MESP Overview March 23, 2022 (Wednesday)

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Major Event Security

Planning: An Overview

As s t. C h ie f, Sp e c i a l O p e rati o ns D i vi s i o n
D i r e c to rate fo r O p e ra ti o ns
M a r ch 2 3 , 2 0 2 2 ( We d nesd ay)
The Development of MESF Project
• On September 12-14, 2011, a workshop on Preventing Terrorist Attacks From
Disrupting Major Events was held in Vancouver, Canada
• The workshop found a large gap between APEC economies with respect to common
practices and standards for major event security
• Series of workshops were then held starting 2013 to address the gap and develop a
Major Event Security Framework (MESF) with common practices and standards
Sep 12-14, Jun 10-12, Oct 28-30, Jan 15-19, 2015 Nov 18-19, May 9,
2011 2013 2013 2015 (undated) 2015 2016 2019

Vancouver, Kuala Lumpur, Santiago, Papal Visit, MESF APEC National and Approved PNP
Canada Malaysia Chile Philippines Reference Book Philippines Elections MES Planning
Participants: (SAFE 2016) Handbook
Commissioner Serapio
PDIR Monteagudo
PSSUPT Begornia
Types of events that require security planning
1. Major Event

• An event of national or international significance, where the overall responsibility for the
security and safety rests with the host nation

• Examples are: Papal Visit, ASEAN Conferences, ASEANAPOL, Asia-Pacific Economic

Cooperation (APEC) Meeting, ASEAN Summit and its related meetings, 30th SEA Games
Types of events that require security planning
2. National Event

• An event that is observed nationwide and requires a multiagency collaboration

• It is observed within the boundaries of the country, such as but not limited to the following:
SONA, Philippine Independence Day, Rizal Day, Labor Day, All Saints/Souls Day, Holy Week
Types of events that require security planning
3.Special Local Event

• An event that is happening within a community that brings together a large number
of people, normally frequented by foreign and local tourists

• This is often planned and jointly executed by the LGU and multiple agencies within
a province, city or municipality such as Panagbenga, Sinulog, Traslacion,
Dinagyang, Ati-atihan.
Types of events that require security planning
4. Elections

• These are events that include the election of public officers, and the people’s
democratic exercise to approve or reject an initiative on the Constitution, or a
• Include the national and local elections, plebiscite, referendums;
• Security coverage include COMELEC personnel, polling places and election
paraphernalia and others.
Types of events that require security planning
4. Other events

Presidential Visits Visits of HOS to the Philippines

Public Assemblies
Challenges and principles in major event security

• Plan for worst-case scenarios;

• Weigh the security measures that could be taken;

• Ensure that the event continues safely;

• Establish new and effective organizational arrangements,

management, structures and methods of communication;

• Ensure that other essential and regular law enforcement

services in the locality remain unhampered.
Legal authority in the creation of an Inter-Agency
Security Task Force

• Executive Order from the President or Memorandum from Executive Secretary for all types
of major events;

• Executive Order from the concerned local government executive for local events;

• COMELEC resolution creating the Joint Security Control Center at the national and local

• Memorandum of Agreement/Understanding, or Joint Memorandum Circular/Directives;

• Inter-Agency Security Plan between involved security and law enforcement units.
MESF Mandatory Security Requirements

• Intelligence-led planning and logistics • Physical and site security

• Integrated risk management and threat-risk • Personal protection for spectators, event officials,
assessments volunteers, dignitaries
• Public safety and security operations • Personal protection-internationally protected persons
• Traffic pedestrian safety and coordination • Intelligence-led case, records management, and
• Public order maintenance and control information sharing
• National security and counter-terrorism • Security screening and accreditation
operations • Emergency readiness and response operations
• Support operations • Business continuity planning and management
• Investigations, covert operations and law • Strategic communications and media relations
enforcement • Border Control
• Critical infrastructure protection • Threats on cyber security
Security Planning Process/Cycle
Three Levels of Security Planning

Planning Objectives Planning Scope

STRATEGIC ➢ Strategy objectives designed to provide ➢ Least detailed plan but the
overall high-level guidance for planners scope is wide
How do we manage progress
toward strategic goals?

OPERATIONAL ➢ Support the strategic objectives by ➢ Detailed but with limited scope,
initiating action and applying the containing fine points for
How do we achieve our outcomes?
resources to begin and sustain the executing or implementing
How do we manage progress?
operational activities strategic plans
How could we met customer requirements?

