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Singapore Civil Defence Force CODE OF PRACTICE FOR FIRE PRECAUTIONS IN BUILDINGS 2002 VOLUME 1 PURPOSE GROUP | SMALL RESIDENTIAL FOREWORD A the time the Code of Practice for Fle Precautions in Bulaings 1997 wos {sued in Sep 97, | mentioned nat the provisions of the fre code woud be furlhat reviewed in recognition of advancing technoloay and changing publ: expectations. | am pleased fo note that the SCOF had aver the years indeed Feceived suggestions for improvements trom the profestiona’ in the building Industry. Tokng up their suggestions and in conjunction with inten reviews of our fre fighting operations and our experience on the elfectveness of various octive fond possive fe safely provisions, we nove made relinements to the code provisions. Thete have been announced petlodicaty through ckculos ond our regular fre safely seminars to alow for immediale Aolementation, All of these refinements are now consolidated and published in this eaiion of the Code of Practice for Fre Precautions in auicings 2002 (or Fre Code 2002) in eight volumes, fone for each ofthe eight cfferent purpose groups of buleings. Tht seoregation of code provisions enables fe code users to locate ary paricuar code provision eaining to a specific purpose aroup more reaitly. For eose of maintenance of ‘record, there sa complementary masier copy ofthe fe code thot contoins a the ‘code provisions forall purpose gioups in a snale volume, avalioble ai our webste: hip wow sect goven, We have one of the lowest building tte relcledfatates in the world toy. This o very postive refiection of ou Unreleniing elfen ensuring that our Dulsings ‘Fe fre Safe. Il is ako a good testimony fo tne cenkibution made by at In the buling industry in desgning, constucting and maintaining Dullings in accordance wilh Ine fre code anc other re safely scternes we have in place 4s fe safely in bulings continues to be crucial in providing & conducive environment for Singopore fo develop ond prosper, Ireterate my cal fo alin the building industry to continue to observe the fre code and other crculors we Sue from fee fo fe. Fre Code 2002 has been made mere user endl ond has Incorporates: ‘many refhements 10 take info account ine aforementioned considerations NNeverineless, as citcumstances and cur envzonment are never slate, there is need fo further adopt the fre code lo reat future chenges and challenges lo the buiging industry. In this regard | welcome suggestors for improvarnents fram all Users of thi fre code for consideration fer the next ection, ye Jomes Tan Chan Seng ‘Commisionet Singapore Civi Detence Force Mexy 2002 The Singapore Civd Defence Force wishes fo extsndits cpprectation forthe effors ond ccontiouiton of members oF the Fre Cade Review Commitee. Fire Code Review Committee Chairman Com Jomes tan Singapore Givi Defence Force Deputy Chairman MrBoo Geok Kwang Singapore Civ Defence Foxce (F588 Secretary MrTan Eu Seng, Randy Singapore Civil Defence Force (F588) Editor MrTe0 Um Teck Singapore Civ Defence Force (F358) Members Mr Lay Kwong Chung Singopore institute of Architects Mr Song Yew Kee Singapore insitute of Architects Mr Koh Tien Beng Singapore institute of Architects Mdm Eng Yew Hoon Singapore institute of architects Mr loke Yee Weng, Institution of Engineers, Sngcrsore (Me Ong Ser Huan Institution of Engineers, Sngapore Me Wiiam Tan BoonNNgse Association of Consulting Engineers, Singapore. Mean Heng Wee ‘Association of Consulting Engines, Singapore MeSiew Yee Cheong Instituion of Fre Engineers, Singapore Mr S00 Hin Teck Instituion ot Fee Engineers, Singapore ‘Mr Lee Choon Kok RealEstate Devetopen association of Singapore Assoc Prof Teh Kem Jin Notional Unversity of Singapore ‘Assoc Pref Tan KangHci —_Nalonal Technological Universty Mr Yop Guan Howe Buiing and Construction Authority Mr Sng Chun Hui Land Transport Authoriy ‘Mien Go Siar Inn Housing & Development Board ar tau Keong ong 38 Corporation Mr Philip Ying JIC Corporation MrTiong Yong Tung PSA Corporation id Mr Eugene Toh Singapore Civi Defence Foxce (F588) Mo Froncis No Singopore Civi Defence Foxce Ma) Check Poh Chin Singopore Civi Defence Foxce (F588) Mr Lee Wee Keong Singapore Civi Defence Foxce (F388) MrTon Chiew sie Singapore ivi Defence Foxce (F588) CONTENTS pect Members of Bullinas hapter iF General T.1__ Buildings Designated tor Corsenation T 11d Technical Guidelines fore Satety in femparay Buldngs | 1 in Consiuction ites 72 Defiations z pier 2 f Means of Excape 21 Genera - Z 22 Determination of bil Requremenis 12 23 Means of Escape Requremenis- Gare 13 24 Residentici Secupaney 15 hapter 3 - Structural Fire Precautions 3 Geneeat 6 ‘32. Provision of Compartment Welk and Comperiment fies | 12) ‘33. fie Resistance of flements of Sructurs 19 ‘3__Tess of Fie Resitonce, - 21 35 External Wall 2 36 Separating Wa 2 3.7__Comporlment Wals and Comparime't Roos. 24 38_ Protected shafts 2 39 Frotecion of Openings {oa 3.11_Concenied Spaces ae 3.12 Fre Slopping 32 3.13 Restichon of Soread of ame over Sufoces of Walk and | 33 Coiings 31d_foots = 3:15” Materials for Gonatuction 3% Phapter 4 F Site Planning & External Fire Fighting Provision a1 General 7 “42. Provision fer Edemnal Access fo Buldros for Fre Faghing | 71 ‘ond Accessbiily of Ste fo Fre Fiahing Appsonces “Private Fre Hycront 7% [Ghapter's | tactical Pawar Supplies S1_iiaistion [7% ‘52 Primary ond Secondary Suppies [7 ix A | ie Safely ReaurementsAflecing Shonhoutes Under Ta Conservation JAppendix B F Technical Guideines For Fre Safely in Temporary Buicsnasin a ‘Consinucton Sites Use of Intumescent Pains for ProfecTion To Sructural Tear a CHAPTER 1 GENERAL La CHAPTER 1 GENERAL BUILDINGS DESIGNATED FOR CONSERVATION Buildings including shophouses, which exe designated for conservation under the Urban Redevelopment Authority's {URA) conservation progamme shall comply with the set of documents on “Fie Safely Requirements affecting shophowses under Conservation” issued by URA on 28 Jul 93 under Circular No URA/PB/93/20-CUDD. Please see Appendix ty The “fire Safely Requiements affecting shophouses under Conservation” shall aiso be appicable to old shophouses, including residential bullings fexcept temporary dweling houses), having fimber floors or staircases, whether designated or not for conservation by URA, subject fo the following conditions: {a} The above ‘relaxation shall be applicable to buildings that were existing before 1969: (©) There shall be no change of use to boarding houses, hotels, workers’ quarters and the lke, imespective whether the building is under conservation of not; andl c] The upgrading of fie sofely werks shall be applicable io the whole building: partial upgrading of building is not acceptable. Technical Guidelines for Fite Safely in Temporary Buildings in Construction Sites All development projects for which Buiing Plans are submitted 10 SCDF (FS$8) shall be subjected to stiict compliance to the Technical Guidelines For Fre Safety in Temporary Buildings in Construction Sites at Appendix io} Although submission of plans to SCDF (FSB) is not Fequired. a sot of plans of the temporary buildings, duly endorsed by a Qualified Person {GP}. shall be available: fon site for inspection by the Relevant Authority at ll times. Please note that Regulation 42 of fhe Fire Safely Building Fite Safety) Regulations allows the buiding industry 10 selfregulate the fre safely works in temporary buildings in constuction sites, e 12 122 123 126 DEFINITIONS + latest version shail be used. "Approved" means approved by the Relevant Authority ‘sea of Building fo) The orea of any storey of a building or compariment shall be taken fo be the tolcl area of that storey bounded by the inner finished surfaces Of the enclosing walls or, on any side where there is no enclosing wails, by the outermost edae of the floor on that side. (b}_ The area of any room or space shall be taken to be the fotal area of ils floor bounded by the inner finished surfaces of the walls forming the room or space. (c)_ The area of any part of « roof shall be faken fo be the actual visible area of such patt measured on a plane parallel fo the pitch of the roof. Basement Storey {a} A storey of a building which is below the fist storey ‘and the floor of which is situated at such a level that more than half the height of such storey is below the level of the ground adjoining its perimeter walls for more than half the length of such perimeter walls, and The abbreviations lsted in the following fable are used In this Code:- ‘Abbreviation Definition 78S Bilan Standard +o Code of Practice a Clause NFPA. National Fre Protection Association TAS Ausitaian Standard +180 Intemational Organisation For Standaraisation Singapore Standard i SB Corporation Abbreviation Approved Aten of building Basernant sorey oO ( wd {b] Where the building has no storey above ground, a {| slorey the floor of which is situated at such a level thot either the whole storey is below ground or more than hal the height of such storey is below the level af the around adjoining iis perimeter walls for more than half the fengih of such perimeter walls, 1.27 The boundary of the land belonging le the building |) oundary Under consideration, and including the imaginary extension of the boundary up to the centre of an abutting public street, canal or ver, 1.28 Construction provided Cavity batter [a) To seal @ cavity (concealed spacel against the penetration of smoke and flame, of |b} Within a cavity (concealed space] to stop the movernent of smoke and flame within the cavity, 1.22 A part of a building which encloses and is exposed | Ceiling ‘overhead in @ room, circulation space or protected shatt. [A soffit or rooflight is included as part of its surface, but not the frame of ¢ roafight). 12.10 Aspace mainly used as means of acces between a J Circulation Foom or protected shaft and an exit from: the building | space or compartment. 1211 Code of practice is the standard of practice | Code of acceptable fo the Relevant Authorily. The Relevant | practice Authority may adopt requirements stipulated in the stated year of publication of any refened Code of Practice or at its discretion adop! those specified in a later version, 12.11(A) A colckoom is a store room used for the storage of | Coldroom materials or chemicals under cold temperate The enclosures to the coldroom are constructed partly or ‘wholly of highly combustible insulation materials. The coldroom shall have a floor area of rot less than 10 sq m and designed fo permit a person to walk in/out of the room. If the floor area of the coldroom is less than 10sq mil shall be treated as an appliance, 1212 1213 12a 1215 1216 129 A parl of a building seporated from all other parts of the same building by comporiment walls and/or compartment floor. A roof space above the top storey of a compartment is included in thal comparlment. ‘A wall of @ floor which is provided for the pupose of dividing @ building into comparimenis for the Furposes of CL32 and complies with C137. ‘A space enclosed by elements of a building (including { suspencied celling or raised floor or space between curtain walling and the floor slab or spandre! weil) oF contained within an element but not a room, cusboard, circulation space, protected shatt or space within a fiue, chute, duci, pipe or conduit ‘A passage providing means of access from rooms of spaces to an ext the cubical extent of a building or compartment shall be ascertained by measuring the volume of space contained within the buiding ot compartment (a) The inner finished surfaces of the enclosing walls or, ‘on any side where there is no enclosing wall, a plane extending vertically above the outermost edge of the floor on that side, {0}. The upper surface of ts lowest flocr, and fe) tn the case of a building or compartment which extends fo a roof, the under surface of the roof of, In the case of any other compartment, tne under surface of the ceiling of the highest storey within the comportment, including the space occupied by any other wall, or any unprotected shafts, ducts for sinicture within the space to be sa. mecssuted, but excluding prolected iif! walls, exit staircases ‘and other accommodation (such as lavatory and. locker rooms) which are enclosed with walls having fire resistance of not less than one hour and openings proiecied by doors of one half nour fre resistance fitted wih automatic self-closing device. Inctudes any shutter, cover o* other form of protection fo ‘an opening in any wall or floor of a building or in the structure surrounding protected shati, regaidiess of whether the door is Constructed