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Course Code MGT 111
Lecture 8
Public Administration/
management in Pakistan
British Period
Post Independence Period
British Period
The East India Company gradually
expanded its operations.
1609 - the authority to trade was
further extended.
1661 - the Company was empowered
to declare war on and have peace
with any ruler.
1642 - a factory was allowed to be
established at Balasore for medical
services provided by the Surgeon of
the Company.
The Regulating Act 1773 granted
the British government powers
to regulate the affairs of the
Company in the subcontinent
In 1757 the victory at Plassey
paved the way for the British
The British government’s direct
rule really started after 1857
(war of independence).
Government of India Act
1858 was passed by the British
Parliament. It was a
constitutional document for
colonial India . The Secretary of
State was to exercise powers
previously given to the
A Council of 15 members was
created under the Act. It was
to conduct all business
relating to Government of
India in UK.
-The Act was a comprehensive
written constitution for the
- The Constitution was unitary
and the provincial governments
derived their powers by
devolution from the central
government under the control
and direction of Governor
The Governor General for the
sub-continent was appointed
by the British government
The ultimate control was of
Secretary of State
The structure of civil service in the
sub-continent were laid by the
East India Company (EIC).
Mercantile Service 1601 – 1858
Imperial Service 1858 -1947
The employees of EIC were
divided into ‘covenanted’ (higher
employees) and ‘un-covenanted’
employees (lower level of service)
The covenanted civil servants
signed agreement with the
Company regarding terms and
conditions of the service
The un-covenanted did not sign
any agreement
The change in the system of civil
service of EIC was made according
to the requirement of the colonial
rule from time to time.
However, Aitchison Commission
(1886-87) recommended that
distinction between covenanted
and un-covenanted service should
be abolished and to establish
‘Imperial Civil Service’. This
nomenclature was later on
changed to ‘Indian Civil Service’
The Commission also
recommended the creation of
Provincial Civil Service
The India Civil Service was
organized on the principle that ‘it
would be characterized by integrity
and ability’ (Philip Woodruff, The
Men who Ruled India)
East India College was
established in 1806 at Haileybury
England. Entry to the College and
service was open to natural-born
The Government of India Act 1858
provided young men of sub-
continent to compete for the entry
to the College.
A sense of pride was imbibed in
the young men at the College
Salaries: civil servants were paid
salaries and wages which allowed
them a proper standard of living
according to the responsibilities
Indian Civil Service Act 1861:
Promotion, seniority, appointment
from outside
Public Service Commission
established in 1926
The Government of India 1935
provided security of tenure: no
officer to be dismissed until heard
in his defence and was given the
right to appeal.
The British left noteworthy
administrative heritage in such
areas as law, finance,
education, railways, public
works and public health
The foundation of modern Police
was laid in 1861. The Police Act
1861 introduced a uniform system
of police. In each district
Superintendent of police was
appointed with hierarchy of
Deputy Superintendent and
The British strengthened revenue
system as land revenue provided
15% of total revenue

Various financial functions were

given to the provinces. Under the
Act of 1935 the federal budget was
to be presented to the legislature
The British gave the system of law
administration. They codified the
law and expanded the court
system. Three levels for both civil
criminal courts came into being.

The Indian Law Commission

1833 gave the first Indian Penal
The Indian Universities Act 1904
brought improvements in the
education system
Pakistan came into existence under
condition which caused strain for
public administration
At the time of independence
non- Muslims out numbered
Problems of public administration
in new country
- Dearth of trained manpower
(civil servants economists,
doctors, engineers)
- Refugees
- Inadequate physical
- Constitution making

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