Panopio Marlyn D. (Activity 3 (Triad) )

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Panopio, Marlyn D.

BSED 1 English

Science, Technology and Society

Activity 3 (TRIAD)

1. Research 3 technological advancements related to your course.

Provide photos and their uses.

Video Conferencing Platform

Video conferencing is a technology
that enables users in different locations
to hold real-time face-to-face meetings at
low or no cost. There are numerous
applications for video conferencing
technology, including company
meetings, job training sessions, and
addressing board members. So, as a
future educator, rather than simply
emailing files to students or posting them
on a classroom portal online, video
conferencing allows teachers and
students to share documents and files in
real time. Participants should be
connected because social distancing
and distance learning can lead to
feelings of isolation.
According to Loch and Reushle (2008), web conferencing is
the process of carrying out live training, meetings, presentations,
collaborations, or launching new products and services through the
By bringing people together, video conferencing applications
facilitate interaction. This tool can also connect participants from all
over the world, allowing both local and international students to
Though far from perfect, video conferencing platforms are
Learning Management System /
Student Portals
A Learning Management
System (LMS) is a piece of online
software that is used to create,
deliver, track, and report on
educational courses and
outcomes. It can be used to
support both traditional face-to-
face instruction and
blended/hybrid/distance learning

Implementing learning
management systems in
education allows instructors to
track a learner's progress in
terms of course completion,
knowledge gap identification,
participation and engagement
level, and time required to
complete the course.

A common use for LMS software is to deploy and track online

learning initiatives. Computer Aided E-Learning (CAE) describes it
as "software that helps users create, administer, manage, and
analyze eLearning courses and trainings."
An LMS must unite all interested users around a central
repository of information, making it accessible in a hierarchical
manner. Teachers do not want their students to access and change
grades. Administrators do not want teachers to alter their
observations. Secure access is required. An LMS keeps both
archived and live records. It provides asynchronous, remote
learning opportunities and stores all learning outcomes for
organized retrieval.
Online Textbooks
Laptops and tablets have
surpassed pencils and erasers
as essential school supplies.
With the advancement of
technology in the classroom,
there has also been significant
progress in digital textbooks.
The digital version of textbooks
has made learning more
immersive and engaging for
both students and teachers.
While students cannot
typically flip through print
pages, digital textbooks have
enabled them to do so much
more. Educators can now take
advantage of the limitless
resources that the digital world
has to offer, and having an
eTextbook is just the beginning.
There are numerous ways to incorporate the digital textbook
into the classroom: Make concepts come to life. Every year, the
traditional classroom evolves to incorporate more technology.
Concepts are coming to life in front of students' eyes thanks to
technology and various forms of media. Subjects should be
simplified. For hundreds of years, textbooks have been a traditional
resource for students. They provide accurate, up-to-date
information from experts that has been carefully laid out and paced
to correspond with coursework. Teachers can read the book from
cover to cover or skip around to the chapters that correspond to
their curriculum. Take a hybrid approach. Blended learning is
becoming increasingly popular, and students are responding well
to it. Including a digital textbook on the yearly school supply list
benefits both students and teachers in and out of the classroom.
Incorporating the digital world allows students to learn in a variety
of ways, providing resources outside of the classroom, making the
overall educational process more engaging, and ultimately
preparing them for their digital futures.
2. Do people really need technology in their lives? Is it really
a necessity?

Digitalization has become far more important in every

aspect of our existences; nevertheless, it can have both
pros and cons, and it is our obligation to constrain the
negative and increase the positive. Throughout present
era, the emergence of contemporary Innovation has led to
significant changes in our manner of living. It is requisite
in each and every sector of the industry, as well as in real

A further essential purpose of technology is to

accommodate communication among people, since it has
efficaciously played an important role to turning the
massive world into a global village community. People
communicate with one another and trade ideas and
information via a variety of gadgets and applications,
even if they are situated in different regions of the world.
There really are massive benefits that technology might
very well bring to our daily lives, not only emotionally and
mentally but also physiologically.

As a result, as stated in the preceding benefits, I am

convinced that people require technology and that it is an
essential. Notwithstanding, technology can have a bad
impact on human life. Keep in mind that anything in
excess can be devastating.
3. Should there be an ethics of technology?

Technology integrity is the application of moral reasoning

to challenges associated. As a matter of fact, yes, a
technology ethics code could perhaps exist to inform citizens
about how to use the technology in order to prevent abusive
behavior and other adverse outcomes. Such a ethics might
very well assist in ensuring that new technologies have quite
a beneficial affect while never really harming people or the
surroundings. This should allow the detection and
implementation of alternatives to issues about the
foundational principles of individual responsibilities and
behavior, and perhaps even the foundational principles of
public and government interest.

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