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CODE: 2121702052708





Ho Chi Minh city, 2022.






Code : 2121702052708
Lecturer : Nguyễn Thị Minh Ngọc
Members name :
Nguyễn Thị Phương Anh : 2021008403
Nguyễn Ngọc Xuân An : 2021008399
Phạm Lê Khánh Chi : 2021008415
Nguyễn Tuấn Kiệt : 2021008458
Trương Tấn Phát : 2021008520

Ho Chi Minh city, 2022

SECTION 1: INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................1
1.1 Company profile..............................................................................................................1
1.1.1 Summary...................................................................................................................1
1.1.2 Services Available in Vietnam - Service.................................................................1
1.2 Message of 4P’s................................................................................................................2
1.2.1 Core value..................................................................................................................2
1.2.2 Vision.........................................................................................................................2
1.2.3 Mision........................................................................................................................2
1.2.4 Business philosophy..................................................................................................2
SECTION 2: MARKET & COMPETITOR ANALYSIS.....................................................3
2.1. Market summary............................................................................................................3
2.2. Market needs..................................................................................................................3
2.3. Market trends.................................................................................................................3
2.4. Market growth................................................................................................................3
2.5. SWOT Analysis..............................................................................................................4
2.6. Competitor Analysis.......................................................................................................5
2.6.1. Direct Competitor....................................................................................................5
2.6.2 Indirect competitor...................................................................................................6
3.1 Targeting..........................................................................................................................7
3.2 Consumer behavior.........................................................................................................7
3.3 Positioning........................................................................................................................8
4.1. Marketing goals............................................................................................................10
4.2. Services Product strategy............................................................................................10
4.2.1. Planning and Creating Service Products............................................................10
4.2.2. Core product..........................................................................................................11
4.2.3. The Flower of Service............................................................................................11
4.2.4. Branding Service Products and Experiences......................................................13
4.3. Pricing strategy.............................................................................................................13
4.3.1. Pricing methods.....................................................................................................13
4.3.2. Revenue Management...........................................................................................16
4.3.3. Ethical Concerns in Service Pricings...................................................................17
4.4. Distribution strategy....................................................................................................17
4.4.1 Distribution channel system..................................................................................18
4.4.2 Distribution intermediaries...................................................................................19
4.4.3 Distribution strategy...............................................................................................19
4.5. Promotion strategy.......................................................................................................20
4.5.1. Who - Target audience..........................................................................................20
4.5.2. What - The message to convey..............................................................................20
4.5.3. How - Through a variety of communications channels......................................20
4.6. Service Processes Management...................................................................................25
4.6.1 Service processes.....................................................................................................25
4.6.2 Customers as co-producer.....................................................................................29
4.7. Physical Evidence Management..............................................................................29
4.7.1 The Servicescapes Model.......................................................................................29
4.7.2. Behavior Consequences of Affect.........................................................................29
4.7.3. Internal responses of customers...........................................................................30
4.7.4. Environmental dimensions...................................................................................31
4.7.5 Put it together..........................................................................................................33
4.8. People Management.....................................................................................................33
4.8.1. The Pizza 4P’s employees......................................................................................33
4.7.2. The frontline in Low-contact services..................................................................35
4.7.3. Emotional Labor....................................................................................................35
4.7.4. Human Resources..................................................................................................35
SECTION 5: CONCLUSION................................................................................................38


1.1 Company profile

1.1.1 Summary

Pizza 4P’s is one of the leading pizza chain brands in the world.4P's operates in four areas:
restaurants, cheese production, cheese wholesale, and dairy retail, and the main business is
Pizza 4P's.

❖ Company Name: 4PS CORPORATION

❖ Country: Vietnam, Singapore (4P’S HOLDINGS PTE. LTD)

❖ Founded: 2011

❖ Representative: Yosuke Masuko

❖ Number of stores: 26 stores in Vietnam

Figure 1.1: Logo of Pizza 4P’s

1.1.2 Services Available in Vietnam - Service

For the Dairy market, 4P’s mainly produce cheese, dairy products like yogurt and pudding,
etc… 4P’s have been supplying for about 300 stores, mainly to 5-stars hotels, restaurants and
gourmet stores, as well as selling the product in their own restaurants and online channels.

1.2 Message of 4P’s

1.2.1 Core value

The name 4P's means "For Peace" - Peace pervades the world. The brand and logo of 4P's
embody the desire to always bring rich experiences to help each guest entering their world
reap something positive and exciting. The brand focuses on the quality ingredients. That's
why the idea of "Farm to table" was put into practice.

1.2.2 Vision

“Make the World Smile for Peace” -Pizza 4P's hopes that people realize their true inner peace
and will overflow with compassion and happiness.They aim to realize a world in which
individuals gently respect each other and appreciate the earth, society, and their own

1.2.3 Mision

“Delivering Wow, Sharing Happiness” – Bringing “Wow”, Sharing Happiness. It describes a

delightful surprise, an experience that can make your heart dance, an abundance of positive
energy and an uplifting spirit. Pizza 4P's believes that happiness will spread and fill the world

1.2.4 Business philosophy

The message of Pizza 4P's is to bring rich experiences to help each customer who enters Pizza
4P's store to reap interesting and positive things. “Bringing the World to Smile for Peace.”
4P's pizza creates smiles, and those smiles are the "catalysts" that help people taste the taste of
lasting happiness, of inner peace.

2.1. Market summary

Joining after the Pizza Hut and the Pizza Company chains, however, Pizza 4Ps is still highly
appreciated and increasingly narrowing the revenue gap. It can be seen that Pizza 4P’s
restaurant chain is meeting the needs of Vietnamese people quite well.

