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E1: E1PAGE: Troubleshooting E1Page Generator Issues (Doc ID 1502941.1)

In this Document

Troubleshooting Steps
  E1Page Generator Log
Issue 1: When I right click and select to "Run as Administrator" with Windows 7, the generator never processes the
dat files. 
  Issue 2: When I double click the generatePages.bat, the generator never processes the dat files.
  Issue 3: Upload/Download File Error - zip file cannot be uploaded to E1 because the title is too long
  Issue 4: Is it possible to use the E1 Page Generator with Linux / Unix?
  Issue 5: Preview in Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) Disables Javascript
  Issue 6: The E1Page icon does not follow the same security as EnterpriseOne for launching tasks.
  Issue 7: What are options for using a task ID in dat file for E1 Page Generator?
Issue 8: E1 Page Generator is not generating the output page correctly when the DAT file consists of data structure
template parameters
  Issue 9: "Task not found' error on E1 Page when trying to use a Task ID
Issue 10: Receive "Error trying to upload User Generated Content container with restricted  files, or a file might be
corrupted. See the log file"
  Issue 11: Generating E1 Page and getting Unknown Source in the log file with JRE 1.5
  Issue 12: Unable to Launch Another E1Page with GoToTabByLabel Function
  Issue 13: Icon Titles are being Truncated
  Issue 14: Background color for E1Page Generator 5.0.1 is White instead of Blue
  Issue 15: Background Image to appear multiple times when it is customized
  Issue 16: Error of "Could not find label 'XXXXX' in resource bundle." when generating E1Page
  Issue 17: Version field is blank in About after accessing an application via a Composed E1Page


JD Edwards EnterpriseOne Tools - Version 9.1 and later

Information in this document applies to any platform.


 Provide known issues and troubleshooting for the E1Page Generator


E1Page Generator Log

The E1 Page Generator creates a generator.log file each time the generatePages.bat is run.  The log contains messages about
values that are searched for in the properties file and not found. The log file is created in the same directory as the
Issue 1: When I right click and select to "Run as Administrator" with Windows 7, the generator never processes the
dat files. 

Double click and run the bat file.

This is a flaw in Windows. If you right click and select to "Run as Administrator", the working directory will be
c:\windows\system32 so the bat file will not process correctly.
To see the current working directory, right click and edit the generatePages.bat file.  Add two new lines: "cd" and
"pause" at the beginning of the document.  Then run it again.
Due to this flaw, the generator.log will be created in the working directory shown in the previous step.

Issue 2: When I double click the generatePages.bat, the generator never processes the dat files.

Check to make sure the folder is not set to read only

Do not right click and select Run as Administrator.  (See previous issue)
Confirm your PATH is set to correctly include java.exe.  You may need to move your java.exe path (Example:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre6\bin) to the beginning of the environment variable list.
If it is still not executing when double clicking, right click on the folder tree in Windows Explorer and select "CMD
Prompt here as Administrator".  Then type in generatePages.bat and press [Enter].

Issue 3: Upload/Download File Error - zip file cannot be uploaded to E1 because the title is too long

This may be presented as an error message on the form:

Upload/Download File Error

An error has occurred, but
it cannot be corrected from this form. Please correct any other errors and
then contact your System Administrator regarding this error.

the file.
Cause... An error occurred while attempting to upload/download
Resolution... Review JAS logs and JDE logs to determine the cause of the
Please look for the highlighted fields, correct the entries, and resubmit your


There is a 30 character limit on the file name of an uploaded zip when posting to E1.  Since the zip file is based on the
dat file name, the recommendation is to use something less than 30 characters.  When using Languages a suffix is also
added which will extend the name as well.  As a work around, rename the zip file which will allow for uploading, or
rename the dat file and then run the generatePages.bat file again to create the pages with the new name.

Issue 4: Is it possible to use the E1 Page Generator with Linux / Unix?

Linux / Unix support is available with the 3.1 version of the generator.

Issue 5: Preview in Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) Disables Javascript

1. Click the little yellow banner at the top of the page where it says "To help protect your security, Internet Explorer
2. Select "Allow Blocked Content." 
3. Click "Yes" on the confirmation dialog that comes up.

Do this once for each generated page unless you want to change a global setting.  From Internete Explorer select Tools-
>Internet Options ->Advanced -> Security -> Allow active content to run in files from My Computer

Screen shot of Run from My Computer IE Setting

Issue 6: The E1Page icon does not follow the same security as EnterpriseOne for launching tasks.
Currently there is no functionality to hide (secure) an icon which is secured within E1. The only option currently is to secure
the E1Page icon.  An enhancement bug 13935811 was entered for this request.  It is planned to be included in Tools Release
9.1.2.  In Tools Release 9.1.2, E1 Page Generator will use a task base model.  An E1 page generator takes task information
from a designer and design E1 page based on:

the task name

the app/form/version
the javascript call to run it
the icon
the security status (meaning secured-out apps/reports will be disabled)

Issue 7: What are options for using a task ID in dat file for E1 Page Generator?

See example 20 from the generator doc for additional examples.


Adding a custom icon



Adding a custom title

A:task=3/G01:New Title

Issue 8: E1 Page Generator is not generating the output page correctly when the DAT file consists of data structure
template parameters


Issue 9: "Task not found' error on E1 Page when trying to use a Task ID

The error message indicates the Task ID used in the E1 Page is not correct.  Check the task in E1 to ensure you are using the
correct id.  This can be done by either searching for the task in the Work with Tasks application or by going into Menu Design
> right click on a task > select Task Revisions.

