Universidad Tecnologica Del Peru: Student

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 Tocas Almanza Esthefany Nicole


 English III


 Rodriguez Gonzales Jenny Del Rosario


 Step 2:  
o Complete the following chart answering the questions about your daily
activities in the morning, in the afternoon and in the evening.

What do you do… In the morning? In the evening?

In the afternoon?
I get up I have lunch I have dinner

Make my bed I have a nap I clean my space

I take a shower I watch TV
I take a shower
I brush my teeth I do homework
I go to bed
From Monday to Friday I have breakfast

I take my virtual
Daily Routine

Hello, Teacher. My name is Eshefany and my last name is Tocas Almanza. I am 21 years old. I

live in Chiclayo. I study Industrial Engineering. My daily routine starts very early. I get up at 6:30

am and immediately I make my bed, brush my teeth and take a shower for being productive the

rest of the day. After that I have breakfast at 7:00 am, I always eat something healthy to have

energy all the morning. At 8:00 am I take my virtual classes and finish at 1:00 pm .Then I have a

delicious lunch at 2:00 p.m. In the afternoon, at 3:00 pm I watch TV and have a nap .Then I do

my homework at 4:00 pm. In the Evening, I have dinner with all my family at 7:00 pm. After that I

clean my space work and take a shower. At 10:00 pm I go to bed.

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