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Some centuries ago, there was a village called Matemotor. This town was localized in the east of
USA, in a very lonely valley. It was small and far away from the city, the nights were cold and scaring
there, and the people were strange and shy. It was 1869, a new couple from Europa moved there in
order to build their own farm, they were Josh and Cat.

They hadn´t met✓ anybody from the town, however✓ , they didn´t had good feelings about their
new home. As soon as✓ they finished preparing the farm, they fill it with a lot of animals such as✓
cows, sheeps, pigs…
There was nothing strange on the first few weeks, instead, the farm started to produce money, and
both were happy and cheerful✓ .
Usually Josh collect all the products early on the morning without problem, but the second weekend
of December was not the same. When he went to pick up the chicken´s eggs they acted strange, they
look like they were afraid of him. In the bottom of the barnyard there was a beheaded chicken. Since
that day, once a month Josh and Cat found a new decapitated animal. The amount of animals was
decreasing, because of that, they started to investigate.
One month later, Cat saw a strange black figure near the forest, it was killing one of their sheeps, so
✓ she immediately decided to go there and stop it. Suddenly ✓ the person stopped and looked at
her, she quickly took her wife´s gun and shot him afterwards.

In the end✓ the couple was so scared that decided to come back to Europe. The mystery is that
since they move away from the village, the animals have lived for their own, and once per month a
new animal appear without head.

Excelente Notable Aceptable Insuficiente

El mensaje es claro, preciso El mensaje no es del todo El mensaje no es claro, El mensaje es demasiado
y coherente, con ideas claro. Las ideas son buenas y algo confuso y/o confuso, ambiguo o
interesantes, que se atienen atienden al tema propuesto. ambiguo. Hay algunas incoherente, con ideas
al tema propuesto. Se sigue Se ajusta al requisito de ideas repetitivas. Se irrelevantes o repetitivas. No
el requisito de extensión extensión mínima. ajusta a requisito de se sigue el requisito de
mínima. extensión mínima extensión mínima.
0.5 0.25 0.125 0

Se muestra capacidad para Se muestra capacidad para A veces no se distingue Es difícil distinguir la postura
desarrollar un punto de desarrollar un punto de vista la postura personal del personal del autor. Se
vista personal, con personal, aunque falta autor. Las ideas no se incluyen generalidades sin
opiniones originales. Las originalidad. Las ideas se ilustran adecuadamente fundamento porque no se
ideas se ilustran de forma ilustran adecuadamente. con datos o ejemplos. aportan datos o ejemplos que
adecuada ilustren las ideas expuestas.
0.25 0.125 0

Se emplean conectores de Hay transiciones temáticas Hay transiciones Faltan conectores adecuados y
forma efectiva y variada. lógicas y conectores, aunque temáticas lógicas pero se acusa una falta de
no se varía demasiado. faltan conectores transiciones temáticas lógicas.
0.25 0
0.5 0.125

No hay errores importantes Hay 1/2 errores importantes Hay 3/4 errores Hay errores (+4) graves de
de gramática de gramática importantes de gramática
0.5 0.25
0.125 0
No muestra limitaciones en El vocabulario es algo variado Falta variación y/o hay Hay errores graves de léxico.
el uso del vocabulario que pero algunos términos no son varios errores de
utiliza. lo suficientemente precisos. vocabulario o del uso de
0.25 éste
0.5 0

No hay errores importantes Hay 1/2 errores importantes Hay 3/4 errores Hay múltiples (+4)
de ortografía y/o puntación. de ortografía y/o puntuación importantes de equivocaciones en el uso de la
ortografía y/o ortografía y/o la puntuación.
0.5 0.25 puntuación
Content: 1,5
Structure: 0.75 Mark: 2.25 / 3

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