment, also reminded the ibanags of their culture through proverbs written on it. “Arriakka mappatugu ta gayang nga manuttu noka ta matam (Don't raise a bird that in the future will peck on your eyes),” screamed the writing on the kalesa. The kalesa forms part of the Ibanag culture and there are no plans to remove it ‘from the streets of the city,” assured Tuguegarao City vice mayor and chair of the Ibanag Culture and Arts Council Danilo Baccay. Compared to the other kalesas in the Ilocos Region, Manila and other areas, the Ibanag kalesa has a wider body and made of Gl sheet which can be splashed with any information one would want to put across. Sees ~ Only last year, Sangguniang Panlungsod Member Perla Tumaliuan, committee on health and nutrition chair, assured residents she will see to it that at least half of the total population of the kalesas in the city will be painted with health and nutrition messages alongside the promotion of the Ibanag culture like palavvun (riddles) and unoni (;proverbs). With the unstable prices of oil and the looning global warming, the world is experiencing these days, the kalesa can be your best bet. At a time when a research study by the Cagayan State University this year warned of the impending extinction of the Ibanag culture unless something is done, the kalesa can be your ultimate structural heirloom to save the culture of the river people. (PIA) The lady Aeta chieftain By Oliver T. Baccay This is a story of an Aeta mother who speaks from a heart seasoned by true-to-life experiences, dreams and desires for her family and the community. This woman, Marita Mondejar, an Aeta and a mother with five children, lives within the Agta community at Barangay Agugaddan, Penablanca, Cagayan. She's not just an ordinary member of the Aeta community, she is also the most respected woman in the group as she was a former first lady, a successor chieftain, and now a vice-chieftain. Marita and her family live just like other Aetas. They stay in a traditional “kubo,” eat vegetables fruits and other fresh products, and hunt wild animals. They survive by selling forest products like orchids, rattan, wild animals, and plants. However, Marita said getting these forest products nowadays is difficult. They are seasonal, other local residents also compete with them, and it’s now prohibited. That is why most of them are now venturing on other livelihood and services to earn for a living. In the 1990s, her husband was hailed as the chieftain of the community. But when her-husband died, Marita took the place as the community's chiefiain to pursue with the endeavors of her late husband and to make the community intact. According to Marita, she never thought of becoming a leader in the height of performing her duty as a mother to her children, in times that she stands as mother and father as she grappled to pave the pathways of her children to education. During her times as a leader, she made a difference. She introduced reforms to her constituents that made them all embrace and involve in governance. Education was one of her agenda, setting her family as an example to realize the value of education among their tribe. It is a wish of every mother to see her children become successful in life. Every mother dreams that one day she will be recognized as a mother of a great man or woman. “This is the reward of motherhood that’s why motherhood is an important career,” she said. CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your rach 3 “Despite hardships in life, Marita exerts her effort to push her children to go to school, study in order to have good future. Despite belonging to the indigenous group, ‘Marita was never discouraged to send her children to school. She narrated that at first her children were hesitant to go to school because they were ashamed and the school was quite ‘far from where they live. She went on to encourage them in order to have a good future. She is quite happy that that four of her children finished elementary and high school. Two of them have successfully passed secondary school with distinction, garnering one of the most prestigious awards that everyone is longing to snatch in high school recognition rites, the “Cadet of the Year” award that was given to Albert Mondejar in 1999 and “Cadette of the Year” in 2000 to Emilyn Mondejar; for their exemplary performance, dedication, and commitment in the Reserve Officer Training Corps. Emilyn was the most courageous of them all when, without fear and self- discrimination, she entered University of Cagayan Valley, formerly Cagayan Colleges Tuguegarao, to earn a bachelor’s degree in elementary education. She experienced all hardships in her studies but able to step and finish third year of her education; however, due to poverty, she stopped. She went to Manila to earn to continue pursuing her dreams of becoming a teacher in the near future. For Marita, her daughter s step to the tertiary education, mingling with the high profile people, rich students as well as in going with the trend of school life, is already a great accomplishment. “Maginanama nak nga maski zinan la isa’ kanyo anak ku ya makabalin tase mepasitak pay kanyo kavulun nga makaya mi ya mappagilammu en ya importansya ya edukasyon. Marik ammu nu addet sonu hanna pero ammuk niyan allak ya Diyos,” (Lam hopeful that even just one among my children would be able to finish college to show also to my companion that education is very important. I don't how and when, but I believe God will make a way), she said. With the perseverance of Marita and the obedience and courage of her children in walking through the stairs of education, other parents within their community were able to realize the importance of education. Now, all grade school-aged children were enrolled in the nearest elementary school while some of the teenagers were enrolled in high schools. ‘As member of the society, Marita also became active in her town’s activities especially during festivities as she contributes much to