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Bihar (/bɪˈhɑːr/; Hindi pronunciat ion: [bɪˈɦaːr] ( listen)) is a st at e in east ern India. It is t he t hird-
largest st at e by populat ion and t welft h-largest by t errit ory, wit h an area of 94,163 km2
(36,357 sq mi). Bihar borders Ut t ar Pradesh t o it s west , Nepal t o t he nort h, t he nort hern part of
West Bengal t o t he east , and wit h Jharkhand t o t he sout h. The Bihar plain is split by t he river
Ganges, which flows from west t o east .[11] Bihar is also t he world's fourt h-most populous
subnat ional ent it y.

Clockwise from top right: Aerial view of the capital Patna on the banks of River Ganga, Ruins of ancient Nalanda
University, Mata Mundeshwari Temple in Kaimur, Madhubani painting from Mithila region, Mahabodhi Temple in
Bodh Gaya, Brahma Kund hot springs in Rajgir


Anthem: Mere Bharat Ke Kanth Haar

(The Garland of My India)

Location of Bihar in India

Coordinates (Patna): 25.4°N 85.1°E (

rams=25.4_ N_ 85.1_ E_ region:IN-BR_ type:adm1st)

Country  India
Formation 22 March 1912
Statehood 26 January 1950
Capital Patna
Largest city Patna
Districts 38
 • Body Government of Bihar
 • Governor Phagu Chauhan[1]
 • Chief Minister Nitish Kumar
 • Deputy Chief Minister Renu Devi[2]
Tarkishore Prasad[2]
 • Legislature Bicameral
Council (75 seats)
Assembly (243 seats)
 • Parliamentary constituencies Rajya Sabha (16 seats)

Lok Sabha (40 seats)

 • Total 94,163 km2 (36,357 sq mi)
 • Rank 12th
Population (2011)[4]
 • Total 104,099,452
 • Rank 3rd
 • Density 1,102/km2 (2,850/sq mi)
 • Major Ethnolinguistic Groups Bhojpuris
Demonym(s) Bihari
GDP (2022–23)[5]
 • Total ₹9.45 lakh crore (US$120 billion)
 • Per capita ₹89,664 (US$1,200)
 • Official Hindi[6]
 • Additional official Urdu[7]
Time zone UTC+05:30 (IST)
ISO 3166 code IN-BR
Vehicle registration BR
HDI (2019) 0.574[8] (medium) · 36th
Literacy (2011) 63.82% [9]
Sex ratio (2011) 918 ♀/1000 ♂[10]
Website Official Website (
Symbols of Bihar

Emblem Emblem of Bihar

Song Mere Bharat Ke Kanth Haar

(The Garland of My
Mammal Gaur (Mithun)

Bird House Sparrow (Passer domesticus)

Flower Kachnar (Phanera variegata)

Fruit Mango (Mangifera indica)

Tree Peepal tree (Ficus religiosa)

a. Recognized under the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India

b. In 15 districts

On 15 November 2000, sout hern Bihar was ceded t o form t he new st at e of Jharkhand.[12] Only
11.3% of t he populat ion of Bihar lives in urban areas, which is t he lowest in India aft er Himachal
Pradesh.[13] Addit ionally, almost 58% of Biharis are below t he age of 25, giving Bihar t he highest
proport ion of young people of any Indian st at e.[14] The official languages are Hindi and Urdu,
alt hough ot her languages are common, including Mait hili, Magahi, Bhojpuri and ot her Languages of

In ancient and classical India, t he area t hat is now Bihar was considered a cent re of power,
learning, and cult ure.[15] From Magadha arose India's first empire, t he Maurya empire, as well as
one of t he world's most widely adhered-t o religions: Buddhism.[16] Magadha empires, not ably
under t he Maurya and Gupt a dynast ies, unified large part s of Sout h Asia under a cent ral rule.[17]
Anot her region of Bihar is Mit hila which was an early cent re of learning and t he cent re of t he
Videha kingdom.[18][19]

Since t he lat e 1970s, Bihar has lagged far behind ot her Indian st at es in t erms of social and
economic development .[20] Many economist s and social scient ist s claim t hat t his is a direct
result of t he policies of t he cent ral government , such as t he freight equalisat ion policy,[21][22] it s
apat hy t owards Bihar,[23] lack of Bihari sub-nat ionalism,[24] and t he Permanent Set t lement of
1793 by t he Brit ish East India Company.[22] The st at e government has, however, made significant
st rides in developing t he st at e.[25] Improved governance has led t o an economic revival in t he
st at e t hrough increased invest ment in infrast ruct ure,[26] bet t er healt hcare facilit ies, great er
emphasis on educat ion, and a reduct ion in crime and corrupt ion.[27]


The name Bihar is derived from t he Sanskrit and Pali word vihāra (Devanagari: विहार), meaning
"abode". The region roughly encompassing t he present st at e had many Buddhist vihāras, t he
abodes of Buddhist monks in t he ancient and medieval periods. Medieval writ er Minhaj al-Siraj
Juzjani records in t he Tabaqat-i Nasiri t hat in 1198 Bakht iyar Khalji commit t ed a massacre in a
t own ident ified wit h t he word, lat er known as Bihar Sharif, about 70 km (43 mi) away from Bodh

Copy of the seal excavated from
Kundpur, Vaishali. The Brahmi
letters on the seal state: "Kundpur
was in Vaishali. Prince Vardhaman
(Mahavira) used this seal after the

Magadha, Anga and Vajjika League

of Mithila, c. 600 BCE.

Ancient period

Chirand, on t he nort hern bank of t he Ganga River, in Saran dist rict , has an archaeological record
from t he Neolit hic age (c. 2500–1345 BCE).[30][31] Regions of Bihar – such as Magadha, Mit hila
and Anga – are ment ioned in religious t ext s and epics of ancient India.

Mit hila gained prominence aft er t he est ablishment of t he Videha Kingdom.[32][33] During t he lat e
Vedic period (c. 1100–500 BCE), Videha became one of t he major polit ical and cult ural cent ers of
Sout h Asia, along wit h Kuru and Pañcāla. The kings of t he Videha Kingdom were called
Janakas.[34] Sit a, a daught er of one of t he Janaks of Mit hila is ment ioned as t he consort of Lord
Rama, in t he Hindu epic Ramayana, writ t en by Valmiki.[32][35] The Videha Kingdom lat er became
incorporat ed int o t he Vajjika League which had it s capit al in t he cit y of Vaishali, which is also in
Mit hila.[36] Vajji had a republican form of government where t he head of st at e was elect ed from
t he rajas. Based on t he informat ion found in t ext s pert aining t o Jainism and Buddhism, Vajji was
est ablished as a republic by t he 6t h cent ury BCE, before t he birt h of Gaut ama Buddha in
563 BCE, making it t he first known republic in India.

