The Info Graphic Guide To Personal Finance

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C H A P T E R 1


Your Budget by the 5 Ways to Boost Your

Numbers Income This Month

Calculating Your Emergency Funds Can

Net Worth Save the Day

5 Steps for Creating 6 Uses for Your Tax

a Budget You Can Refund to Move Your

Stick To Finances Forward

Banking Basics When to Reevaluate

your Budget

The Pros and Cons

of Joint Checking 10 Ways to Protect Your

Accounts Financial Info

How Your Money

C H A P T E R 2


Better Spending 10 Tax Deductions and

Habits Credits You’re Probably


When to Pay with

Cash or Credit 5 Steps to Effectively

Freeze Your


10 Easy Ways to Spend

Less at Home

Hidden Costs and How

to Avoid Them

Which Insurance Do

YOU Need?

7 Tips for Spending

Less on Your

Grocery Bill
Complete Car

Cost Guide

Shopping for Car

Insurance: Dos

and Don’ts
C H A P T E R 3


3 Steps to Shop for How to Repair

the Perfect Credit Bad Credit

Card for You

Everything You Need to

Strategies for Know about Your Debt—

Dealing with Student to-Income Ratio

Loan Debt

How to Dig Out

The Dos and Don’ts of of Debt

Using Credit Cards

What to Do If You’re

When to Transfer Credit a Victim of Identity

Card Balances Theft or Credit

Card Fraud

What’s in a Credit


How to Establish

C H A P T E R 4


The Path to 4 Ways to Supersize Your

Investing 401(k) Nest Egg

How to Research How to Calculate Your

Stocks Investment Returns

Different Ways to 6 Ways the Economy

Buy Stock Affects Your Portfolio

The Path to Choosing a How to Manage

Financial Adviser Your 401(k)

5 Key Benefits of

Index Funds

Different Kinds of

Bonds and How to

Buy Them
C H A P T E R 5


Renting vs. Buying: Moving Expenses

What to Consider

Should You Refinance

Questions to Ask Before Your Mortgage?

You Sign a Lease

Selling Your House

The Path to Buying

Your First Home

Managing Home

Repairs and

Evaluating Home Improvements

Inspection Problems:

