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Computer Fundamental

“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई


 Commonly-

 Operated

 Machine

 Particularly

 Used for

 Technical

 Education and

 Research.

A commonly operated machine particularly used for technical education and research is
known as a computer.

Computer is derived from a Latin word “compute” which means to “to calculate. So, more
precisely the word computer means a "device that performs computation".

A Computer is programmed device with a set of instructions to perform specific tasks and
generate results at a very high speed.

Computer is an electronic device which performs arithmetic and logical operation.

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

•A computer is an electronic device which takes data as input process it and gives
correct output.

A computer is made up of multiple parts and components that facilitate user functionality. A
computer has two primary categories:
 Hardware:Physical part: Physical structure that houses a computer's processor, memory,
storage, communication ports and peripheral devices
 Software: Logical part: Includes operating system (OS) and software applications

The list of different units of a block diagram of computer

Input unit
 Processing unit
 Storage unit
 Output unit
Input unit: The input unit consists of different input devices. The role of an input unit is to give
data to the computer. A Computer takes input from input devices in the form of clicks, drags
and drops, pointing, alphanumeric characters etc depending upon the device used. Input can be
either a data or an instruction.

Processing Unit:
Processing unit consists of various parts like CU,
ALU, Registers and is often referred to as an
electronic brain of a computer system. This unit

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

is responsible for performing overall operations of a computer system.

Components of a processing unit.
 Arithmetic Logical Unit (ALU):
ALU is a logical unit of CPU. This unit is responsible for the processing of the data and
instructions. When the CU encounters instructions which are related to performing logical or
arithmetic operation on data, it passes that instruction to ALU. It carries out arithmetic
operations like additions, multiplication, divisions etc. The comparison operations that
arithmetic logical unit performs are comparison like less than, greater than, less than or equal
to, greater than or equal to, not equal to etc. Logical operations includes OR, AND, NOT etc.
Control Unit (CU):
Control unit is another part of CPU. It supervises the overall operations of other units of the
computer. The CU acts as the central nervous system and controls the processing of data
according to the instruction given to the computer. Control unit also determines the sequences
of program and instruction’s execution.
 Memory unit(MU):
The Memory unit of a computer system is what provides the data that CPU needs for
processing. There is a primary and secondary memory in the computer system. Primary
memory holds the data so that CPU can process it. The data that CPU process should be pulled
to primary memory(RAM) from secondary storage device.

Output Unit:
The output unit of a computer system are the collections of hardware components that
show output to the user either in hardcopy or a softcopy format. After CPU completes the
processing on the data, the outcome of processing also known as output or a result is passed to
this unit. The output unit is responsible for translating the result in human understandable
format and displaying it.
Storage Unit:
The Storage unit is also a part of a block diagram of computer. Storage unit or secondary
storage unit is a non-volatile device that holds programs, files, documents. It provides facilities
to store a large volume of data. CPU executes the data stored on storage devices indirectly. The
data are transferred to RAM first and after an execution, the data can be again written to
Storage unit.

Purpose /Role/ used of a computer:

The following are the role of a computer.



Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई




Business Establishment




Audio and Video

Film industry




Research and development

Advantages of computer: The following are the advantages of a computer




Storage capacity




•Speed: Speed is one of the advantages of a computer. Computer is the fastest device which
can perform a task in a few seconds. A computer can do 1 million instruction per seconds. A

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

computer can do a task in a few second which can be done by a human being in a
month or year.

•Automatic: A machine is said to be automatic if it works by it self. Computers are automatic

machine because ones started on a job they carry on until they finish the job.

•Accuracy: The output of the computer is very accurade it gives the output according to the
given instructions. If we give faults it gives faults result it is known as Gigo.(Garbage in Garbage

•Storage capacity: Computer can storage a large amount of a data information.If can store
huge amount of a data in small memory.

•Versatility: Computer are versatile in nature.It is one of the wonderful advantage about the
computer. It can perform many task at one moment it can do downloading from internate why.
It can play music and video also.