The Haryanka dynast y, founded in 684 BCE, ruled Magadha from t he cit y of Rajgriha (modern
Rajgir). The t wo well-known kings from t his dynast y were Bimbisara and his son Ajat ashat ru, who
imprisoned his fat her t o ascend t he t hrone. Ajat ashat ru founded t he cit y of Pat aliput ra which
lat er became t he capit al of Magadha. He declared war and conquered t he Vajjika League. The
Haryanka dynast y was followed by t he Shishunaga dynast y. Lat er, t he Nanda Dynast y ruled a
vast t ract st ret ching from Bengal t o Punjab.

The Nanda dynast y was replaced by t he Maurya Empire, India's first empire. The Maurya Empire
and t he religion of Buddhism arose in t he region t hat now makes up modern Bihar. The Mauryan
Empire, which originat ed from Magadha in 325 BCE, was founded by Chandragupt a Maurya, who
was born in Magadha. It had it s capit al at Pat aliput ra (modern Pat na). Mauryan Emperor Ashoka,
who was born in Pat aliput ra (Pat na), is oft en considered t o be among t he most accomplished
rulers in world hist ory.[37][38]

The Gupt a Empire, which originat ed in Magadha in 240 CE, is referred as t he Golden Age of India in
science, mat hemat ics, ast ronomy, commerce, religion, and Indian philosophy.[39] Bihar and Bengal
were invaded by Rajendra Chola I of t he Chola dynast y in t he 11t h cent ury.[40][41]

Chandragupta Maurya, founder of the Mauryan dynasty

Medieval period

Buddhism in Magadha went int o decline due t o t he invasion of Muhammad bin Bakht iyar Khalji,
during which many of t he viharas were dest royed along wit h t he universit ies of Nalanda and
Vikramashila. Some hist orians believe t hat t housands of Buddhist monks were massacred during
t he 12t h cent ury.[42][43][44][45] D. N. Jha suggest s, inst ead, t hat t hese incident s were t he result of
Buddhist –Brahmin skirmishes in a fight for supremacy.[46] Aft er t he fall of t he Pala Empire, t he
Chero dynast y ruled some part s of Bihar from t he 12t h cent ury unt il Mughal rule in t he 16t h
cent ury.[47] In 1540, t he great Pat han chieft ain, Sher Shah Suri, t ook nort hern India from t he
Mughals and declared Delhi his capit al.

From t he 11t h cent ury t o t he 20t h cent ury, Mit hila was ruled by various indigenous dynast ies.
The first of t hese were t he Karnat as, followed by t he Oiniwar dynast y and Raj Darbhanga.[48]
was during t his period t hat t he capit al of Mit hila was shift ed t o Darbhanga.[49][50]

The t ent h and t he last guru of Sikhism, Guru Gobind Singh, was born in Pat na in 1666. Wit h
polit ical inst abilit y in t he Mughal Empire following Aurangzeb's deat h in 1707, Murshid Quli Khan
declared Bengal's independence and named himself Nawab of Bengal.

(Sitting L to R): Rajendra Prasad and Anugrah Narayan Sinha during Mahatma Gandhi's 1917 Champaran Satyagraha
Colonial era

Aft er t he Bat t le of Buxar (1764), t he Brit ish East India Company obt ained t he diwani right s (right s
t o administ er and collect t ax revenue) for Bihar, Bengal and Odisha. The rich resources of fert ile
land, wat er and skilled labour had at t ract ed t he foreign imperialist s, part icularly t he Dut ch and
Brit ish, in t he 18t h cent ury. A number of agricult ure-based indust ries had been st art ed in Bihar by
foreign ent repreneurs.[51] Bihar remained a part of t he Bengal Presidency of Brit ish India unt il
1912, when Bihar and Orissa were carved out as a separat e province.

Pre- and post-Independence

Farmers in Champaran had revolt ed against indigo cult ivat ion in 1914 (at Pipra) and 1916
(Turkaulia). In April 1917, Mahat ma Gandhi visit ed Champaran, where Raj Kumar Shukla had drawn
his at t ent ion t o t he exploit at ion of t he peasant s by European indigo plant ers. The Champaran
Sat yagraha t hat followed received support from many Bihari nat ionalist s, such as Rajendra
Prasad Krishna Sinha and Anugrah Narayan Sinha.[52][53]

In t he nort hern and cent ral regions of Bihar, t he Kisan Sabha (peasant movement ) was an
import ant consequence of t he independence movement . It began in 1929 under t he leadership
of Swami Sahajanand Saraswat i who formed t he Bihar Provincial Kisan Sabha (BPKS), t o mobilise
peasant grievances against t he zamindari at t acks on t heir occupancy right s. The movement
int ensified and spread from Bihar across t he rest of India, culminat ing in t he format ion of t he All
India Kisan Sabha (AIKS) at t he Lucknow session of t he Indian Nat ional Congress in April 1936,
where Saraswat i was elect ed as it s first president .[54]

Following independence, Bihari migrant workers have faced violence and prejudice in many part s
of India, such as Maharasht ra, Punjab and Assam.[55][56]

Geography and climate

Forest in Valmikinagar, Bihar

Flooded farmlands in during 2008

Bihar flood.

Mountain of Ashrams, Bodh Gaya

Climate of Bihar

Climat e char t (explanat ion)


37 37 36
32 33 33 32 32
  26 25 25 25  
16 15
11 10

6.4 6 

Average max. and min. temperatures in °C

Precipitation totals in mm
Source: [57]

Imperial conversion


98 99 96
90 91 91 90 89
74   77
  78 78 78 77  
61 59
53 51


Average max. and min. temperatures in °F

Precipitation totals in inches

Bihar covers a t ot al area of 94,163 km2 (36,357 sq mi), wit h an average elevat ion above sea level
of 173 feet (53 m). It is land locked by Nepal in t he nort h, Jharkhand in t he sout h West Bengal in
t he east and Ut t ar Pradesh t o t he west .[58] It has t hree part s on t he basis of physical and
st ruct ural condit ions: t he Sout hern Plat eau, t he Shivalik Region, and Bihar's Ganget ic Plain.[59]
Furt hermore, t he vast st ret ch of fert ile Bihar Plain is divided by t he Ganges River int o t wo
unequal part s – Nort h Bihar and Sout h Bihar.[60] The Ganges flows west –east and, along wit h it s
t ribut aries, regularly floods part s of t he Bihar plain. The main nort hern t ribut aries are t he Gandak
and Koshi, which originat e in t he Nepalese Himalayas, and t he Bagmat i, which originat es in t he
Kat hmandu Valley. Ot her t ribut aries are t he Son, Budhi Gandak, Chandan, Orhani and Phalgu. Bihar
has some small hills, such as t he Rajgir hills in cent er, Kaimur Range in sout h-west and Shivalik
Range in Nort h. Bihar has not ified forest area of 6,764.14 km2, which is 7.1 percent of it s
geographical area.[61] The sub-Himalayan foot hills of Shivalik ranges, primary Someshwar and Dun
mount ain, in West Champaran dist rict are clad in a belt of moist deciduous forest . As well as
t rees, t his consist s of scrub, grass and reeds.