TACTICAL ➢ More detailed, focusing on the ➢ Short range scope of plan,

arrangement of resources in relation to emphasizing on the current
How do we make our day-to-day operations each other and to the possible threat or activities of various parts/units of
effective/ efficient? hazard the organization
How do we achieve our improved targets?
Security Task Force Model

Sub TGs under TG Security:

1. STG Economic Leaders Security
2. STG Delegates Security
- TU airport security
- TU close-in security
- TU convoy security
- TU route security
- TU billet security
- TU venue security
- TU area security
3. STG Technical Capability and Anti-Intrusion
4. STG Diplomatic Security
5. STG Intelligence Operations
6. STG Human Resource/Capability
Security Task Force Model
Sub TGs under TG Peace and Order:
1. STG Air Operations and Defense
2. STG Community Relations
3. STG Critical Infrastructure Security
4. STG Cyber/IT/Radio/Communications
5. STG Tourist Protection
6. STG Anti-Criminality
7. STG Internal Security
8. STG Site Security
9. STG Maritime Security
10.STG Traffic Management
11.STG Protective Technological Service/EOD/K9
12.STG Public Order
13.STG Transportation
14.STG Human Resource/Capability
Security Task Force Model

Site TGs under the Site TG

Commander (ASEAN 2017)
1. STG Manila
2. STG Legazpi
3. STG Clark
4. STG Bataan
5. STG Tagaytay
6. STG Iloilo
7. STG Boracay
8. STG Cebu
9. STG Bacolod
Security Task Force Model
Sub TGs under TG Emergency
Preparedness and Response:
1. STG Disaster Risk Reduction and
- TU search and rescue
- TU medical emergency
- TU fire emergency
- TU camp management
2. STG Fire Safety;
3. STG Human Resource/Capability
Major Events Security Templates
Major Event Security Responsibility Areas

Crowd Dispersal Mgt Internal Security Opns Route Security and Convoy Security Anti-Criminality

Airport Security Emergency Response Maritime Security Venue Security

Convoy Security Package for Senior Officials
Convoy Package for Head of Government/State

Close escort
Outrider Ambulance

Outrider Police car Police car

Delegation/ Backup
security vehicle
Close Leader’s
escort vehicle
Outrider security
Convoy Package for APEC Executive Director and
ASEAN Secretary General
security Police car

Police car
Convoy Package for Ministers, Observers, CEO, and
members of APEC Business Advisory Council
Police car

Outrider Minister/Observer/
Convoy Package for Senior Officials and Spouses of
Ministers and other VIPs
Police car

Senior Officials /
Convoy Package for Arrival and Departing Delegation
Outrider Police car

escort Delegates with
Outrider Delegates with
security on-board security
on-board security
Convoy Package for City Tours
Outrider Police car


Delegates with Delegates with

on-board security on-board security
Convoy Package for Provincial Tours
Outrider Police car


Delegates with Delegates with

on-board security on-board security
Close-in Security for Ministers and Spouses

Security Close-in
Officer Security

VIP / Special
Airport Security Package
Security Components
Quick Response Team Landside Runway
• SOU Team and Airport • Foot patrols
Security • EOD-K9 • Approaches

Emergency Response • Mobile patrols • Turn-around

Team • Vehicle Screening Areas path
• Ambulance • Pedestrian Screening Areas
• Fire truck Terminal security • Circumferential /
• Police Car • Dignitaries protection Perimeter roads

Vehicle Parking • Intel coverage Border Control

• Command Post Aircraft parking
• Foot Patrols • Aircraft security coordinator • Immigration/
• Vehicle Screening Area • Aircraft parking security Customs
• Intel Coverage • Hangar security Pandemic
Aircraft parking Airside Prevention and
• Aircraft security • Intel Coverage Detection
coordinator • Tarmac Security
• Aircraft parking security • Baggage Screening
• Hangar security • Access controls
Route Security Package