of one or mare aves. 4 Compartment © | compara lz Concealed | space (cavity) ° Condor Cubical extent of building or compariment 1221 1.2.24 1.225 1.22518) 1.2.25(8) Element of Structure (a) A member forming part of the siructual frome of o building or any other beam or column but not @ member forming part af a roof shuctue only, ©) A locdbearing wall or loadbearing pat of a wall, [c} A floor, including a compartment fleor, other thon the lowest fioor {in contact with the ground) of a building, (d)_ An extemal watt, le} A separating walt, [8 Acompariment wall, and [a]_A structure enclosing @ protected shaft (protecting structure} ‘A means of escape from the interior of the building 0 ‘an exterior space which is provided by the use of the following either singly or in combination: exterior door ‘openings, exit staircases, exil ramps or exit passageways. In the cose of an exit leading io a separate building, exits also include linkways, walkways, bridges and balconies, Exit shall not include access stais, aisles, corridor doors or conidors and access deo’ lo rooms or spaces in occupancy areas. A door provided at the doonay of an exit for the. passage of people, forming part of the integity of the: exit, including the exterior door opening That portion of a means of escape that lecds fo an exit If inchides the too and building soaces thal people ‘occupy, the doors along the escape routes, lobbies, isles, passageways, coriders, access staiis and ramps that will be traversed in order fo reach an ext ‘A door which provides access 10 @ room or space excluding toilet cubicle, bedroom, storeroom, tity 100m, panity and the like) or installed across the escape ath leading to an exil. Exit access door shall comply with all the requirements of an exit door end need not have fre resistance rating, unless itis specified, Element of structure exit Exit door Bit access Exit Access Door 1.226 1227 1.228 1.2.29 1.230 & SS A horizontal extension of a vertical xt viz exit stozcase ‘or a passage leading fom a courtyard to an open exledor space, comolying with the requiements of C138 for protected shafls in respect of fire ressiance ralings for enclosure wall, floors, celings and doors, that serves as a required exit Bit passageway shall be wequied fo comply with the provisions of CL 23.2. A sigitcase which has ils enclosure constructed of non-combustible material having ai fre resistance of not less than the minimum period required by Cl. 33, for Elements of Structure for the part of the building in which itis situated. Material fited to the outside face of an extemal wall for weather protection or decorative purpose. [a} An exit slakcase which serves as a required exit shall be located outside the building and apen to the outdoor air, and enclosed by parapet walls or roiling only. (0) An extemal staircase shail qualify as an exlemal exit slaircase if it & located within or abutting an ai welllwhich is open to sky and is required to provide lighting and ventilafion to the occupancy areas)having the minimum size in relation to the habitable height of the building as given in the Table 1.2.29 below: Table 1.2.22. Minimum Ai-well size ‘Max, Habitable Height | Min, Clear wth of Air of Building ‘well gm 10m, (00 Tn 3ém. 12m em 13m om and above lien An exit passageway open to the outdoor air, thal serves es 0 requited exit External Exit Passageway shall comply with the provisions of CL. 2.32{¢} Bet passageway Exi siacase extemal cladding Extemal ext staircase Extemal exit passageway 3 1231 1.232 1.233 1.236 1237 1.238 1.2.40 12.41 1.2.42 ‘An outer wall of vertical enclosure, including a part of the roof pitched at an angle of 70 degrees or more to the horizontal if that part of the roof acjoins @ space ‘within the building fo which persons have access. The minimum period of time during which an element of structure or building element may be expected to function satistactorly while subjected to a standard fre test. A seal provided fo close an imperfection of fit or any joint between elements, components or construction in @ building so as fo prevent and restrict penetration of smoke and flame through that imperfection or joint ‘A storey of the building with habitabe room. A, habitable room means any roam not less than 6.5 m? in {tea and does not include any bathroom, water-closet, open verandah, terrace, garage and lft motor room. The habitable height is the height measured for the. lowest level of fite engine accessway ot fre engine access road {appicable to buildings under purpose group Il] fo the finished floor level of the highest habitable floos. The height of building oF (where relevant, of part of a buiiding as described in the Code, means the height of such building or part, measured from the average level of the ground adjoining the outside of the external walls of the building to the level of haif the vertical height of, tne roof of the buiing or part or the top of the walls or of the parapet if any), whichever is the higher. Loadbearing wall means & wall which supporls any load in addition 10 its own weight. In the context of this Code, masomy refers to brick or concrete construction or other equivalent construction ‘approved by the Relevant Authority, Non-combustible material means any material which neither burns nor gives off flammable vapour in sufficient quantity to ignite when subjected to the tes! for combustibilty prescribed in 85 476 Part 4, and includes materials of limited combustibilty, such os fa) Any material of density 300 kg/m? or more, which when tested fo BS 47é: Pert 11, does not flame and the ise in’ temperature" on the fumace thermocouple is net more than 20°C; External well [orside of a building) Fre resistance Fre stop Habitable floor Habitable height Height of building | Non combustible material 1243 1244 1246 1247 1248 1.250 (b)_ Any matetia wih 0 non-combusble core at least | 9 Simin tice having combust focing (on one oF both sides) nol move thon O mm ticks one i i | (ec) Any moterial of density less than 300 kg/m’, which when tested to BS 476: Part 11, does not flame for more than 10 seconds and the rise in temperature ‘on the centre (specimen) thermocouple is not more, than 35°C and on the furnace thermocouple is not more than 25°C. Non-lead bearing wall means @ wall which supports no | Non-load oad other than ils own weight bearing wall Boundary presumed fo exis! for the purpose of this |) Notional document between buiings on the same site. boundary — g) The maximum aggregate area of unprotected areas in |, Permitted: any side or external wall of @ building or compariment | limit of ‘as eferred oin Cl. 3.5.3, unprotected ‘An exit staircase, exit passageway. lif, chute, duct or | Protected Other shaft which enables persons or things or ait to pass | shatt from one compartment fo another Wall, floor or other part of the bulging which encloses @ | Protecting prolacted shaft, bul not shucture (a)_A wall which also forms part of an extemal wall, Separating wall or comporiment wal, ot {b)A.loor which is also @ compartment for cra floor 3 Icic drectly on the ground. oF 1 (el Aro. | for the purpose of ths document, every bulging or} Purpose ompertmant shall be regareled according fo f Use of | gtouR s=l out in Table 125. For designation of purpose group, Minere a buicing is ved into compariments used or | intended to be used fox diferent purposes, he pupae | group of each compextment shal be devemined | Separately, provided thal where the whole or pot of @ bulging or compartment (or the care may bel fused or | infended to be used for more than one purpose. ony the main purpose of use of that bulling or compare | 2 thal Be Token into account in deleting Ivo Which purpose group i fal intended use as falling within one of the purpose groups | 1251 1.252 1.253 1254 1.285 1256 1259 1261 1.2.62 Relevant Authority means the Corrmissioner_of Singapore Civil Defence Force and includes officers ‘authorised by him generally or specifically to exercise: the powers, funciions and duties conferred by the Fire Satety Act Boundary in relation to a side or extemal wall of a bulling or compartment, including a notional boundary. Includes any domelight, lantem light, skyight or other element intended to admit doyight An enclosed space in a building that is not an enclosed Relevant Authority Relevant boundary © Rooflight Circulation space or a protected shaft or an enclosed space not exceeding 750 mmin depth. A form of comparimentation tha! is @ ort which is separated from another part of the same building by @ compartment wall which runs full height of the pot and isin one continuous plane, ‘Awall separating adjoining buicings. The distance required to be traversed fom the most remote point in any room or space to he edge of a door opening directly fo - dn exit staircase, or an exit passageway, or an open exterior space, In relation to.a side or external wall of a bulding means: a) window, door or other opening, anc [b)_ Any part of the external wall which has less than the rolovant fre resistance roquired in C13, and [c}_ Any part of the extemal wall which has combustible material more than 1 mm thick allached or appied to is extemal tace whether for cing or ony | other purpose. An el slarcase or exit ramp serving os required exit from ‘one of mote storeys above or below ground level. | Room Separated part (of a building} Separating wal Travel distance Unprotected ‘rea Vertical exit 1.268 For the purpose of internal surfaces, includes: (a eo The suriace of glazing, and Any part of ceiling which slopes at an angle of 70 ‘degrees or more fo the horizontal bul excluding: (0. door frames and unglazed parts of doers, and (i) window ftames and framesin which glazing is fitted, and (ii) architraves, cover moulds, picture rails, skttings || ‘and similar narrow membess, and i (i) filed furniture, Wallsurtoce & Table 1.28 Designation of Purpose Groups Descriptive Title Purpose for which building or part of fhe building is used orintended to be used. Smal Pivele dweling house such as bungaiows| residential |semicdetached houses and terrace houses, including townhouses, CHAPTER 2 MEANS OF ESCAPE 24 ud 22 22. 227 228 229 (CHAPTER 2 [MEANS OF ESCAPE GENERAL The provisions of this chapter of the Code shall serve to fexoress the intentions for determining the design, construction, protection, location, arrangement and maintenance of exit facilties 10 provide safe means of escape for occupanis from all buildings hereatler erected, altered or changed in occupancy. DETERMINATION OF EXIT REQUIREMENTS The determination of ext requirements for building shall be based upon the type of use or cccupancy of the building, the occupant load, the floor area, the travel distance to an exit and the capacily of exits as provided in Table 2.24 and herein. Every storey of a buiding shall be provided with ext fecilties for its ‘occupant load. No exit, exit staircase or other exit facilies shall be arower then the minimum width tequiement as specified under Table 228. The minimum clear width of ‘an exit door opening shail be not less than 850. mm. The maximum width of exit staircases shal be not more than 2000 mm. Where staircases exceed 2000 mm in width, handrails shall be used fo divide the staircase into sections of not less than 1000 mm of width or more than 2000 mm of width. For the purpose of determining the exil capacity of staircase that is wider than 2000 mm that forms part of the required means of escape from any storey of the building, that part of is width in excess of 2000 mm shail not be taken into account. The measurement of width referred to under Clauses 227 and 2.28 shall be the clear width, including the ‘width of plinth fo balustrade or parapel well: (a) Inthe case of an exit staircase, between - (i) the finished surfaces of the walls, if the staircase is enclosed on both sides by walls only, o General Minimums width Maximum width Measurement cof width 23 238 234 {ithe finished surface of the wall and the inner side of the balustrads, if the staircase has a wall on one side and a belustrade on the other side, or {il] the inner sides of the bolustrades if the staircase has balustrades on both sides, and the projection of handrail into the clear width of a. staircase shall not exceed 80mm on each side of the staircase. if the projection exceeds 80mm, the clear width of the scircase shall be measured from the inner sides of the handrails (b}_ In the cose of an exit door opening, between the ‘edge of the door jamb or stop and the surlace of the door when kep! open at on angle of 90 degrees in the case of a single leaf door; and in the: case of a double leat