Target market:

Food / Fastfood

Supply chain

2.2. Market needs

Pizza 4Ps seeks to realize the following key benefits for its customers:

Fresh food: Customers can enjoy fresh and delicious food with guaranteed input ingredients.

Good infrastructure: Customers can experience the Japanese - Italian - Vietnamese culture
both luxurious and close at convenient locations.

Omotenashi - top service quality: Customers are served enthusiastically, thoughtfully, true
to the spirit of Omotenashi of the Japanese.

2.3. Market trends

- Fast food has become a high-spending product in Vietnam, especially for young people.

- The more economic conditions develop, the more people pay attention to health, and natural
products are focused.

- Manufacturers need to meet the Westernized consumption habits and demand for clean food
of Vietnamese people.

2.4. Market growth

Market In 2019, Pizza Hut chain achieved a revenue of 749 billion VND, while The Pizza
Company achieved more than 617 billion VND, up 21.8% and 24% respectively. Joining later
in this group, Pizza 4Ps also continued to break the gap when recording revenue of nearly
VND 570 billion, up 34%.

Although 2021 is a bit difficult due to the Covid 19 epidemic, Pizza 4Ps has collected 30
billion VND in 8 months after developing a website system and delivering door-to-door

2.5. SWOT

Figure 2.1: Analysis Pizza 4P's SWOT SWOT Analysis

2.6. Competitor Analysis

2.6.1. Direct Competitor

Table 2.1: Direct Competitor of Pizza 4P’s

2.6.2 Indirect competitor
Fast food chains such as KFC, Popeyes, and Burger King sell different items than Pizza
4P's, yet they all cater to the same client base. They have the advantage of having entered the
Vietnamese market early, which means they already have a dedicated client base, therefore
when it comes to fast food, fried chicken and hamburgers are always first. Consumers, on the
other hand, are increasingly turning to alternative products and services. This is an
opportunity for Pizza 4P's to expand their market share.

Figure 2.2: Logo of Indirect Competiter


3.1 Targeting

Geographic: Pizza 4P's chooses to operate in heavily populated cities like Ho Chi Minh City,
Hanoi, Da Nang, Hai Phong,....

Demographic: With pricing from 25,000 to 500,000 VND per serving, Pizza 4P's is intended
at people aged over 8 who have a medium to high income.

Psychographic: The bulk of Pizza 4P's consumers are people who live a modern lifestyle and
appreciate trying new things; this lifestyle is conducive to Pizza 4P's routinely releasing new
taste pizzas. Pizza 4P's consumers are primarily students and office workers, with a
preference for meeting friends or families, who are members of the middle and upper classes.

Pizza 4P's has easily entered the Vietnamese market because to the proper selection of target
customer, the right approach, and the right taste of Vietnamese people. To attract a larger
upper-class segment, our team will create new strategies to "attack" them in this essay.

3.2 Consumer behavior

Table 3. 1: Consumer behavior of Pizza 4P’s

Society is evolving, the need to experience the service is

not simply eating enough, but also more than that. They
were curious as to what it was at Pizza 4P’s that attracted
Need arousal
so many people to it. As a result, people will consider the
Pre- need of experiencing the service at Pizza 4P's.
stage When they want to experience the service of Pizza 4P’s,
they will seek out information through social media,
advertising, personal experience reviews from friends,
relatives, and food bloggers,…to compare and decide.

Service Technical core Order processing quickly and without problem,…

stage Service Safe pizza processing, quick payment methods,…

Service Restaurant with modern design, diverse styles, modern

facilities equipment,…

Personnel The employee is welcoming, supportive, and responds

well to the requirements of customers,…

Post-encounter stage Customers show their satisfaction by coming back next

time or recommending to others,…

3.3 Positioning

The basic focus strategy for Pizza 4P’s is service focused.

Unlike other businesses, Pizza 4P's positions itself as a fine-dining restaurant chain rather than
a fast-food restaurant or pizzeria.

Figure 3.1: Positioning map

Achievements: Despite the scale of only 26 restaurants, not as big as other competitors such
as Pizza Hut (90 stores) and Pizza Company (70 stores), Pizza 4P's revenue far exceeds its
competitors, achieving the figure of 570 billion VND in 2019 with a profit of more than 50
billion VND after 5 years of operation.
To position itself in such a position, Pizza 4P's has "taken care" very carefully in every stage
of its service.

Pizza quality:

- Pizza 4P's has no concept of pre-made and reheated cakes. The cake when placed in
front of the customer is always a cake that has just come out of the oven and still has
the aroma of the new dough.

- Italian-style wood-fired pizza in a terracotta oven.

- The pizza base must be kneaded by hand to reach the desired thickness.

- The taste of food at Pizza 4P's combines Japanese and Italian cuisines.

- Pizza 4P's also produces its own cheese. The entire cheese-making process is
completely handmade, just like the French tradition.

Service style of employee: professional and always welcoming.

Facilities: The restaurant is always located in good locations. The restaurant has a luxurious
but unique design. Each restaurant has its own style, idea, and story.

4.1. Marketing goals

Consumption: continue to maintain strong positive quarterly growth (regardless of seasonal

sales), increase consumption per use or increase frequency of use.

Penetration: achieved a steady increase, increasing the number of customers using Pizza 4P's
restaurant services.

Value: higher-end brand positioning.

Level of loyalty: increase brand loyalty.

