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Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis

Planning and Design WS



Design criteria

The pipeline must be designed to handle the maximum hour demand or Peak Flow (PF)=2.5ADD of the area to be served
Minimun pressure at the remotest end of the system should be 3.0 meters (Approx. 4.26 psi) and 7.0 meters at the
Maximum Velocity of flow in the pipes:
a. Main pipes… 3.0 meters per second
b. Distribution pipes… 1.5 meters per second
Water flow per tapstand ranges from 0.125 lps to 0.225 lps

Additional: Consider most economical pipe size and layout

Additonal: Best location of tank ( if any)

A. Pipeline Design Input/Output

Pipeline Section Household Peak Node Pipe Pipe Headloss Actual
Section Node Length Served Flow Elev. Diameter Diameter per Headloss
from to Difference Option 100 m. Residual head
(m) (no.) (lps) (m) (mm) (mm) (m) (m)
a b c d e f g h i j k
a 1 2 267.39 73 #VALUE! 19 #VALUE! 31.00 4.008 10.72 8.28 680 661
b 2 5 790.99 73 #VALUE! 32 #VALUE! 31.00 4.008 31.70 0.30 712 680
c 3 4 210.75 80 #VALUE! 24 #VALUE! 31.00 4.821 10.16 13.84 697 673
d 4 5 443.35 80 #VALUE! 15 #VALUE! 38.00 1.995 8.84 6.16 712 697
e 5 6 1395.33 153 #VALUE! 39 #VALUE! 63.00 0.546 7.62 31.38 751 712
f 6 7 961 363 #VALUE! 48 #VALUE! 63.00 2.882 27.70 20.30 799 751
g 7 12 1600 403 #VALUE! 98 #VALUE! 63.00 3.432 54.91 43.09 897 799
h 8 9 617 179 #VALUE! 31 #VALUE! 50.00 2.167 13.37 17.63 699 668
i 9 10 634 179 #VALUE! 32 #VALUE! 50.00 2.167 13.74 18.26 731 699
j 10 11 952 248 #VALUE! 52 #VALUE! 50.00 4.031 38.38 13.62 783 731
k 11 12 1592 312 #VALUE! 114 #VALUE! 50.00 6.452 102.72 11.28 897 783
l 12 13 889 715 #VALUE! 94 #VALUE! 63.00 2.273 20.21 73.79 991 897
m 13 14 4122 823 #VALUE! 71 #VALUE! 100.00 1.358 55.98 15.02 1062 991

B. Pipeline Analysis
Branch Node Remarks Residual Remarks
No. of Household Total Headloss Compare Elev Head Accept Head (Hr)
1-2 10 10.7169912 > 19 ? 8.28 critical
2-3 6 31.7028792 > 32 ? 0.30 critical
2-4 16 10.1602575 > 24 ? 13.84 critical
1-2-4 16 20.8772487 > 43 ? 22.12 critical
2-3-4 16 41.8631367 > 56 ? 14.14 critical
4-5 10 8.8448325 > 15 ? 6.16 critical
4-6 26 7.6185018 > 39 ? 31.38 critical
1-2-4-6 26 28.4957505 > 82 ? 53.50 critical

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Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis
Planning and Design WS

2-3-4-6 26 49.4816385 > 95 ? 45.52 critical

4-5-6 26 16.4633343 > 54 ? 37.54 critical
6-7 12 27.69602 > 48 ? 20.30 critical
7-8 6 54.912 = 98 ? 43.09 critical
6-7-8 12 82.60802 > 146 ? 63.39 critical
6-9 38 13.37039 > 31 ? 17.63 critical
6-7-8-9 38 95.97841 > 177 ? 81.02 critical
1-2-4-6-9 38 41.8661405 > 113 ? 71.13 critical
2-3-4-6-9 38 62.8520285 > 126 ? 63.15 critical
4-5-6-9 38 29.8337243 > 85 ? 55.17 critical
9-10 12 13.73878 > 32 ? 18.26 critical
9-11 Reservoir 38.37512 > 52 ? 13.62 critical
For all the branch nodes, the total headloss is greater than the elevation head. It is therefore
recommended to increase the diameter of pipe to effect efficient flow in the system.(?) reject

Column Description:
Column Description
a Pipe section under consideration
b-c Node section under consideration
d Length of pipe section under consideration (meter)
e Number of household served
f Computed Peak Flow (liter per second)
g Difference in elevation between nodes under consideration (meter)
h Computed Pipe Diameter (mm), using the Darcy Weisbach Formula
i Nominal Diameter available in the market (mm)
j Headloss per 100 meters (refer to table 9.1 or 9.2)
k Actual Headloss

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Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis
Planning and Design WS


Column f:

PF = 2.5 x GRF x N x Average Household Size x PCWC / 86,400


PF = Peak flow.
GRF = Growth rate factor (1+GR)^life span
N = Total number of household served by the pipe section.
PCWC = Per capita water consumption.

