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Good morning everyone this day we will tackled about The Ateneo Art Gallery so first of all what is

ateneo art gallery?

In your own ideas, or thoughts what do you mean by this? Okay corot very well said so

The Ateneo Art Gallery is a university museum located inside the Areté building of Ateneo de
Manila University. Established in 1960, it is widely recognized today as the first museum of
Philippine modern art. It is the first of its kind in the Philippines. It serves as an art resource for the
university community and the general public as well.

Before anything else I have another question What is the difference between art gallery and
museum? In your own opinion
The simplified difference between an art gallery and a museum is that a museum is a place of
entertainment; it's an activity to visit a museum. However, an art gallery is a business
that displays and sells goods.

There are some examples of ateneo Art Gallery

Romeo V. Tabuena – 1951

Victor Oteyza – 1955

Alfonso Osorio- 1952 and many more

In honor of Ateneo Art Gallery’s first benefactor - Fernando Zóbel (1924-1984), the Ateneo Art
Awards – Fernando Zóbel Prizes for Visual Art  is awarded to three visual artists who are under
the age of 36 for their outstanding works.

 Nice Buenaventura – Fools will copy but copies will not

fool (June 2019, Artinformal Makati)
 Christina Lopez – Portraits (Proxies) (March 2020, The Drawing Room,
 Jo Tanierla – Pagburo at Pag-alsa: Natural Depictions and Illustrated
Prophecies (Gelacio, 1910) (October 2020, UP Jorge B Vargas Museum)
The Ateneo Art Gallery holds over 500 artworks that include paintings, prints, drawings, sculptures,
photographs and posters.[2] The collection traces its roots to the late Fernando Zóbel (1920–1984).
Painter, art scholar and teacher at the Ateneo, Zóbel donated over 200 artworks to form a study
collection for university students.

. First housed in Bellarmine Hall in 1961, it moved to the ground floor of Rizal Library in 1967, and
recently moved to the Arts Wing in Areté on October 1, 2017

How do you describe an art gallery?

An art gallery is a place where one can see and buy artworks by emerging,
established or master artists. It's important to keep in mind that a gallery is not a
shop, but a meeting point for art lovers.
 The Gallery is renowned for having the country's most comprehensive collection of works by
the social realists of the 1970s and 80s. It also has an active acquisition program to
represent key examples of today's postmodern hybrid tendencies in the permanent
collection. Contemporary artists represented include Edgar Talusan Fernández, Antipas
Delotavo, José Tence Ruiz, Impy Pilapil, Julie Lluch, Anna Fer, Imelda Cajipe-Endaya,
Brenda Fajardo, Mark Justiniani, and Alfredo Esquillo

 1960
Widely recognized today as the first museum of Philippine modern art, the Ateneo Art Gallery
was established in 1960 through Fernando Zóbel's bequest to the Ateneo of his collection of
works by key Filipino post war artists.
 Through the years other philanthropists and artists followed Zobel’s initiative, filling in the
gaps so that the collection now surveys every Philippine art movement in the post war era:
from neo-realism and abstract expressionism to today’s post-modern hybrid tendencies. The
Gallery's fine prints and drawings consist of over 300 works by local and international artists
from the Renaissance to the present. The etchings, engravings, woodcuts, lithographs and
other graphic-arts media represent over 80 artists,
including Rembrandt, Goya, Delacroix, Toulouse-Lautrec, Picasso, and Juvenal Sansó.
Now in its new home in the rats wing of Areté, the Ateneo Art Gallery has expanded the scope
of its exhibition programs to feature more of its permanent collection at the upper ground and
second floor galleries, presented in different thematic contexts. The third-floor galleries are
ideal spaces for more contemporary and experimental art projects such as the annual Ateneo
Art Awards as well as survey and historical exhibitions. The Ben Chan ArtSuite, a multi-purpose
venue, provides a space dedicated for educational activities and other public programs such as
workshops, lectures, seminars, and film screenings.

Okay class give me some examples of ateneo art gallery?

Every participation will equivalent to 5 points
Okay very good
So this is the end of our topic this morning

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