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Product: Domain Investing

Business Secrets

Possible Target Audience:

Website designers, Crypto

FAcebook Ads (Please edit this copy to suit the Perspective)

It was 10:14am when I suddenly received a notification beep from facebook..

It was a message from a woman and she said:

I was Betrayed, Losing My Mind And Diving Into Depression… But You Saved

God used you to save me.

My husband betrayed me by fleeing with another woman. I had been

struggling to stay sane because I was battling the pain of betrayal.

But… since I joined DIBS, I had better clarity, knew how to channel my

energy and my finances are coming together..

I could not help but feel emotional about it all.. I celebrated with her and we

all moved on..

The truth is, when I created this program, I wanted to do more than just

show people how to make money and that is why I do not just teach, I share

valuable life lessons and the pain I go through..


If you are currently reading this right now, I want to show you

“How I Made $1,000 and More Flipping Domain Names”

and if you follow that process, and take action then you are sure to make

money flipping domains.

But before I tell you how you can get it… there’s a few things you need to

understand if this is going to work for you…

#1: Your Mind…

If you want 2022 to be the year that you finally increase and improve your

income or the year that you finally crack the 6 or 7 figure level in sales…then

you only have ONE job to do.

I learned this lesson the hard way…which means if you listen, you won’t have


Here it is… Your Mindset. This is a business and it requires your effort.. So If

you are looking for a Get Rich Quick Scheme, then you will have to look

somewhere else.

#2: Your Interest

When I got started online in 2016, I struggled for months…without making a

single sale.

The problem was that I wanted to make money online but I had no interest

in what I was doing.

When I realized that and created the interest in my business, I was able to

increase my income and life. So if you struggle with sustaining interest in

anything, look somewhere else.

Now that you understand what you need to know… now it’s time to give you

that video..

This is something I’ve developed over the past 17months of selling domain

names online.

Everything from softwares to ebooks, live calls, tricks and tips.

I’ve used the same step-by-step sales process…every…single…time.

I have taught this to some of my students who have had successful results.

Click on the link below to access it…


Email Swipes

Email One (Webinar Link)

Subject: Hush Hush Secret Link
Hush hush, don’t say it out loud, don’t let anyone else know.. Don’t share this
with anyone else..

You agreed and that’s why you are receiving this email..

In a few minutes, I will give you access to the video but first..

Why are you here?

This is a question you should ask yourself, why did I input my email to
receive this video, what do I want?

What is it I am looking for..

Is it money?

When you ask yourself these questions, you realize what it is that pushes

If you are like most people, you are just curious as to what I am going to
expose, you are full of intrigue..

"How did he turn $7 to $1,000"

I really want to know..

Is he lying? does he just want my email address so he can sell me stuff?

Am I going to end up buying something?

Well the truth is I am doing this to help you (FNAME) have a better life…
especially if you are like me...

if you have tried a lot of things online but might not have gotten the results
you desired..
The story can go on, but here is what I want you to know, I want you to
succeed and it is my mission.

In this Free video, you will discover why you have not been able to be
making money online

● How to set up a side income with this thing called domain Flipping
● How to avoid going in circles, and how to actually find your bearing.
● Making money online, is more than just the business model, it is more
about something (You will find out what it is in the video)

I want to empower you to the point where if I sell you anything, you won’t
even think twice about buying..

You’d just pull out your credit card and hit BUY NOW!

Are we okay?

Fabulous.. Now Here is the link to the video, go watch the video and take

It won’t be long, see you on the other side.



P.S. Here is the link to the video again, I wish you well
Email 2
Subject: I forgot to tell you

So yesterday, you received access to the webinar video,

How Musa Turned $7 Into $1,000

I want to be sure you watched it and got value…

If you have not then here is the link once more.. It’s only 22mins long

Not even up to 1 episode of "GAme Of tHrones (I forgot to tell you)"

I want you to go watch it and take action and I will see you in the evening


Email 3
Subject: I swear, it’s true

(FNAME) Here’s a millionaire piece of wisdom..

"Ignorance” is no longer the cause of poverty”

The BIG problem is “DOUBT” and lack of implementation.

If you feel you have gone past the level of doubt or limiting beliefs..

You NEED to check out the $7 to $1,000 video RIGHT NOW.

Don’t hesitate..

People have gone on to make Money with this

Here is the link to the video




If you would however just get the DIBS course, here is the link to the
payment page.

Email 4
Subject: It’s not like the rest

Just you and me.

You see, when I took out my pad to write this email to you, something came
to my heart.

Something most people don't tell you.

Especially when they introduce you to an online opportunity.

"Making Money Online isn't Easy!"

That's it.

They hardly tell you this.

See, (FNaME)

it takes a lot of work.

And most times…

It takes a lot of time

But here's one other thing that came to my mind while writing:

Lots of people are changing their lives daily using the internet.

Now, imagine you have a friend who is into event planning…

She charges $4,000(N2 Million) for an event.

You make a deal with your friend and tell her:

"See, I'm gonna bring customers to you, and for every customer I bring, you
give me 25% of the sales".

That's $1000 for you.

Now in a month, you got 3 people who have an event and need a planner…

You bring them to your friend…

Your friend charges them…

And at the end of the events, she gives you $3000 in total.

No stress.

No capital

No delivery

Just helping your friend sell.

You make your commission.

That's Affiliate Marketing.

You see how easy it was to get $3000…

Just by helping someone get customers.

but here, you are basically buying a domain name and selling it..
No running Ads, no extra cost from your end..

Doesn't this excite you/?

Think about it

When you are done thinking, just go here to get the training..

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