door opening, between the surface of one leaf fo the other when both leaves ‘aie kept open al an angle of 90 degrees. See diagram 2.2:9(b) [MEANS OF ESCAPE REQUIREMENTS - GENERAL (d)_ The minimum width and capacity of ext staircases shall be as specified in Table 224, and such staircases shail comply with the following: (i) Winciets snait not be permitted in any ouilding other than for access staircases of residential buildings and in such cases, there shall be not ‘mote than 1 winder per 90 degree turn, (i) Where circular/geometic sicrcases are used as ex! staircases, the width of treads mecsured at the narrower end shall be not less than 100 mm and at a distance of half metre from the narrower end shall be not less than 225 mm, {e]_ Where the width of the exit staircase exceeds 2000 | Winders Q Treads for circular! geomettic sHolrcaces i I | mm, handrails shal be provided in accerdance | with the requirements of Cl. 2.2.8, (a) Hordwood staircase shall be allowed fo be wsed as internal access staircase in building. Handrails Hardwood staircase 2 237 238 (©) Where timber staircares ore used in buildings, which ‘re nol under conservation, the structural etements such as the stinger supporting the treads and risers shall be constructed of non-combustible materials, Spiral Staircase [a} Spiral storcases shall not serve as required exits excep! thal extesnal unenclosed spiral staircases when bull of non-combustible materials and having a tread length of at least 750 mm may serve (as required exits from mezzanine floors and balconies or any storey having an cccupant load not exceeding 25 petsons, and {b} Such spiral staircases shall be not more than 10 m high, Internal and extemal exit ramps may be used s exits in lieu of intemal and extemal exit staircases subject to compliance to the applicable requiremenis of Cl. 23.3. and fo the following: (a) The slope of such exit ramps shall not be steeper than Vin 10, ant (b)_ Exit ramps shail be straight with changes in direction being made ct level platforms or landings only, except that exit ramps having a slope not greater than Vin 121 any place may be curved, and (ec). Platform 1) level platforms or landings shall ke provided at the bottom, at intermediate levels where required and at the top of all exitramps, and fi) level platforms shall be provided at each door opening into or from an exit amp, and fi) the minimum width of @ platform or lending and length shail be not less tha the width of ihe ramp, except that on a stightxun ramp, the length of the level plotforn or landing need not be more than 1m, and (a) Ext ramps shall have walls, guards or handrails end shall comply with the applicable requirements of C123.3(d) for ext staircases, and 4 aitramp Slope Changes in direction Platform, | Guards and handrails 239 24 241 2412 [e]__Allexit amps shall be provided with non-slip surface firishes, ong (11 Bit ramps shall be ventilated to comply wth. the requirements for ventilation of ext! stacases, and (a) Bit ramps serving as means of escape fo only one basement siorey need not be protecied by enclosure walls Exit doors and exit access doors shall comply with the following: {a} Bil doors shall be capable of being opened manually, without the use of a key, too), special knowledge or effort for operation from the inside of the buiding RESIDENTIAL OCCUPANCY Means of escape for a building or a seperate part of a building of single occupancy may be proviced via access staircases, and exit staircase under the grovision of cl2.3is not required, ‘An attic in buildings may be constructed of timber boardings on fimber joists, provided itis protected to Achieve the fre resistance rating required of the ‘elements of structure of the bulling or compariment, i I t i sutce = entiation Enclosure exemption Bal doors and Ext access | doors Residential bulings Alte floor, “BrZUP 99r~ sou0)p BroH UruRON x Efe» SCURISPF=Ip UPURON LBD aw | ow ji feof w ajo | ow | om | ow | |e poem | osm | sop onesoras | re arn | paen | pare) pan sade | wn | neo | wos} sus: e Suse | teasun | ee | span Lepuod sac | e009 1 sesroxanoy uypeou ste 9500, ‘3 peinelapwss Bead (apn o nog 80,008 Seow souecna20 0 oa, 0 NSW3¥INDIY 1X3 4O NOUNIWARIZG Vz" FIBVI 16 Diagram 22.916) Measurement of width of exit doors DOUBLE LEAF | CHAPTER 3 STRUCTURAL FIRE PRECAUTIONS 3 3d 32 3.24. 325 CHAPTER 3 STRUCTURAL FIRE PRECAUTIONS. GENERAL The purpose of this chapter of the Code isto stipulate: requirements to minimise the risk of spread of fre belween adjoining buidings by separation, prevent the Untimely collapse of buildings in the event of fre by the pproviion of a stable and curable form of constuction Cond prevent the spread of fre behveen specified ports of the buildings by the division of such ouildings into ‘compariments PROVISION OF COMPARTMENT WALLS AND COMPARTMENT FLOORS, {6} Buildings may consis! of more than 3 floors if they ‘fe occupied as a single household dwelling, The following sityations shall requize comporimentation bby provision of compariment walls and/or compartment floors - {c}_ Any floor immediately over @ basement storey if such storey - {| forms part of @ building whict has five or mote storeys {including the basement storey) [m}Coldroom (i) Provision of the fire resisting outer layer enclosure, including the fe door, to the coidroom would not be requitedit * The coldroom is located in o building under purpose group | Single household dwelling Other cases requiring ‘compariment walls & ‘compariment floors Floor over a basement 33 333 334 FIRE RESISTANCE OF ELEMENTS OF STRUCTURE Subject fo any expressed provision to the conticry, any element of structure shall be consttucted cf non combuslible materials and to have fre resistance for not les than the relevant period specified in Table 3.34, having regard to the purpose group of the builing of which it forms a part and the dimensions speciied in that Table, provided that - (e) Any separating wall shall have fire resisionce of rrotless than |-hour, ond In the case of a single storey building or @ building contsising of a fist storey and one or more basernent sloteys, nothing in Cl. 33.1 shall apply fo ony element of structure which forms part of the fist storey and consists of {a} A structural frame or @ beam or column, provided that any Beam or column (whether or not it forms part of siructural frame} which is within or forms part of a wall, and any column which gives support fo @ well or gallery, shall have fire resistance of not less than the minimum peciod, if any, required by this code for that wail or gallery, or (6) Aninternal loadbearing wall orc loadbearing part Cf a wall, unless that wall or part of i forms port of @.compariment wall or a separating wall or forms ppart of the structure enclosing a protected shaft or supports a gallery, or {c) Patt of en extemal wall which does not support a «gallery ond which may, in accordance with Cl. 3.5 be an unprotected area. The interpretation and application of Cl. $3 shall bo as follows: {a} If any element of structure is required fo be of Minienum periods of fire resistance Exemption | tor single | storey | buildings non-combusiible construction, the measure of fire | resistance rafing shall be determined by ‘he part which is constructed wholly of non-combustible materials. [With the exception of fre protecting suspended celings, surface materials for walls anc celiings and floor finishes may be combustible. if they are not relied on to contibule to the fre resislance of the wall or floor) » 9 336 337 Ay 4 In determining the fie resistance of floos, ne account J Suspended shall be taken of ony fie resistance attibutable to any | celing suspended ceiling unless the celing s constructed specifically as a fre protecting suspended ceting and the construction complies with the requiements under Table 3.38 for Limitations on Fire Protecting Suspended Ceilings, Fre rated boards are permitted to be used for | Fre rated protection fo stuctural steel beams and columns in | board building not exceeding the habitable height of 24m: and to beams only, except load-bearing transfer ‘beams, in building exceeding the habileble height of 24m: the following conditions are satistactonily fullled: (Material shall be non-combustible (85476 Pt 4 or Pt Mand (i) it shail have fire resistance for not less than the relevant period specified in Table 334 having regard fo the purpose group of the building of which it forms a part and the dimensions specified In that Table: ana (ii) 1 shail meet the critea, in terms of water absorption and bending strength performance, when subject to test of 851230 Pt ° (for gypsum. plaster board) or ISO. 1896 (for calcium slicate o° ‘cement board); and (iv) The fre rated boards shall be constructed to be in contact with the slee! column. If tis unavoidable, the void space between the fire rated board and the steel column shall be adequaiziy filed to a height of 1-2m, measured from finished floor level, with fie protective material such as concrete, gypsum or grout to prevent any posible denting of the boards: ond (vi) There shal be no services running in the space between the steel structure and fire rated boards, Unless these services are encased in concrete of runiin steel conduits, Note : Fire rated boards should not be used fo protect stuclural steel in areas which may be subject 10 explosion risks as the boards may be displaced by tne force of the blast 34 34.1 34.2 343 TESTS OF FIRE RESISTANCE Performance for the fire resiiance of elements of structure, doors and other forms of construction shall be determined by reference to he methods specified in 8S 476:Part 20 to 23, which specily esis for stability, | Integiily and insulation i Specific requirements for each element in fetmns of the three performance ctileria of stabilly, intearty and Insviation ote given in Tabbie 3.48, | An element of structure, door or other part of « building shall be deemed fo have the requisite fre resisiance if i {0} fs constuctes fo the same specification 2s that | of @ specimen exposed to tes! by fire in accordance with the method and procedure } under BS 476: Port 20 to 23, and satisfed the | requirements of that test for the thee | performance criteria of stabilly, integrty and insulation for not less than the specified period , or | {o)_ In the cose of wail, beam, column, stanchion or floor to which Appendix A to Cl. 3.4 relates, it is constructed in accordance with one of the spectication set aut in that Appendix ond the notional period of fire resistance given in that ‘Appendix as being appropriate fo that type of constuction and other relevant factors isnot less than the specified period, The use of timber floors shall not be allowed, except (a). foran attic in buildings: and (6) in buildings designated for conservation where the fimber floors ore requited to be retained, but subject fo compliance with the technical guidelines for ‘FIRE SAFETY REQUIREMENTS [AFFECTING SHOPHOUSES UNDER CONSERVATION.” a Fee resistance Deem to solisty” provisions timber floors 38 351 38.2 353 354 EXTERNAL WALL Requirements of Extemal Walls shall be as ‘ollows: (a) Any external wall of a building or a separated part ofc building which consfitutes or is stuated within @ distance of 1 m from any point on the relevant boundary, or is a wall of @ building or a separated or! of a building which exceeds 15 m in height shall - (be consttucted wholly of non-combustible materials apart from any extemal cladding which compiles with Cl, 3.6.4 ar any intemal lining which complies with Cl, 3.12.4, and fi) be so consttucted as to alain the fire resistance required by this chapter, ang (b) Any beam or column forming part ef an extemal wall and any structure carying an extemal wall which is requied to be constructed of non-combustible material, shall comply with the provisions of sub-cl. fa, The requirements of Cl. 35.1{a)() for non- combusibility of external walls shal not apply fo the exteinal wall of building or separated part of @ building- (6) if that wailis situated 1 m or more from the relevant boundary: (1 of not more than three storeys. Excep! where otherwise provided, unprotecied areas in any side of a building shall comply with the following: {a} Any televant requirements relating to the peinitted limits of unprolected areas specified in Appendix B unless the building is so situated that such side may in accordance with Appendix B consists entirely of any unprotected area, and Cladding on Exteel Walls shall comply with the following: (2) ff such cladding is situated fess than | m from any point on the relevant boundary, F shall have surlace complying