4.2. Services Product strategy

4.2.1. Planning and Creating Service Products

 Services product main characteristics:

Relative Intangibility: The restaurant service provided by Pizza 4P is composed of a variety

of characteristics, including intangible elements that clients cannot see or feel before using the
service. They can only sense the elements of the service, such as the scent, taste, and attitude
of the employees after they have consumed it.

Simultaneousness between production and consumption: Pizza 4Ps only makes a pizza
when the client arrives, and they can't establish a service without the customer's involvement.
Customers are both consumers and active participants in the development of services.

The decisiveness of the human factor in the process of creating services: Employees, in
addition to clients, play a vital role in the service delivery process.

Perishability and non-storable: Pizza 4P's products are easily damaged if not stored
properly because production and service consumption occur at the same time.

Difficulty in quality control: Customers cannot foresee quality in advance due to the unique
nature of the service business, and can only truly sense it through consumption.

Seasonality: Customers have to go to school and work throughout the day, so there are
normally less customers at Pizza 4P's outlets during the day. The time window with the most
customers will be in the evening.

Superficiality: Customers' evaluations and feedback on service quality are influenced by the
attitude and working style of each employee as seen from the outside.

4.2.2. Core product

Pizza 4P's core product is to provide food and beverages, particularly pizza, to diners and
potential consumers. The three things that make Pizza 4P's core products different from
existing brands on the market are: “House-made cheese”, " Farm To Table" and
"Omotenashi" - The Spirit of Japanese Hospitality

→ For this marketing plan, we will still keep the core product and the above difference of
Pizza's 4P restaurant service. Based on these distinctions, our team has created the Premium
Pizza 4P’s, which is targeted to the high-end consumer niche. Pizza 4P's will be able to sell
not only limited-edition pizzas, but also allow customers to "personalize" their pizza by
choosing all of the ingredients. As a consequence, meals will take longer, allowing customers
to enjoy more comfortable "chill" time. As either a result, this meal is also served in a
different, more opulent setting. In addition, to accommodate the post-pandemic situation,
Pizza 4P's will provide new frozen pizza items and side dishes based on the menu

Figure 4.1: Service packages of Premium Pizza 4P's

4.2.3. The Flower of Service Facilitating supplementary service

Information: Currently, Pizza 4P's has set up a system to provide detailed information about
their services, such as their introduction, their schedule/service hours; menus and related
prices, store locations, contact phone numbers, and how to book a table online; online
delivery through all means. Pizza 4P's will leverage short video platforms like TikTok,
Instagram's Reels, and Youtube's Shorts to give information.

Figure 4.2: Specific information about services of Premium Pizza 4P's

Figure 4. 3: Specific information about services of Premium Pizza 4P's

Order-taking: The staff will need to understand the products, menu differences, and pricing.
Therefore, each employee will be able to comprehend this via an internal app, and clients will
have access to an app for purchasing food via internet platforms such as Zalo or Messenger.

Billing: Pizza 4P's offers smart tablets with menus and prices to make it easier for consumers
to keep track of their orders. Customer information, service time and location, and expense
data will all be included on invoices. In addition, 4Ps can send out more electronic invoices to
make payments easier.

Figure 4.4: Electronic red invoice service at Pizza 4P's

Error! No table of figures entries found.
Payment: Pizza 4P's accepts a number of payment methods, including cash, vouchers, and
electronic wallets such as Moca and MoMo. Enhancing supplementary service

Figure 4. 5: Staff in Pizza 4P's

Consultation: The staff at Pizza 4P's is well-trained, knows the recipes, understands the
ingredients, and is familiar with the menu's usual dishes thanks to the use of the "Premium
Chill" menu. From there, they can offer suggestions so that customers can pick their own
toppings while still feeling satisfied.

Hospitality:.In order to promote the spirit of thoughtfulness with customers, this marketing
strategy will be improved with the following points:

 Restaurant area: Because this section caters to high-end customers, the restaurant
space will be more opulent, modern, and private, with tables ranging from two to one
group (6 people). In addition, each space should have a pleasant outlook.

 Lounge area: In order to increase customer experience, Pizza 4P'S will design a
separate lounge area with its own restroom system, locker system, designed according
to festive seasons and trends to encourage consumers to take pictures. Some additional
services will be added such as: snacks, soft drinks and herbal hand washing bowls for
guests, in line with the post-Covid-19 pandemic mentality and the habit of using hands
when eating pizza. In addition, 4P's can provide some necessary items such as masks,
hair ties, gifts for children, towels,...

 Customer engagement in person: Show customers how to build a pizza and have the
crew decorate their table right in front of them.

 Customer interaction on the internet: Turning Pizza 4P's website into a physical
store with eye-catching pizza graphics, ensuring a pleasant customer experience: fast,
simple, accurate, convenient, time and cost saving; prefer "internet of things"
application to automate as many things as possible.

Safekeeping: Pizza 4P's will have to provide free lockers for the upper-class client group, in
addition to providing free parking and security guards to keep cars and personal things safe.

Exceptions: Customer complaints concerning the food will be happily handled by Pizza 4P's.
If a fault or error occurs with the dish, pizza 4P's will replace it with a new one. Internal
employees will assist clients in the event of service quality issues and will endeavor to fix as
much as feasible or the manager can invite customers to re-experience with reasonable
promotional vouchers. Provide hotline to support customers.

