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Resting metabolic Assessment

Total no: of calories burned when your body is completely at rest

1. Basal metabolism
2. Sleeping metabolism
3. Arousal metabolism

Exercise metabolic Rate- Metabolism during exercise + RMR

Women: 1400 calories/ Men: 1600 calories

1. Supports breathing
2. Circulating blood
3. Organ Functions (Basic Neurologic Functions)

Basal Metabolic Rate

Minimum no: of calories required for basic functions at rest (sustain life)

Non-Invasive test/ Simple

What is the difference between RMR and total energy expenditure?

Energy expenditure can be divided into three groups of calories. Sum of all of these
groups of calories is your total metabolic rate.

1. Resting Calories—Calories that are burned while the body is at rest. Needed just to
maintain life. Majority of all calories burned (about 70-80 percent) are burned at the
resting level.
2. Activity Calories—Calories that are burned because of normal daily activities. such as
walking, eating (digesting food)
3. Exercise Calories—burn these calories when exercise.

1. Directly
 Calories- Unit of heat- Measuring heat (Measures from the body)
 Expensive (not really feasible)
 Highly impractical for large scale studies
 Very few pieces of equipment in nation

Water flow in the heat exchanger, difference in the temperature of water entering & leaving the
chamber reflects the person’s heat production
Method 2

Complete combustion of food- Is achieved at the expense of O2 molecules-------- If you measure

your oxygen uptake you can estimate energy production

O2 Inspired- O2 Expired

Oxygen Uptake= (VO2 IN) - (VO2 OUT)

2. Indirectly
 Calculates heat, produce from the production of CO2 & N or Oxygen consumption
(collecting gas)
 Feasible
 Accurate

Calculating the amount of calories your body requires to maintain itself in a steady state with no
gain or loss of weight


1. No Caffeine
2. No Exercise (24- 48 hours)- After exercise metabolism can be elevated
3. Fast Overnight (6hours atleast)- different food affect metabolism)
4. Rest 15 minutes in clinic (prior to the test)
5. Medications (Affects metabolism)
6. Don't smoke or drink alcohol 2 hours prior the test
7. Don't participate in vigorous/high intensity weight training 12 hours prior
8. Do come rested & relaxed

Why it is important – Typically accounts for the largest portion of total energy needs, energy
required by the body in a resting condition

Relax: Important to reach a resting state during test

SIT: Sit comfortably

1. Place a nose clip on the nose (mask should be tight)

2. Disposable mouthpiece to breathe through
3. Test- 5- 10 minutes

“The more relaxed & even your breathing, the quicker the machine will be able to determine
your metabolic Rate”

Person will be lying in a chair, in a comfortable environment & breathing into a tube that is
connected to a computer. The computer captures & analyzes the composition of your breath,
determining your oxygen consumption, to measure the rate at which consumes energy.


 Better optimize the diet training customized

 Metabolic Rate- 2600 consume precisely 2600
 Perfect balance-------Not gaining or losing weight

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