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Tactical Vignette 97-2

“Ambush at Dogwood Crossing”

Situation WHAT’S
Terrain (see Fig. 2, Battalion graphics)
Obstacles - Dogwood Creek is a natural NEXT
obstacle which will restrict tactical MOVE??
movement because it offers only three
fording sites within the area of operation.
Avenues of Approach - Axis California
is a high speed avenue of approach that 2-3 kilometers forward of its main de- Friendly.
will allow maneuver to be masked by fensive belt (along PL Yorktown) to pro-
the high ground nearby and the wood vide early warning and call for indirect Brigade
line to the east of CP 5. Route Kayla is a fire to harass enemy maneuver. The Mission: 1st Brigade attacks in zone
dismounted avenue of approach that pro- CSOP is an MRP which is reinforced 230630SEP97 to destroy enemy forces
vides outstanding cover and concealment with a tank. vicinity OBJ Amanda in order to allow
up to CP 6. Occupation of CP 6 will al-
low dismounts to engage suspected en-
emy armored vehicles to their flank,
causing disruption to the enemy COA.
Key Terrain - Dogwood Creek is key
terrain since the creek can restrict or im-
pede friendly maneuver. The ridge line
on PL Yorktown is key terrain because it
affords outstanding observation to the
north, which will provide an advantage
to friendly or enemy forces.
Observation and Fields of Fire - The
ridge line along PL Yorktown provides
great observation and fields of fire be-
cause it is the high ground that domi-
nates the terrain within the area of op-
Cover and Concealment - The high
ground near CP 5 and the wood line to
the east of CP 5 provide great cover and
concealment as friendly forces maneuver
along Axis California.
Enemy. The enemy is conducting a de-
fense out of contact. The 13th MRD has
deployed a forward detachment (MRB)
ahead of the division to secure a key lo-
gistical site five kilometers north of PL
Yorktown (airfield). The forward detach-
ment has been establishing hasty fighting
positions and protective obstacles for the
last 24 hours in preparation for the arri-
val of the main body within the next 12
hours. Our task force (TF 1) will attack
against an MRC (along PL Enterprise)
that the forward detachment has de-
ployed forward to provide early warning
and to disrupt and attrit enemy forces
that enter their engagement area. The
MRC is currently at 70% strength. The
MRC has been identified by a UAV that
flew over their positions two hours ago.
The defending MRC deployed a CSOP Figure 1. Brigade Graphics.