•Dilligence: A computer can do a sequence of task with out tired. It is free from monotonic.

•Reliability: The output of a computer is very reliable. It does not required any human
intervention between processing operations.

Disadvantage of a computer:


No feelings

It can't start without electricity

Expansive (costly)

•NO.IQ: Computers have no IQ where IQ stands for intelligence quotient . The IQ of a

computer is zero. A computer cannot take its own decision. It can do whatever we can give the

•No feelings: Computers have no emotions, they have no feelings. Computers have a memory
and processor but not equivalent to human heart.

•It can't start without electricity: Computer is an electronic device which cannot be start
without electricity.It is one of the necessary conditions for a computer.

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

•Expansive: A computer is an expansive device. It is very costly for a common people.

Function of a computer:

The following are the function of a computer.






•Inputting:- Such type of a function of a computer in which data and instructions are
interred into a computer system is known as inputting.

•Processing:-Such type of a function of a computer in which it works or process according

to given instructions is known as processing.

•Controlling:-Such type of a function of a computer in which processing are control and

directed for proper processing is known as controlling.

•Storing:- Such type of a function of a computer in which data and instructions are save for
future is known as storing.

•Outputting:-Such type of a function of a computer which provides required output is known as


Generation of computer:

Stepwise growth in computer

technology is known as generation.

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

1. First Computer Generation: 1944s -1955s: (Vacuum Tubes)

First generation computers were actually the first general purpose and true digital computers.
First gen computers used vacuum tubes for amplification and switching purposes. The tubes
were made of sealed glass containers, the size of light bulbs. The sealed glass allowed current
to flow wirelessly from the filaments to metal plates.
A list of popular first generation computers:
 The ENIAC (1946): Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer)
 EDSAC (1949): Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator
 EDVAC (1950): Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer)
 UNIVAC I (1951): Universal Automatic Computer)

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

 Used machine language
That was the only electronic during those old days.
Those computers were very fast to calculate.
Vacuum tube technology made possible the advent of electronic digital computers.
 huge, slow, expensive
 It is not really a reliable device.
 No portable
 It is required to be air conditioned.
 covered entire room

2. Second Computer Generation: 1955s -1964s: (Registers)

These were computers which used transistors instead of vacuum tubes. They were better than
their predecessors in many ways because of apparent small size, speed and cheaper cost.
J ust like vacuum tubes, transistors are switches or electronic gates used to amplify or control
current, or switch electric signals on and off. They are called semiconductors because they contain
elements which lie between conductors and insulators.
Transistor semiconductors were invented at Bell Laboratories in 1947 by scientists William
Shockley, John Bardeen and Walter Brattain,

 Smaller in size compared to the first generation of computer
 The second generation’s computers were more reliable.
 Used less energy and were not heated as much as the first one.
 Wider commercial use.
 Better portability as compared to the first generation.
 Better speed and could calculate data in microseconds.
 Used faster peripherals.
 Used assembly language as well.
 Accuracy improved.
 Cooling system was required.
 Constant maintenance was requiring.
 Costly and not versatile.
 Commercial production was difficult.
 Only used for specific purposes.

3. Third Computer Generation: 1965 - 1975s (Integrated Circuits)

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

3rd generation computers used the integrated circuit (IC) microchip instead of
transistors. The semiconductor IC packed a huge number of transistors, capacitors, diodes and r
onto a single germanium or silicon. These were then printed on separate parts of a printed
circuit board.
The first system to use the IC was the IBM 360.
 Less energy
 Easily portable
 Maintenance cost is low because hardware failures are rare.
 was smaller, cheaper and cheaper

 There are a lot of cases required for air conditioning.
 Highly sophisticated production

4. Fourth Computer Generation: 1975s-1991 (The Microprocessor/VLSI)

The fourth generation computers were the extension of third generation technology.
The fourth generation computers emerged with development of the VLSI (Very Large
Scale Integration).With the help of VLSI technology microprocessor came into existence. The
computers were designed by using microprocessor, as thousands of integrated circuits were
built onto a single silicon chip.
What in the first generation filled an entire room could now fit in the palm of the hand.
The fourth generation computers became more powerful, compact, reliable and affordable. As
a result, they give rise to personal computer (PC) revolution.