Issue 10: Receive "Error trying to upload User Generated Content container with restricted  files, or a file might be
corrupted. See the log file"

There are a couple of times this issue may occur:

1. User is attempting to "import" the E1 Page generator zip file using the Import-Export Mgmt process.  The user will get the
error message if they try this as only the zip file downloaded from the Update Center should be included this way.  For an
E1Page generator zip file, simply do an add on P982400 and upload the HTML content.

1. Fastpath to P982400
2. Press the Add button
3. Enter an Object Name
4. Product Code
5. Then click Upload Content to add HTML Content
6. Browse for your file
7. Ok, and Save
8. From here, go through the approve, activate and publish process

2. The file type is not included in the Web Runtime Upload Inclusion List in Server Manager for the E1Page Content File-
Extension List.  Default list includes:


3. Another time this error occurs is with pages built by the generator when the user navigates to the img/ directory in windows
explorer and then subsequently reruns the generator.  (That's a deliberate functionality--if the user wants to add an extra
custom file to a particular e1page, he/she is supposed to be able to add the file and run the generator a second time.)  It
could, of course, also happen with a manually built zip file if it contains any images. 

Manually delete Thumbs.db and rerun the generator.  Or, for non-generator-built pages, delete Thumbs.db and rebuild
the zip.  (User may need to view hidden and system files to see it.)  
Change the allowed extensions (ini setting available in server manager) to allow thumbs.db (having the file won't hurt

4. The same error will occur when the document being uploaded has more than one period (dot) in the file name or if special
characters are used that the system does not like.  The system will not allow a document with more than one period in the
filename to be uploaded.  This is done for security reasons.  

Issue 11: Generating E1 Page and getting Unknown Source in the log file with JRE 1.5

Generating an E1 page for the first time and receive the following error within the log. Java version is within

java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: generator/Generator (Unsupported major.minor version 50.0)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass0(Native Method)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source)

at Source)

at$100(Unknown Source)

at$ Source)

at Method)
at Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at sun.misc.Launcher$AppClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)
at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(Unknown Source)

at java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown
Exception in thread "main"

64 bit OS is ok, but need to install 32 bit JRE / JDK 1.6, depending on version being used, to work with E1 which is 32bit.

1. Download JRE / JDK for Windows x86

2. Install to C:\Program Files (x86)\Java

If JDK is installed may need to create JAVA_HOME system variable and assign it the path to the jdk install. ex: C:\Program
Files (x86)\Java\jdk

Issue 12: Unable to Launch Another E1Page with GoToTabByLabel Function

Unable to launch another E1Page having the following code in the DAT file:

@Z:description=Order to Cash Page:Go to Order to Cash:goToTabByLabel('Order To Cash')


@Z:description=Order to Cash Page:Go to Order to Cash:goToTabByLabel(new object(), 'Order To Cash')

It did not show error on logs and on screen and nothing happens while trying to launch it.
The javascript goToTabByLabel is case sensitive. You need to pay attention on the arguments given, both of them being case

The goToTabByLabel() function works based on the Tab name. The tab has to be present (published, showing) in order to
be called.

Correct syntax:

@Z:description=Order to Cash Page:Go to Order to Cash:goToTabByLabel('Order to Cash')

@Z:description=Order to Cash Page:Go to Order to Cash:goToTabByLabel(new Object(), 'Order to Cash')

the case sensitivity applies to "new Object()" as well

Issue 13: Icon Titles are being Truncated

With E1Pages Generator v4.1+ (4.1.0, 4.1.1), if the *flowstyle in the dat file is defined as "smallicons", the E1Pages icon titles
are truncated for long names.  The issue is reported in Bug 19246150 E1PAGES ICON TITLE TRUNCATED FOR LONG NAMES

Issue 14: Background color for E1Page Generator 5.0.1 is White instead of Blue

E1 Page Generator was updated to reflect the UI changes introduced in the Alta project (BUG 18363400) for 9.1.5.  Please
continue using the previous version of the E1 Page generator if you desire the blue background. Also, keep in mind that the
old generators may not give the expected output in tools release 9.2.0 and above, in this case there is no other workaround.

Issue 15: Background Image to appear multiple times when it is customized

New defect in E1Page GENERATOR 4.1.1 that causes the background image to appear multiple times when it is customized.

Issue 16: Error of "Could not find label 'XXXXX' in resource bundle." when generating E1Page

This functionality is described in Document:1674258.2 E1: E1PAGE: Overview of E1 Pages Including How to Develop, Edit and
Manage E1 Pages and Build Pages with the E1 Page Generator under Understanding E1 Page Definition - Understanding
Property Files

E1Page Title in.dat file is either literal title OR key to be read from properties file.

literal title: E1PAGE_TITLE

key to be read from properties file: áPAGE_TITLE%

If in .dat file the title is a key and the key is not defined in properties file the below error is logged in generator.log << Could
not find label 'xxxxx' in recource bundle >>.

1. Use literal title in .dat files


2. Edit and add the title key

Issue 17: Version field is blank in About after accessing an application via a Composed E1Page

The application executed without a version because a version is not identified in the .dat file.
     For example: @N:color=yellow|customIcon=img/default-report-

d_large.png|appId=P31113|formid=W31113H|version=:Inventory Issues:runE1App('P31113','W31113H','')

And because the version is not included in the .dat file, all processing options are assumed to be null when the application
(e.g. P31113 | W31113H) is run.

Change the .dat file to include the desired version.


NOTE:1401833.1 - E1: E1PAGE: Overview, Download, and Quick Start Guide for the E1 Page Generator [Video]
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