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Service-Learning Assignment: Post-Activity Reflection

Taylorsville Baptist Church Food Pantry

Morgan Horn

Bon Secours Memorial College of Nursing

NUR 3316: Population and Global Health

Dr. Sangha DNP, MSN.ed, MBA

November 13, 2021

I pledge….Morgan Horn

Post-Activity Reflection

For this service-learning project I volunteered to serve at my church’s food pantry.

Taylorsville Baptist church has been serving the community through this food pantry for several

years. Each month the church supplies groceries to members of the community that need

assistance with food. I chose to volunteer on Wednesday, September 16th from 8am to 12pm.

Over 40 families with 120 family members came to our food pantry that day. We supplied them

with large bags of canned goods, milk and eggs and fresh fruit. In observing the population that

was served, I saw a wide range of ages from the very elderly to middle aged people. In talking

with the director I learned that some families have several members living together in the same

house and we offered larger portions for those families. Two families that day did not have

transportation to the church to pick up their groceries so I assisted in delivering the food to

their houses. Each member of the family that picked up the food was very appreciative and

thankful for supplying their family with food. My expectations were met when I saw what a

positive impact we were doing with simply supplying food to these families.

In growing up at this church and being a very religious person all of my life, I have

always learned the importance of helping others who are less fortunate than myself.

I value compassion and respect towards others no matter their race, ethnicity or gender. Just as

Jesus served and helped others, I feel that my experience at the food pantry mirrored his

ministry. I heard stories from these people and saw the wide range of socioeconomic status

and ethnical groups we served. It was what I expected to see and it was rewarding to care for

each of them.

I have learned that this community has many members that are in need of help, both

economically, medically and socially. I had a chance to make small talk with people who were

picking up their food and relayed the message to them that they are recognized and prayed for

often. I simply offered the gift of a listening ear and calming presence for them. I learned that

the simplest gestures can go a long way and make a difference in so many peoples lives. Often,

we take so many things for granted and don’t stop to appreciate what we have in front of us. It

may be beneficial in the future to learn more about each family and how we, as a church, can

personalize their supplies even more. Possibly, offering coloring books and educational games

for kids in the family, diapers for babies, and necessary clothing for the elderly.

Service-learning and ministry has always been a joy of mine and this project has

increased my knowledge and awareness of caring for others. It has led me to learn more about

myself and the importance of giving to those less fortunate than myself. I have always

understood the significance of ministry to others less fortunate but this experience opened my

eyes to those that don’t appear that way but still need the assistance. There are so many

people that need assistance so I find it important to always be kind to people because you don’t

know their story and their struggles. I have found it more vital to be open to all people

and understand their circumstances before developing an assumption about them. It is so

important to be kind to all and give your attention to those that need it.

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