4.2.4. Branding Service Products and Experiences

Pizza 4P's has had a distinct food sales channel called Boxes 4P's for a long time. Pizza 4P's
offers its cheese to Horeca (restaurants, hotels...), a few mini grocery chains, and on Box 4P's
in addition to restaurant use. Box 4P's model has been transformed into Pizza 4P's Online
Store in order to improve. Furthermore, Premium 4P's will continue to develop and reproduce
the Pizzaland brand and also “Beer for Peace” brand. We can see that 4P's uses the “House of
brand” brand technique after this. The logo of the main brand, Pizza 4P's restaurant, has been
reused since the name of Box 4P's was changed to Pizza 4P's online. 

Figure 4. 6: Branding of Pizza 4P’s Services

Pizza 4P's will add a new brand, Pizza 4P's Premium, to further broaden its offerings. Pizza
4P's Premium specializes in providing luxury and high-class restaurant services based on
pizza products. The new brand name keeps the title Pizza 4P's and simply adds the word
"Premium" to make it easier for customers to recognize while still offering the same features
and benefits as the primary brand. Since then, 4P's has hoped to see more smiles on
customers' faces and to bring peace to the globe.

4.3. Pricing strategy

4.3.1. Pricing methods

Pizza 4P's is targeting a group of customers with a good or higher average income.

As a result, it is possible that product prices fluctuate higher than in the previous segment with
above-average levels, specifically:

Figure 4. 7: Menu 1 of Pizza 4P's

Figure 4. 8: Menu of Pizza 4P's

In order to provide a reasonable price that is affordable to customers Pizza 4P's reviewed a
price proposal based on three factors:

 Cost-based pricing:

Pizza 4P's always tries to upgrade its quality and services such as: self-producing dairy
ingredients such as cheese, building a cooperative relationship with Thien Sinh farm -
ensuring vegetables are always fresh, So, The production cost is quite high, so the price is
higher than the average, but the product quality is always guaranteed and the best service for
the target customer segment.

 Value-based pricing (Customer-based pricing) :

With the goal of spreading happiness and positive energy through its services, Pizza 4P's
prioritizes pricing strategy based on product value and customer perception. Especially when
targeting the group of medium-to-high-end customers. Customers at Pizza 4P's want not only
delicious and safe products, but also accompanying services of a certain value, so they are
willing to pay more for products/ services that they believe are worthy of what that
product/service brings. Pizza 4P's pricing strategy also revolves around the perceived value of

The values that Pizza 4P's bring to consumers:

Using environmentally friendly production processes to reduce negative environmental

impacts. Using high-quality ingredients that are safer, grown on the farm, natural, and free of
chemicals. Thien Sinh Farm - Pizza 4P's partner - employs a completely natural growing
method. Pesticides and chemical fertilizers, on the other hand, are not used. Create safe and
high-quality manufacturing processes to protect consumers and the environment.

- Handmade cheese production that is both delicious and safe. Pizza 4P's does not
import cheese, but instead creates handmade cheese products with unique flavors that
are only available at Pizza 4P's.

- Customers will not be bothered by the space's coziness and luxuriousness. Space set
aside for high-end customers who have all of their utility needs met. Interesting design
elements such as the waiting area, the VIP room, or the dining tables overlooking the

- Professional and fast support services: ticket booking consultation via website or
phone number, quick delivery, convenient and diverse payment options, customer
event support...

- Service that promotes thoughtfulness: enthusiastic consultants who embody the

Japanese spirit of "Omotenashi," or dedication demonstrated by the staff's thoughtful

 Competition-based pricing

If consumers do not perceive a difference in value between products and services, they will
tend to select the cheapest option for themselves. Pizza 4P's products are more expensive than
competitors'. This distinction stems from the higher value that Pizza 4P's products and
services bring to a new higher segment, a different value compared to competitors, by
improving customer perceived value.
Table 4. 1: Pricing strategy of Pizza 4P's and Competitors

Course Pizza 4P’s Al’s Fresco Pasta Buzza Pizza 4P's Domino’s
Paradise Pizza Pizza

Appetizer 100.000- 80.000- / 150.000- 39.000- /

300.000 160.000 200.000 119.000

Main 200.000- 150.000- 80.000- 150.000- 70.000- 50.000-

course 500.000 350.000 250.000 850.000 270.000 210.000

Mide dish 60.000- 100.000- 30.000- 70.000- 80.000- 30.000-

120.000 150.000 100.000 170.000 130.000 120.000

Dessert 60.000- / / 50.000- / 40.000

200.000 60.000

Drink 60.000- 30.000- 18.000- 45.000- 30.000- 12.000-

(per glass) 200.000 70.000 35.000 95.000 50.000 40.000

4.3.2. Revenue Management

For Pizza 4P's, the company uses a variety of pricing methods and pricing strategies to
maximize revenue and bring value and benefits in line with the prices that customers pay.

To manufacture a product, a certain amount of money must be spent. However, because of the
intangible nature of the service, cost measurement becomes more complicated for this type of
service. As a result, in order to easily measure costs, Pizza 4P's employs a measurement
method based on Activity-based costing (ABC management system), which approaches each
step in the service delivery process and provides cost statistics for each step.

Table 4. 2: Key Categories of Rate Fences

4.3.3. Ethical Concerns in Service Pricings

- Based on the evidence, the Pizza 4P's choose one of the primary pricing strategies:
Customer-Based Pricing. Strong market brand awareness, and pricing that is possibly slightly
higher. Beside, the quality and safety of the product will be guaranteed in proportion to the
customer's payment.

- The product is considered innovative. The slightly higher price not only emphasizes the
product's features, but it also prevents other competitors from entering the new segment. To
entice new customers, offer preferential prices, express gratitude, and offer cost-effective
product packages.