ARMOR — November-December 1997 53

2nd Brigade (the division’s main effort)
to maintain freedom of maneuver as they
attack north to seize key logistical site
vicinity OBJ Brittany.
Intent: (Purpose) The purpose of this
attack is to allow 2nd Brigade to attack
north maintaining freedom of maneuver
to seize the airport vicinity of OBJ Brit-
tany. The airport allows the division to
provide more responsive logistical sup-
port within the area of operation. We
will accomplish this mission by conduct-
ing an attack with three TFs attacking
abreast, enveloping enemy forces from
the east and west. This will prevent the
enemy from massing fires, forcing him
to fight in three directions.
(End state). At end state, enemy de-
stroyed in zone vicinity OBJ Amanda al-
lowing 2nd Brigade to maintain freedom
of maneuver as they attack north to seize
OBJ Brittany (see Figure 1. Brigade
Tasks to Maneuver Units:
TF 1 - Task: Seize OBJ Kara
Purpose: allow 1st Brigade to maintain
freedom of maneuver to destroy enemy
forces vicinity OBJ Amanda.
On order, continue the attack north to
destroy enemy in zone to LOA New
Responsible for triggering brigade artil-
lery target AB1002. Priority of artillery
up to PL Enterprise
TF 2 - Task: (Brigade main effort) Seize Figure 2. Battalion Graphics.
OBJ (Amanda #1)
Purpose: To protect 1st Brigade’s west-
ern flank enemy MRC 1 from the west. (End Lift your fires as TM A fires one green
Responsible for triggering brigade artil- state) At end state, OBJ Kara has been start cluster as they pass PL Enterprise
lery target AB1000. Priority of artillery seized, and TF conducting consolidation Support force during TF breaching op-
at PL Enterprise and reorganization operations in prepara- erations
TF3 - Task: (brigade supporting effort) tion to continue the attack north to LOA Responsible for triggering mortar targets
Seize OBJ (Amanda #3) New York. AB001 and AB003
Purpose: To protect 1st Brigade’s east- Initial priority of fires up to PL York-
ern flank Tasks to Maneuver Units: town
Responsible for triggering brigade artil- TM A - Task: (TF main effort) Seize
lery target AB1001 OBJ Kara. TM C - Task: Breach
Purpose: Prevent MRC 1 from attacking Purpose: To clear a lane for TM A’s at-
Task Force 1 into the flank of TF 2 or TF 3 tack to seize OBJ Kara
Assault force during TF breaching op- Attached assault and obstacle platoon ef-
Mission: TF 1 attacks in zone along fective immediately
Axis California 230630SEP97 to destroy erations
Responsible for firing one green start Responsible for identifying point of
enemy forces vicinity OBJ Kara in order breach
to allow 1st Brigade to maintain freedom cluster at PL Enterprise to signal TM B
to lift fires Detach one tank platoon to TM A effec-
of maneuver and maximize its combat tive immediately
power as it attacks to destroy enemy Responsible for triggering artillery tar-
forces vicinity OBJ Amanda. On order, gets AB1002 and AB002
Priority of fires at PL Yorktown
continue to attack north to LOA New
Accept one tank platoon from TM C to Company Situation
York, destroying enemy forces in zone.
maximize combat power to seize OBJ
Intent: (Purpose) The purpose of our Kara, effective immediately You are the commander of TM B (tank
attack is to destroy enemy forces in heavy). Your team is attacking in zone as
zone. This will allow 1st Brigade to TM B - Task: Support by fire part of a three-team task force attack.
maintain freedom of maneuver and Purpose: To suppress enemy forces on TM B is the support force. You are re-
maximize its combat power as it attacks OBJ Kara in support of TM A’s attack sponsible for establishing a support by
to destroy enemy forces vicinity OBJ Occupy terrain vicinity SBF 01, which fire position (SBF 01) to suppress the
Amanda. We will accomplish this mis- will provide effective suppressive fires enemy MRP on the eastern side of OBJ
sion by conducting an attack enveloping on eastern MRP Kara. You have priority of mortar sup-

54 ARMOR — November-December 1997

Figure 3. Commander’s view from his turret (Area visible from turret is shaded in Figure 2).

port throughout this operation and are re- 2nd platoon initially identified a tank state of the COA must have the remain-
sponsible for triggering AB001 and turret west of CP 7; the tank has since ing enemy to your front destroyed and
AB003. Your team has just deployed backed down into a defilade position, have the company team arrayed to con-
along PL Lexington in anticipation of leaving only its antennae visible. The duct its support-by-fire position task.
contact with the enemy CSOP (see Fig- platoon additionally identified and de- Readers wanting to submit their solu-
ure 2. Battalion Graphics). stroyed a BMP vicinity NX065550 (see tions to the scenario should provide the
You direct that 2nd platoon (tank) and Figure 3. Commander’s View from Tur- following: fragmentary order to the com-
3rd platoon (tank) establish an over- ret). pany team, the rationale behind the deci-
sion, and a sketch of your COA. Mail
watch while 1st platoon (mech) bounds your solution to ARMOR, ATTN:
forward towards CP 2. You direct 1st Requirements ATZK-TDM, Fort Knox, KY 40121-
platoon to focus its observation from CP 5210, or send your solution by e-mail to:
5 to CP 3, 2nd platoon from CP 6 to CP In five minutes or less, choose a course
7, and 3rd platoon from CP 7 to CP 8. of action and issue a FRAGO. The end
During 1st platoon’s bound, they receive
fire, and 2nd platoon reports seeing a
signature from a firing BMP east of CP
5. As the team continues to develop the
situation, it conducts the following ac- In the next issue of ARMOR...
tions and gains the following informa- In the January-February issue, we will include some of the solutions sent
tion: in by readers to the September-October issue tactical vignette, “The Battle
3rd platoon conducts a reconnaissance of Durango Valley,” along with the author’s proposed solution. Suggested
by fire and reports a vehicle moving vi- solutions for this vignette will appear in the March-April issue. - Ed.
cinity of CP 8.

ARMOR — November-December 1997 55

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