the development of the tourism industry. She is used to be tapped by the local government to join the tourism team to stand as living testimonies that the government never failed to perform its obligation for indigenous people and tribes as well as the environment where they live in. Today, because of her senior age, she relinquished her position to her younger brother, Villamor Salbino, as the community s chieftain, but Marita still stands as the vice chieftain, continuing to live as example to others, and still passionate in bridging the gap between their community and the civil society. (PSL/OTB-PIA 2) CY cersreso nits wernt ‘ Badoe: the gateway of a paradise By Jude Patrick F. Cabading Beauty of nature... Historical destinations... Hospitable town folks... blessing from above... all in one in the southern most town of the paradise, the gateway of the province of llocos Norte- the town of Badoc. Etymology According to some old folks, the derivation of the town’s name is a strange tale. In 1572, during the intensive Christianization of the Ilocos Regime, a boatload of Spanish missionaries and soldiers topped at the mouth of the Badoc River to establish camp in the area which is now the town proper. It was the only cleared site and a part was occupied by fifteen families of natives known as Isneg. Around the settlement was a thick growth of tall “flowering reed plant called bado-badoc (Phleum pratense). Old Accounts written about Badoc says: Seeing some fishermen lingering at a distance, the Spaniards walked up to them to inquire about the name of the place pointing to the spot which they thought was a settlement, The men, not being able to understand what was asked to them, simply thought that the Spaniards wanted to know the name of the plant around the area, and thus answered: ‘bado-badoc’. The leader of the expedition recorded the word; hence the town was called Badoc. Badoc lies 40 kilometers south of Laoag City, it is the gateway to the province from the south, it serves as the show window of historic Ilocos Norte. Common, let’s have a trip to the gateway of the paradise... Gateway Arch of Ilocos Norte: Where to Begin Your Travel All tourists both local and foreign usually have a stop over here. This is where you can have a taste of the lluko coffee. Enjoy your stay at the Johnny Moon (Juan Luna) Café, buy souvenir products made exclusively in Badoc, and wait for the tourist guides who will lead-you to your travel in the town and later on to the whole province of locos Norte. Summary of your trip You can have a memorable trip by just walking. Upon arriving at the park, look around you, the magnificent view of the Luna Park, then the eye-catching newly constructed municipal hall but these are just part of the side trip. You begin your official trip at La Virgen Milagrosa Shrine, you make a wish, ask, and it shall be granted. Take a short walk, and then you will have a taste of history by discovering the memorabilia of the Lunas in their ancestral house. After it, take another walk, and you will reach the Mino’s Italian pizza, where taste of Italy can be discerned right in Badoc. Finally, be at K3 Republic and have your shopping, you name it, they have it. Ride...Ride... Ride... then you will head to the west of the town to have a nature tripping- to the beautiful seas of Saud, Pagsanahan, and La Virgen and the hidden paradise of Badoc Island. Lastly, don't forget to buy souvenirs especially made with love from the Badoquehos. Pie n CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your reach 3 err a EO es aarp een Let have a glimpse on what are the spots Badoc can be proud of. Luna’s House and Shrine: Badoc’s Hidden Gem Badoc is the birthplace of the well-known chief and loyalist Juan Luna and his brother, General Antonio Luna. His ancestral home has been turned into a repository of his masterpieces and some personal memorabilia, as well as antique household items that remind visitors of its occupants’ lifestyle during its time. Don't ever miss to visit this historical spot so you can feel the pride of being a Filipino seeing how the Luna brothers gave honor to the country. Situated about 100 meter from the La Virgen Shrine, the Juan Luna Shrine is a two- story structure made of clay bricks and molave wood. The first floor is where the treasure trove of collections is categorically displayed, while the second floor is divided into the living room, the bedroom, the chapel, and the azotea. The museum is free; no entrance fee but donations are highly appreciated. Painting materials of Juan Luna as well as military of equipment of Antonio Luna are exhibited. A taste of history? A visit to the Juan Luna Shrine in Badoc can make that possible, with a bonus feeling of leaving the shrine a little overwhelmed probably because of awe and a revived sense of nationalism. Juan Luna was instrumental in placing Philippine art and culture on the world map. Antonio Luna was instrumental in seeking for independence of the country. Be one of the thousands of tourist who regularly visit the shrine. Mino’s Italian Pizza: Dine as if you are in Italy There is no need for you to spend a lot and go to Italy to taste famous Italian cuisine, right in Badoc, you can dine as if you are in Italy. Experience the taste of delicious pizza, spaghetti, tramezino, Italian lasagna and other Italian cuisines. Minos (Giacomino Tavarone) is an Italian citizen who married a Badoquena. They decided to stay in Badoc and built their mini restaurant which is now well-known among the neighboring towns and * provinces. It is about another 100 meter walk from the Juan Luna Shrine to reach the said mini-restaurant. You can invite your friends or colleagues in the profession and you can_ have bonding or probably even business meetings there. K3 Republic- Stop and Shop Adjacent to the Mino’s Italian Pizza, is a boutique. This is a boutique but in terms of products, you can purchase here a lot of clothes, take note branded just like that of SM and Robinsons. All