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Psychodynamic Theories

Personality theories are great help in leading us in understanding human behaviors and
interpreting their patterns. Although there is no definite theory that can define personality we cannot deny
that psychodynamic theories are one of famous and known among all personality theories, thus its
founder was known as well, Sigmund Freud. It was not an easy journey for Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung,
Alfred Adler, Erik Erikson and others to be able make their theories significant. Originating from the
work of Sigmund Freud, emphasizing the unconscious process and giving importance of childhood
experiences. In the current time their theories have made an excellent point in understanding the etiology
of personalities and mental health disorders.

In my opinion there are circumstances were things should be seen in a psychodynamic

perspective to better understand and interpret a person’s behavior or manifestation. It is composed of
psychological theories that suggests that humans are driven by unconscious motivations and that it affects
adult personality and social relationship that are believed to be caused by childhood experiences. In
today’s time psychodynamic thinking was used in dealing with mental health because it makes people
understand that some people’s thoughts, feelings and motivations are sometimes unknown to them.
Psychodynamic theories are known for giving emphasis and importance to childhood experiences in the
formation of traits and creating social relationships. There have been a lot of studies and writings focused
on the weaknesses of psychodynamic theories but in today’s time psychodynamic theories has several
strengths that is relevant in the modern time. Furthermore, object relations theory implies that early
relationships might have affected expectation for future relationships whether they are good or bad. Our
different experiences in life and the society can shape us into a person we are now and in the future.

Psychodynamic theories have fair share of strengths and weaknesses but in the modern time its
notion has given a huge help in understanding the etiology of different types of disorders like, anxiety
disorders, depressive disorders and even personality disorders. Psychodynamic was constantly criticize
for being not being scientific or being too difficult to prove however, there have been a lot of studies and
professionals who proved the importance of using psychodynamic perspective in understanding clients.
For example, in using genogram, psychodynamic perspective must be used in understanding the dynamics
of family. Thus, although there are a lot of criticism given to psychodynamic theories it is still noted as an
important tool in the therapy or even in understanding human behavior.

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