Security Components
Foot route Traffic
security Management
Mobile route • Road closures
security • Traffic plan
Route safety • Rerouting
marshals • Stop and go
Covert Security
Staging Area
QRT • Medical
ERT Maritime security
Billet Security Package
Billet Security Package
Security Components
Vehicle Screening Area (VSA) Pedestrian Screening Area (PSA) ACP/Staging Area
Hard Checkpoint: • Walkthrough metal detectors , • Billet Commander
• Bomb Detection (K9) • X-ray • Staging Area Manager
• Mobile detection • Baggage scanner
• Support teams
• Checkpoint Personnel • Access control personnel with Hand Handheld
• Team Leader Metal Detector • Communication personnel
• Advance Security • Police Assistance Desk • Admin, supply, & finance
• Inspection Personnel (Visual/Physical/ • Thermal Scanners • Utility, security, response team
Interviewer/ • CBRNE Detectors Crowd control
• Traffic Management • Medical Help Desk • CDM
• Marked Vehicle Covert Security: • Medical
• Movable Barricades • CCTV monitoring
• Anti-Intrusion Device • Intel
• Intel
• QRT (SWAT, EOD) • Arresting teams
Quick Response Team • Human rights personnel
Traffic Management • SWAT, EOD, SAF, SOU-PA
• Road Closure • Prison Vans
• Parking Management Emergency response Team • Security, Negotiator
• Road Re-routing Traffic Management • Ambulance, Fire truck, Patrol car
• Movable barricades
• Stop and Go Scheme Parking • Fire Truck
• Tow-Truck • K9, Access Control Personnel
Media Box - Access control personnel
• Investigators • Dispatcher
Venue Security Package
Venue Security Package
Security Components
Vehicle Screening Area (VSA) Pedestrian Screening Area (PSA) Traffic Management
Hard Checkpoint: • Walkthrough metal detectors • Road Closure
• Bomb Detection (K9) • X-ray baggage scanner • Parking Management
• Mobile detection • Access control personnel with handheld • Road Re-routing Traffic Management
• Checkpoint personnel metal detectors • Stop and Go Scheme
• Team Leader • Police Assistance Desk • Tow-Truck
• Advance Security • Thermal scanners • Investigators
• Inspection Personnel • CBRNE detectors Emergency response Team
(Visual/Physical/ Interviewer/ • Medical Help Desk • Ambulance, Fire truck, Patrol car
• Traffic Management Crowd control
• Marked Vehicle Parking
• CDM • K9, Access Control Personnel
• Movable Barricades • Medical
• Anti-Intrusion Device • Dispatcher
• Intel
• QRT (SWAT, EOD) • Arresting Teams ACP/Staging Area
Covert Security: • Human Rights Personnel • Billet Commander
• CCTV monitoring • Prison Vans • Staging area manager
• Intel personnel • Security, Negotiator • Support teams
• Movable Barricades • Communication personnel
Quick Response Team • Admin, supply, & finance
• SWAT, EOD, SAF, SOU-PA • Fire Truck
• Utility, security, response team
Media Box - Access control personnel 29
Area Security Package

Security Components
Maritime security Border control
Air services and defense Anti criminality
Internal security Weather forecasting /
Traffic management • OCD-NDRRMC
Communication and
Site security transportation security
• Checkpoints – PNP
• Crowd Control – PNP
• Anti-intrusion units – NICA Food Security
Critical infrastructure security Intelligence coverage
Tour Security and Safety Package
Security Components
Tourist police Covert security
• Visibility patrol • Plain clothes
• Access control personnel ERT
• Mobile patrol
• Ambulance with medical
• Tourist Assistance Desk
Safety marshals
• Divers/Sea Marshals • Fire truck with fire team
• Safety officers • Patrol car with crew
Traffic management - MMDA Staging Area/ACP
• Parking security • Tour Commander
• Traffic Direction officer • Response Team
• Road closure personnel • Admin
Tourist site security logistic/communication
• Clearing operations personnel
• Checkpoint • Landing zone
• Air reconnaissance • Helipad / Port Facility
Maritime security
Maritime Security Package

Security Components
Sea marshals SOG Team
Boarding Team WASAR Team
Port state Auxiliary unit
control Fire unit
Intel team Assets
K9 team w/ • Aluminum Boat
EOD pers • Rubber Boat
Medical Team • Command Post
CBRNE Team • PCG Vessel
Air Security Services Package
Security Components
Air Services Aerial Surveillance
• Airborne law enforcement Aviation Steering Committee (ASC)
• Transport • Overseer
• Firearms, weapons & explosives • Integrated aviation safety &
• Hazardous Goods security plan
• Evidence Air Security Operations Coordination
• Prisoner Center (ASOCC)
• Remote locations • Commander
• Major event security personnel • Air security planning group (Air
• Repeater sites Technical Working Group)
• Witness protection • Air security coordinator
• VIP/IPP & protective policing
• Administrative transport Aircraft Security Coordinator (ASC)
• Liaison
Covert Travel • Control access to the aircrafts
• Emergency response and tactical
troop transport Aviation Technical Working Group

Aerial Search and Rescue Covert Security

Multi-Agency Coordinating Center

• Chief
• Battle Captain
• Action Officers (All Agency)
• Communication Personnel
• CCTV Monitoring Personnel
• Reserve responder (MC, Bus)
• Secretariat
• Site Specialist
• IT Specialist
• Intel Analyst
• Support Teams (Drivers, Finance,
Food and Logistics)
• CCTV Monitoring Personnel
• Videographer

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