authentic, All original. K3 Republic brings Robinson Malls closer: Saud, Gabut, La Virgen Pagsanahan Beaches: The Place of Calmness and Comfort After a travel on the touch of history, Badoc can also offer beaches for you to relax, {feel as if you are in a paradise. It is where calmness can be felt. Saud, Gabut, La Virgen, Pagsanahan are beaches that can also be likened to famous beaches on the northern part of Ilocos Region. Gifted with magnificent views, you can spend your night with your love ice OO cA ones. View the sunset. Play with the waves, build sand castles, and enjoy eating under the blistering sun. In Gabut beach lies the ruins of the mansion of the late former governor Elizabeth Marcos-Keon, the sister of late president Marcos. In La Virgen, you will see a {fantastic view of a unique chapel, itis believed that on this shore was the place where La Virgen Milagrosa was seen. Badoc Island: A Hidden Paradise CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your reach If Pangasinan has hundreds of islands, Badoc can have only one but likened to a paradise. Riding on a motor boat, you will experience the beauty of being alone in the middle of the sea through the superb island of Badoc. You can build memorable experiences here. From nature tripping, island discovering and camping at night. La Virgen Milagrosa Bado-Badoc Festival: A Show of Tradition The best time of the year is the third week of April- the celebration of La Virgen Milagrosa Bado-Badoc Festival, the official festival of the town which highlights dance parades and showdown depicting the story of how La Virgen Milagrosa was found along the seashores. It also presents the different livelihood of the townspeople as well as the products of each barangay. Other holidays include June 24- Feast of St. John the Baptist, the Patron Saint. October 24- Juan Luna Birth Anniversary and December 8- Canonical Coronation of La Virgen Milagrosa de Badoc. This is BADOC. Come one, Come all! Have a great experience. Start your Ilocos travel right. Start at Badoc, the gateway, the opening of the paradise of Ilocos Norte. Confessions of the intrams royalty By Ma, Jamila A. Calucag (Published in The Builders, 2015 issue) For three consecutive years now, Agri-Fisheries Department has been the Goliath in College Intramurals waiting for either a short or tall David. Seemingly, that David is yet to be born because all the three-time attempts of each contending team to cop the championship title from the Agri-Fish giants were all in fiasco. Succinctly, they alll knelt down before the Agri-Fish Giants. The three-year victory of the Agri-Fish Giants started after they grabbed the title from Hospitality Management Department. Thenceforth, the palm of the Agri-Pish warriors have been the stickiest to grip the championship crown by laboring to earn most gold medals in almost all contested categories, especially in track and field and ball games. How about knowing the secrets of the Agri-Fish royalty? Perhaps, these secrets may lead to the conception of the greatest adversary. aoa CAMPUS JOURNALISM within your reach a3 First Confession: We are exposed to crush our rivals. “Gified ang department namin dahil mostly students na enrolled sa amin ay mga community players,” quipped by Mr. Severino Villarta, Chairman of the Agri-Fisheries Department. Truly, the spotlight is always pointed to the star players in community sports events like fiestas and friendly match. These star players are mostly Agri-Fish students in Batanes State College. As they are exposed to these year-round games, they are honed in planning stratagems to crush their opponents. They are honed in keeping their stamina in the battle ground. They are honed in squeezing out their foes. Moreover, most enrolees of the Agri-Fish Department are born sports warriors. This is why even when the faculty members provide less supervision among the Agri- Fish sports warriors, they are much willing to participate in sports activities. Most of them started being players since their elementary levels and had also represented their respective schools outside the province and even outside Region 02. Second Confession: We inherit the sports prowess of our parents. “Kanino pa kami nagmana kundi sa mga coaches at professors] namin sa department,” revealed by Gina Estoy, an agriculture student. All organic faculty members in the Agri-Fish Department are sports aficionados that is why they can share their knowledge and skills to the students. They can help their students in conditioning the players for their game since they are also in-line with it. According to Ms. Liez! Pascua, one faculty member who shows winning moves in volleyball, they never run-out of support to the students. “Sinasamahan namin sila sa practice nila at nakikilaro pa kami sa kanila,” Ms. Pascua added. Truly, a family that plays together, wins together! Third Confession: We practice division of labor. Aside from being a family of sports aficionados, the monarchs of the sports arena know how to divide the work. According to Mr. Romel Raterta, Agri-Fish faculty member and seasoned basketeer, in every sports event, the department officers assign students to monitor and recruit players for each game. Luckily, most of the students are willing to participate in the competed events. “Most of our mighty gladiators in the Agri-Fish Department are like hungry falcons ready to devour opponents in the thickly-forested sports jungle,” Raterta averred. Records show that during intramurals, warriors, kings and queens of the Agri- Fisheries Department send participants in all competitions. They always have their own representative for each event. Their motto: live or die for the win! With these confessions being divulged to other opponents, will the little or tall David come out from nowhere to arrow-shot the Achilles’ heel of the Agri-Fisheries? Or will the Intrams Royalty continue their dynasty? It is up for us to witness. Reo

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