What to Consider

Understanding Your

Mortgage Options

types of, 92–93




“50-30-20 rule” for, 14–15

calculating, 16

adjusting, 32–33

protecting, 45, 49

for baby, 32

reevaluating, 100

for college savings, 32

creating, 14–15, 18–19

determining, 14–15


developing, 18–19

access to, 20

emergency funds, 15, 28–33

ATMs, 20

expenses, 14–15, 18–19, 32, 42,

basics of, 20–21


certificates of deposit, 21

goals for, 18–19

checking accounts, 21–23, 55

income, 18

credit unions, 20

investments, 15

fees, 20–21, 55

needs, 14–15

loan rates, 20–21

realistic budget, 19

money market accounts, 21, 25

reevaluating, 32–33

savings accounts, 21

tracking expenses, 14–15, 18–19

savings rates, 20–21

wants, 14–15, 52

Bear market, 98. See also Stocks

Bull market, 98. See also Stocks

Bills. See also Expenses

cell phone bill, 54

grocery bill, 56–57

Car costs

medical bills, 15, 29, 30, 40, 45, 78

fees/licenses, 47

paying, 40, 53, 73, 78

gasoline costs, 46

tracking, 22

insurance, 44, 46, 48–49

utility bills, 42, 54

loan payments, 1
, 47

Bonds. See also Stocks

new car costs, 47

buying, 92–93

tire costs, 46

corporate bonds, 93

used car costs, 47

municipal bonds, 93

Car insurance

returns on, 97

bundling policies, 48

savings bonds, 92

collision insurance, 49

treasuries, 92
comprehensive insurance, 49 fraud and, 64, 78–79

cost of, 46 freezing spending on, 53

coverages, 49 identity theft and, 34–35, 78–79

discounts on, 48–49 interest rates on, 30, 64, 67

dos and don’ts for, 48–49 paying down, 30, 32, 33, 64, 67, 73

driving record and, 49 reading monthly statements, 35

liability insurance, 49 secured cards, 71

quotes on, 48–49 shopping for, 60–61

shopping for, 44, 48–49 tax refunds for, 30

Cash transferring balances on, 66–67

cash-back rewards, 61 uses for, 41

dos and don’ts for, 40–41 using, 64–65

paying with, 40–41, 53 Credit history, 68–73

Certificates of deposit (CDs), 21 Credit reports, 35, 68, 72

Charitable donations, 50 Credit scores, 68–69, 16

Checking accounts Credit unions, 20

access to, 21 Credit-builder loans, 71

bank fees, 55

joint accounts, 22–23

College credit, 51 Data breaches, 34

College savings, 32 Data encryption, 35

Compound interest, 24–25, 95. See also

Data protection, 34–35

Interest Debit cards

Corporate bonds, 93
benefits of, 40

Costs, hidden, 54–55

dos and don’ts for, 41

fees on, 55

bad credit, 72–73

freezing spending on, 53

building, 70–72

credit scores, 68–69, 16

paying down, 30, 32, 33, 40, 76–77

establishing, 70–71
repairing credit, 72–73

paying with, 40–41

student loan debt, 62–63

repairing, 72–73 tax refunds for, 30

tips on, 59–79 tips on, 59–79

Credit cards
Debt-to-income ratio (DTI), 74–75

authorized user of, 71

Disability insurance, 45

benefits of, 41, 61

best choices, 60–61

credit limits on, 60–61

Education, funding, 31

dos and don’ts for, 40–41, 64–66

Emergency funds

for emergencies, 120

features of, 28

fees on, 40, 55, 60–61, 64, 66

for home repairs, 120
Emergency funds— continued public settings and, 34

importance of, 28–32 RFID protection and, 34

for living expenses, 28 securing apps, 35

replenishing, 33 securing computer data, 34

savings for, 15 sharing, 35

tax refunds for, 30 spyware and, 34

Expenses. See also Spending Freelance income, 26

cable costs, 43, 55

cell phone bill, 54

cutting, 42–43, 52–57 Grocery bill, 56–57

determining, 19 Gross domestic product (GDP), 99

grocery bills, 56–57

heating/cooling costs, 42, 54

hidden costs, 54–55

Health insurance, 45

needs, 14–15, 53
Hidden costs, avoiding, 54–55

shopping tips, 42–43

Home, refinancing, 116–17

tracking, 14–15, 18–19

Home, renting out, 27

utilities, 42, 54
Home, selling, 118–19

wants, 14–15, 52
Home buying. See also Housing

cautions on, 110–11

closing on, 109, 116–21

Finance first home, 108–10

assets, 16, 45, 49, 100

funding for, 109

budget for, 14–15, 18–19 home inspections, 110–11

importance of, 10–11

home repairs, 120–21

liabilities, 16
home searches, 108

managing, 10–11
moving expenses, 114–15

needs, 14–15, 53
offer on home, 109

net worth, 16–17

preapproval, 108

understanding, 10–11
renting vs. buying, 104–5

wants, 14–15, 52 Home equity line of credit (HELOC), 121

Financial adviser, choosing, 88–89

Home equity loan, 120

Financial future, 10–11

Home improvements, 120–21

Financial information
Home inspections, 110–11

credit report and, 35

Home repairs, 120–21

data breaches and, 34

Homeowners insurance, 44, 121

data encryption, 35

data protection, 34–35

buying first home, 108–10

identity theft and, 34–35, 78–79

buying vs. renting, 104–5

password protection and, 34

closing costs, 116–21

protecting, 34–35
home improvement, 120–21
home inspections, 110–11 bonds, 92–93, 97

