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Text 1

Sleepiness after eating is a response of the body to chemical changes during the digestion process. This
is normal and it happens to everybody. However, if sleepiness occurs every time after eating and obstructs your
ability to function, this may be a concern. Sleepiness after eating is caused by many factors, such as the type of
food you consume, messy sleeping habits, your health condition and so forth. The body requires energy to
function and this energy is obtained through food. Post-eating, the body releases hormones such as amylin,
glucagon and cholecystokinin. These hormones increase blood sugar levels, creating a feeling of fullness and
producing insulin that will be streamed through cell tissues and provide energy for them. At the same time, the
brain releases serotonin that causes drowsiness.
Moreover, food also influences melatonin production in the brain. This is the hormone that is
responsible for sleepiness post-meal. Some foods that are rich in protein, such as meat, poultry, eggs, fish,
spinach, tofu, cheese and soybeans can trigger more drowsiness than others. Additionally, foods containing
carbohydrates also help produce serotonin and tryptophan amino acids found in the brain. This is the reason
why you feel sleepy after eating carbohydrate-rich foods.
Overeating can also cause sleepiness. Post-meal, the body streams more blood to the digestive system to
better digest foods in massive amounts. This causes a temporary blood and nutrients shortage in the brain. To
prevent post-meal drowsiness, it’s better to eat a balanced diet containing vegetables, grains and good fats to
provide continuous energy. Drink lots of water and limit your sugar intake.
Bad sleeping patterns can also cause sleepiness after eating. After a meal, the body feels full and
relaxed, making the body feel like it is resting, resulting in a feeling of sleepiness, particularly if you didn’t get
a good night’s sleep the night before. To avoid this, improve your sleeping habits to prevent stress. Engaging in
regular physical exercise can help you get a good night’s sleep. It is recommended that you avoid napping if
you are having trouble sleeping at night.
 (Adapted from
1. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?
a. To discuss the amount of food to consume so as not to feel sleepy
b. To inform the readers about the factors of sleepiness after eating
c. To argue the effect of eating too much foods for the brain
d. To tell the readers the benefit of eating certain foods
e. To investigate what causes drowsiness after overeating
2. By writing the sentences in paragraph 2, the author intends to tell the readers about….
a. foods that are rich in protein, such as meat, eggs, fish, tofu, cheese and soybeans can generate more
b. overeating protein and carbohydrate-rich foods obstructs your brain’s ability to function well
c. the reason why carbohydrate-rich foods make you feel sleepy
d. food combinations containing tryptophan amino acid and carbohydrates make you feel drowsy
e. the hormone melatonin production in the brain is responsible for sleepiness after eating
3. It can be predicted from the passage that….
a. the finer you manage your sleep, the more lethargic you feel
b. the more fish you eat, the better it is for the brain
c. the less you eat carbohydrate-rich foods, the less you will feel drowsy
d. the less meat you eat, the more you will feel drowsy
e. the less you consume protein and carbohydrates, the better it is for the body
Text 2
How are we able to find things in the dark? It is because our brain is able to store information in such a way that
it can be retrieved by different senses. It turns out that the ability to recognise objects across different senses is present in
the tiny brains of an insect. Researchers at Queen Mary University of London and Macquarie University in Sydney have
published new work in the journal Science showing that bumblebees can also find objects in the dark they've only seen
In the light, but barred from touching the objects, bumblebees were trained to find rewarding sugar water in one
type of object (cubes or spheres) and bitter quinine solution in the other shape. When tested in the dark, bees preferred the
object that was previously rewarding, spending more time exploring them.
Dr Cwyn Solvi is the lead author on the paper who was based at Queen Mary University of London and is now at
Macquarie University in Sydney. She said: "The results of our study show that bumblebees don't process their senses as
separate channels -- they come together as some sort of unified representation."
Selene Gutierrez Al-Khudhairy, co-author on the paper, and now PhD student at the University of York, said:
"This is an amazing feat when you consider the miniscule size of a bee's brain. Future investigations of the neural
circuitry underlying this ability in bees may one day help reveal how our own brains imagine the world as we do."
(Adapted from: Accessed November 15, 2019)
4. What is the writer’s purpose in writing the passage?
a. To explain how bumblebees react to the light.
b. To motivate the readers to preserve bumblebees in the wild.
c. To reveal how important bumblebees are to human survival.
d. To inform a study on the ability of bumblebees in the absence of light.
e. To report the procedure of a study on bumblebees conducted by Dr Cwyn Solvi. 

5. The word “barred” in paragraph two can be best replaced by….

a. blocked
b. distracted
c. permitted
d. provided
e. unsealed

6. In which paragraph is it mentioned about the benefits of the research for humans?
a. 1 b. 2 c. 3
d. 4 e. 5

7. The writer’s intention in writing the sentence “It turns out that the ability to recognize objects across
different senses is present in the tiny brains of an insect.” in paragraph 1 is to
a. Confirm that humans and insects are quite similar.
b. Emphasize the need for a research on certain insects.
c. Prove that bumblebees can see in the dark as well as humans.
d. Exemplify the kinds of insects which are able to sense objects in the dark.
e. Pinpoint that humans are not the only one who possess the ability mentioned.

Recent technological advances in manned and unmanned undersea vehicles have overcome some of the
limitations of divers and diving equipment. Without a vehicle, divers often become sluggish and their mental
concentration becomes limited. Because of undersea pressure which affected their speech organs,
communication among divers was difficult or impossible. But today, most oceanographers make observations
by means of instruments which are lowered into the ocean or from samples taken from the water.
Direct observations of the ocean floor are made not only by divers but also by deep‐diving submarines.
Some of these submarines can dive to depths of more than seven miles and cruise at depths of thousand feet.
Radio‐equipped buoys can be operated by remote control in order to transmit information back to land‐based

8. Which of the following statements is the most suitable concluding sentence of the paragraph?
A. In short, the technology in undersea exploration should be improved.
B. Therefore, divers should avoid undersea pressure to be able to communicate.
C. In fact, deep-diving submarines are the best means for oceanographers to conduct undersea exploration.
D. To conclude, the radios divers use to communicate that makes undersea exploration successful.
E. Thus, successful communication in the exploration of the ocean greatly depends on the divers and vehicles.

(1) Child development refers to the biological, psychological and emotional changes that occur in human beings
between birth and the end of adolescence, as the individual progresses from dependency to increasing
autonomy. (2) It is a continuous process with a predictable sequence yet having a unique course for every child.
(3) It does not progress at the same rate and each stage is affected by the preceding types of development. (4)
Because these developmental changes may be strongly influenced by genetic factors and events during prenatal
life, genetics and prenatal development are usually included as part of the study of child development. 5) Child
care programs present a critical opportunity for the promotion of child development. (6) Developmental change
may occur as a result of genetically-controlled processes known as maturation, or as a result of environmental
factors and learning, but most commonly involves an interaction between the two. (7) It may also occur as a
result of human nature and our ability to learn from our environment.
9. Which sentence is irrelevant to the topic of the passage?
A. Sentence 2
B. Sentence 3
C. Sentence 4
D. Sentence 5
E. Sentence 6

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