Bihar lies complet ely in t he Subt ropical region of t he Temperat e Zone, and it s climat ic t ype is
humid subt ropical. It s t emperat ure is subt ropical in general, wit h hot summers and cold wint ers.
Bihar has an average daily high t emperat ure of only 26 °C wit h a yearly average of 26 °C. The
climat e is very warm, but has only a very few t ropical and humid mont hs. Several mont hs of t he
year it is warm t o hot at t emperat ures cont inuously above 25 °C, somet imes up t o 29 °C. Due t o
less rain t he best t ime for t raveling is from Oct ober t o April. The most rainy days occur from May
t o Sept ember.[62]

Flora and fauna

Bengal Tiger is main attraction at

Valmiki Tiger Reserve
Bauhinia acuminata, locally known
as Kachnaar

A dolphin in Vikramshila Gangetic

Dolphin Sanctuary

Bihar has reserved Forest area of 6,845 km2 (2,643 sq mi), which is 7.27% of it s geographical
area.[63] The sub-Himalayan foot hill of Someshwar and t he Dun ranges in t he Champaran dist rict
have belt s of moist deciduous forest s, mixed wit h shrubs, grass and reeds. High rainfall (above
1,600 mm [63 in]) promot es forest s of Sal (Shorea robusta) in t hese areas. Ot her import ant t rees
are Sal Cedrela Toona, Khair, and Semal. Deciduous forest s also occur in t he Saharsa and Purnia
dist rict s,[64] wit h common t rees including Shorea robusta (sal), Diospyros melanoxylon (kendu),
Boswellia serrata (salai), Terminalia tomentose (asan), Terminalia bellerica (bahera), Terminalia
arjuna (arjun), Pterocarpus marsupium (paisar), and Madhuca indica (mahua).

Bihar has reserved Forest area of 6,845 km2 (2,643 sq mi), which is 7.27% of it s geographical
area.[63] The sub-Himalayan foot hill of Someshwar and t he Dun ranges in t he Champaran dist rict
have belt s of moist deciduous forest s, mixed wit h shrubs, grass and reeds. High rainfall (above
1,600 mm [63 in]) promot es forest s of Sal (Shorea robusta) in t hese areas. Ot her import ant t rees
are Sal Cedrela Toona, Khair, and Semal. Deciduous forest s also occur in t he Saharsa and Purnia
dist rict s,[65] wit h common t rees including Shorea robusta (sal), Diospyros melanoxylon (kendu),
Boswellia serrata (salai), Terminalia tomentose (asan), Terminalia bellerica (bahera), Terminalia
arjuna (arjun), Pterocarpus marsupium (paisar), and Madhuca indica (mahua).

Valmiki Nat ional Park covers about 800 km2 (309 sq mi) of forest and is t he 18t h Tiger Reserve
of India, ranked fourt h in t erms of densit y of t iger populat ion.[66] It has a diverse landscape and
biodiversit y in addit ion t o shelt ering t he prot ect ed carnivores. Vikramshila Ganget ic Dolphin
Sanct uary in Bhagalpur region is a reserve for t he endangered Sout h Asian river dolphin.[63] Ot her
species in Bihar include leopard, bear, hyena, bison, chit al and barking deer. Crocodilians including
gharials and muggers as well as Ganget ic t urt les can be found in t he river syst ems. Karkat garh
Wat erfall on Karmanasa River is a nat ural habit at of t he crocodilians. In 2016, t he government of
Bihar has accept ed t he proposal of t he forest aut horit ies t o t urn t he place int o a Crocodile
Conservat ion Reserve (CCR).[67] Ot her not able wildlife sanct uaries include Kaimur Wildlife
Sanct uary, Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanct uary and Gaut am Buddha Wildlife Sanct uary. Many variet ies
of local and migrat ory bird species can be seen in nat ural wet lands of Kanwar Lake Bird
Sanct uary, Baraila lake, Kusheshwar Nat h Lake, Udaypur lake.[63]

Natural resource

Bihar is t he principal holder of t he count ry's pyrit e resources and possesses 95% of t he

In May 2022, a gold mine found in t he dist rict of Jamui.[69] It account s for more t han 44% of
count ry's gold reserve, approxing at 223 million t ons.[70]

Populat ion growt h 

Census Populat ion %±

1901 21,243,632 —

1911 21,567,159 1.5%

1921 21,358,905 −1.0%

1931 23,438,371 9.7%

1941 26,302,771 12.2%

1951 29,085,000 10.6%

1961 34,841,000 19.8%

1971 42,126,000 20.9%

1981 52,303,000 24.2%

1991 64,531,000 23.4%

2001 82,999,000 28.6%

2011 104,099,452 25.4%

Source:Census of India[71]

Religion in Bihar
Religion Percent
Hinduism 82.69%
Islam 16.86%
other 0.44%
Languages of Bihar (2011)[72]
Languages of Bihar Percent
Hindi 25.54%
Bhojpuri 24.86%
Maithili 12.55%
Magahi 10.87%
Urdu 8.42%
Surjapuri 1.78%
Bengali 0.78%
other 15.2%

At t he 2011 Census, Bihar was t he t hird most populous st at e of India wit h a t ot al populat ion of
104,099,452, nearly 89% of it rural. It was also India's most densely populat ed st at e, wit h 1,106
persons per square kilomet re. The sex rat io was 918 females per 1000 males.[4] Almost 58% of
Bihar's populat ion was below 25 years age, which is t he highest in India. At 11.3%, Bihar has t he
second-lowest urbanisat ion rat e in India aft er Himachal Pradesh.[73] As per 2011 Census, t he
Hinduism is pract iced by 82.7% of t he populat ion and Islam was recorded as region of 16.9% t o
t ot al populat ion. Christ ianit y (0.12%), Buddhism (0.02%) and Sikhism (0.02%) is minorit y in religion
in Bihar.

Most of Bihar's populat ion belongs t o Indo-Aryan-speaking et hnic groups. It also at t ract ed
Punjabi Hindu refugees during t he Part it ion of Brit ish India in 1947.[74] Bihar has a t ot al lit eracy
rat e of 63.82% (73.39% for males and 53.33% for females), recording a growt h of 20% in female
lit eracy over t he preceding decade.[9] According t o t he 2011 census, 82.7% of Bihar's populat ion
pract ised Hinduism, while 16.9% followed Islam.[75][76]

Hindi is t he official language of t he st at e and spoken by 25.54% of t he t ot al populat ion.[6] At

8.42%, Urdu is t he second official language in 15 dist rict s of t he st at e.[7] However, t he majorit y of
t he people speak one of t he Bihari languages, most of which as classified as dialect s of Hindi
during t he census. The major ones are Bhojpuri (24.86%), Mait hili (12.55%)and Magahi (10.87%),
but smaller ones such as Angika and Bajjika are also spoken by large numbers.[77][78] Mait hili is a
recognised regional language of India under t he Eight h Schedule t o t he Const it ut ion of India.[79]
Proponent s have called for Bhojpuri and Magahi t o receive t he same st at us.[80] Smaller
communit ies of Bengali and Surjapuri speakers are found in t he part s of t he st at e, especially in
t he east ern dist rict s and urban areas.[72]
Government and administration

Government of Bihar

Patna High Court

Bihar Vidhan Sabha

Patna Secretariat

The const it ut ional head of t he government of Bihar is t he governor, who is appoint ed by t he

President of India. Execut ive power rest s wit h t he chief minist er and t heir cabinet . The polit ical
part y or coalit ion of polit ical part ies having a majorit y in t he Legislat ive Assembly forms t he
government .

