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Bintan Creative Hub

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During 2020 - 2021, the central government through the Tourism and Creative Economy
Agency has initiated the establishment of creative hubs in the 5 super priority destinations
in Indonesia. Though Bintan is not part of super priority destinations, we feel necessary to
support the government to develop a creative hub in Bintan. We believe that by the
existence of the hubs, local potential and creativity can be nurtured and developed. There
is no doubt that time by time, more and more similar activities are developed by many of
the Indonesian private sectors nowaday. With the concept of providing needed training and
assistance, workshop, tools & facilities, business incubation services, hub space, and many
more to mention, hub has turned into a vital part in supporting the creative economy.
As we all know, Bintan is very popular with its attractions of white-sandy beaches, historical
landmarks, world-class hotels & resorts, and beautiful cultural heritage. There are many
local pride and potential that people can take advantage of by involving themselves in what
is called the industry of creative economy. This notion has raised our concern as a master
developer of Bintan Resorts to establish one in our area.
As a master developer of Bintan Resorts, we feel it is necessary to play a part in developing
the industry of creative economy as well as maintaining and supporting our core business.
The concept of “Bintan Bekarye” was finally born to cater to the idea of Bintan Resorts
Creative Hub.

Why Bintan Bekarye?

Here are the sum-up why we propose Bintan Bekarye:
1. Currently no central art/creative located in Teluk Sebong and surrounding area.
2. Creative potential amongst the community in Teluk Sebong and surrounding area
has not yet fully nurtured.
3. There is a great opportunity in collaborating local MSME (Micro, Small, & Medium
Enterprises/ UMKM) products into Bintan Resorts core/native business.
4. Creative Hub will play a great role as a business incubator as well as training centre
for local community and local MSME.
5. Bintan Resorts Creative Hub has been put as a CD program in 2022.
6. Bintan Resorts is to be the coordinator for social enterprises in Bintan.

Objective & Target

The objectives of Bintan Bekarye are:
1. To provide local MSME and community with a learning centre for developing
ready-market products.
2. To stimulate the growth of local MSME and community business especially in the
creative sector.
The Target of Bintan Bekarye are:
1. Existing local MSME in the greater Bintan area.
2. Local community in the greater Bintan area especially in Teluk Sebong.

Program Concept
Bintan Bekarye has the philosophy of being productive in a creative way. Bekarye itself is
derived from malay language meaning of doing something or creating something. By using
this local terminology, Bintan Bekarye has the spirit to make Bintan become more
productive, creative, leading to the empowered community.

Bintan Bekarye will be delivered in the following format:

1. Training & Development
It will provide the community with specific training in how to develop the products
and certain skills required to sell the products to the markets.
2. Business Assistance & Opportunity
Bintan Bekarye team will identify any business opportunity and turn it into training
and assistance.

3. Exhibition
Exhibition is a space or activity where we can showcase the products of Bintan
Bekarye. It can be in the form of an event or just simply putting the products in a
certain space in the creative hub facility.

To accommodate the above plan, Bintan Bekarye proposes to use 1 unit of Plaza Lagoi
building. Later on, ETD is supposed to renovate the building according to the program

The organization of Bintan Bekarye is driven by three departments; Community
Development, Business Development Operations, and Art, Creative & Design.
To make the internal coordination smooth, the team has decided to establish the internal
organization chart as the following:

1. Prepare the concept, program proposal, and budget for Bintan Bekarye.
2. Manage the coordination between section.
3. Establish and maintain the relation with government official.
4. Monitor and evaluate the program.


1. Communicate the program to local SMEs and creative community.
2. Identify potential local SMEs and creative community.
3. Conduct selection process of SMEs to join Bintan Bekarye.
4. Establish coordination between stakeholders and community.


1. Identify and determine products to be developed.
2. Research and develop product concept and artwork.
3. Conduct training and assistance to the SMEs
4. Supervise the process of artwork production (during and after training).


1. Assist the SMEs in determining the product prices.
2. Promote/ link the product to potential buyers.
3. Evaluation and Feedback – after sales.
4. In charge for the operation of Exhibition Space.

Program Timeline


1 Prepare proposal and budget
2 Approval
3 Identification of local SMEs
4 Selection/ Recruitment of SMEs
5 Preparation for Workshop & Training
6 Building Renovation for Exhibition Space
1 Develop Workshop & Training program
2 Workshop & Training Program
3 Supervision on the Artwork Production
4 Promote the products to potential buyers
5 Monitoring and evaluation
6 Running of Exhibition Space

Workshop Program
The workshop program will be as the following.
1. Workshop on Sewing and its derivative products.
2. Workshop on Knetting and its derivative products.

Estimation of Expenditures

No Item Qty Unit Unit Price Total Remarks

A Exhibition Room
1 BRCH Sign Board 1 pcs Rp2,000,000 Rp2,000,000
2 Lighting 1 pax Rp6,000,000 Rp6,000,000
3 Electrical Infrastructure 1 pax Rp3,000,000 Rp3,000,000
4 Room Decoration 1 pax Rp5,000,000 Rp5,000,000
5 Racks 4 pcs Rp1,500,000 Rp6,000,000

6 Table & Chair 2 pax Rp1,000,000 Rp2,000,000

Subtotal Rp24,000,000

B Training & Workshop

1 Trainer Fee 20 pax Rp1,000,000 Rp20,000,000 Rp 1.000.000/ meeting.
Training & Workshop Kit or module, raw
2 Equipment 20 pax Rp1,000,000 Rp20,000,000 materials.
T-shirt Committee &
3 Participants 25 pcs Rp100,000 Rp2,500,000
4 Certificate 20 pcs Rp10,000 Rp200,000
5 Food & Beverages 20 pax Rp500,000 Rp10,000,000 Snacks, drinks & lunch

Operational Cost for

C Exhibition
1 Electricity 12 month Rp1,000,000 Rp12,000,000



The committee has worked out the estimation of expenditures for this program for 2022. It
is assumed to spend Rp 88.700.000 or equivalent to SGD 8.367.92.

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