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Detailed Lesson Plan in MAPEH (P.



At the end of 48 minutes period with 80% proficiency level the

students are expected to;
A. Identify the Fundamental Dance Position of the Arms and the Feet in Folk
B. Perform the Fundamental Dance Position of the Arms and the Feet in Folk
Dancing; and
C. Appreciate the importance of Fundamental Dance Position of the Arms and
the Feet in Folk Dancing.


A. Topic: Fundamental Dance Position of the Arms and the Feet in
Folk Dancing;
B. Reference: Internet
C. Materials: Pictures, Video, Visual Aid
D. Methods: 4A’s

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
A. Preliminary Activities
• Prayer
- Everybody please stand for the - (everybody will stand and pray)
prayer - ( the teacher will call one student to lead)

• Greetings
- Good Morning Class! - Good Morning Ma’am.

• Checking of Attendance
- Are all present today? - Yes Ma’am
-Very good!

• Setting of Classroom Standard

- If the class is going on, what will - keep quiet
you do? - listen carefully
- avoid using cellphone
- What are you going to do if you
want to answer or ask a question? - We will raise our right hand if we want to
- Can I expect that from you Class?
- Yes Ma’am
• Passing of Assignment
- Is there any assignment?
- None Maam
• Review

- what is a festival dance?

• Motivation -
- Before we proceed to our discussion for
today, let us first have a short game. The -
game will be called "2 pics One Word". Are
you familiar with that game?
- Yes, Maam
- Okay, class I will post the pictures on the
board then I will call several students to
guess the words.
- Are you ready class?
- Yes Ma'am

Class, What can you say about the first picture? What does it show? Who - (Students will read the objectives)
can guess?
Yes, Alvin.

-Who can guess the next picture? Anyone?
Yes Rita, Very Good!
- ( the students will do the activity)
Class, What can you say about the last picture?

Okay very good everyone!

Now Let us proceed to our lesson.

1. Activity

- The students will be divided into 2

groups. Please count off 1 - 2
Group yourselves according to your
number. And each group will be
given a task. I have here set of
pictures with definitions. For group
1 your task is to connect the correct
pictures according to the definitions
given. Same goes with group 2.

- raise arms to a circle in front of
the chest

open up arms sideward, raised below First Position- raise arms to a circle in front
shoulder level with a graceful curve. of the chest.

Second Position- open up arms sideward,

raise one arm overhead while other arm remains in raised below shoulder level with a graceful
2nd position. curve.
Third Position- raise one arm overhead
while other arm remains in 2nd position.
raise one arm in front chest in a half Fourth Position- raise one arm in front
chest in a half circle, while one arm
circle, while one arm remains overhead. remains overhead.
Fifth Position- raise both arms overhead in
raise both arms overhead in a a graceful curve.

graceful curve.


bring heels close to touch; First Position- bring heels close to touch;
toes apart. toes apart.
bring feet apart sideward

Second Position- bring feet apart sideward

bring the heel of one foot to
touch the instep of the other foot
Third Position- bring the heel of one foot to
bring one foot in front of the touch the instep of the other foot
other foot to walk strike
bring the heel of one foot to Fourth Position- bring one foot in front of
touch the toe of the other the other foot to walk strike
Fifth Position- bring the heel of one foot to
touch the toe of the other. .
You have 3 minutes to work on your
tasks, and afterwards a
representative of each group will
present your work. Do you - It was fun! And interesting.
understand the actvity?
- (executing the fundamental dance
Okay, you may now start. position of the arms and feet in folk
2. Analysis
- The teacher will gather the work of the
pupils and she will check if each group - students will follow the proper and correct
got the correct answer. execution of the arms and feet position in
fundamental dance step in folkdancing
Let us begin from group 1.

Job well done Group 1. You’ve got all

the correct answers.
Lets give 5 stamps for group 1.
- ( the students will practice together with
their group mates )
Let’s proceed to the group 2.

Job well done Group 2. You’ve got also

all the correct answers.
Let's give 5 claps for group 2.

I am so glad that all of the group got

the correct answers. It seems that you
really understand the lesson. - yes ma'am
You all deserve a big round of applause

- (each group will do their task)

3. Abstraction

Our topic for today is about

Fundamental Dance Position of the
Arms and Feet in Folk Dancing.
Group 1 representative
Any idea from the class what is folk

Very good! That is correct! (Students will stamp their feet)

So here's the Fundamental Dance
Position of the Arms and Feet in
Folk Dancing.

Let us start from the first position for

the arms down to fifth. ( students will clap their hands)

What is the importance of knowing

the fundamental positions of arms
and feet in folkdance?


4. Application
- Based on the activity that you
have done, we will now perform it

-First, the teacher will demonstrate

the proper and correct arm position
Second, the proper and correct feet
position and lastly, the proper and
correct combination of arms and
feet position of fundamental dance
in folkdance.

- students will practice the proper

and correct execution of arms and
feet position.
- Given only 5 minutes to practice.

- ( the teacher will only facilitate the

students in doing the routines)

G1 G2
Coordination (5)
Body Posture (5)
Mastery (5)
Gracefulness (5)
Total (20)

- After the presentation, the teacher

will now gave her rating based on
what the students presented.

- Give a big round of applause for a

great performance to everyone!


Identify the correct position that corresponds to the question below.

1. _____________________________.

Raise arms to a circle in front of the chest.


Raise one arm in front of chest in a half circle, while one arm remains overhead.


Bring the heel of one foot to touch the instep of the other foot.


Raise both arms overhead in a graceful curve.


Bring feet apart sideward.


Perform the Fundamental Dance Position of the arms and feet in folk dancing

with music to be perform next meeting.

Prepared by:



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