The head of t he bureaucracy of t he st at e is t he chief secret ary, under whom a hierarchy of

officials is drawn from t he Indian Administ rat ive Service, Indian Police Service, Indian Forest
Service, and different wings of t he st at e civil services. The judiciary is headed by t he Chief
Just ice. Bihar has a High Court which has been funct ioning since 1916. All t he branches of t he
government are locat ed in t he st at e capit al, Pat na.

The st at e is administ rat ively divided int o 9 divisions and 38 dist rict s. For t he administ rat ion of
urban areas, Bihar has 12 municipal corporat ions, 49 nagar parishads(cit y councils), and 80 nagar
panchayat s (t own councils).[81][82][83][84][85]


By 2004, The Economist magazine said t hat "Bihar [had] become a byword for t he worst of India,
of widespread and inescapable povert y, of corrupt polit icians indist inguishable from mafia-dons
t hey pat ronise, cast e-ridden social order t hat has ret ained t he worst feudal cruelt ies".[86] In
2005, t he World Bank believed t hat issues faced by t he st at e were "enormous" because of
"persist ent povert y, complex social st rat ificat ion, unsat isfact ory infrast ruct ure and weak
As of 2014, t here are t wo main polit ical format ions: t he Nat ional Democrat ic
Alliance (NDA) which comprises Bharat iya Janat a Part y (BJP, Indian People's Part y), Lok
Janashakt i Part y (LJP) and Janat a Dal (Unit ed) (JDU); and a second alliance bet ween Rasht riya
Janat a Dal (RJD, Nat ional People's Part y), Hindust ani Awam Morcha, Rasht riya Lok Samt a Part y
and Indian Nat ional Congress (INC). There are many ot her polit ical format ions. The Communist
Part y of India had a st rong presence in Bihar at one t ime, which has since weakened.[88] The
Communist Part y of India (Marxist ) CPI(M) and CPM and All India Forward Bloc (AIFB) have a
minor presence, along wit h t he ot her ext reme left ist part ies.[89]

Nit ish Kumar has been chief minist er of Bihar for 13 years bet ween 2005 and 2020. In cont rast t o
prior government s, which emphasised divisions of cast e and religion, his polit ical plat form was
based on economic development , reduct ion of crime and corrupt ion, and great er social equalit y.
Since 2010, t he government confiscat ed t he propert ies of corrupt officials and redeployed t hem
as school buildings.[90] They also int roduced Bihar Special Court Act t o curb crime.[91] It also
legislat ed a t wo-hour lunch break on Fridays, t o enable Muslim employees t o pray and t hereby
reduce absent eeism.[92] The government has prohibit ed t he sale and consumpt ion of alcohol in
t he st at e since March 2016,[93] which has been linked t o a drop in t ourism[94] and a rise in
subst ance abuse.[95]

Public health

Bihar generally ranks weakest in healt h out comes in comparison t o ot her Indian st at es.[96][97]
While t he Nat ional Healt h Mission, t he Clinical Est ablishment s Act of 2010, and t he format ion of
t he Empowered Act ion Group (EAG)[98] provide federal funds t o expand and improve healt hcare
services, Bihar's abilit y t o fully ut ilise t his funding is lacking.[96][97]

Research indicat es t hat Bihar relies on privat ised hospit als t o provide healt hcare t o t he masses,
wit h t he second-highest rat io among Indian st at es for privat e t o public spending and high levels
of corrupt ion.[96] These fact ors are associat ed wit h slower healt hcare delivery and st eep
healt hcare cost s.[99][100][101][102] Corrupt ion is enabled as Bihar lacks cont inuit y and t ransparency
of healt h report ing as required by t he Clinical Est ablishment s Act of 2010. In t urn, t his prevent s
t he government from making evidence-based conclusions about policy changes and hospit al
effect iveness, result ing in pat t erns of ill-informed spending and inconsist ent hiring.

When comparing Bihar t o Kerala, t he number of healt hcare professionals (including regist ered
nurses, auxiliary nurses, physicians and healt h supervisors) at each hospit al are significant ly lower,
and remain const ant over t ime while t hey st eadily increase in number in Kerala.[103] According t o
Minist ry of Healt h st at ist ics, t he great est short falls are for physicians and specialist s at 75%.[96]
Bihar has only 50% of t he sub-healt h cent res, 60% of t he primary healt h cent res, and 9% of t he
communit y healt h cent res required by t he nat ional supply-t o-populat ion st andards. The number
of public hospit al beds in Bihar decreased bet ween 2008 and 2015.[103] Given t he high populat ion
densit y of t he st at e, Bihar is significant ly behind in t he number of healt hcare professionals t hat
should be employed.[104][103] Despit e t hese short comings, Bihar has shown gradual signs of
improvement for female healt h workers,[96] deat h rat e, and infant , neo-nat al, child and mat ernal
moralit y rat es.[96]


Gross State Domestic Product

Year Millions of rupees [105]
1980 73,530
1985 142,950
1990 264,290
1995 244,830
2000 469,430
2005 710,060[106]
2010 2,042,890
2015 3,694,690
Langra mango from a farm in
Shivnarayanpur, Bhagalpur, Bihar

Bihar accounts for 71% of India's

annual litchi production.[107]

Bihar's gross st at e domest ic product (GSDP) for t he fiscal year (FY) 2013–14 was around
₹3,683.37 billion. By sect ors, it s composit ion is 22% agricult ure, 5% indust ry and 73% services.
Bihar has t he fast est -growing st at e economy in t erms of GSDP, wit h a growt h rat e of 17.06% in
FY 2014–15.[108] The economy of Bihar was project ed t o grow at a compound annual growt h rat e
(CAGR) of 13.4% during 2012–2017 (t he 12t h Five-Year Plan). Bihar has experienced st rong
growt h in per capit a net st at e domest ic product (NSDP). At current prices, per capit a NSDP of
t he st at e grew at a CAGR of 12.91% from 2004 t o 2005 t o 2014–15.[109] Bihar's per capit a
income went up by 40.6% in FY 2014–15.[110] The st at e's debt was est imat ed at 77% of GDP by


Among t he st at es of India, Bihar is t he fourt h-largest producer of veget ables and t he eight h-
largest producer of fruit s. About 80% of t he st at e's populat ion is employed in agricult ure, which
is above t he nat ional average.[109] The main agricult ural product s are lit chi, guava, mango,
pineapple, brinjal, lady's finger, cauliflower, cabbage, rice, wheat , sugarcane, and sunflower. Though
good soil and favourable climat ic condit ions favour agricult ure, t his can be hampered by floods
and soil erosion.[112] The sout hern part s of t he st at e endure annual drought s, which affect crops
such as paddy.[113]


Hajipur, Dalmianagar and Barauni are t he major indust rial cit ies in Bihar[114] The capit al cit y, Pat na,
is one of t he bet t er-off cit ies in India when measured by per capit a income.[115]^