with the requitements for Class ‘01,and 2 | Requirements of extemal walls | | Exceptions Unprotected creas in ony side of a building Cladding ‘on external walls 355 356 36 36.1 {b) such cladding is situated 1 m or mote from the relevant boundary it shall have, if the building is more than 15 m in height, a surface complying with the requiements specified for Class “0 except that any part of such cladding below a height of 15 m from the ground may consist of timber of not less than 9 mm finshed thickness or of @ material having a surface which, when tested in ‘accordance with BS 476: Port 6 have an index of perfomance {I} not exceeding 20. Any reference to Appendix 8 shall be consirJed as relering to the provisions of Part | of that Appendix fogether with the provisions of Port I I two or more detached buildings are erected on land in common occupation, ony external wall of any building so erected which faces on external wall of such other building, the relevant boundary shall be a nofonal boundary passing between those buildings ‘and such boundary mus! be capable of being situated in such a postion as to enable the extemal walls of those buildings fo comply with the requirements of Cl. 353. SEPARATING WALLS Every separating wall shall fo) Form o complete barter in the same continuous vertical plane through the ful height between the buidings it separates, including fools and basements and shall be imperforate except for provisions of openings permitted under Cl. 36.2 and (b) Have the appropriate fire resistance to comply wilh Ihe requremenls of C133, ane fe] Be corsincted of non-combustible material, together with any beam and column which form pat! of the wall and any suctute which it canes (4) Notinclude glass fre resisting walls © i | Reference | fo Part I-llof | Appendix i Buildings fon land in ‘common occupation Requirements of separating walls 362 363 365 37 37.1 le) Sception Subciause {a] need not be applied to wall between car porches of buildings under purpose group |. For fenace-housing situation, this exception wil not ® ‘opply if the carporch i spanning from one side boundary to the other. A separating weil shail have no openings except for - a) door required fo provide a means of escape in the event of a fie, having the same ‘ire resistance: <5 that required for the wall ond cemplying with CL 392.0F [el Opening for the passage of a pipe complying with the relevant provisions of C1. 3.9.3, A separating wall shall be either canied up to form a close joint with the undesside of a pitched roof of non-combusiible covering or cared up above the level of such root covering. The junction kelween such Separating wall and roof shall be properly fre-stopped 30 a5 no! fo render inefiective the resistance of such separating wall fo the effecis of he spread of fire. No combustible material shall be bull into, cortied through or caried across the ends of or carried over the top of separating walls in such @ way as fo render ineffective such separating walls fo the effects of the spread of fie COMPARTMENT WALLS AND COMPARTMENT FLOORS Every comporiment wall or compartment foor shall be required 0 ~ (a) form complete borier to fre hetween the compartments it separates, and (>) Have the appropricte fire resistance to comply with the requirements of Cl. 3.3, and [c] Be constructed of non-combustible materials [together with any beam or column which forms art of the wall or floor and any structure which i cartes}, and Openings in separating walls Separating wall - roof junction Prohibition of combustible materials in separating walls Requirements | of compartment wall or ‘compartment floors 372 373 374 {6} Have no fre resisting glass forming part of F unless permitted under c13.15.13. A. compartment wall or compartment floor shail nave ‘no openings ini, except for- [al Adooe which hos the same fre resistance rating os the compariment wall and complies with the relevant requiements of Cl. 34, unless permitted bby other provisions of the Code, or (b) A protected shaft which complies with the requirements of Cl. 38, or fe) The passage of a pipe or ventilation duct, floor shall be protected 1o comply with the “elevant such openings in the compartment wall or compartment | (a) Where a compartment wall or compartment floor forms a junction with any structure comprisng any ‘other compariment wall, or any extemal wall, separating wall or slructure enclosing a protected shat, such structures shall be bonded together at the junctions or the junctions shall be fire-sopped fo comply with the requirements of Cl. 3.12. {b) The opening occuring at the junction between | the edge of o stuctural floor and the curtain | waling shall be sealed fo prevent the spread of | smoke ond flame from the lower floor to the upper | floor via the opening. Materials to be used for | sealing the opening shall have the recuiite fre | resistance rating os the elements of stuctus. Sree eee eee Reeasen ca oariata ea aan ba ecracloeT seeing teal al ho eercorene ena hepreton | evean neh cnpariean vel loot fal be 2s Openings ‘compariment wall or compartment floor Jnetion with other suctures Opening in curicin walling Compartment wall = roof junctions 375 376 38 38.1 38.2 383 No combustible material shail be buit into, carried through or camtied across the ends of any compartment wall or comportment floor or carried over the top of any comporiment wall in such a manner as to render inetective the resitance of such ‘wall or flocr fo the effects of the spreac of fre. Every compariment well or compartment floor shail be conshucted of non-combustible metefials, unless pemntied by the Relevant Authority. PROTECTED SHAFTS. A protected shaff shall not be used for any purpose ‘additional to those given as defined under Cl. 1.2.47, All services such 05, pive/cuct installation should not be located inside protected stalrcase. Likewise, no washroom is allowed fo be localed inside protected staircase. Every protected shaft shall be requited le - (a) Form a complete batier to fie between the different compartments which the sraft connects, cond {b] Have the aporoptiate fire resistance to comply wilh the requirements of Cl. 33, and (c}_ 82 constructed of non-combusiisle material {together with any beam or columi which forms orl of the enclosure and any stucture which ‘cartes i A protected shat shall have no openings in its enclosure, except - [a] In the case of any part of the enclosure which is formed by a separating wall, any cpening which complies with the requirements of Cl. 36 for separating walls, or {b) In the case of any part of the enclosure which is formed by compartment wall or o ‘compariment floor, any opening wrich complies with the requirements of Cl. 37 for compartment ‘wall or compartment floor, or % Prohibition of ‘combustible |) materials Non com- bustbity of compariment ‘walls oF floors | Purpose of protected shat Requirements | of protected shat Openings in protected | shaft [e] In the case of any part of the enclosure which is formed by the protecting structure - (door which has the appropicte fre resistance to comply with the requitements of Cl. 3.4 for test of fre resistance, or ofenwise | permitted by provision of CI. 3.8.6, oF (i) the passage of a pipe, excluding pretecting siucture to ext starcose and exit posiageway, or such openings in the protected shaft shall be protected to comply with the retevant provisions of Cl.39 for protection of openings. 9 Non- combustibitiy of protecting _ strctures| 384 Every protecting siruciure shal be consiucted wholly of non-combustible materials except that floor, wall ‘and ceiling finishes which do nol contribute 10 the fre resstonce of such protecting structure may not be requied to comply with the teuirements for non-cambustiilty 38.5 Ventilation of Protected Shaft shall comply with the following: (b) A protected shatt containing @ pipe conveying ‘905 shall be adequately ventilated directly fo the oubide air or have other modes of ventilation allowed under $8 CP 51 38.6 Any doo’ filled to an opening in protecting structure shall | Doors in have fire resistance for not less than half the petiod | protecting required by other provisions of the Code for the } siruciures protecting structure surrounding the opening. Exception Any door filed fo an opening in protecting stuctue of a shalt confining services such os electrical cables, pipes, | ducts would not need to have the fie resstones rating | the door is located along the wall facing the extemal condor. 387 Aprotected shaft which contains an exit staircase shall} Protected comply with the folowing: | shat containing |e 2 388 te ‘The protecting situcture shall be constructed of masonty. or drywall. If drywall constuction is used, ‘the following conditions shall be complied with A) Drywall shail be non-combustible: end (i) Drywall shall have fire resistance for not less than the relevant period specified. in Table 3.34 having regard to the purpose group of the building of which it forms a part and the dimension specified in thal Table; and {ii} Drywall shall meet the efter. in terms of impoct and deflection performance, when subject fo the tests of BS $588 PI 5 Appendix ‘Acand 85 5234 P12; and (i) Drywall shall meet the crileria in terms of water absorption and bendng strength Performance, when subject fo the fest of BS 1280 PI 1 (for gypsum plaster toard) 0° ISO 1876 (for calcium slicate or cement board); and (¥) The building shall have at least two independent exit staircase shatis_ (scissors staircases are considered as single shai, A protected shat! which contains a lit shal comply with tne following a) (o) It shall not contain any pipe conveying gas or combustible liquid, other than those inthe mechanism of o hydraulic it, The protecting structure shail be censtucted of masonry, oF drywall. If drywall constuction is used, the following conditions shall be complied with (Drywall shall be non-combustible: and Drywall shall have fire resistance for not less than the relevant period specified in Table 3.34 having regard to the purpose group of tne building of which it forms a oart and the dimension specified in that Table: ond 2 Lift shat 388 fa te) i ol Drywall shall meet the ctiterc, in teins of impact and deflection performance, when subject fo the tests of BS 5585 PI 5 Appendix ‘A-ond BS $234 Pt 2: and (i) Drywall shall meet the ctllera, in teins of water absorption and bending sirength performance, when subject 10 the test of 8S 1230 Pt 1 {for gypsum plaster board) or ISO 1896 [for calcium slicate or cement board); ond (¥) Drywall shall_ meet the citeia of Cyclic Loading and Dynamic tes! as specified under CL 33. of Building Code of Avstialia specification ¢ 1.8. The protected shaff_ shall be vered in accordance with $5 CP 2 Code of Practice for Installation, Operation ond Maintenance of Hlectic Passenger and Goods Lifts. The verts shall bbe so arranged as fe induce exhaust ventilation of the shall. Where venls could not be povided because of the location of the lif shat, ventilation duct protected by drywall complying with €13.88(0) seving as ventiation of the shaft may be provided instead. If the duct is not fc be fire faled, fre dampers shall be provided fo the duct ‘ot the wall of the it shofi, provided such relaxation shall nol apply 10 shat! containing fire i | | | Openings for the passage of lit cables into the ti motor room located above or at the betiom of the shaft shall be as small as practicable. Transom panel above iit entrance shall be considered os part of the protecting structure and shall therefore conform fo the fre resistance requiterents of the protected stucture. fi serves any basement storey ond not asjoining any void connecting 10 upper levels or any ‘external spaces, there shall be provided 3 lobby enclosed by walls having fire resistance of not loss} than 1 hour and fre door of not less than half an hour. » 389 A protected shaft used for the enclosuie of services Protected shall comply with the following: shaft containing [0] Ifthe protecting structure for the protected shattis other Consttucted of drywall, the following conditions services shall be complied with installations Drywall shail be non-combustible: end {i] Drywall shall have fire resistance for not less than the relevant period specliied in Table 33 having regard fo the purpose group of the building of which it forms a part and the dimension specified in that Table: and (ii) Drywall shall meet the crite, in terms of impact and defiection performance, when subject fo the tesis of BS $588 PI 5 Appendix ‘Acand 8S 5234 Pt2: and {iv Drywall shall mest the criteria in terms of water absorption and bending strength: and performance, when subject fo ihe test of BS 1230 Pt 1 (for gypsum plaster Loard) oF ISO. 1896 (for calcium slicate or cement board) {b) Protected shaft used for the enclose of electical power services shail be interupted at every floor level with bartiers with fe resistance of, at least half an hour, Protected shaft used for the enclosure of felecommunications cables shall be interupted by batiers with fre resistance of at least half an hour at vertical intervals not ‘exceeding 15 m. Such cavity barriers shall comply with the relevant provisions of Cl. 3.11 fe} In the case of protected shatts which are | Omission of interupted by batters with fire resistance of at least |} self-closing half cn haur at every floor level or protected shafts | devices containing sanitary pipes or water pipes, fre resisting doors opening info the protected shaft are not Fequired to be installed with automafc sel-closing devices, provided such doors ore kep! closed and locked at al times. 