Instructive: Green Box

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Before playing:

1. Start picking up a token (There´s a black one that´s “ignorance” don´t pick it)
2. Place your tokens on the “Start” box
3. Everyone has to roll the dice, the one with the most punctuation starts first, the one with the least
goes at the end

To play:

4. The player with the most punctuation Rolls the dice and depending on the score is the number of
boxes that has to move
5. Players must move in the left path (wich is colored), the purple path is only available for the
“ignorance” (detalis on “the ignorance” section)
6. If you land on :
 Green box: Nothing happens you continue with the game normally passing the dice to the
next player

 Blue box: Pick up a blue card (wich has an exclamation sign), read the indications of the
card in loud voice and do what it says, (some cards have indications for everyone)
 Orange box: if you land on this box YOUR OPPONENT has to read the in loud voice the

question indicated, the opponent must also read the posible answears, YOU will have to
answear the question correctly, if you do, you stay on the orange box, If you don´t answear
correctly, the “ignorance will move the punctuation you rolled on the dice before, and you
will stay on the previous box you landed (more details on “the ignorance” section).
7. The player who gets to the “FINISH” box will win the game, and it´s automatically over (it can also
win “the ignorance”)

The Ignorance:

8. The ignorance is not a player

9. It can only move on the PURPLE path
10. It only moves if a player answers a question incorrectly (the number of boxes it moves is the
punctuation marked by the player previously)
11. (Aclaration) Nothing happens when thw “ignorance” lands in the PURPLE boxes, the players
continue normally after the “ignorance is moved to the box indicated
12. (Aclaration) Players must move the ignorance, (the token assigned to the “ignorance is the BLACK

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