The Finance Minist ry has sought t o creat e invest ment opport unit ies for big indust rial houses like
Reliance Indust ries. Furt her development s have t aken place in t he growt h of small indust ries,
improvement s in IT infrast ruct ure, a soft ware park in Pat na, Darbhanga, Bhagalpur,[116] and t he
complet ion of t he expressway from t he Purvanchal border t hrough Bihar t o Jharkhand. In
August  2008, a Pat na-regist ered company called t he Securit y and Int elligence Services[117] t ook
over t he Aust ralian guard and mobile pat rol services business of American conglomerat e, Unit ed
Technologies Corporat ion (UTC). SIS is regist ered and t axed in Bihar.[118]

Prior t o prohibit ion, Bihar emerged as a brewery hub wit h numerous product ion unit s.[119] In
August 2018, Unit ed Breweries Limit ed announced it would begin product ion of non-alcoholic
beer at it s previously defunct brewery in Bihar.[120][121]

Income distribution

In t erms of income, t he dist rict s of Pat na, Munger, and Begusarai placed highest among t he 38
dist rict s in t he st at e, recording t he highest per capit a gross dist rict domest ic product of
₹31,441, ₹10,087 and ₹9,312, respect ively, in FY 2004–05.[115]



Painting in Bihar
Left  : Mithila Painting, Right : Patna Qualam

Tikuli Painting and Manjusha Painting are two other form of Painting in Bihar

Kathak classical dance form, from Bhojpur region

There are several t radit ional st yles of paint ing pract ised in Bihar. One is Mit hila paint ing, a st yle
used in t he Mit hila region of Bihar. Tradit ionally, t his form was pract ised mainly by women, passed
down generat ion t o generat ion. Paint ing was usually done on walls during fest ivals, religious
event s, birt hs, marriages, and ot her cult ural milest ones.[122] It was t radit ionally done on t he
plast ered walls of mud hut s, and is also done on clot h, handmade paper and canvas. Famous
Mit hila paint ers include Smt Bhart i Dayal, Mahasundari Devi, t he lat e Ganga Devi, and Sit a Devi.

Mit hila paint ing is also called Madhubani art . It most ly depict s human beings and t heir associat ion
wit h nat ure. Common scenes illust rat e deit ies and Saraswat i from ancient epics, celest ial
object s, and religious plant s like Tulsi, and scenes from t he royal court and social event s.
Generally, no space is left empt y.[122]

The Pat na School of Paint ing (Patna Kalam), somet imes called "Company Paint ing", flourished in
Bihar during t he early 18t h t o mid-20t h cent uries. It was an offshoot of t he Mughal Miniat ure
School of Paint ing. Those who pract ised t his art form were descendant s of Hindu art isans of
Mughal paint ing. Facing persecut ion from t he Mughal Emperor, Aurangzeb, t hese art isans found
refuge, via Murshidabad, in Pat na during t he lat e 18t h cent ury. Their art shared t he
charact erist ics of t he Mughal paint ers, expanded subject mat t er from court scenes t o bazaar
scenes, daily life and ceremonies. They used wat ercolours on paper and on mica. This school of
paint ing formed t he basis for t he format ion of t he Pat na Art School under t he leadership of Shri
Radha Mohan. The school is an import ant cent re of t he fine art s in Bihar.

Performing arts

Bihar has produced musicians like Bharat Rat na, Ust ad Bismillah Khan and dhrupad singers like t he
Malliks (Darbhanga Gharana) and t he Mishras (Bet t iah Gharana), along wit h poet s like Vidyapat i
Thakur who cont ribut ed t o Mait hili music. The classical music in Bihar is a form of Hindust ani
classical music.

Gaya is anot her cent re of classical music, part icularly of t he Tappa and Thumri variet ies. Pandit
Govardhan Mishra – son of t he Ram Prasad Mishra, himself an accomplished singer – is perhaps
t he finest living exponent of Tappa singing in India, according t o Padma Shri Gajendra Narayan
Singh, founding secret ary of t he Sangeet Nat ak Academi of Bihar.

Gajendra Narayan Singh also writ es, in his memoir, t hat Champanagar, Banaili, was anot her major
cent re of classical music. Rajkumar Shyamanand Sinha of Champanagar, Banaili princely st at e,
was a great pat ron of music and was himself one of t he finest exponent s of classical vocal
music in Bihar in his t ime.[123] Singh, in anot her book on Indian classical music, wrot e t hat "Kumar
Shyamanand Singh of Banaili est at e had such expert ise in singing t hat many great singers
including Kesarbai Kerkar acknowledged his abilit y. Aft er list ening t o bandishes from Kumar Sahib,
Pandit Jasraj was moved t o t ears and lament ed t hat , alas, he did not have such abilit y himself."
[free t ranslat ion of Hindi t ext ].[124][125]

During t he 19t h cent ury, many Biharis emigrat ed as indent ured labourers t o t he West Indies, Fiji,
and Maurit ius. During t his t ime many sad plays and songs called birha became popular in t he
Bhojpur region, as Bhojpuri Birha. Dramas incorporat ing t his t heme cont inue t o be popular in t he
t heat res of Pat na.[126]

Bihar has a robust Bhojpuri-language film indust ry. There is also a smaller product ion of Magadhi-,
Mait hili- and Angika-language films. The first film wit h Bhojpuri dialogue was Ganga Jamuna,
released in 1961.[127]Bhaiyaa, t he first Magadhi film, was released in 1961.[128]
The first Mait hili
movie was Kanyadan released in 1965.[129]
Mait hili film Mithila Makhaan won t he
Nat ional Film
Award for Best Mait hili Film in 2016.[130]
The hist ory of films ent irely in Bhojpuri begins in 1962
wit h t he well-received film Ganga Maiyya Tohe Piyari Chadhaibo ("Mot her Ganges, I will offer you
a yellow sari"), which was direct ed by Kundan Kumar.[131]
1963's Lagi nahin chute ram was t he all-
t ime hit Bhojpuri film, and had higher at t endance t han Mughal-e-Azam in t he east ern and nort hern
regions of India. Bollywood's Nadiya Ke Paar is anot her well-known Bhojpuri-language movie. Films
such as Bidesiya ("Foreigner", 1963, direct ed by S. N. Tripat hi) and Ganga ("Ganges", 1965,
direct ed by Kundan Kumar) were profit able and popular, but in general Bhojpuri films were not
commonly produced in t he 1960s and 1970s.