 Air conditioning is not required in most cases.
 Faster in computation than the last generations
 Portable and cheap.
 Totally general purpose.
 Heat generated is negligible
 Smallest in size it's because of the high component density.
 Highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacture of LSI chips.
 Very advance technology was required to make the ICs.
 Air conditioning was required in many cases due to ICs.

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

5. Fifth Computer Generation: 1991 to till now , (ULSI/AI)

Fifth generation computing is built on technological advancement gained in the previous
computer generations. The period of Fifth Generation is 1980-till date. The VLSI
technology became ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology, ULSI chips having
ten million electronic components. Computers of this generation use parallel processing
hardware and AI (Artificial Intelligence) software.

 It is more reliable and works faster.
 Available in different sizes with unique features.
 The disadvantages of fifth generation computers have yet to be agreed upon, but many
feel that they are two of its advantages: AI and the overall advanced technology. The
addition of AI worries many due to the computers possibly becoming smart enough to
replace humans altogether, and many people are becoming reliant on the advanced
technology for tasks that they can do without computers.

Types of Computer

Computers can be broadly classified on the basis of three criteria i.e. purpose, technology used
and their capacity and size. The following section will discuss these three categories of
a) On the Basis of Purpose/use: According to utilization of computer for different uses,
computers are of the following two types:

 General Purpose Computers: Such type of computers that are used to perform a variety
of tasks ranging from scientific as well as business purpose applications are known as
General purpose Computers. They are multi-purpose computers that cater the needs of

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

different people. They are generally found in homes and offices. Their uses
include preparation of documents, letters, reports, gaming, financial analysis, data
recording and analysis etc.

 Special Purpose Computers: Such type of computers which are designed to perform
only specialised task are known as special purpose computers. For example weather
forecasting, space research, air traffic control, medical diagnostic etc. They may not
have additional unnecessary options. They are designed with specific instructions to
perform a particular type of work only.

On the Basis of Technology Used/Input: According to the technology used, computers can be
classified into three categories:

 Analog Computers: Such type of computers which are used for continuous physical
quantities like pressure, temperature, length, voltage etc. and convert them into
numeric values are known as Analog Computers.
They are specifically used for scientific and engineering applications. They usually
give approximate results because they deal with quantities that vary continuously. They
are very fast in operation as all the calculations are done in ‘parallel mode’. However,
the accuracy and memory space of analog computers is less. They are less expensive
and require less programming efforts. Examples of Analog computer include-
thermometer (that measures the body or room temperature), speedometer (that
measures the speed of an automobile), etc.

 Digital Computers: Such type of computers which represent data, whether numbers,
letters, or symbols, in binary form (i.e. ‘0’ and ‘1’) and they work with numbers in the
form of separate discrete digits are known as Digital computers.
They are general purpose computers and can be used in different applications (like
commercial, administrative and mathematical) since they can store different set of
instructions and programs. There are three major elements in a digital computer which
help in solving the problems they are: hardware, software and data. The desktop PC
used at home is an example of digital computer, other examples include note books,
work stations, smart phones etc.

 Hybrid Computers: Such type of computer which combine the features of both analog
and digital computers are known as Hybrid Computers.
They incorporate the technology of both of them, i.e. the digital component
normally serves as the controller and provides logical operations, while the analog
component normally serves as a solver of differential equations. These computers use
analog to digital and digital to analog converters to convert the analog signals into


Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

discrete numbers and digital numbers to analog signals. For example, in hospital’s
Intensive Care Unit (ICU), a machine is used to monitor the blood pressure and
temperature of the patient.