home repairs, 120–21 brokers, 86–87

homeowners insurance, 44, 121 bull market, 98

leases, 106–7 buying stocks, 31, 85–87

mortgage options, 112–13 calculating returns on, 96–97

moving expenses, 114–15 compound interest, 24–25

refinancing mortgage, 116–17 diversification, 31, 83, 95

renting vs. buying, 104–5 economic impact on, 98–99

selling home, 118–19 fees on, 51

tenant rights, 107 financial adviser on, 88–89

tips on, 103–21 index funds, 90–91

inflation and, 92, 99

market bubble, 98

Identity theft, 34–35, 78–79 markets, 98

Income nest egg, 94–95

path to, 82–83

boosting, 26–27, 32

portfolio, 85, 98–99

determining, 18

freelance income, 26 researching stocks, 84–85

“Rule of ,7
” 25
second income, 26–27

Index funds, 90–91 selling stocks, 86–87

Inflation, 92, 99 stock returns, 96

tax refunds for, 30–31


car insurance, 44, 46, 48–49 tips on, 81–101

disability insurance, 45

health insurance, 45

homeowners insurance, 44, 121 Jobs

life insurance, 44 direct sales, 27

long-term disability insurance, 45 entrepreneurial skills, 27

medical insurance, 45 freelance work, 26

renters insurance, 44 job-hunting costs, 50

shopping for, 44–45, 48–49 second job, 26–27

umbrella policy, 45 Joint checking accounts, 22–23. See

Interest also Checking accounts

compound interest, 24–25, 95

on credit cards, 30, 64, 67

mortgage interest, 50, 13

Liabilities, calculating, 16

“Rule of ,7
” 25
Life insurance, 44

stock prices and, 99


Investing. See also Retirement plan

car loans, 1
, 47

401(k), 24, 94–95, 100–101

consolidating, 63

bear market, 98
credit-builder loans, 71
Loans— continued Retirement plan

mortgage loan, 1
, 50, 112–13 401(k), 24, 94–95, 100–101

rates on, 20–21 borrowing from, 101

refinancing, 63, 116–17 investing in, 15

student loans, 1
, 62–63 IRA, 101

Long-term disability (LTD) insurance, 45 matching contributions, 94

maximum contributions, 94

nest egg, 94–95

Market bubble, 98. See also Investing rebalancing, 100

Medical bills, 15, 29, 30, 40, 45, 78 re-evaluating, 100

Medical insurance, 45 saving for, 24

tax refunds for, 30

Money, growth of, 24–25

Money market accounts, 21, 25 “Rule of 50-30-20”, 14–15

Mortgage, refinancing, 63, 116–17 “Rule of ,7

” 25

Mortgage interest, 50, 13

Mortgage loan, 1
, 50, 112–13

Mortgage options, 112–13 Savings

Moving expenses, 114–15 access to, 21

Municipal bonds, 93 boosting, 33

emergency funds, 15, 28–33

rates on, 20–21

Nest egg, 94–95. See also Investing; tax refunds for, 31

Savings bonds, 92
Retirement plan

Net worth, calculating, 16–17 Spending. See also Expenses

cable costs, 43, 55

cash for, 40–41

cell phone bill, 54

Personal finance

credit card for, 40–41

assets, 16, 45, 49, 100

cutting, 42–43, 52–57

budget for, 14–15, 18–19

dos and don’ts for, 40–41

importance of, 10–11

extended warranties and, 43

liabilities, 16

freezing, 52–53
managing, 10–11

grocery bills, 56–57

needs, 14–15, 53

heating/cooling costs, 42, 54

net worth, 16–17

hidden costs, 54–55

understanding, 10–11

needs, 14–15, 53
wants, 14–15, 52

resist temptations, 53
Portfolio, 85, 98–99

shopping lists, 53

shopping tips, 42–43

tax refunds, 30
Radio-frequency identification (RFID), 34

tracking, 14–15, 18–19

Renters insurance, 44
wants, 14–15, 52 mortgage interest, 50

Spending habits, 36–39, 56–57 state/local taxes, 50

Spending tips, 37–57 tax preparation fees, 51

Stocks volunteerism, 50

buying, 31, 85–87 work uniforms, 50

interest rates and, 99 Tax deductions, 50–51

portfolio of, 85, 98–99 Tax refund

researching, 84–85 for credit card debt, 30

returns on, 96 for educational purposes, 31

selling, 86–87 for emergency fund, 30

Student loan debt, 1

, 62–63 for retirement, 30

for savings, 31

uses for, 28–31

Tax credits Treasuries, 92

charitable donations, 50

child care, 50

college credit, 51 US savings bonds, 92

investment fees, 51 Utility bills, 42, 54. See also Expenses

job-hunting costs, 50

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