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1 Atom noun [ C ] /ˈæt.əm/ the smallest unit of any chemical Nguyên tử
element, consisting of a positive
nucleus surrounded by negative
electrons. Atoms can combine to
form a molecule
2 Molecule Noun [ C ] / the simplest unit of a chemical Phâ n tử
ˈmɒl.ɪ.kjuːl/ substance, usually a group of two
or more atoms
3 Exert Verb /ɪɡˈzɜːt/ to use something such as đưa (chấ t lượ ng,
Exert authority, power, influence, etc. in kỹ xả o, sứ c ép...)
pressure on order to make something happen và o sử dụ ng; á p
dụ ng cá i gì
4 Volume noun[ C /ˈvɒl.juːm/ the amount of space that is
or U ] contained within an object or Thể tích, dung
solid shape tích, khố i lượ ng

5 Depend on
6 Compared
7 Relatively Adverb /ˈrelətɪvli/
in comparison with other similar tương đố i
things or with what you expect
8 Hence (C1) Adverb /hens/ that is the reason or explanation Do đó
9 Compress Verb /kəmˈpres/ to press something into a smaller nén
1 In inverse Noun [ U ] /ˌɪn.vɜːs prə the fact of the proportion of tỷ lệ nghịch
0 proportion to ˈpɔː.ʃən/ different amounts changing so
that as one gets bigger the other
gets smaller
1 Transmit Verb /trænz to send something to another
1 ˈmɪt/ person or place truyền, phá t
1 Hydraulic Adjective /haɪ operated by or involving the Thủ y lự c
2 ˈdrɒl.ɪk/ pressure of water or some other
brake: Phanh
thủ y lự c

lift: thang
má y thủ y lự c,
kích thủ y lự c,
má y nâ ng
thủ y lự c

1 Resistance noun[ U ] /rɪˈzɪs.təns/ the act of fighting against Sứ c cả n

3 (to) (C2) something that is attacking you,
or refusing to accept something
1 Attach (to) Verb /əˈtætʃ/ to fasten, join, or connect
4 something Gắ n, dá n, tró i
buộ c

1 In direct used to say that two things are Tỷ lệ thuậ n

5 propotion to connected, so that an increase in
one is directly related to an
increase in the other
1 Absolute Adjective / very great or to the largest degree
6 ˈæb.sə.luːt/ possible Tuyệt đố i

1 Motion (C2) Noun [ C /ˈməʊ.ʃən/ the act or process of moving, or a chuyển độ ng

7 or U ] particular action or movement

2. Importance of Nonverbal Communication

1 Nonverbal Adjectiv /ˌnɒn not using words, or not relating Phi ngô n ngữ
e ˈvɜː.bəl/ to the use of words
Giao tiếp phi
ngô n ngữ

2 (Speak) face to Adjectiv /ˌfeɪs.təˈfeɪs/ directly, meeting someone in the trự c diện
face (with e same place
3 Tone of voice Cao độ giọ ng
nó i

4 Gesture (C1) noun [ /ˈdʒes.tʃər/ a movement of the hands, arms,

C] or head, etc. to express an idea or Cử chỉ
5 In one view Theo quan sá t
6 Relative (C1) Adjectiv /ˈrel.ə.tɪv/ being judged or measured in liên quan
e comparison with something else
Relative to (C2) If something is relative to
something else, it changes
according to the speed or level of
the other thing
7 The facial Biểu lộ trên
nonverbals khuô n mặ t mà
khô ng dù ng
ngô n ngữ
8 The vocal
9 Blend verb /blend/ to mix or combine together
Trộ n lẫ n, pha
trộ n

noun [ a mixture of different things or

C] styles Hỗ n hợ p pha
(C2) trộ n

1 to be related to something or a
0 be/have cause of something but not in a
something to do way that you know about or
with sth (C1) understand exactly
 have more to
do with meaning
than…: có nhiều
hiệu quả nghĩa

1 In other words in order to introduce a different, Nó i cá ch khá c

1 and usually simpler, explanation
or interpretation of something
that has just been said

1 Verbal Adjectiv /ˈvɜː.bəl/ spoken rather than written (C2)

2 e Bằ ng lờ i nó i,
bằ ng miệng

relating to words (C1)

(thuộ c) từ ;
(thuộ c) lờ i

1 /ˈkrɪt.ɪ.kəl/ of the greatest importance to the Quan trọ ng

3 Critical Adjectiv way things might happen

1 Interpret (C1) Verb /ɪnˈtɜː.prɪt/ to decide what the intended

4 meaning of something is Hiểu (theo mộ t
cá ch nà o đó )

1 Sense (C2) Verb /sens/ to feel or experience something

5  Sense the without being able to explain Thấ y, cả m thấ y,
problem exactly how có cả m giá c, có
cả m tưở ng

1 There is evident
6 that…
1 Run white Theo luậ t ngườ i
7 da trắ ng
Run black Theo luậ t ngườ i
da mà u
1 Subculture Noun [C] /ˈsʌb the way of life, customs, and ideas
8 ˌkʌl.tʃər/ of a particular group of people Tiểu vă n hó a
within a society that are different
from the rest of that society
1 Differ (in) Verb /ˈdɪf.ər/ to be not like something or Khá c nhau
9 someone else, either physically or
in another way
2 /in lain wɪð/ according to or following tuâ n theo mộ t
0 In line with sth something such as a rule or cá i gì đó
similar to, or at the same level as tá n thà nh, ủ ng
something (C2) hộ , thố ng nhấ t,
phù hợ p, nhấ t
quá n vớ i cá i gì
2 Societal Adjectiv /səˈsaɪ.ə.təl/ relating to or involving society liên quan đến xã
1 Societal role e hộ i
expectation: Sự
kỳ vọ ng vai trò xã
hộ i
2 Convey (C1) Verb /kənˈveɪ/ to express a thought, feeling, or Truyền đạ t
2 idea so that it is understood by
other people
2 Display Verb /dɪˈspleɪ/ to show a feeling Biểu đạ t
2 Function Verb /ˈfʌŋk.ʃən/ to work or operate
4 hoạ t độ ng

2 Intellectually Adverb /ˌɪn.təl in a way that relates to your Thuộ c trí tuệ
5 (C2) ˈek.tʃu.ə.li/ ability to think and understand
things, especially complicated
2 Be sensitive to Khô ng có gì
6 sth ngạ c nhiên khi
2 No wonder that
2 Persuasive (C1) Adjectiv /pə making you want to do or believe Có tính thuyết
8 e ˈsweɪ.sɪv/ a particular thing phụ c

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