In t he 1980s, enough Bhojpuri films were produced t o support a dedicat ed indust ry. Films such as
Mai ("Mom", 1989, direct ed by Rajkumar Sharma) and Hamar Bhauji ("My Brot her's Wife", 1983,
direct ed by Kalpat aru) had success at t he box office. However, t his t rend faded during t he

In 2001, Bhojpuri films regained popularit y wit h Saiyyan Hamar ("My Sweet heart ", direct ed by
Mohan Prasad), which raised act or Ravi Kishan t o prominence.[133] Several ot her commercially
successful films followed, including Panditji Batai Na Biyah Kab Hoi ("Priest , t ell me when I will
marry", 2005, direct ed by Mohan Prasad) and Sasura Bada Paisa Wala ("My fat her-in-law, t he rich
guy", 2005). These films did much bet t er business in Ut t ar Pradesh and Bihar t han mainst ream
Bollywood hit s at t he t ime, and were bot h made on ext remely t ight budget s.[134] Sasura Bada
Paisa Wala also int roduced Manoj Tiwari, formerly a well-loved folk singer, t o t he wider audiences
of Bhojpuri cinema. The success of Ravi Kishan and Manoj Tiwari's films led t o a revival in Bhojpuri
cinema, and t he indust ry began t o support an awards show[135] and t rade magazine Bhojpuri
City.[136] The indust ry produces over one hundred films per year.

In 2019, Mait hili film Mithila Makhaan won Best Mait hili Film in t he 63rd Nat ional Film Awards.[137]

Mass media

Biharbandhu was t he first Hindi newspaper published in Bihar. It was st art ed in 1872 by Madan
Mohan Bhat t a, a Marat hi Brahman who set t led in Bihar Sharif.[138] Hindi journalism oft en failed[139]
unt il it became an official language in t he st at e. Hindi was int roduced in t he law court s in Bihar in

Urdu journalism and poet ry have a long hist ory in Bihar, wit h many poet s such as Shaad Azimabadi,
Kaif Azimabadi, Kalim Ajiz and Bismil Azimabadi. Bihar publishes many Urdu dailies, such as Qomi
Tanzim and Sahara, and t he mont hly Voice of Bihar.[141]

The beginning of t he 20t h cent ury was marked by a number of not able new publicat ions. A
mont hly magazine named Bharat Ratna was st art ed in Pat na, in 1901. It was followed by
Ksahtriya Hitaishi, Aryavarta from Dinapure, Udyoga, and Chaitanya Chandrika.[142] Udyog was
edit ed by Vijyaanand Tripat hy, a famous poet of t he t ime, and Chaitanya Chandrika by Krishna
Chait anya Goswami, a lit erary figure of t hat t ime. The lit erary act ivit y was not confined t o Pat na
alone but t o ot her dist rict s of Bihar.[138][143]


Tourist attraction in Bihar

UNESCO World Heritage Site of Mahabodhi Temple and Nalanda, Vikramshila Gangetic Dolphin Sanctuary, Bihar Museum,
Tomb of Sher Shah Suri, Ghora Katora
Bihar is visit ed by many t ourist s from around t he world,[144] In 2019 Tot al 33 million of t ourist s
visit ed Bihar which includes more t han 1 million foreign t ourist .[145] Bihar is home of t wo UNESCO
World Herit age Sit e. The cult ure and herit age of Bihar can be observed from t he large number of
ancient monument s spread t hroughout t he st at e. The Mahabodhi Temple (lit erally: "Great
Awakening Temple"), a UNESCO World Herit age Sit e, is an ancient , but much rebuilt and rest ored,
Buddhist t emple in Bodh Gaya, marking t he locat ion where t he Buddha is said t o have at t ained
enlight enment .The World Famous Khuda Bakhsh Library which has one of t he world's largest
collect ion of Print ed books, Rare Manuscript s and Paint ings is locat ed in Pat na. Bodh Gaya (in
Gaya dist rict ) is about 96 km (60 mi) from Pat na, Bihar st at e, India. Nalanda Mahavihara, a
UNESCO World Herit age Sit e, is an worlds oldest universit y sit uat ed in Nalanda, Bihar. It
comprises t he archaeological remains of a monast ic and scholast ic inst it ut ion dat ing from t he
3rd cent ury BCE t o t he 13t h cent ury CE. It includes st upas, shrines, viharas (resident ial and
educat ional buildings) and import ant art works in st ucco, st one and met al. Nalanda st ands out as
t he most ancient universit y of t he Indian Subcont inent . Archaeological Survey of India has
recognized 72 monument s in Bihar as Monument s of Nat ional Import ance. Furt hermore,
Archaeological Survey of India has recognized 30 addit ional monument as prot ect ed monument s
in Bihar.

Bihar has many places for ecot ourism, which includes Valmiki Nat ional Park is famous nat ional
park and t iger reserve. Vikramshila Dolphin Sanct uary is home of endangered Ganget ic Dolphin.
Bihar has many wildlife sanct uary such Bhimbandh Wildlife Sanct uary, Gaut am Buddha Wildlife
Sanct uary, Kaimur Sanct uary, Udaypur Wildlife Sanct uary and Pant Wildlife Sanct uary. Bihar
invit es many species of migrat ory birds at bird sanct uary like Kanwar Lake Bird Sanct uary and
Nagi Dam Bird Sanct uary.

Many t ourist s visit Bihar because of religious significance of t he Bihar. Hindu Goddess Sit a, t he
consort of Lord Rama, is believed t o have been born in Sit amarhi in t he Mit hila region of modern-
day Bihar.[146][147] Gaut ama Buddha at t ained Enlight enment at Bodh Gaya, a t own locat ed in t he
modern day dist rict of Gaya in Bihar. Vasupujya, t he 12t h Jain Tirt hankara was born in Champapuri,
Bhagalpur. Mahavira, t he 24t h and last Tirt hankara of Jainism, was born in Vaishali around t he 6t h
cent ury BC.[148] Śrāddha rit ual performed in Pit ru Paksha period considered as fruit ful in t he holy
cit y of Gaya, which is seen as a special place t o perform t he rit e, and host s a fair during t he Pit ri
Paksha period.[149]

Patna river port on national inland waterways-1 at Gai Ghat


Bihar has a t ot al of t hree operat ional airport s as of 2020: Lok Nayak Jayaprakash Airport in Pat na,
Gaya Airport in Gaya, and Darbhanga Airport in Darbhanga. All t hree airport s have scheduled flight s
t o major cit ies around India. Gaya Airport is t he only int ernat ional airport in Bihar, having seasonal
flight s t o count ries like Thailand, Bhut an, and Myanmar.

State highways

Bihar has st at e highways wit h t ot al lengt h of 4,006 km (2,489 mi)  and nat ional highways wit h
t ot al lengt h of 5,358 km (3,329 mi).

