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Olayo, Adrian Paul B.

Think of 3 real-world situations that may need improvement or fixing and think of 3 ideas for each situation.

1. Climate change

*Walk, cycle or take public transportation- The world's highways are crowded with automobiles, the majority of which burn
diesel or gasoline. Instead of driving, you can minimize greenhouse gas emissions and improve your health and fitness by
walking or riding a bike. Consider taking the train or bus for longer distances. Also, whenever possible, carpool.

* Eat more vegetables and fruits-You can reduce your environmental impact by eating more vegetables, fruits, whole grains,
legumes, nuts and seeds, and less meat and dairy. Plant-based foods produce fewer greenhouse gas emissions and require less
energy, land, and water to produce.

*Save Energy-Much of our electricity and heat is powered by coal, oil and gas. Instead of using a dryer, use less energy by
reducing heating and cooling, switching to LED lights and energy-efficient appliances, washing laundry with cold water, and
drying things.

2. Poverty

*Marginalization - the institutional impediments that leave groups of people without representation in their communities is one of
the key causes of extreme poverty. All groups must be involved in the decision-making process in order for a town or country to
work its way out of poverty especially when it comes to having a say in the things that determine your status in society.

*INCREASE ACCESS TO EDUCATION-According to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO), if all children in low-income nations had only basic reading abilities (and nothing else), an estimated 171 million
people would be able to overcome extreme poverty. We could reduce global poverty by more than half if all adults completed
secondary education. Education improves skills and talents, reduces risk and vulnerability, and corrects some of the imbalances
that result from marginalization.

*END WAR AND CONFLICT -If there is no war, funds set aside to meet the costs of the battle can be used to provide public
services. It also lowers the risks encountered by the most disadvantaged communities and ensures that equity and inclusion
objectives are met.

3. War and Conflict

-Reach out to learn about the personal and cultural values of the other side. When two enemies have no prior knowledge of one
another, the fog of battle descends. As a result, a conflict based on assumptions and prejudice has erupted. Mutual acceptance is
the goal. We all want the same things at the deepest level.

-Don't be too adamant about being correct and proving the other side incorrect. Allowing yourself to let go of the urge to be right
helps you to focus on what you really want.

-Prepare yourself to forgive and be forgiven. In this case, forgiveness entails letting go of your need for vengeance and
retribution. This is a remarkable display of bravery. Even if you believe the other side is unworthy of forgiveness, you are entitled
to peace.

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