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Priming Activity



Department of Education 1
Think of a situation
wherein you asked your
students questions but
they failed to give you
the correct answer.

Why do you think so?

Department of Education 2
Activity 1: PicQuest

Department of Education 3
Activity 1: PicQuest

•Formulate six (6) questions whose answer is related to

the given picture.
•Write the questions formulated on the metacards
provided (1 question per metacard).
•You have ten (10) minutes to formulate the questions.
•After the time allotment, post your outputs in the
designated area.
•You have two (2) minutes each group for presentation.

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Activity 1: PicQuest

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Social Media
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Senior High School
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Anti-distracted Driving Act
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Let’s Think About…

q What can you say about the questions you

q Which questions are easy? Why do you
consider them such?
q Which questions are difficult? Why do you
consider them such?

Department of Education 11
Art of Questioning

Department of Education
Session Objectives
At the end of the session, the participants will
have been be able to:
q formulate questions for all the levels of comprehension;
q explain the relevance of asking questions in developing
critical thinking skills;
q classify questions according to the levels of
q apply the principles of art of questioning by crafting
developmentally appropriate questions based on a
video presented; and
q share insights on the importance of enhancing skills in
questioning through reflective writing.

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Why ask questions?
ü We ask questions to make connections.
ü We ask questions to make predictions.
ü We are using questions to make sure we
understand what we have read or listened
ü Questions strengthen reasoning abilities
of learners as well as help them clarify/
define their initial response to the text

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Why ask questions?
ü “Books not discussed lose their value.”
(Mortime Adler)

ü Questioning helps us to become better readers

by making us THINK!

ü Questions allow us to make sense of the world.

They are the most powerful tools we have for
making decisions and solving problems, for
inventing, changing and improving our lives as
well as the lives of others. (Jamie McKenzie)
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Can the student recall or remember information?
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Level 1
The learner is able Ø Recognizing
Ø Listing
to recall, restate or
Ø Describing
remember learned
Ø Identifying
information. Ø Retrieving
Ø Naming
Ø Locating
Ø Finding

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Questions under Level 1:
Remembering (Knowledge)

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Can the student explain ideas and concepts?

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Level 2
The learner grasps the • Interpreting
meaning of information • Exemplifying
by interpreting and
• Summarizing
translating what has
been learned. • Inferring
• Paraphrasing
• Classifying
Can you explain • Comparing
ideas and concepts? • Explaining

Department of Education 23
Questions under Level 2:
Understanding (Comprehension)
v Can you explain why…?
v Can you write in your own words?
v How would you explain…?
v Can you write a brief outline...?
v What do you think could have happened next...?
v Who do you think...?
v What was the main idea...?
v Can you clarify…?
v Can you illustrate…?
v Does everyone act in the way that …….. does?

(Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 12)

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Can the students use the information in a new way?

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Level 3

§ Implementing
The learner makes use
of information in a § Carrying out
context different from § Using
the one that it was § Executing

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Questions under Level 3:
Applying (Application)

v Put yourself in the place of one of the characters

and tell what you would have done….. ?
v What would result if….. ?
v Compare and contrast….. ?
v What questions would you to find out … ?
v How would the character solve the similar situation
of….. ?
v Put the main character in another story setting,
how would he act?
v If you had to plan a vacation for the main
character, where would they go?

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Can the students distinguish between the different parts?

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Level 4

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Questions under Level 4: Analyzing
v What motive does ____ have…..?
v What conclusions can you draw about…..?
v What is the relationship between…..?
v How is ______ related to …..?
v What ideas support the fact that…..?
v What evidence can you find…..?
v What inferences can you make about…..?
v What generalizations can be made about …..?
v What assumptions do you make about …..?
v What is the theme of…..?
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Can the students justify a stand or decision?

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Level 5
q It involves the making of personal judgment on
the text by the reader, usually based on his/her
q Evaluation of accuracy
q Discrimination of fact and opinion
q Recognition of emotionally charged words
q Identification of author's purpose, mood, tone,
q Evaluation of values presented

Department of Education 32
Questions under Level 5: Evaluating

v Compare two characters in the selection….which was

a better person…why?
v Which character would you most like to spend the day
v Do you agree with the actions of…..?
v How could you determine…..?
v Why was it better that…..?
v What choice would you have made about…..?
v How would you explain…..?
v What data was used to make the conclusion…..?
v Would it be better if…..?

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Can the students create new products or
points of view?

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Level 6

involves coming up with new ideas or

reproducing the text information in other
forms: dramatizing, writing another ending,
writing a letter, musical interpretation

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Questions under Level 6: Creating
v Can you design
v Can you see a possible solution to...?
v If you had access to all resources, how
would you deal with...?
v Why don't you devise your own way to...?
v What would happen if ...?
v How many ways can you...?
v Can you create new and unusual uses for...?
v Can you develop a proposal which would...?