39 39.1 39.2 PRX (@) er PROTECTION OF OPENINGS The provisions of this Clause ate made in connection with the protection of openings permitted in elements of structure or other forms of fire resisting constuction requited to acl as a barter to fre and smoke. Fre doors for protection of openings shall comply with the following: (a) Fre doors shall have the appropriae fire resistance as required by relevant parts of the Code, and two fie doors may be filfec in on opening it each door by itself is capcble of closing the opening and the two dooss together achieve the required level offre resislance, and {b) All fre doors shall be fitted with an automatic sell-closing device which is capable of closing the | door from any angle and against any latch fitted to the door, and {d) Any hinge on which o fire door is hung salt be made entirely of non-combustible materials having a melting point of af least B00EC, and le] Any fire door fitied in an opening which Is provided as a means of escape: {| shall be capable of being opened manually, without “the use of key, lool. special knowledge or effort for operation trom the inside of the building: and {i sho not be held open by any mears other than by an, electomagnetic or ecto: | mecharical device which can be activated by the presence of smote and/or the | building alarm system, provided that tis shal not apply inthe case of fee doors opening into pressurised ext slarcoses, | (fi) shall open in the diection of exit tavel in| accordance with CL239 (9 Fire doors where required to be provided shall be constucted and installed to comply with specications stipulated under $$ 332 Specification for Fre Doors a Application / | Fite doors 39.3 an 312 ale 32 3122 3.123 geet Pipes which pass through a separating wall compartment wall or compartment floor shall be kept 4 small as possible and fire-slopped around the pipe. The nominal iniemal diameter of the pipe shall be not mote than the relevant dimension given in Table 3.74, Spacing between pipes shall be minimum SOmm or diameter of the largest pipe, whichever is he larger. CONCEALED sPactS Buildings under purpose group | ate not required to ‘comply with the requirements on the provtion of cavity batier in concealed spaces. FIRE STOPPING. ‘Openings for pipes, ducts, conduils or cables which pass through any part of an Element of Structure {except for a Part which does not serve as a fire resisting bare) ot Cavity Barter, shal be = (a) Kept as few in number as possible, and (b) Kept as smal as practicable, ond [c} All gaps shail be filed with fre-stooping materials, Fire-stopping shall be of material having the necessary fire resistance when tested to BS 476: Pat 20 or other ‘acceptable standards, Suitable fre-stopping materials include (a) Proprietary fre stopping and seciing systems (including those designed for service penetrations) Which have been shown by test 1o maintain the fire resistance of the wal or other element, subject to ‘approval by the Relevant Authority. (©) Other fre-stopping materials include. (i) cement mortor: fi) gypsum based plaster; fii) Cement or gypsum based verrricuite/perite mixes; Pipes | General provision Fire stopping Materials for fire- stopping 313 313.1 3.132. 3133 (iv) Glass fore, crushed rock, blast furnace slag or Ceramic based products (with or without resin, binders), and (¥)_intumescent mastics The method offre slopping and choice of materials should be appropriate fo the situation and is oppication, RESTRICTION OF SPREAD OF FLAME OVER SURFACES OF WALLS AND CEILINGS. Any reference to a surface being Class 0 srall be construed as a requirement that - fa} The material of which the wall or celing is constructed shall be non-combusiible throughout: or (0) The surface material (or, ii is bonded throughout 10. substrate, the surface material in conjunction with the substrate} shall have o surface of Class | and if ested in accordance with BS 476: Part 6 shall have an index of performance ()) not exceeding 12.and a sub-index (I nol exceeding 4. Any reference to a surface being of a class offer that Class 0 shall be consued as a requirement that the material which the wall or celing is constiucted shall comply with the relevant test criteria as to surface spread of flame specified in relation fo that class in BS 476: Poth 7. Class 0 shal be regarded a the highest class folowed In descending order by Class 1. Class 2. Class 3 and Class 4, as sot hereunder: * Class 0- surtace of no Flame spreaci. Those surfaces that conform fo the requirements of Cl, 3.13.1 * Class 1 - Surface of Very Low Flame Spread. Those surfaces on which not more thon 150mm mean spread of flames occurs under the televant test conditions 38 Requirements for Class 0 Requirements fora class ther than class 0 classification 6 3.13.5 Class 2 - Surface of Low Flame Spread. those surfaces on which duting the firs! 1-1/2 minutes of fest, the mean spread of flame is not more than 375 mm and the nal stead does not exceed 450 ram Under the relevant test conditions, Class 3 - Surface of Medium Flame Soread. Those surfaces on which during the first 1-1/2 minutes of fest, the mean spread of flame is not more than 375 mm and during the first 10 minutes of tests no! mote than 825 mm under the relevant test conditions, Class 4 - Surface of Rapid ame Spread. Those surfaces on which during the fist 1-1/2 minutes of tes! the mean spread of flame is more than 375 mm and duting the fist 10 minutes of testis more than 825 mm under the relevant conditions. (a) Any part of the surlace of @ wall in a room or ‘compartment may be of any class not lower than Class 3 if the oree of that part (oF if here are two ‘of more such pars, the fotal area of those parts) does not exceed ine following - (in the case of « building or compartment of Purpose group I, 20m? (b] Any part of the surface of a ceiling may be of any class not lower than Class 3 it that part of the surface is the face of a layer of material the other face ot which is exposed to the external cir [skylight include) and - (ii) the ceiling is that of @ balcony, verandah, ‘open carport, covered way or loading bay which finespective of is floor area) hes at least one of its longer sides wholly and permanently open, or (iv) the ceiling is that of a garage oF outbuilding which inespective of whether it forms part of {building or is a building which is attached fo ‘another building or wholly detached } has floor crea not exceeding 40 m2 i Where class of flame spread may be of ‘any closs not lower than class 3 34 B14) 3143 34d 3.15 3151 ROOFS Surfoce of matetials for roof covering and roof ‘construction shall have a surface spread of flame rating not lower than class 1, except in the case of purpose ‘gioups |, and in buildings that are protected throughout ‘with automatic sprinkler system in compliance with Chapter 6 i A the junctions with separating wall or compartment ‘wall, roof construction shall comply with the relevant | requirements under Cl, 3.63 and Cl. 3.74 respectively Roo! terace shail not be roofed over. ITitis either partially 1 fully tooled over, i shall be considered as a habitable floor. [MATERIALS FOR CONSTRUCTION I (a) Materials used in the construction of building elements shall comply with the provisions stated | under this section in addiion to the performance | requirements such as for fire resistance and mit to | spread of flame as stipulated in other relevant sections of the code. (0) Intumescent paints is allowed to be used for protection of stuctured steel members of ail | buildings, to achieve the requited fire resslance, | provided | q (i) the paint shall be of a proprietary systern that hos been demonstrated to achieve the fie resistance performance as required in BS 476 Port 20/21 or its equivalent, together will the specified weathering tests as specified in the BS (8282: Part 21992; {i) they shall be used to protect structural eeams only, excluding load transfer beams, it the habitable height of ihe building exceed: 24m, | {iil coating of intumescent paint onto stricture sleel, and subsequent maintenance shal conform fo BS 8202: Pat 2: 1992: and 36 Root consituction Root junction with separating | wall and compartment wall Roof fenace Intumescent Paints 3s2 3153 31586 3158 {iv)_ all requirements stipulated in the Appendix to this clause: “Notes on the use of Intumescen’ Paints for Protection to Stuctural Stee! Members of Buildings” shall be complied with, (Please see Appendix (FI) (c) Home retardant chemicals are pemitied to be Used for upgrading of fire resstarce rating or surface spread of flame of fiber or any combustible materials, subject fo the folowing: (i) The chemical treatment process s part ond parcel of the manufacturing process 10 produce the finithed product : (i) The chemical treatment is by means of ‘pressure impregnation conforming to $§ CP: 1 ~ Use of Timber in Building Construction , ot the manufacturer's specification in accordance to the protolype lest, for timber and other combustible materials respectively fii) The treated material/products have_been subjected lo fie test as tequed under C1 3.4.1 or C13.13.1 All elements of structure sholl be constucted of non- combustible materials in addition to the relevant provisions as folows: 133 for fre resistance of elements of skuctre, C135.1,35.2 8 35.4 for Extemal Walls, C13.6.1(c}/{a) & 3.4.5 for Separating Walls, C137.eV{d), 37.5 & 3.7.6 for Compartment Walls cnet Compartment Floors, C138.2{c}, 38.4, 38.7(c), 388(b}, 384{e) and 3.69fa} for Protected hats, Materiais used for the protection of openings shail ‘comply with the relevant provisions of c13.7 of the code {or protection of openings. Materials used for construction of celing and its supports shall comply with Table 3.138. Materials used for fre stopping shall comply with the relevant provisions of c13.12.2 and 3.123. 