4.4. Distribution strategy

In the Pizza 4P's product supply cycle, it is necessary to pay attention to 3 main flows:

Information and promotion flow: attracting customers mainly through online channels such
as: Website, Fanpage of 4P's and personal email of customers.

Negotiation flow: encouraging customers to experience the service on both direct and online
channels by providing information, advantages of Premium services (products, space) and
preferential programs.

Product flow: focus on exclusive distribution to main branches of Pizza 4P's

Figure 4.9:Exclusive distribution model for Premium Pizza of Pizza 4P's

4.4.1 Distribution channel system

To reach potential customers, Pizza 4P's needs to exploit convenient locations such as near
residential areas, shopping centers, luxury apartments and stable traffic. Pizza 4P's is using
direct distribution in some major cities through online and offline channels.

20 Offline distribution

For the high-end product line, 4P's pizza will be distributed exclusively at prime locations,
first of all in Ho Chi Minh City. The districts can refer to: District 1, 3, 11 and 7.

Especially for Premium Pizza, exclusive distribution to the main store and no intermediaries
to ensure that high-end customers experience the product service in a complete and
professional manner, and at the same time convey the essence of the product. With this form
of distribution, customers can come to the place to experience the space, and at the same time
be provided with high-class additional services in addition to the store's products. Besides,
upgrade service to support remote table reservation for customers.

Realizing that potential customers are often free in the evenings, especially on weekends,
Pizza 4P's will supply more ingredients and allocate resources at crowded branches.

Figure 4.10: Pizza 4P's branch at Le Dai Hanh street

Some similar development locations for Premium Pizza in Ho Chi Minh City:

 184 Le Dai Hanh Street, Ward 15, District 11, Ho Chi Minh City

 151B Hai Ba Trung Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City

 8 Thu Khoa Huan, Ben Thanh Ward, District 1, Ho Chi Minh City

21 Online distribution

To find new sources of income during the Covid 19 epidemic, instead of converting to apps
like Grab, Gojek or Now; Pizza 4P's pioneered in building a sales channel through its own
website. At the same time, Pizza 4P’s develops heat-retaining batteries in paper boxes to
ensure the most delicious and perfect cakes when reaching customers.

Refer to website:

Inheriting and promoting the potential of the online channel (revenue 30 billion VND, 60,000
orders/ 8 months) Premium Pizza can be mentioned on the website's list of special dishes.
Accordingly, improving technology-enabled service delivery at Pizza 4P's:

● Customer care: support product information, record and handle feedback from
customers,... Premium Pizza product lines need more preferential policies and gifts for
potential customers. 24/7

● Website building: eye-catching design to provide information, receive orders.

Through the web can control the inventory items. In addition, the website also
facilitates the collection of data and information-seeking behavior of consumers,
thereby marketing services through media such as gmail, facebook, … Adding videos
recording the journey of making Premium Pizza lines for customers to visualize and
attract more easily.

Figure 4.11: Pizza 4P's delivery service

4.4.2 Distribution intermediaries

Apply shipping unit Ahamove and payment unit Momo to all products, including new
product. Manage and ensure the delivery - receipt of pizza products.

4.4.3 Distribution strategy

To ensure a good image of products and service quality, stores that distribute products
Premium Pizza of 4Ps pizza need to be strictly controlled. Brand value can be controlled more
carefully, leading to additional service maintenance costs.

Based on distribution goals: With Premium Pizza, the goal is towards safe, quality products
and high spiritual value for consumers in the upper-class segment. Premium Pizza of 4P’s is
located in city center locations to ensure to meet the needs of potential customers and build
brand image.

Based on the characteristics of the market: To avoid overcrowding on holidays in Vietnam,

Pizza 4P’s needs to arrange more waiting rooms to create comfort for potential customers. In
addition, it is necessary to arrange more spacious and airy parking space for customers to
conveniently move.

Based on business products: Because the core service is a high-class Pizza restaurant
service, it is very important to distribute at 4P's pizza to ensure uniform quality in each branch
as well as in online delivery channels.

Based on the capacity of the business: Using a management style influenced by Japanese
culture, Pizza 4P's distribution techniques are meticulously selected and subjected to a
rigorous selection process. High-class restaurant outlets are assured uniform quality due to a
steady financial status.

4.5. Promotion strategy

4.5.1. Who - Target audience

4P’s target customers are mainly from the age of 18 to 35, with middle-income earners and
above. They usually are young people, tourists, and family members who care about food
quality and experience.

4.5.2. What - The message to convey

4P's is "Omotenashi", which means the spirit of welcoming guests with all your heart,
showing the hospitality of the Japanese people. Omotenashi shows concern, and attentive
service to customers. The message of Pizza 4P's is to bring rich experiences to help each
customer who enters Pizza 4P's store to reap interesting and positive things. Pizza is the door
leading to a soul filled with complete relaxation. Positive energy is spread through the
culinary experience and 4P’s services.

4.5.3. How - Through a variety of communications channels Messages Transmitted through Traditional Marketing Channels

● Advertising:

Pizza 4P's advertising has always focused on using its website, Facebook, ... to update articles
about new collections, organize programs, ... 4P's website contains full information about
business and food. Customers can access to update information about seasonal dishes or
special occasions. Premium 4P's will continue to use this advantage to launch new menus as
well as new high-end restaurant services.

A short experience video will be posted on the Youtube platform to ensure it attracts the
curiosity and interest of the young customer segment. "Pizza Bun Dau Mam Tom" is an
example of the success of this method . To make a difference for premium service, Pizza 4P's
ads will link together like a story. Each story will be associated with other high-end
Vietnamese brands.