(Pohl, Learning to Think, Thinking to Learn, p. 14)

Department of Education 36
q Invent a machine to do a specific task.
q Design a robot to do your homework.
q Create a new product. Give it a name and plan a marketing
q Write about your feelings in relation to...
q Write a TV show play, puppet show, role play, song or pantomime
q Design a new monetary system
q Develop a menu for a new restaurant using a variety of healthy
q Design a record, book or magazine cover for...
q Sell an idea
q Devise a way to...
q Make up a new language and use it in an example.
q Write a jingle to advertise a new product.
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Activity 2: Match Me, Pair Me

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q Classify the questions
formulated in Activity 1

q Paste the questions

under the
corresponding Level of
Bloom’s Taxonomy

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Activity 2: Match Me, Pair Me

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Department of Education 41
Gradual Psychological Unfolding (GPU)

A discussion technique
developed by the late
Prof. Basilisa J. Manhit,
founder of the Department
of Reading of the
University of the

Department of Education 42
Gradual Psychological Unfolding (GPU)

q as its name suggests, the

story/lesson is unraveled through a
slow yet logical manner with
questions and activities prepared
by the teacher

q enable the learners to gradually

understand the lesson through the
series of questions which are
gradually increasing in difficulty

Department of Education 43
Dimensions of GPU

Knowledge or Literal Understanding

Answers to information or WH- questions are explicitly stated in the text or material.

Comprehension or Interpretation
• The learner is tasked to read between the lines to make inferences

• The learner uses or applies learned materials in new and concrete situations,
processes, effects, conclusions
• The learner breaks down the material into component facts so that its organizational
structure can be understood such as elements, hypothesis, statement of facts, others.
• The learner puts parts together to form a whole new pattern, structure, or design. He
suggests or makes plans of action.
• This is judging the value of something using internal criteria
Department of Education
Department of Education 45
Sample questions based on GPU
(from the story, “Winnie the Witch”)
Knowledge or What is the title of the story? Who are the characters? Where did
Literal Winnie live?

Comprehension Why did Wilbur’s color present a problem? What did Winnie do to solve
or Interpretation the problem?

Application If you were Wilbur, how would you feel about being multi-colored? How
do you think Winnie felt every time she sat on or tripped over Wilbur?

Analysis Did the story make you laugh? Which parts of the story were funny?

Synthesis How many problems were met by Winnie in the story? How many
solutions? Would a solution always make sure that it would be the end of
a problem?

Evaluation What can you do to show your love for someone?

Department of Education
Department of Education 47
Effective questioning should:
q Reinforce and promote the
learning objectives.
q Include “staging” questions to draw
pupils towards key understanding
or to increase the level of
challenge in a lesson as it
q Involve all learners.
q Promote justification and
Department of Education 48
Effective questioning should:

q Create an atmosphere of trust

where pupils’ opinions and
ideas are valued.
q Show connections between
previous and new learning.
q Encourage pupils to speculate
and hypothesize.
q Encourage pupils to ask as well
as to “receive” questions.
Department of Education 49
Questioning Techniques in the
q Encourage students to
ask questions at any
q Give adequate
consideration to all
questions--never evade
a question.
q Scatter questions over
the entire class.

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Questioning Techniques in the

q Pose questions within

the ability of the student
to whom the question is
q Ask questions to the
q Require students to give
complete answers.

Department of Education 51
Questioning Techniques in the
q Do not permit frequent group
q Ask open-ended questions
q Avoid asking questions that
can be answered by
q Use the key words of
questioning--how, why, when,
where, what, which.

Department of Education 52
Questioning Techniques in the

q Have students speak

loudly so that all may
q Use correct grammar
and terminology.
q Write questions in your
lesson plan.

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Department of Education 54
Activity 3: Vid Quest

Department of Education 55
Activity 3: Vid Quest

• Watch a video.
•Formulate 6 questions based on the video following the
levels of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy (1 question per
•You have 15 min to finish the task.
•After 15 minutes, post the questions in the
corresponding level.

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Activity 3: Vid Quest

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Activity 3: Vid Quest
•Group 2 will answer the questions of Group 1,

•Group 3 will answer the questions of Group 2,

•Group 4 will answer the questions of Group 3,

•Group 5 will answer the questions of Group 4, and

•Group 1 will answer the questions of Group 5.

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Activity 3: Vid Quest

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CREATE – If you were the director of the commercial,
how will you end it?

EVALUATE – Would it be okay not to reveal your true feelings

to someone? Why or why noy?

ANALYZE –What would happen if the bestfriend confessed his

true feelings?
APPLY – If you were the bestman, would you attend the wedding?
Why or why not?

UNDERSTAND – What message can be inferred from the video?

REMEMBER – What food corporation is being endorsed by the commercial?

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Reflection Wall

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Words to ponder…

Good teaching is
more a giving of
right questions
than a giving of
right answers.

~ Josef Albers
Department of Education
Words to ponder…

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