3.159) 3.18.10 3.15.11 3.18.12 3.18.13 315.14 Materials used on the surfaces of walls and ceilings exe requied to meel the requirements for restriction of | spread of flame and fo comply wih the performance requirements as sipuiated under 13.13. Materials used for roof construction shall comply with the provisions of c13.14.1 & 3.14.2 intemal nonoad bearing walls in buildings sha! comply with Table 3.138 and the materials for suface fishes of infernal non-load bearing walls shail not be treated os pat of the wall and shall comply with the relevant provisions of cl 3.13, a} Composite panels which consist of plasic coe shall not be used either for the construction of intemal non-ioad beating walls, ceilings, external walls of as cladding fo extemal walls of all buildings unless piior approval has been cbiained from the Relevont Authority. |b} Materials with surtace flame spread rating of not lower than Class 2 shali be permitied to de used for the constuction of pattition for tolet cubicles only. Fie rated glass wall/door to comparimert walls, compariment floors, and protected shetls not containing exit staircase and fire it. In buildings which are protected by an automatic sprinider system, fre rated glass can be usec for the constuction of compariment walls, compartment floors, enclosures fo smoke stop lobby and fie fighting lobby, and protected shafts not containng ext siaircase and fre it, subject fo the following: (a) The walls and doors shall have the necessary fe resstance, including insulation, when susject to fest under 8S 476: Part 20-23: and (6) The walls and doors shall meet the class 4 of the Impact Performance requirements when subject to {est under BS 6206 or AS 2208. Infernal non-load becring walls, ceilings and finishes shall not contain any plastic matevial 2 | TABLES.3A [Minionum periods offre resistance) In this Tobie - ‘cubical extent” means the cubico! extent of he building o,f the building is ivided into compartments, the compartment olwhich the elements of slructure forns part “oor area” means the floor area of each storeyin the building or, if the buicing is civied into compariments, of each storey in the comparlment of which the element of skucture forms part: “height” hos the meoning assigned to that expression by C1334 fb]: “NL” means No limit applicable. PARTI BUILDINGS OTHER THAN SINGLE STOREY BUILDINGS ‘Minimum period of fire resstonce fi hous) for elernents of Maxirmum siucture ("forming dimensions part of Floor | Cubical] Above Height | tea | Extent | ground | Basement Purpose group finm) | finma | tin | storey |” storey ty i | i | a fot (3, | [small residential) House having not more than Sstoreys| nt] nL | NL. * fa} House having «storeys ne | 250 | ome | ape 1 House having any number ofsterey | ont | NL | NL v % Notes to Part For the purpose of C133. the paiod of fre resstance tobe taken as being relevant Io on element of structure the petod nckided in columns [5] 06) nthe ne of entries wach species Ine oor rea with which there & conformity or iF thare xe hwo ormere auch ines inthe topmost of those lines ° ‘floor which is immectotely ove a bosament store shal be deemed tobe an {element ofseucture forming port of a basement trey. (1 The period shat an hour fr elements forming pot of Gbasement storey which he an area rot exceeding 80 oy This pesod i reduced o hat an hourin respect of afoor which nel @ compartment floc. except asta tha Bears which suppor tha oor or ny xt he loo which Ccontibvies fo the structural support of he Bulking as awhile, 8 (mtnimum periods of tre resistance) PART 2. SINGLE STOREY BUILDINGS TABLE 3.34 - continued Tarinom period Maximum | offreressionce Purpose aroup floor rec in hours for (ine Slements of o ti siructure 3) 1 (Smot resientia) NL Notes to Port2 For the purpose of C13.3.1 the period of fre restonce fo be fake os being relevant fo.0n element of stucture isthe period included in column (3) in the tine ff entries which specifies the flocr crea with which there is conformity. » TABLE 338 (suspended cetings) Beight of] Tyoechticw’ | Requredire Daicipton of buicing resstance of suspended celing nm @ floor 4 i Lessthan | Non Thowerless [Surface of celing exposed 15m Compartment within the cavity no lower than Class (0s to surlace spread of Compariment_| Less than 1 hour | fom). Compartment |1 hour Suace of celing exposed wittin the covity. not lower thon Class © fas to surface spread of lamel: suppers anc ‘bing for the coling nor combustible, ismor | any Thourorless | suroce of eating exposed more within the cavity not lower than Coss O (as 0 sutace Spread of fame} and jointess: supports and thing for the coilng non-combustible, any any More than | Ceang of nen-combustoie hour constuction “ond jontess supports ond Things for the cethg non-combusibi, Noles: (I) References to closses in the above lable axe to classes os specified in Ci3.13, [2] Where the space above « suspended celing & protected by an ‘ulomatic sprinker system it shot be exempted. trom the Fequtements for non-combustblily and surface spread of Name Classifcation as specified in the above fable, TABLE 3.40 SPECIFIC PROVISIONS OF TEST FOR FIRE RESISTANCE (OF ELEMENTS OF STRUCTURE ETC. "iar provers when led EPA Joo imegtes) on et bung Sey TF Tapas | Methoc ot ' Stuctal fame, beer oF|* rorequcement | norequrement | excesectoces z Toaaoearig wal whch F pal co on extern wal Sccarina vat Someatment wot or Brclecingstucta feo elon roreqitemen! | noveautement 0h etapa ee (a) foarin epoeestcey Cro astooy | oe | 158 1s ‘tom uncer Shot house ul (rote) ovens ageoge) (eh Sry ether for fncang “a+ : : tomencesise Eomparmont fot Note 10) a pat ew ton] . we pont on relevant Spoatey Foon fe) aay pat tim oe rrcee tom | = 6 sominso (eleven boundary 5 Seperting wat . . iA ‘ch ce sepcctey fn. | ino. fino, 4 Compartment wel . : _20ch sie epee 6. Walleparating en attached erintgial Sense fone deetngnas from aerage ide ‘ina prions whe tenes ORS TERT 2023 (bute) ron ot ‘aotiy | nlagiiy ——RTaRoR | watnadotexpone 7 eae vee = Sach daa saparciay {21 inaseperaingwor | Provtion | nin col __| owen _| When tes nas tame fe) ina compartment [Nop i act sae separately al | von Brovsien | Sen led ns rome rotdentina in (eo prtectng |e = ro ‘secre eparaoy Suckre ctor _| ran 30 coisen __| whan tea ne home By athe door no YD no och se separa (ctusha’o ater | rovion Fromion | hen eg me veling Neuse ane f wo Gaia eroond SHIGE [5D wr a Ton oe Modtcations “re hopovitnfrinaton tine cosnglsmace hen stn em any pipe nthe ences excep Sberiauing rough ihe ca Notes Pond of estance ox pected Poti tre retonce forthe wol er oor which dat sisted, Hot ne periodate estan tr he wal oon white door « tated v > upended coting shou ely be ees onto cone cts re resstance ot he fcr hw cong Imeels ne copropole frovtons sn in Tle 3 2 TABLE 29A MAXIMUM NOMINALINIERNAL DIAMETER OF PFES Pine matericl and maximum nominal intemal diomeler Irom} Les, cauminiumer | Any Situation Non-combustible | aluminiumalloy, | other ‘mater ‘oruPver | moterot \Wihen the pipes penetrate the 150 100 4“ suctute enclosing a pratected shall which isnot on ext storway cori shaft Any other station 19 10 tack pipels | 40 75 (branch pipe)? Notes 2 3) ‘Annon-combustole material (such a5 cast kon or ste!) which if exposed to a temperatvee of 800 degrees Cebius wal not soflen nor astute to the extent thal flame or gases wil pass Frough the wolf the pipe. PVC pipes comping with 8 451421983 |} Within follets, wash rooms or external condor maximum ciometer of UPVC pipes may be he“eased to double the ste given in the above tabi. |) Within areas offre rik such as kichens, and adjacent fo escape routes. UPVC pipes shel be enclosed by constuctcn having fie resslance of atleast one half hou Fi] Whore the size of uPVC pipes exceeds that specified under this Clouse, approved fre collar shall be fited af cl postions wrere such pines pas through corsiuctions required to act os a bewrse tee, 8 1600 49 win pefonpUED eaOYE 44-0/PUD PLA PLP SBIOHSOLSuL | ‘easnquies poy Bi ysnguroouon —N ro1v09 on (roqusprsious) spoddrs Spe 08 yeuuoo0n | _rouuoo.on fi eHu99 on emabossod | youodwen uoyore15 _| pooruow ure apna 591591018 apse oN slsneustowoH) 44243109 HEIOH up11na Jo 60018 e1oding sevemev. ia Sir BUH ACEO OYOICISNAWOOLON —N 0 z souvoo.on | _owvos.n N © 0 | emwoon Iemabossoc ous auyodwos | some6ossos x9 eonds | -ubauios 2109108 13, ‘woos | “vorooriie owen | “woos! ‘Supine payDojeu pws ‘apie a}25.08 ap RHE LON Supe yp crab eroding 9 0%ds owoy 04 Suyoie1 Bumoo puo som o sys 0 UONDYSED/D vel'e navi ST] aT Tar te on os | ost) om} ost ca] Get] on] ost] os] ont | 2 & ‘“ z_|e eel Fo 7 sevsjeurpue voyonaiuen Epona a TOT ORE CORT Ha ST sry t nave 2 Sint wou e ao ee Spero ai onan 7 ®) pus me uncte-eyronien 0 200:0010 Jo 209 34 o9049 IR 0 $00) Oubia oA uO EL pore a sae uot ao or INDUpOLsND pun =U TADS a OA «40080 75>, titi pas pot usar Ues Pepuoens pnw aanporc fo yuna puo ya ANNO Ys AyPayeIae Ce sSouN HOR actu BOR PEUNCG sIOaH! OBOE (>, [| capuscsy 4 8 {20H WHOUON PeIDel.w Monaaay Hue 619 op oy eso un 1082860 ¢ HED 0B ONE Jojorswnict6-syromien unezt sump n asin Nee DR soyetow pve veuarsven enuwo>~ STWA {RV enujioa- 13 4.¥ xtoNacaY %e sw con | cot | on | oot se | se | se | se sz | on | cot | oo | cor | on a | oa | on | oo ow. fe | oo : se | cot | on | oo ez a | set | Set | ost et bo. | set | Set | ost a sai | set | Set | ost a a on ® “rer | eu | ery PG wafer |e ee ar | fal eal PORO sepstou peo uious.0> SEE 7 BSTRT WOT SOOT PITS TTT ¥ onawo>-STIvIAL LAVA anaes -¥6 1904. xoNsaaY APPENDDC'A' 10 C1 3.4-continusd NONONAL PERIODS OF FRE RESSTANCE PART: WALLS ~continved 8 _ Framed and composite constuction (non oadbearingl sroreatance constuction and moto ‘ino 1. Set tame wih extemal closing oe mm eng on rts iahing aed ital Ing of outecaved osoled concrete blocks detiy 400120 a!MPa hime of Soren a 5 2 fm = : 5 Yorn : ‘ 2. Steet ame wih ovteescoaeng of 1oonm concrete bods end tems ing of Tm gypnom pesto on metalahing 5 stop rame wn extemal long of Ln ecg on metaichlng cd iene ning of Term gypsim pli on akong 4. Stes tres tome wih fsingt en ech eb of (6) metolaring wih comentsand cr gypsum pile of ticket o- : Venn = 1B) malioning wih vamicutecypnm or pate gypem Hse of fick ; 125 ae : i (e}_ 95mm plostetoce vith gypum per of hicks Sm * (8) 95m posrcoor wth yemiculte-gypmim of katt ‘en 2 Xen 2 Oy form : : ©) 12snmplateoors ‘ih gypsum lair o hicenese of 2st = fi FF 2aimmplosteeoar wih vemicultegypasm paler nicks of 2m ° 2 (a) 19mm pasetoer fortwo Inert osm eco trockn wihou! eh 1 (01 en plaseboerd or wo layer of Sam th vermicueypaan pose of ‘ten of omen = Ve 0) 2m ie intstng boots wh gypsum slater of hicks of 125m ” 25m ocdwoolsabs wih gypsum plsterof ices of 1S ' APPENDIC'A' 10.61 3.4-contved ° [NOTIONAL PER}ODS OF FRE RESISTANCE PART 1: WALIS continued 8 Framed and composite construction (nor-loadbeating| -confinued. feevetonce Conutson end mete oe 5. Compressed shaw seb finer anes ohedan Boh aces wih ppasmebteret ‘iso en 6 aterm cols cove sexton io) onlotees % 15) Semone tote i (8) Zanmvermicutegys ped” 2 7. Hotere soe collate partion: fo) cncnores - % 15) Smaps ter : 1 9 IS) lermvemeutegrsumpeste” : : |. Placer ified bot foses wth nin gyi later 1 9. xtra 2 em bode wihnoot optima aac id of Sinieecee - 10, ‘Meee ayer of 1m platoons bended wh ol on per 2 1. Wood woot wth 2s rancong oro ot ienen of "Sor 2 12. Compreec stow abs win 7mm by 12 rim wood cover eo ns of cha ote © _Extemal walls (nomloadbeating) more then Im rom the relevant boundary. comucton and mata 9 1. Soottame wih external elassng of non-combustible heels ard teretinng ot [o)" 12smeementaand ergroaum pir en malting 4 [B)_ olay of rm plasterboard - - % (el ¢Smmplestrcoord ished wih apsum pase of Picknes ot 125m “ (e125 plsterecor ane ith Seen yori slater - % (el Somm compressed stow sobs . - % (son compressed shaw abs shed th Seen ayprom pnt 2 ” APPENDDC 10.61 24-coninued [NOTIONAL PERIODS OF FRE RESISTANCE PART: WALIS~contiuea C External walls (non-toadbearing) mote than Im from the relevant bounclary - continued Peodo te Contnycton od ates “inter mete wih ota go rn comerbendot cane enh {0} eam gypumplteronmeteioting 1 1b) $e lstersore tated win mm gyms 1 16) 25am plasterboard wih sn ores ples 19) sem comeroned srw sabe . 1 (2) cxcted conte blocs rm . a 5mm ~ - ‘ 2. enorme win exemel congo one cy. concrete orsandne bck ot ‘Stes tebe wih len gos sor nek ating ‘ Tiber fore wh ese clasdng ot wether boating 19 Smmphwcodand (0) mm gresam plserenmettshing 0) *Smmobetetocatrsnedvih 125mm gypsum pater (6) 125m pera inineduih sam gsm pater * (8 sommeompresedstaw soos * (e)omctedconcrate socks The presence of a combustible vopou borer win he Micknkis hese comsuctonsshat robe rogers oy atecing nee peta of rortones PARTIE Reinforced concrete beams Description Minimum crvenion of concrete to gle a eressiance in hous afofefiefo siiceous aggregate concrete {0} averape conciete covertomad weintxcement — fas ss fas | ss | 2s | a5 fe) Beem wath as 20 {20} v0 | 10 | 110] 9 s(t) oth cement aypeum later Im ick on et rmesnceintorcoment [al average concete covertornaineinercement w|olo| » fis|is el beer wath 240 | 210 | v0] uo | 05 | 70 sth vomictteygypsum plate 1S ticks (0) overage concrete coverto main enercement as|asfis| is | us| as ) beam way = = fro] ras fis] as | | Lan wala onregote concrete (ol overage concrete cover to mein eforcemant w}s|s| a |a lis (©) beam wisn 2x0 | 290] 10 | 129 | 100 | 00 Supplement winercemen, old te concelecovtrin pein ray be nace, ‘ernie /gyosum pester sould havea ie atloin fe rcnge | 21 by volume st "PART Prestessed concrete beams es ‘nraum dnonsan of concrete TS Desctipton {ve 9 We esklonce in nou afm Ic) overage concete covert tena wo | as | es | sr | wo | as {@) Booman * 20 | 20 | ie | wo | ito | a 2. Asti wihsormicalte concrete dem hick Sedo! pemorent tenn (a1 overage concrete covert tendons ws | wo | as | as | as | as 1B) Becmwicin to | tm | 12s | im | 50 | 70 3. sf) ut thn rm ike Io) averoge concrete covertotendens | | a | a | as | as 1B) oom to | io | ioe | 7} to | uo 45H) wh 15m mick aypaam ltr rmashrontorsom {2}, ovscage concrete covert tendons w | 7s | 0 | o | | as (@) Beonwan Z| zo | x0 | it | ito | as | 7 5. 