Column h:

HF = (8)(f)(L)(Q)^2/D^5(g)(pi)^2
D^5 =(8)(f)(L)(Q)^2/HF(g)(pi)^2


HF = Headloss or the difference in elevation between the pipe in

f = Coefficient of friction (approximately 0.02).
L = Length of pipe section in consideration.
Q = Water discharge.
D =Pipe diameter (mm).
g =gravitational value (9.81)
pi =3.1415


D^5 = (0.00165(L)(Q/1000)^2/HF)(1000) (mm)

= (0.00165(Column d)(Column f/1000)^2/(Column g))(1000)

Column j:

From table 9.1 or 9.2, (interpolate when necessary).

Column k:

Actual Headloss = (Headloss per 100 M)(Section Length)/100 (m)

= (Column j)(Column d)/100

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Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis
Planning and Design WS


A. Pipeline Design Input/Output

Pipeline Section Household Peak Node Pipe Pipe Headloss Actual
Section Node Length Served Flow Elev. Diameter Diameter per Headloss
Residual Head
from to Difference Option 100 m.
(m) (no.) (lps) (m) (mm) (mm) (m) (m)
a b c d e f g h i j k
a 1 2 267.39 50 #VALUE! 19 #VALUE! 31 0.453 1.210 17.79
b 2 5 790.99 50 #VALUE! 32 #VALUE! 19 1.960 15.503 16.50
c 3 4 210.75 63 #VALUE! 24 #VALUE! 31 1.036 2.183 21.82
d 4 5 443.35 63 #VALUE! 15 #VALUE! 25 1.278 5.664 9.34
e 5 6 1395.33 113 #VALUE! 39 #VALUE! 31 2.566 35.797 3.20
f 6 7 961 295 #VALUE! 48 #VALUE! 25 1.795 17.250 30.75
g 7 12 1600 372 #VALUE! 98 #VALUE! 25 0.496 7.936 90.06
h 8 9 617 105 #VALUE! 31 #VALUE! 38 2.116 13.053 17.95
i 9 10 634 105 #VALUE! 32 #VALUE! 25 1.795 11.380 20.62
j 10 11 952 165 #VALUE! 52 #VALUE! 0.000 52.00
k 11 12 1592 217 #VALUE! 114 #VALUE! 0.000 114.00
l 12 13 889 512 #VALUE! 94 #VALUE! 0.000 94.00
m 13 14 4122 600 #VALUE! 71 #VALUE! 25 0.700 28.854 42.15

B. Pipeline Analysis (checking by comparing the Total HL and Elevation Head and check Minimum Residual Head)
Branch Node Remarks Residual Remarks
No. of Household Total Headloss Compare Elev Head Accept Head (Hr)
1-2 10 1.20993975 < 19 OK 17.79 critical
2-3 6 15.503404 < 32 OK 16.50 critical
2-4 16 2.18337 < 24 OK 21.82
1-2-4 16 3.39330975 < 43 OK 39.61
2-3-4 16 17.686774 < 56 OK 38.31
4-5 10 5.66379625 < 15 OK 9.34 critical
4-6 26 35.7971912 < 39 OK 3.20
1-2-4-6 26 39.1905009 < 82 OK 42.81
2-3-4-6 26 53.4839652 < 95 OK 41.52
4-5-6 26 41.4609874 < 54 OK 12.54
6-7 12 17.24995 < 48 OK 30.75
7-8 6 7.936 < 98 OK 90.06 critical
6-7-8 12 25.18595 < 146 OK 120.81
6-9 38 13.052635 < 31 OK 17.95 critical
7-6-9 38 30.302585 < 79 ok 48.70
6-7-8-9 38 38.238585 < 177 OK 138.76
1-2-4-6-9 38 52.2431359 < 113 OK 60.76
2-3-4-6-9 38 66.5366002 < 126 OK 59.46
4-5-6-9 38 54.5136224 < 85 OK 30.49

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Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis
Planning and Design WS

9-10 12 11.3803 < 32 OK 20.62

9-11 Reservoir 28.854 < 71 OK 42.15
The total headloss is less than the elevation head and therefore accept adjusted size but there are still critical nodes
with < 3m residual head (Hr)

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Pipeline Hydraulic Analysis
Planning and Design WS

Graph of Hydraulic Gradeline of Mainline, Pipeline and Ground Elevation

Pipeline Section Household Peak Node Pipe Pipe Headloss Actual Hydraulic
Section Node Length Served Flow Elev. Diameter Diameter per Headloss Gradeline
from to Difference Option 100 m. Pipe Point Ground Available
(m) (no.) (lps) (m) (mm) (mm) (m) (m) Elevation Elevation Elevation Head
a b c d e f g h i j k masl masl masl
a 1 2 500 10 #VALUE! 4 #VALUE! 31 0.4525 2.2625 #REF! #REF! 699.50 #REF!
c 2 4 1200 16 #VALUE! 16 #VALUE! 31 1.036 12.432 #REF! #REF! 708.00 #REF!
e 4 6 240 26 #VALUE! 13 #VALUE! 31 2.5655 6.1572 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
h 6 9 60 38 #VALUE! 2 #VALUE! 38 2.1155 1.2693 #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF!
9 Reservoir #REF! #REF! 732.00 #REF!




710.00 Pipe Elevation masl

Hydraulic Gradeline
700.00 Point Elevation masl

Ground Elevation masl


1 2 3 4 5

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