Figure 4. 12: Pizza Bun Dau Mam Tom

● Public relations

Pizza Making Workshop for school and family groups on National Children Day

With the goal of sharing happiness through hand-crafting your pizza, we are hosting Pizza
Making Workshops at Pizza 4P’s for school and family groups.Pizza 4P’s members will
introduce the children on how to make a pizza, help them stretch Pizza dough, place toppings
and bake Pizza in the oven.

Figure 4.13: Kids making pizza in the workshop

In the workshop, adults can also participate to help the children complete their pizzas and
create good memories together. This activity will bring up an interesting experience for
children and family groups.

Pizza 4P's organized Jar return Programme

Customers can return glass jars at Pizza 4P's restaurants and receive cottage cheese, yogurt or
pudding as a thank-you from the restaurant.Through the value campaign that businesses bring
to society as well as Pizza 4P's mission "Make the world smile for Peace" in a sustainable

Figure 4.14: Picture Jar return Programme

● Personal Selling

In Pizza 4P’s, customers will experience the caring staff, and order support can easily be
consulted by the staff. The staff is always very knowledgeable about the taste of dishes,
quickly grasping the needs of customers to advise.According to the survey, what makes
almost 100% of diners return to Pizza 4P's is their excellent service in addition to the
delicious food.Besides that, customers can both eat and watch pizza-making process.

● Sales promotion
Freedom leads to happiness
Every year on Vietnam Reunification Day, the restaurant will give a special Pizza for a group
of 3 or more customers. The purpose of this event is to celebrate the end of the Vietnam War
and honor the soldiers who served the country.
Sense of luxury - Pizza 4P’s premium 
The goal of this strategy is to focus on the elite, making a difference from the usual service.
This group of people enjoys quiet spaces and exceptional services. Therefore, Pizza 4P's
premium will be designed more meticulously and delicately through high-class dishes such as
golden steak, golden pizza, lobster or Kobe beef. Customers will experience a professional
service style and a number of other privileges but in return a 5% service fee. 
Your pizza - your choice 
In order to develop the “ customers as co-producer” concept, we recommend that the brand
should let the customer design their own pizza. They are the one who chooses ingredients,
topping, make the dough, and design their own pizzas by combining sauce, cheese, and
different ingredients on the base. This program will attract curiosity and guests who like
experiences. It will create a widespread and unique communication effect to the public.

26 Messages Transmitted through the Internet

● Online advertising

Pizza 4P's reaches customers through social networking sites such as Facebook, and
Instagram.Detailed information about the program of organizing live baking sessions, new
dishes, campaigns, corporate awards ... is always specifically mentioned by Pizza 4P's on the

● Company’s website

Pizza 4P's uses its own website for a variety of communication tasks, such as showcasing the
brand, from ingredients and baking process to achievements and awards. Therefore, the
website is a very important channel, Premium 4P's will improve the following points:

+ The interface has a separate yellow-green color for the segment.

+ Improve user experience by using AI system for consulting and ordering.

+ Faster online booking system, allowing payment by bank link. Messages Transmitted through Service Delivery Channels

 Service Outlets

Pizza 4P's applies the motto "Exchanging, Sharing Happiness" in a space that brings a sense
of Vietnamese culture. To give clients a nice experience when approaching the open kitchen
space, which serves as the restaurant's main highlight, maximize the landscape view.Another
factor is the company's reputation for its style and ingredients, they use organic fresh
vegetables and fruits. Things to do to show “Pizza 4P’s” in the interior design of the new store
“The Emporium”.The purpose is to create an open and relaxing environment to enjoy clients’
time at 4P’sThey used indigo as an accent color as a symbol of respect for both countries.
Adopting brass as a highlight, the glossy feel of the metal specifically tightens the space and
incorporates elegance as an element.  

 Frontline Employees

Because of the increasing demand for clean food from customers, Pizza 4P's expanded and
distributed ingredients to prestigious hotels and restaurants. 
All products are made in-house under strict management to ensure the quality.

Pizza 4P's has also given a number of additional services to enhance, including self-deploying
delivery services without the need of a third party to ensure on-time delivery, developing an
online ordering platform, and providing delivery services. Messages Originating from Outside the Organization

● Word of Mouth

Pizza 4P's stores mostly do not advertise but attract customers through word of mouth and a
good reputation. The word-of-mouth effect, the trust of diners, and the curiosity of those who
have not tasted this "mythical" pizza have made 4P's a phenomenon.

Blog is also a type of WOM, Pizza 4P's marketing is interested in blogs evolving as a new
form of social interaction on the website. Currently, on Youtube, there are many bloggers who
like to post reviews about the food and service at Pizza 4P's restaurant that they have
experienced and directly felt that also brings a lot of attention from the audience. Premium
4P's will make good use of this to reach young successful customers with three main keys:
beautiful images, trendy content and a famous social networking platform. The role of Corporate Design Service

Looking at Pizza 4P's restaurant, we can see the unique restaurant design with modern
neoclassical architecture and a hint of antiquity, decorated with nostalgic colored rustic wall
tiles impressive.4P’s restaurants use a unified and distinctive visual form for all logical
elements to facilitate recognition and reinforce the desired brand image. Evaluation and Recommendations

Pizza 4P’s promotion strategy is evaluated as effective and suitable for their customer
segment. Most campaigns are meaningful and valuable but do not cost much. In order to
maintain the brand’s marketing success and keep up with new trends, our group has created
several marketing plans for the brand:

● Freedom leads to happiness

On the Reunification Day every year, the restaurant will give customers a special dish. This
event's purpose is to commemorate the end of the VietNam war and to honor the soldiers who
were devoted to the country.