45 (1) ith vomicuisfgypsun pts mick (ei average concrete cover a encons ws | | as | w | as | as (©) beamwiath = to | its | as | a | a | o 6 As {but wth 2m Wick coating: (a) overage concrete cove lotencone wo | | xo | 2 | os | is (5) Booms “ vo} ies | | % | 7. Ughtelght ongegete concrete: {fo} over concrete cover tence w | «| » | © conan -| a | so | ie | | 8B * _ sepoomenteryretercementto had han cancels covern pon. rey be neces. + Verricutefoypsim laser nos hove omit th onge cf M21 by vue, 2 PAR IV: Reinforced concrete columns (ll faces exposed) Type ol consinction odveo feresstance nous 1. steeous ogregsie concrete lol without adstonal protectin 450 | ao | s0> | 250 | 200 | 120 |G) “Sencement sr gyorom rer em ok Sntgnimnan winorcerent aor | as | 25 | is | 10 | 0 fe}. Ssomncite ey pte? as | ms | 2m | 1s | 1 | 0 2. mast egeragnte concel osseous ‘ogregote ‘concrete wih ueplementany soo | 275 | 225 | 20 | 90 | 0 ‘Giorcemantinonerets cover 3. Uahacght aggregate concrete seo | ars | 225 | 200 | 150 | 50 + orice /aoaumkater sould nave omiratoln heron ot 4-2: wou Reinforced concrete columas (one face exposed) | nirinsam dimanion af concreie Gwe Type ot constuction ‘afi ressance mn hous 1. Silceovs ogaregatecencrie (9) wit oxstonal pctcton vw | aso | rea | aco | rs | 75 5) avery gen nl ser ‘Reem exposed faces as | ro0 | 7 | 76 | os | as ‘Vernet /pasmploster oushave arbre nthe ange ot = 2: by veka, AAPPENDIK Ao C1 3.4-contnued ‘PART V: STRUCTURAL STEEL 1 Enocied sel stonchins Masspar mate nots han 45g) Minar hicknass fr mm of Consttuction and materi protecton tra he resttonce of afta |2tawel a fw ous | nous | nous | routs | nous | nove A. souppxorecrion” Iunpestereat CConcrets notleanar han bch aol ogoregstes (0) congetenct asrnecto be load 0 ws | | as | as Bearngiohtrced” (0) conte cameditote os 6 wl} a | 0 | w beeing rerercedin ancaance wn 5 Pot 1968 2. Sok bcs of ly. comptin or send wo} » | » | » | S.Seldiocks ot feces ag or pumice ~|o 2 | 0} o| o ‘onetele renee n ones mavens vane 4. Sores vericute-cement - | -]- «] 2] | as 1. Wouow rRorEcnoN Sela of ly. compoiin sn Inerericsameverrauonajn | ns | - | so | » | # | Unpaved 2, Sobicce -of-foamed dag or pumice corcelorenioced neve nenona | 75 | - | w | # | so | so Feat erectees APPEND 'A'10.C1 34 -contruod PART Ve SHRUCTURAL STEEL - continued | Enceuedtelslonchion Mars per mate nol kis han 45g) ~ cantnues [iim Tetras Te enor CConstucton and mater protection fora fe ressionce of ata lo lie] a |ow nour} nots | nous | nous | nous | nous 3. etetting wth gypsum er cement- lene lester ct ekresso = | ose | as | oe | ies 4. (0) Meoiating win vrmicutie-gypurn ipettegypamponeret wanes | ste | - | vw | we | 125 | ras (0), Metal ioting spaced frm tom fongerwinvomentocmam x | a | - | 1 | is | 12s | 2s eit gypium ptr hicks 5 Gypampleseroaswit 1mm ire ‘nang ot compte lo) sm pastoarsn gypsum pater ot etneisoh - | = | us | as be winmposeboadwinomam | © | > | uas | a |e | F poor ot mctnens ot 6 Gypsum plasterbocr wih Lise ee Sang toon eer (0) Semploserboodwin, Neminitegpaom pases ct : w fous | wo | (Tire ploreoariwin az | - |» | a] wo | wo serie sypnm Hse of + Sokdrotecon means a casing which bedded cls othe soot wihoutrinering coves ond ‘Sth jana in nor caing mage Rion + Renlrcomentsna cont of steel ing wt nts han 2m icing oe ates “wesging nfs non giao cencrlepotecen tne spc oa siorcemen! shat ‘reed Som na dtecon. “ Hatow protector means that her toed batwean the protective mata anc the see Aholow [protection fo cekmnrsnallon eect secied os een foo ve 5 Ligh meshreinorcemant acute 12Snmnto 1m blow te ure otal cera bead oe rt read aadendim | e177) ft Ra Zander DAD 085 ss PART V: STRUCTURAL STEEL - continued A Encoxed ste stanchions (espe mete notes han 45) -canined na "Waa CG FR] ot constuction and materia protection fora le resstonce f= a]s 2 Jaw fa lx hous | nus hous | nous | nous | nous 8 HouoW mrorecnoNs. conmUED 7. Vomit cement dato 3 mic «enlace white mom cts a ‘Bose san Sob fcr of ow | - [as | om | as | as © encased steibeans (Mars permehe nats than 50) Tania iciness fame] oF Centon and materia protection ora te resstonee of ef} sf} 2 tie] |x hous | nous | nous | nowt | neue | nove ‘A SOUD PROTECTION (npr) 1. Conese not leaner an 2st mw owe cuaregote- (01 consrotenctasumeatobetood | 25 | so | a | 2s | as | as Seeing: sitet © canuete ammentone oateaing.remvensin 3} || 2 | 0 | s 2 Serayed vemicue cement - | | 2 | ow | 2s ‘PARI V: STRUCTURAL STEEL continued 8 Grcened teal zer Mass per mete notes han 3th CConstucton and materia imum ticknes (me of rrolecion fora he esttonce of ee pours | nous | nous | nous | nous | nous 1 HoUOW pRorEeTION Mota isting fe) win coment plaster of aw | | w | is ) Mimovprimpiaterotticmmerot} «| | a2 ae | ae | zs e) envermicutegypasmercente | a2 | - | iz | ize | ras | tes ‘yest plate a chness of peau patartoard wn Lémm re Shara oo meer {el 9smenpesieboard with ayes : ns | 125 port kee of bP wmmptstarcaawinoyoum | - | - | zs | wo | > |» pase of koes of 2. Flttevooers wn dm leo en lens [el 25mm lst nated o wooden Side! fnuhed win gosien = |= as Blaster of icinos of (©) 25mm plextrboer th Vermcuile -gypsumplaser ot we jas | o | tnemneu oh (1 Wem petomoarain vesticuesppsam pte of al. |wofw]s |e Sete (3) nm pletotoard wih eypaa piaerotticnes ot wo} | 0 | wo so PART V: STRUCTURAL STEEL - coninved nconed soetboams [Mars per mets nts na 90g) -contrued ‘Consttucton and materia Misrnur hickness fn) of potection ora resstones of- afoa fiw} [ow ppous | hous | nous | nour | nour Vewricute-cementscbsot 1 mieinoreawin | 4s | 26 | as | as | a5 “wemeanondtenhed wh par stn so ‘Gypsum-sana plates 12.5 mm thick applied to hacwy ‘hy ype bos designed in gS 1081972 Woo woot hctnee oF - | | | w | ow Holow protection means hal hee oid belwsen the protect motes er these Al halow Poectionoceurny hat be efecvel seid of earn oo Sold polacton means ctng which bedded les to tha el wnt inlevering coves ond vis tsi ths cing mas lane ake einfrcemon! nol cons of tet ining wo oss han 23% hikes, astel mesh weighing not ies than. knima. In onerae protect. spaning of at resort shal not rowed Sone on deen saith Adacedun No (el 975108 APP 2d plement NO 1 F354] 0854 Lg men ete eae 2.0 Vem baw exer in ypc coer baad re PART Vi: STRUCTURAL ALUMNI. xcased alanis aloy stanchions ondbcrrs {Was parts ne than 16) Constuction ond mateo: Misrum thickness fn mn) of protection Torte eailance ot afta tin] a [ow soup morecriont Seroj veicuie-comant ule ‘Met aing wh vermiculite paar Potfogypnm psy omic oF - | 2 fm |e | as plate of inet ot - » | as Coypmam plostrooor 19mm ick mm wre ‘nag a 109 en ich ize wn aps vemculle plterot tzines of =| 2lw lw] wo tal protection meare a cng wich ected cise fo the ay without iererng aves and wath ris into casing mode fondo Totow potectan meon thal here bevel between the profactedmatid ond oy. Al halow tection ocak shallbe ofecvey sei of ean oo ve » PART ViETMBER FLOORS. "iar icine Gai) oP CConsttction ond matics protection for le resstonca ot mroatied™ drow | snow | "inoue {A} hoi eae boar an tnbarisnotna98 mm wide wih singe! 17 reat ne poser-trcknes fer - 16 6 (tinea cancer vim plaster ofminimum cies ots |= ns rm covered.on underige win possooard orcs FF) metsiting ond plstr thickness of plot (6) gees " . te BB) vericuie 2 2 5 IM oneloyeret laser Mikness ns 1) ow oye plosteroocrc of minum hickaess f 95 mm : 5 bs ‘ruhed wh gypsum per of knee (ene layer ataetocrc of menu icknes of 125 mm ns Fethow wih gpa ester feces (a) twotayenofplemoado tot Bickers : 2s w (vl) one ayer ct foe iron board mime bicknes O95 5 ‘en hed wih gypiom planer of eke Fe) one yer of fore nstsng board of mnimum ck of as 125 nm thes win ype poser of cto IM) cod woatsan 25mmihice nthes wih grpwmpinter ot | . ‘einer (8) Terques ond roaved boatng of neta nan Len iho "ces on ber assole than 98 reid cog 1) teers and plate -tickes ator we 1 inveriin cna poster wih plaster of mum wicinessotte |< os . ‘im covered undone wih prod eines 1B) motel ing and plaster tices of plate ) anam 2 % Bi eenutte fot es] ous : FH) onoloyerotplaserecerot hicks : + PART VIETMBEE FLOORS - continued Construction and materi proiscion ] — winiara acine earnny of fre resance of. ‘moctiec now | vehour | "Ysnour W) spe lyer ct pasetoarcot minum ctnes of 8mm feet [o} arsam lst of hicks as [B]__vermicute-ypsum slater of hcknos us | = fi) nelayaretpesetoorer of misma ines of 12S 5 frlnedwin gyi sete ot cies. = (oi) twolayer of porboord ofl cknis 2 (oi) one layer ae ruling board of minrumhicknas of 88 5 fim fre wih gym pls of ines (i) Mond wees leo tem mck Sotho ah | {2} ciowm plate of Fickres 5 6 (G)__ semicutegysim ala ices % {c) _torquedand Gaon boar of no ethan 21mm ied) ‘ctnes an ier oss ots han 17 mm Goep by 2 wie ‘a celing of Gr Nimes iam ane pater icknes tester be : @metatoing end plster hicks: of pee os : (G) Saesaaret plasterboard of ctw . os {i} Snelayerat pleted of minimum hicks fen raved [ol eyes plasterotihickness as - Pb) vermiculite gypsum pls of hicknes ne : fo) Gnlayret posetoord ofmrimum fictnes ot 125 mm 5 : Insreawin gps postr of icine fon) twotayer ot petortoord a tls Macnes z ” A Fit Gnelayarctixe nsuttng boc of kes us Fi} ane ajar Re nuining boar ef mr hicenes of ns 12'Smm fished wigs posto of ices. [by ood weal lob 28mm hick Fes wh” (0) oypram piste of hicks 5 (©) semicute- gypsum ptr of icine: % Cran equvlent hcknee of wood chipboard ‘hs tem mod shoe tert he earements pecied intern fo Table 3.44 a susuous asouyu op ‘ass030u 94 AoW UO4od ano 1 99 ow sous puo spear 109 8 YO} 1UEUIBD se | se | ont | oot | om | ost sz | se | or | os | or | a voyoos a lst | a | s | oe | o \dep 8uposoxo Goo doy um Hos Jo UoHBERIUL si [se | S| sy | ass | 1 Srp ue suoyDerN 10 fuo}oeF Flu ELEN os } oot | set | set | ost | ost | o | o | o | a | ae a | st | oe | se | oe | oF uoyos5 jo yidsp Buypsaare you 610 doy we Yor st] se | se | er | ots | a Je uayoasi 10 snpo. use suooerfoulmND Bayan os | oot | sex | sci | ont | ont o | se | os | sti | om | ont alse] se | x |e | si | sc | se | sv | ass | ot ont] ont| scr} ost 0s | 06] ont | set 31 | a) se] se sot ssi | oat | soz | oe a oc | or | or | os yoy wow 9p 02 yorum sayroo 5 ow | o% | se |e juewo2%0jI910} J2n02 SEaIBMY JoUPYBIO, sou! 19 BuO tin UO4SOS 04 MOH cor fou | ont j om | sai | ost {jo1010 yideq —__yapajcus pos 09 pnoy 009 Ou Jo U0 @ | s | oc | oF | oF | oF sem igpun sfouroRl S018" a4) Jo % si | st | oe | o | | sz fenoD @BOAY 90 JO OMSAP Ib $B ey YoH Ut KIO POIOD oot | oot | sex | sai | asi | ost yoreno "ydeq si] st | oe | oe | sz | se wawaosoyaso noo s60r0y 205 2105 ep pay ey ey uoyorusues 1oou _22u 56/34 BAB O} UoReWNR wun (atvoarooy snozyow9 40 snoI9mIs) s10014213#DNOD a:OUOIN suave 9 suosvouup asa uy prot: 39 KOU Sup “hosse2au 2g fos u04200 Uh 19909 9919409 BU HOU: oO 8a | oot | sex | sat | ost | ost S | a | ox | as | ov sj |e | se |v | o uidep Bupse2x0 6950 co4 | ov | os | se | se | 201 To snpor aim SueIDOE 6 | oo | sci | set | ost | ost we | ar | se | sz | oo | set S| a | sz | se | oe | os OD SO ua Oho Olam yau Ba dog os se | ow | os | so | se | oor suopusy oj 18809 wo4oa a60reny jo UDIZORDIL JO NPE Yim suO}>95 BULBS pojany as | oo | scx | scx | ost | ost © | oe ost | ove | ose se | oF 9 | se | oot se | oF s | so | oot suoy2064 446d ont | ou | on | ont | szt | ost % | cc | o@ | os | oot | set si | sz | oe | o | os | so sot | oe1 | osu | oat | soz | oz sz | sc | oc | o | oe | st | se | oc | o | os | so cot | on | ort | ov | sex | oat te | se or | a | oF si | se o | as | 39 6 | oot sei | ost | ost ono “50 st | se cor | ‘os | se siopuo4 04803 260I5AY a0 mes et payeyeye suc} a a6 OF OIRO WRI oyonas200 1004 (avomooy snozvowv9 40 snozomis) sHoou auONOD GaSsIUSINM LLY PART x: GLATING CConseucten ac mate ‘nmmlocapoiodc thee | inoue ‘Glin consinafon wih nail meng BOAT TWAT 1, Sewer inan 982280 square no exceaseng OOl Siam reo Micke of oe 5 eas 2 Ges teferced wth wie ro es han 46mm comet Sexate mash meontng 170mm tomar ta cere of io. and ‘Stcicaly welded ol he eronsctons oid le senegal adh Imecsuing 2540 mn aes he io icknat ot gas : ans In windows. door. Borawed Ih lntems ond sgn « ss Conelving wit progiapre | oof sabe aloe hed woe ot frelalbaodseevtn aang comoound nconjuncian ih see c chet Epona ot excwoding 0372 sam. in team mber Fors bed hl ong mnsnom wh ond necro ota en oor reas 3. es enorced tn ite cs in parograoh of hs incon. lees Borowedigs. nian rd eigrs. fod wis msll beac in anti notexceecng Issam mall fenes od a el rst Favinga melting posta! ower man 22°C the caren of oss as eas 4 Gloss orton wl - : 000 Llain cement tne / ond are with te reinorcing meth in every Sirchoraenta jon! no persina exoeeang 245 min vido hah el ‘Song he dos enchsaaino recone n ne sound omeambasle consrucan. a Sep of uchrecste shall notes: than 25.20 mm. gloss bloss ocenng nt the cme: to@dophhot 1270 im ondoeaes upon over