Inland Waterways

The Ganges is navigable t hroughout t he year, and was t he principal river highway across t he vast
Indo-Ganget ic Plain. Vessels capable of accommodat ing five hundred merchant s were known t o
ply t his river in t he ancient period, when it served as a conduit for overseas t rade. The role of t he
Ganges as a channel for t rade was enhanced by it s nat ural links t o major rivers and st reams in
nort h and sout h Bihar.[150]

Front view of administrative building of IIT Patna

NIT Patna main building

Hist orically, Bihar has been a major cent re of learning, home t o t he ancient universit ies of Nalanda
(est . 450 CE), Odant apurā (est . 550 CE) and Vikramashila (est . 783 CE). Nalanda and Vikramshila
universit ies were dest royed by Islamic invader Bakht iyar Khilji in 1200 CE.[151] Bihar saw a revival
of it s educat ion syst em during t he lat er part of t he Brit ish rule, when Khuda Bakhsh Orient al
Library was est ablished in 1891 by Sir Khan Bahadur Khuda Bakhsh which is current ly one of t he
world's largest funct ioning library and boast 5 Million it ems. It is known for it s paint ings and rare
manuscript s.[152] Pat na Universit y, t he sevent h oldest universit y of t he Indian subcont inent , was
est ablished in 1917.[153] Some ot her cent res of high learning est ablished under Brit ish rule are
Pat na College (est . 1839), Bihar School of Engineering (est . 1900; now known as Nat ional
Inst it ut e of Technology, Pat na), Prince of Wales Medical College (est . 1925; now Pat na Medical
College and Hospit al), Science College, Pat na (est . 1928), Pat na Women's College, Bihar
Vet erinary College (est . 1927), and Imperial Agricult ure Research Inst it ut e (est . 1905; now Dr.
Rajendra Prasad Cent ral Agricult ure Universit y, Pusa). The Pat na Universit y, one of t he oldest
universit ies in Bihar, was est ablished in 1917, and is t he 7t h oldest universit y of t he Indian
subcont inent . Second oldest engineering college of India known as NIT Pat na was est ablished
as survey t raining school in 1886 and lat er renamed as Bihar College of Engineering in 1932.
Today, Bihar is home of 8 Inst it ut es of Nat ional Import ance: IIT Pat na, IIM Bodh Gaya, AIIMS,
Pat na, NIT Pat na, IIIT Bhagalpur, NIPER Hajipur, Khuda bakhsh Orient al Library and Nalanda
Int ernat ional Universit y. In 2008, Indian Inst it ut es of Technology Pat na was inaugurat ed wit h
st udent s from all over India[154] and same year Nat ional Inst it ut e of Fashion Technology Pat na
was est ablished as t he nint h such inst it ut e in India.[155] The Indian Inst it ut e of Management Bodh
Gaya was est ablished in 2015. In March 2019, t he government of Bihar has sent a proposal t o
cent re Government t o upgrade Darbhanga Medical College and Hospit al int o an AIIMS-like
inst it ut ion.[156] Bihar is home of four Cent ral universit ies which includes Cent ral Universit y of
Sout h Bihar, Mahat ma Gandhi Cent ral Universit y, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Cent ral Agricult ure Universit y
and Nalanda Universit y. In 2015, t he cent ral government had proposed re-est ablishment of
Vikramshila in Bhagalpur and had designat ed ₹500 crores (₹5 billion) for it .[157] Bihar also has t he
Nat ional Inst it ut e of Fashion Technology Pat na, Nat ional Law Universit y, Pat na Inst it ut e of Hot el
Management (IHM), Foot wear Design and Development Inst it ut e, Biht a and Cent ral Inst it ut e of
Plast ic Engineering & Technology (CIPET) Cent er. CIPET (and IHM was est ablished in Hajipur in
1994 and 1998 respect ively. Aryabhat t a Knowledge Universit y was est ablished under Aryabhatta
Knowledge University Act, 2008 of Bihar Government [158] wit h purpose of t he development and
management of educat ional infrast ruct ure relat ed t o t echnical educat ion, medical, management
and allied professional educat ion in Bihar.[159] Based on 2020–21 dat a, Aryabhat t a Knowledge
Universit y has 56 Engineering and Pharmacy colleges, 15 Medical colleges, 33 Educat ional
colleges, 8 communit y colleges, 36 Nursing colleges and 11 Vocat ional colleges.[160] Chanakya
Nat ional Law Universit y and Chandragupt Inst it ut e of Management were est ablished in t he lat er
half of 2008 and now at t ract s st udent s from not just wit hin Bihar but also st udent s from far
flung st at es. Nalanda Int ernat ional Universit y is est ablished in 2014 wit h act ive invest ment from
count ries such as Japan, Korea, and China. The A.N. Sinha Inst it ut e of Social St udies is a premier
research inst it ut e in t he st at e.[161] Bihar has eight medical colleges which are funded by t he
government , namely Pat na Medical College and Hospit al, Nalanda Medical College and Hospit al,
Vardhman Inst it ut e of Medical Sciences, Indira Gandhi Inst it ut e of Medical Sciences, Darbhanga
Medical College and Hospit al, Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College and Hospit al Gaya, Sri
Krishna Medical College and Hospit al, Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Bhagalpur, Government
Medical College, Bet t iah and five privat e medical colleges[162]

Biht a, a suburb of st at e capit al Pat na, is home of inst it ut es like IIT Pat na, AIIMS, Pat na, BIT,
Pat na and is now emerging as an educat ion hub.[163][164] Wit h inst it ut e like Super 30, Pat na has
emerged as a major cent er for engineering and civil services coaching. The major privat e IIT-JEE
coaching inst it ut es have opened up t heir branches in Bihar and t his has reduced t he number of
st udent s who go t o, for example, Kot a and Delhi for engineering/medical coaching.
Bihar e-Governance Services & Technologies (BeST) and t he government of Bihar have init iat ed a
unique program t o est ablish a cent re of excellence called Bihar Knowledge Cent er, a finishing
school t o equip st udent s wit h t he lat est skills and cust omised short -t erm t raining programs at
an affordable cost . The cent re aims t o at t ract t he yout h of t he st at e t o improve t heir t echnical,
professional, and soft skills, t o meet t he current requirement s of t he indust rial job market .[165]
The Nat ional Employabilit y Report of Engineering Graduat es, 2014,[166] put s graduat es from Bihar
in t he t op 25 percent of t he count ry, and rat es Bihar as one of t he t hree t op st at es at producing
engineering graduat es in t erms of qualit y and employabilit y.[167]

See also

Bhojpuri edition of Wikipedia, t he free encyclopedia

Maithili edition of Wikipedia, t he free encyclopedia

Bihar Diwas

Out line of Bihar

Timeline of Bihar

Bihari cult ure

Cuisine of Bihar

Bihari languages

Bihari people

Chhot anagpur Front

List of people from Bihar


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Further reading

Swami Sahajanand Saraswati Rachnawali (Selected works of Swami Sahajanand Saraswati), Prakashan
Sansthan, Delhi, 2003.

Christopher Alan Bayly, Rulers, Townsmen, and Bazaars: North Indian Society in the Age of British
Expansion, 1770–1870, Cambridge University Press, 1983.

Anand A. Yang, Bazaar India: Markets, Society, and the Colonial State in Bihar, University of California
Press, 1999.

Acharya Hazari Prasad Dwivedi Rachnawali, Rajkamal Prakashan, Delhi.

Swami Sahajanand and the Peasants of Jharkhand: A View from 1941 translated and edited by Walter
Hauser along with the unedited Hindi original (Manohar Publishers, paperback, 2005).

Sahajanand on Agricultural Labour and the Rural Poor translated and edited by Walter Hauser
(Manohar Publishers, paperback, 2005).

Religion, Politics, and the Peasants: A Memoir of India's Freedom Movement translated and edited by
Walter Hauser (Manohar Publishers, hardbound, 2003).