● Sense of luxury - Pizza 4P’s premium

This idea is created with the goal is focusing on the upper class. This group of people prefers
tranquil spaces and special services. With Pizza 4P’s premium, there will be high-end dishes
for the upper-class segment such as gold-covered steak, gold-covered pizza, lobster or Kobe
beef. And the service is also enhanced, in return for 5% service fee.

● Your pizza - your choice

In order to develop the “ customers as co-producer” concept, we recommend that the brand
should let the customer design their own pizza. They are the one who chooses ingredients,
topping, make the dough, and design their own pizzas by combining sauce, cheese, and
different ingredients on the base. This program will attract curiosity and guests who like
experiences. It will create a widespread and unique communication effect to the public

4.6. Service Processes Management

Service process plays a pivotal role in the service marketing plan which ensures the service
will be delivered to the customer.

4.6.1 Service processes

Table 4.3: Service processes of Pizza 4P’s

Fail points W ( risk of excessive

Act 1: - Customers make wait)
Prologue and reservations through the - In case of many -  The remote
Introductory online website or hotline to people book their reservation system has
Scenes  ensure their places. The staff table at the same an error, and the staff
will check if the table is time frame, waiting may be mistaken or
fully booked or not, then for confirmation delayed.
they will save the customer's from the reception
name and the reservation can be time- - The table is not
time into the system. consuming.  guaranteed to be
vacant, so customers
- The customer will then go - The attitude and may have to wait a
to the dining area, and behavior of the staff long time. 
confirm the table number is not good,
and guest's name at the confused or angry - The number of
reception counter After that, with customers vehicles is high and
customers will go to the when having customers may have to
luxurious lounge area, the problems. spend time to park it
staff will serve some drinks, elsewhere or farther
provide herbal hand washing from the place to eat. 
bowls,... strong when the  
staff checks the table one
last time. 
- Next, the staff will lead the

customer to the table that the
customer has booked.

Act 2: - The staff will give the - The staff leads - Customers may
Delivery of menu to the guests politely, guests to the wrong spend a long time
the core introduce the dishes, set table they booked waiting for staff to
product  menus to ask customers if in advance.  order, waiting for their
they have any allergies, and drinks and dishes due
allow customers to choose to a large number of
the ingredients they like. -The order may orders.
- Take notes of the dishes have errors such as
that the customers have staff forgetting the - It is possible that the
ordered.  order, and getting estimated time of the
- After that, the order will be the wrong item. first customer's meal
sent to the kitchen to make will exceed the time of
the dishes.  the next customer, if
- If the customer orders a the number of guests is
drink, the staff will bring it large, there will not be
and pour it for the customer. enough tables for the
next customer, causing
the customer to wait. 

Act 3:The - When dishes have been - Food quality is not - It is hard to avoid
drama brought to the table, the staff
guaranteed due to errors in the process of
concludes  will serve customers the bestsome problems in receiving orders, the
they can.   the kitchen. Worst staff may bring the
of all, customers wrong dish and
- Finally, when the customer report discovering customers have to wait
has finished eating and want strange things in to change the dish.
to pay for the meal, usually their meals.
many of the customer's - Customers have to
expectations will be -  Staff carrying wait when using other
mentioned in the following food has not been services: toilets, ....
factors: ready, spilled.
- The payment process
 - Clear payment invoices, - Each person has a may take a long time. 
ensuring accuracy from different taste in
cashiers, politely delivered food, and it is
by staff at the fastest time to impossible to
avoid waiting for control the quality
customers.  of the dish at each
- Thank customers sincerely,
resend the card (when the - In the Bill stage:

customer pays by Customers the number of items
may use the toilet afterward in the invoice can
so the toilet must always be be mistaken or
full of paper and clean delayed. 

- Toilets are not

checked, and
cleaned regularly.

- Problems when
paying via card and
problems in the
guest car park.

Figure 4.15: Act 1 Prologue and Introductory Scenes

Figure 4.16: Act 2 Delivery of the core product

Figure 4.17: Act3 The drama concludes

Figure 4.18: Act3 The drama concludes

4.6.2 Customers as co-producer

Customers can ask to add or remove some ingredients in the dish for example when they want
to add cheese or when they ask not to take tomatoes, onions…

4.7. Physical Evidence Management

4.7.1 The Servicescapes Model

- Identifies and views the major dimensions of a service environment holistically

- Internal customer and employee responses can be divided into cognitive, emotional, and
psychological responses, which result in overt behavioral responses to the environment.

- The ability of each individual dimension to fit together with everything else is crucial to
effective design.

4.7.2. Behavior Consequences of Affect

For Pizza 4P, feelings during service encounters are an important driver of customer loyalty: The 4P's create a pleasant environment in their approach

- Dishes with unusual ingredient combinations not found in pizza.

- A distinct flavor combination that is not at all strange.

- There are additional side dishes to enhance the flavor and deliciousness.

- The feeling of eating well with friends makes me feel more comfortable

- Regrettably, there are still many delicious dishes that have not been consumed, so next
time will return with more friends, willing to spend more money to eat the old dishes
and try new dishes.

- To satisfy customers in the high-end segment, space and service must be prioritized. 4P's Social interaction between customers and employees

- The staff is always smiling and friendly to customers, and they are well-trained in how
to better serve and care for them.