of gs fea, kon horde shale ved fl he spaces bobwwen he sdf ha tac! ce ne faces ote pons nis Tobie he cbsence ofa fguein pod cokmn nclcted hat gasrg deserbod sot accepicble ‘ortho petod conta to inet clint 6 fermen ero e188 0 {CALCULATION OF PERMITED LMS OF UNPROTECTED AREAS Generales apoteable fh Appench 1. The parted it of unprotected areas n any side of « Bung oF comoariment shal be aiellted brforence Io tereastemensot Fa 2, Sorte pagpetso hs Aopendk. he exresion‘Unratected aoc hos he macring aiibad to Inbyer'iar maincoksssing he sxe curled cea: othe ped a unprotecod ‘tes th felowra roost copy le} where cry rea of on enerct walls cn unprotected aca, oly becaveithas combust Irateil otocked oor clacdng the area of hal uoralecled aca tal be deemed’ 1 Behatinerea atch cdg {2} no.cccount ate token of an af he atoning 1 courertected crea wich dose not exceed 0. ons which notes Bran 15 9 form ony cher uneoteced ere fn tbe some ie of fe bang o compart {nae Mother te wens Se ° (peor mere unprotected areas ang an cis (oe ten ane, the aparagate (ec) nol exceecing Ir end nal fas han 4m som any oer npectotee oa h fejgre Soe neutangerconpatmen cep ey arco pected i) Showpolected cea in any gat of en enema! wal whieh fan gat of a rotected a) Sh unpotects era nthe sce of ulin not vie ints compart, e ‘rea nota then dm above cy ero ajay thal Seo he bana, fer of calzution by encoding econat 8. The congtion: of his Prt of Ihe Apsend thal be satsed if a bull or compartments 30 ivsou tat ns pont one elavontocunciry einer bsbeoen fo flan plone ofreference “nthe seo the bingo compertment er oto ctanee om the een lone ofretoreee Sitch er onthe dsonce pectedin he Ieee otha ex ols pend -accacdng the Durpore goup of he bung & compere Ihe cmersiors oe ancang eciage and he Grerolecedpacenioge 4. fect purpose of hs Pato ths Appenehi ‘even una’ neon a defines C1 1.2.52 and fo the puns of he cocton he fart tne dec he bung nce corieoonoraton ange ota thon BOs hot “plane ofttetence’ meen ary vert plane which fouches ese er somo past of he ee of iadng comporient but wee fever or extndee) Goes nol ar wen the ucla of Sich baker comperimer and ars papers any bakony copa rans ejection ha be eemos not tbe par eee of tho de or of he acts) * an ne reaver ple at Telrence thalin each case be Joker tot mos furans tal expect Tote pen ‘Sectag he butang “enclaing eactongle meen the sll ectonge en the avant plone of eterance whion Jo) ence al he aver edge of any urptetected crea of he Buby af the bang hvced ito comoormens of he compare [otha hon a a an unpotected aoa ‘ition eoton ene of more non Ot th plane ofreteence the ete edge fx vy) Raetepeeclan ene tatearceoyine pense bane Fe] howe hoiont onc wh fling win the ited inte bles one at othe Aopen "unrotecod percentage" meors ne percentoge of he cao ot he anchihg ectangie which i (Maisons cogrepate ot ne unprotected case kan acoaun reacasing he enn 3) ‘elangie and projected oni, oon | so | oe | | op waras oa | 5° | os | ox | oF ‘at se | se | sz | oz | oe 8 se | ge | st | oe | ss a os | oe | ee |e | A e so | oe | oe | sy | Ss . o os | oz | so | os | os 5 e Se | oc | ss | a | os @ oz | ce | os | ss | os @ oc | 59 | o | ss | os te se | op | ss | os | ss a o | $s | ss | os | s 5 a ss | os | os | sr | or 2 ofa os | gy | gy | or | se 6 o | or | & | oe | && : ve | sz | se | oe | oe e os | or | o | se | oe ‘wow os | or | ov | se | oe o | or | ov | se | oe >: @ sr | oy | oy | se | of - h | ov | se | s | oe e % sr | oy | se | oe | oe a oy | oe | ge | oe | se a o | se | se | ce | 5 a ge | ge | ce | oe | & a wey oe | oe | se | se * oe | sz | st | oe | oe : 3 o | oe fe | | t «felalolololele@ Supeesie ou etonored pajseiaKun.n] puro NEFeI WD SaqaGHeSuORD | URW AELOISH EUEERUE UN, (evunaoisa mvs) sano¥5 380440440 siNBWAVANOD YO SONGINE-LZTEVL ensure sPuoyoerSuecue 2 YEH o Te el oo a 3 wa cz sayeurs 2.428009 EI parewues- 1 navi aneae9~S 1901. MONBaAY JO NLA CL STAVE be oo | ss ‘el ee oo | os . oo ed ox | os . 8 oe oe | os & | o a | oF 2 | 3 % S| oe a oe | oe |: i oe | a ge | oe $ st_| so & 998 Fe |S ve | gy ‘ct oe | ox oe | sr oo e & z ra f 5 onus -1z¥1 onuyioo-£ 19.01, XONBAAY JON OLSEN 2 tusou EIA ° ow | ge 9 now oa | Se 03 wl sa | os 3 se 8 o ed a e eee os o oe oF & oF & fe % fe & fe]: = a oe i Eat se a oe | ss ft 3 oe |e a e puro) Bose ololelaflo|e fle ]e]@ ‘Bupasor jou s801uesed Ba.Dierun 1 NopaNeG Hone OH FRU A ROUOIRD| ppenuwwoo- 131, enuyuo>- 5 (9 OL. 8 MRAGAY JON vd OLSTAVL ” CHAPTER 4 SITE PLANNING & EXTERNAL FIRE FIGHTING PROVISION 4a 42 421 422 CHAPTER 4 SITE PLANNING & EXTERNAL FIRE FIGHTING PROVISION GENERAL The purpose of this Chopler of the Code is to make provision for space around buildings to enable effective ‘mounting of rescue and extemal fe fighting operations. PROVISION FOR EXTERNAL ACCESS TO BUILDING FOR FIRE FIGHTING AND ACCESSIBILITY OF SITE TO FIRE FIGHTING APPLIANCES, Accessway shall be provided for accessibilly of ste to fre fighting appliances. To peimit fre fighting appliances to the deployed anywhere within the accessway, it shall have a minimum width of 6m througrout. Access ‘openings shall be provided olong the extarnal wails of buildings facing the accessway for access into the building for fire fighting and rescue operations. ACCESSWAY FOR FIGHTING APPLIANCES {a} {For buildings under purpose group |, accessway will not be required inespective of the building height. However, in cluster housing developments, [Cluster housing is landed housing with’ shared communal facilities), fie engine access oad with a minimum 4m width shall be orovided fo ‘access by pump appliance fo within a avel distance of 60m from every point on the projected plan crea of any buiding in the housing developments (a) {¥)_ Dead-end and fire engine access road shal not exceed 44 m in length or it exceeding 46 m, be provided with tuming facillies as shown in Diagram 4.2.2{d}(v) [vi] The outer radius for tuming ol fire engine access 100d shall comply with the requirements os shown in Diagram 42.210) i). [vil Overhead clearance of fire ergine access oad shal be at least 45 m for passage of fe fighting appliances. 7 General Introduction Provision of accessway Turing faciities Overhead clearance 44 442 [vil] Public roads can seve a: accessway provided the location af such public roads s in compliance with the requirements of distance from access openings, [Fre engine occess road shall be kept clear of obstructions. (a) The provision of access openings shall not be applicable, PRIVATE FIRE HYDRANT REQUIREMENTS fe) Every part of a fire engine access road ine private lot shall be within an unobstucted distance of 50m from @ hydrant. Where a public hydrant conforming fo such requiement is not available, private hydrant(s) shall be provided [see diagram 44.1(0)) (b) Insituations where more than one private hydrants ‘are required, the hydrants shall be located along | the fie engine access road such that every part of the fle engine access road is wihin an Lunobstucted disionce of Sam from any hydrant (see diagram 4.4.1(6}). {c] Siting and types of fre hydrants shall comoly wilh the requirements stated in $$ CP 29: Code of | Practice for Fre Hydrant Systems and Hosereet WATER SUPPLY FOR PRIVATE HYDRANT Provision of waler supply for private hydrant system where tequred by this Code shall comply with ane of the following requiternenis: {a} Private fire hydrants installed at reduced level 125 m and below can receive direct supply trom public water mains provides [The nominal bore of the hydrant pioe and the bulk waler meter shall not be less than 150mmin diometer: ane n Public road Obstruction Private fie hydrant water supply {or private hydrant e o 442 (o) Note a a The cunning _pressure/tiow atthe hydraulically most unfavourable hydrant ot the pévate hydrant system shell comply with the following : + Running pressure >= 09 x (running pressure of the neares! public hydrant — pressure drop across the bulk water metre): end + Flow Rale >= 09 x water flow of the nearest public hydrant or >= tofal flow. demand (as required in “able 4.4.2) of the private hydrant system, provided the running pressure at the remotest private hydrant s greater than 2 bars, ‘n. calculating the frictional loss for the private hydrant system, the design flow rates shown in Table 4.42 shall be used. Pressure drop across bulk water metre shall not be more than Iber. li) Where there is only one private hydrant in the plot that is located above reduced level 125m; and fi this hycrant is not the sole hydrant within 50m ftom any breechina inlelfs| feeding into fixed water based fire fighting systems) including automatic sprinkler systems, dy rser systems, and wet riser systems for the buildingls} standing on this plot of land: this hydrant can be in the form of a"dry" hydrant. A “dry’ hydrant shall be connectes ta'a 150mm diameter dry pipe, which shall be connected at the other end to a fourwway breecting inlet. This breeching inlet shall be within 18m from any ‘accesway ot vehicular access having minimum 4m width and within S0m from any wet hydrant, private or public, 7 (el Where more than one private hydrants are located above reduced level 125m within the some plot, storage and pumping orrangements ‘of water supply io these specified hydrants shall comply with those for wel rising mains stipulated in S$ CP 29 and Table 442 - Water Supply & Storage Requirements For Private Hydran!, The ‘water supply for hydrants shall be as follows: Toble 4.4.2 Water Supply & Storage requirements For Pivate Hydrant [Rupes Gus Recuremen? Fupose G51 TRUONG BSS aban ‘Minimum flow rate a7 Us 9 ‘Minimum duration 45 mins | 443. Allhydrant moins which pass through a building shall have | Protection of iis full length within the building protected with fie | hydrant resistance constuction complying with cl3.87 (c) of at mains in least the same fre resistance as the element of stlucture, | buildings provided the following requirements are complied with i fo] The hydrant mains shall be located in cammon circulation areas, such as carparking spaces and chiveways: ie they shall not pass through private or confined spaces {b) No services fexcep! sprinkler pipes} shall be located above or crosing over the hydrant | fe) The hyckant mains sholl be lacated away from, explosion risk areas: and {d) The protective enclosure fo the hydrant mains shal be labelled with the words “HYDRANT MAIN” Cf minimum 50mm height af suitable intervals. 4 Diagram 42.21¢) ¥) lities fc 2000 Is Diageam 42.2fd) (vi) Pumper Ay CLEARANCE RADUS (Ra) OUTERRADIS 2, "500mm a> 850mm 15 Diagram 4.4.1(a} sion Of Private Hydrant conforming to such requirement is not available, private hydrant(s) ‘shall be provided. % Diagram 4.4.11) @ Provan of ms rye-ant con's wowed f the agonng ae In situation where more than one private hydrants are required, the hydrants shall be located along the fire engine access road such that every part of the access road is within an unobstructed distance of ‘50m from any hydrant. CHAPTER 5 ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLIES 5 Bad 52 52.1 ‘CHAPTER 5 ELECTRICAL POWER SUPPLIES INSTALLATION The installation, control and distibution of witing of electrical eauioment in buildings shall be in accordance with $$ CP 5 Code of Practice for Wiring of Electrical Equioment of Buildings and $8 CP 16 Code of Practice for Eorthing, PRIMARY AND SECONDARY SUPPLIES, Where any of the following installations is required by this Code of other Codes/Regulations, its primary and secondary source of power supplies shall cemply with the corresponding Code of Practice stated therein: fo) (b) (a Where electrical passenger or goods its required, its electrical installations, inclusive of battery and ‘other form of secondary power supply, shall comply with $8 CP 2 Code of Praclice for Installation, Operation and Maintenance of Electic Passenger and Goods lifts. Where the provision of fire lit fs required by this Code, instalation of the primary and secondary supplies shal also comply, with the above mentioned Code of Practice. Where electical fire alarm system is required, its primary power supply as well os type and capacity of battery shal comply with $$ CP 10 Code of Practice for the Installation and Servicing of Hlectrical fire Alarm Systems. Where exit or emergency lighting system is Tequited, its electrical witing, type and capacity of battery or other form of secondary ower supply shall comply with $$ CP 19 Code of Practice for the installafion and Maintenance of Emergency Evacuation Lighting and Power Supply Systems in Buildings, 7 Primary and secondary supplies

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