Pandit Yadunandan (Jadunandan) Sharma, 1947, Bakasht Mahamari Aur Uska Achook Ilaaz (Bakasht
Epidemic and its Infalliable Remedy) in Hindi, Allahabad.
Jagannath Sarkar, "Many Streams" Selected Essays by Jagannath Sarkar and Reminiscing Sketches"
Compiled by Gautam Sarkar Edited by Mitali Sarkar, First Published May 2010, Navakarnataka
Publications Private Limited, Bangalore.

Indradeep Sinha, 1969, Sathi ke Kisanon ka Aitihasic Sangharsha (Historic Struggle of Sathi Peasants),
in Hindi, Patna.

Indradeep Sinha, Real face of JP's total revolution, Communist Party of India (1974).

Indradeep Sinha, Some features of current agrarian situation in India, All India Kisan Sabha, (1987).

Indradeep Sinha, The changing agrarian scene: Problems and tasks, Peoples Publishing House (1980).

Indradeep Sinha, Some questions concerning Marxism and the peasantry, Communist Party of India

Sinha, Udai Prakash; Kumar, Swargesh (2012). Bihar Tourism: Retrospect and Prospect (https://books.g . New Delhi: Concept Publishing Company.
ISBN 9788180697999. Retrieved 18 April 2015.

Nand Kishore Shukla, The Trial of Baikunth Sukul: A Revolutionary Patriot, Har-Anand, 1999, 403 pages,
ISBN 81-241-0143-4.

Shramikon Ke Hitaishi Neta, Itihas Purush: Basawon Singh published by the Bihar Hindi Granth Academy
(1st Edition, April 2000).

Ramchandra Prasad, Ashok Kumar Sinha, Sri Krishna Singh in Adhunik Bharat ke Nirmata Series,
Publications Division, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

Walter Hauser, 1961, Peasant Organisation in India: A Case Study of the Bihar Kisan Sabha, 1929–1942,
Ph.D. Thesis, University of Chicago, (Forthcoming publication).

Rai, Algu, 1946, A Move for the Formation of an All-Indian Organisation for the Kisans, Azamgrah.

N. G. Ranga, 1949, Revolutionary Peasants, New Delhi.

N. G. Ranga, 1968, Fight For Freedom, New Delhi.

Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, 1943, Naye Bharet ke Naye Neta (New Leaders of New India), in Hindi,

Mahapandit Rahul Sankrityayan, 1957, Dimagi Gulami (Mental Slavery), in Hindi, Allahabad.

Manmath Nath Gupta, Apane samaya ka surya Dinkar, Alekha Prakasana (1981).

Khagendra Thakur, Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar': Vyaktitva aur Krititva, Publications Division, 2008 Ministry
of Information and Broadcasting, Government of India.

Vijendra Narayan Singh, Bharatiya Sahitya ke Nirmata: Ramdhari Singh 'Dinkar, Sahitya Akademi, New
Delhi, 2005, ISBN 81-260-2142-X.
Kumar Vimal, Ramdhari Singh Dinkar Rachna – Sanchayan, Sahitya Akademi, New Delhi, 2008,
ISBN 978-81-260-2627-2.

Mishra Shree Govind, History Of Bihar 1740–1772 (

&q=History+Of+Bihar+1740-1772&dq=History+Of+Bihar+1740-1772&pgis=1) , Munshiram
Manoharlal, 1970

Verma B S, Socio-religious Economic And Literary Condition Of Bihar (From ca. 319 A.D. to 1000 A.D.) (htt
dition+Of+Bihar) , Munshiram Manoharlal, 1962

Maitra A,Magahi Culture (

h&dq=History+Of+Magadh&pgis=1) , Cosmo Publications, New Delhi, 1983

Naipaul V S, India: A Wounded Civilization, Picador, 1977

Trevithick Alan, The Revival Of Buddhist Pilgrimage At Bodh Gaya (1811–1949): Anagarika Dharmapala
And The Mahabodhi Temple

Jannuzi F. Tomasson, Agrarian Crisis In India: The Case Of Bihar (

sisin0000jann) , University of Texas Press, 1974, ISBN 0-292-76414-6, ISBN 978-0-292-76414-9

Omalley L S S, History of Magadh, Veena Publication, 2005, ISBN 81-89224-01-8

Shukla Prabhat Kumar, Indigo And The Raj: Peasant Protests In Bihar 1780–1917 (
7) , Pragati Publications, 1993, ISBN 81-7307-004-0

Ahmad Qeyamuddin, Patna Through The Ages: Glimpses of History, Society & Economy (https://books.g J-HgAACAAJ&dq=Patna+Through+The+Ages) , Commonwealth Publishers,

Jain B D, Ardha Magadhi Reader, Sri Satguru Publications, Lahore, 1923

Patra C, Life in Ancient India: As Depicted In The Digha Nikaya, Punthi Pustak, 1996, ISBN 81-85094-93-4

Hazra Kanai Lal, Buddhism in India As Described by the Chinese Pilgrims AD 399–689, Munshiram
Manoharlal, 1983, ISBN 81-215-0132-6

McCrindle John W., Ancient India As Described By Megasthenes And Arrian, Munshiram Manoharlal

McCrindle John W., Ancient India As Described By Ptolemy (

my&pgis=1) , Munshiram Manoharlal, 1927, ISBN 81-215-0945-9

Sastry Harprasad, Magadhan Literature, Sri Satguru Publications, Calcutta, 1923

Rai Alok, Hindi Nationalism, Orient Longman, 2000, ISBN 81-250-1979-0

Waddell Austine L., Report on the Excavations at Pataliputra (Patna) – The Palibothra of the Greeks,
Asian Publicational Services, Calcutta, 1903
Das Arvind N., The State of Bihar: an economic history without footnotes, Amsterdam: VU University
Press, 1992

Brass Paul R., The politics of India since Independence, Cambridge University Press, 1990

Askari S. H., Mediaeval Bihar: Sultante and Mughal Period, Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public Library, Patna,

Tayler William, Three Months at Patna during the Insurrection of 1857, Khuda Bakhsh Oriental Public
Library, Patna, 2007

Taylor P.J.O., "What really happened during the Mutiny: A day by day account of the major events of
1857–1859 in India", Oxford University Press, 1997, ISBN 0-19-564182-5

Pathak Prabhu Nath, Society and Culture in Early Bihar (C.A.D. 200 – 600) (
religious+Economic+And+Literary+Condition+Of+Bihar&pgis=1) , Commonwealth Publishers, 1988

Basham A. L., The Wonder that was India, Picador, 1954, ISBN 0-330-43909-X

Nambisan Vijay, Bihar in the eye of the beholder, Penguin Books, 2000, ISBN 978-0-14-029449-1

Pathak Mohan, Flood plains and Agricultural occupance, Deep & Deep Publication, 1991, ISBN 81-7100-

D'Souza Rohan, Drowned and Dammed:Colonial Capitalism and Flood Control in Eastern India, Oxford
University Press, 2006,

Radhakanta Barik – Land & Caste Politics in Bihar (Shipra Publications, Delhi, 2006)

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