- Staff remind customers of their booking time of 20-25 minutes, take them to their
table, say goodbye, and thank them when finished.

- Assist staff in organizing events (birthdays, anniversaries, etc.) for customers...).

- The staff will gladly give you advice on which dishes to order.

- Even when he is busy, the employee always smiles to answer customers, the employee
observes customers subtly, and the employee responds quickly when customers have

4.7.3. Internal responses of customers

Cognitive: They develop confidence in the quality of dishes with fresh ingredients.
Everything in the dish is carefully, professionally and delicately made to suit the taste of even
the most demanding customers. At the same time, the extremely good facilities and friendly
staff also raise trust for customers.

Emotional: Customers feel comfortable and relaxed with the surrounding environment due to
4P’s space and design. They feel stimulated when sitting and watching pizza being created
directly and the feeling of waiting to enjoy it.

Psychological: The warmth and friendliness of the staff at 4P's make customers feel
comfortable and easy to make requests.

4.7.4. Environmental dimensions Ambient conditions

Music: Soft instrumental music creates a pleasant atmosphere.

Temperature: The temperature in the restaurant is not too cold which create comfort for

Noise: 4P’s restaurants are usually separate space away from the noise outside and the hustle
and bustle of the urban area. This has created a tranquil and relaxing space.

Scent: There is a slight aroma from the dish when brought out.

Color: Although there are many branches, 4P's branches are always dominant with the natural
wood design combined with light brown and light yellow tones, creating a friendly, bright

Figure 4.19: Pizza 4P’s restaurant colour Space/Function

Layout: The restaurants are designed with wooden grids to create an extremely airy feeling
without being occult. The kitchen area of the pizza restaurant is also designed in an open and
extremely large way. Customers can observe the pizza-making process.

Interior: High-quality sofa sets, iron material next to natural wood material prove the high-
class luxury, do not create uncomfortable feelings.

Figure 4.20: Pizza 4P's Layout and Interior

Figure 4.21: Pizza 4P's Layout and Interior Signs, Symbols, and Artifacts

Decoration style: The restaurant uses gray wall color for the dining area and indigo for the
bar, which are favorite colors in both Vietnamese and Japanese cultures. This design brings a

sense of closeness to customers while still keeping the spirit of a Western restaurant - a pizza

Signboard: The restaurant name will be designed simply to create a sense of familiarity and
the 4P's Logo is usually placed inside the restaurant with warm yellow lights as shown below.

Figure 4.22: Pizza 4P’s signboard

4.7.5 Put it together

Not only serve high-quality food, but they also provide the unique cultural experience of
going to a restaurant, enjoying a beautiful, quiet space, and watching pizza artisans
passionately perform Design with a holistic view

4P’s design is combined with simplicity and contemporary design which creates the
impression to guests. Design from a customer's perspective - Design from a customer's


The pizza restaurant has separate areas for guests with 2 people, for small groups. Besides, the
bar area for customers who want to observe the kitchen area is also designed extremely
nicely, impressing diners.

4.8. People Management

4.8.1. The Pizza 4P’s employees

The service quality at Pizza 4P is excellent. However, to attract upper-class customers, service
employees must do more than that.

Pizza 4P's has to create a service scenario that focuses on the "details," and the crew must be
observant to capture the customer's psyche from the moment they enter the restaurant until
they leave. Supporting clients with the tiniest items like hair bands, wet wipes to clean phone
screens, bags for personal possessions, aprons, and so on, even if they don't ask for it, will
make a lasting impact in their minds. This demonstrates the staff's concern and enthusiasm for
its customers.

In addition, staff with health knowledge will more easily help customers choose dishes.
Instead of just recommending the dishes that Pizza 4P's has, the staff can ask about the
customer's health status or diet and then recommend reasonable pizzas.

Figure 4.23: Pizza 4P’s employee is serving

4.7.2. The frontline in Low-contact services

The benefit of having fewer branches is that easier to manage. Currently, each Pizza 4P's
restaurant has its own website, which assists customers in better understanding that restaurant
through information and photographs on the web, resulting in fewer ordering and creating
table problems, making it easy for the staff to serve their customers.

4.7.3. Emotional Labor

Pizza 4P's has made great efforts to establish a comfortable working environment for its
employees so that they do not have "phony customer service smiles" or the ambiance is too
quiet and too "employee-customer"

Figure 4.24: Pizza 4P’s employee like “a family”.

4.7.4. Human Resources

 Hire the Right People

Pizza 4P's must have the following to be able to hire competent employees:

- Competitive wage, bonus.

- Attractive perks: health care packages, exclusive promotions for Pizza 4P's

 Enable Your People

Pizza 4P's has a "From farm to table" concept, which means that employees are not
only taught professional skills but also can tour and practice at the restaurant's
agricultural farms. This will assist personnel in better understanding the food
production process as well as the challenges of growing clean veggies, allowing them
to appreciate food more, reduce food waste, and explain to other diners about the
dish's components.

 Empower the Frontline

In emergency situations, employees should be empowered to improvise, such as:

- Customers have health problems.

- Conflict situations.

- Customers with small children make noise.

- Customers carry heavy…

 Motivate and Energize People

To make employees excited about their job, Pizza 4P's must:

- Valuing, encouraging, and appreciating the new ideas and efforts of


- Wage is worthy of work productivity and reward for good work.

- Extra-curricular activities to connect "employees-employees" and "employees-


Figure 4. 25: Comfortable working environment at Pizza 4P's

In short, customers are crucial in the F&B service industry, but employees are equally
important contributors to success.




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