On the Basis of Size and Capacity

 Micro Computers: Such type of computers which are small, low cost and single-user
digital are known as Micro computers.
Advancement in technology led to the development of even smaller
computers based on microprocessor i.e. a complete CPU on a single chip. Microcomputers are
stand-alone computers but they can be connected together using internet and wires to create a
network of computers that can serve more than one user. IBM PC (Personal Computer) and
Apple Macintosh are some examples of microcomputers. Microcomputers include desktop
computers, notebooks, laptops, tablets, smart phones etc

Some of these are explained below:

(i) Personal Computers/ Desktop Computers are the most common type of microcomputer and
are used for personal purposes at homes, small business organisations, shops etc. They are
easier to use and more affordable than minicomputers. They have less sophisticated video
display screens, operating systems and networking capabilities.
(ii) Notebook or Laptop are more portable than PC’s and have all the features of a desk top
computer. They are small in size and can be carried anywhere.
(iii) Tablets palmtop are portable computers that can be held in one hand. They generally
accept input through pen or touch screen.
(iv) PDA (Personal Digital Assistant) are
smallest computers designed without a
keyboard, easy to carry, ranging from
simple organisers with address book,
calculator, calendar, can send and receive
e-mails and even browse the web.
Executive, engineers, doctors and other
professionals use these for their day to day
(v) Smart Phones are the hand held device
that works as a phone as well a small PC.
They can be used to surf internet, read
documents, send and receive e-mails,
download music and videos etc.


Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

 Mini Computers: Such type of computers which are much smaller in size than
mainframe computers but are larger than microcomputers are known as Mini

They are also known as mid-range servers and were first developed as special
purpose main frame computers. However, now they are widely used as general
purpose computers. They are suitable for small business requirements of a server or
host which supports hundreds of users at a time. they are used in interactive
applications in industries, research organisations, colleges and universities. In
business they are used for invoicing, stock control, payroll, sales analysis, production
planning etc. They are relatively inexpensive than mainframe computers but can
perform almost all operations of a mainframe computer. Their speed of operations
and memory space is lesser than mainframe computers. They are about the size of a
two drawer filing cabinet. Examples of mini-computers are PDP 11, IBM 8000 series
and VAX 7500.

Mainframe Computers: Such type of

computers which referred to as ‘corporate
work horses’, ‘servers’ or ‘host ‘ computers
used for centralized business functions are
known as Mainframe computers.
The term mainframe comes from the
use of ‘frame’ as a device to hold electronics.
They are not as powerful as super computers
but are extremely expensive. They are multi-
programming, multi-user and high performance
computers. They operate at a very high speed
(more than micro and mini computers), have very large storage capacity and can handle the
workload of many users. The processing speed of mainframe computers is measured in MIPS
(Million Instructions Per Second) i.e. 200-1200 MIPS.
Examples of mainframe computers are CDC 6600, VAX 8000

Super Computers: Such type of computers which are the most powerful and expensive among
digital computers category and are huge in size are known as Super computers.
Because of their size and expense they are very rare and used only by large business
houses, government and universities. They are the fastest calculating device ever invented and
are not used for commercial data processing. They have huge primary memory and the most
advanced capabilities. They support multiprocessing and parallel processing and allow
thousands of users to use it at the same time. They are one-million times faster than

Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)
Computer Fundamental
“अगर पहल लास म ह छा खु द से C Program Run नह कराया तो पढ़ाना छोड़ दू ं गा!”-मु ना भाई

microcomputers. Its processing speed lies in the range of 400 – 10000 MFLOPS
(Millions of Floating Point Operation Per Second). They are used for specialised task like
research, space exploration, launching of space shuttle, earth quake studies, weather
forecasting studies, nuclear weapon studies etc. Examples of super computers are: CRAY-1,
India designed and assembled PARAM .


Provided by: HI-TECH VISION CLASSES (A premier institute for MCA entrance preparation/BCA classes)
Whatsapp/Call: 99733 64776 Guided by: Munna Kumar(BITian)

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