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Dear Students,

It is your first exposure to be a part of the business Industry by undertaking your third semester project. I hope this
mail will answer all your doubts on project work. I have tried to explain each aspect of project here. But still if you
need more clarity, you must reach out to your guide.

Here is a brief of what you need to do in the project.

1. a) The project work shall be for a period of four weeks immediately after the completion of second semester end
exams but before the commencement of third semester classes. Students either on their own or in consultant with
their Guides identify the problem for his/her study according to their interest.

b) This could also involve a desk study/data analysis/ extension work or exploration of an idea or its
implementation. In other words, a management student is expected to enrich with competency/skills/attitudes and
perspectives about live society and organization) it is not a organization study. 

2. Students should collect a letter from the college to produce it before the company and external guide. (If your
organization is fine with the scanned copy of your letter, you may request your guide to help you.)

3. After the completion of the project the student should get a letter from the company, stating that you have
successfully completed the project in their Organization ( Letter Head)

4. Spiral Binding must be prepared and submitted to the guide, before collecting the college Certificate.

5. Hard copy of the project should submit to your guide, With signature & seal.

General Guidelines:

a) You must observe the skills required to become a successful professional. Go with a learning attitude to the

b) Demonstrate skilled professional behavior at the workplace.

c) Continuous review with Respective guides is mandatory.

d)No two students shall work on the same research problem.

e) Choice of title / Research problem is completely open [In terms of choice and area] and freelance by nature.

Report Guidelines:

1. Preliminary pages should be strictly as per the formats informed by the guide.

2. No header and footer [Project title, College name, Logo, or pictures] are allowed.

3. Questionnaire(s), financial statement(s) or any other data collection instrument [Whichever is applicable]
used in the report should be given under Annexure(s).

4. Report should be not less than 70 Pages

5. Report should be printed in the A4 size sheet by allowing 1” margin on top and bottom 0.5’’gutter margin
and 0.5’’ margin from right.
6. Three copies should be submitted to the college.

Font and alignment specification(s)

SN Item(s) Specification(s)
1 Font [All the contents] Times New Roman [Strictly No mix of fonts]

2 Text Body of the report: Times new Roman 12 pts, Justified. Space: 1.15 line spacing,
before paragraph - 0 pts, after the paragraph – 6 pts.
3 Chapter name All Caps, Centered, Bold and Sized to 16 pts.
4 Title of the chapter All Caps, Centered, Bold and Sized to 15 pts.
5 Subheading Level – I All Caps Left aligned Bold and Sized to 14 pts.
To be numbered with chapter number. [For Ex, 1.1, 1.2, etc.]
6 Subheading Level – II All Caps Left aligned Bold and Sized to 13 pts.
To be numbered with chapter and sub heading number. [For Ex, 1.1.1, 1.1.2, 1.1.3
7 Table(s) [1] Tables name should give on top with unit of measurement if any and numbered
according to the chapter and should be given in a single line. [Ex. Table 1.1 –
Exploration of Respondents Occupation]
[2] Table should be in center
[3] Text content of table should be left aligned.
[4] Number content of table should be Right aligned
[5] Stubs to be Aligned left and bold.
[6] Captions to be aligned Center and bold.
[7] Total [Row, Column and Grand] to be bold faced.
[7] Source note is compulsory.
8 Chart(s), Graph(s), Name should be given on top along with unit of measurement, if any [Should be
Diagram(s), Flow- part of graph/Chart – not as the part of your word document] numbered
Chart(s), Picture(s) according to the chapter and should be given in a single line. [Ex.
Chat/Graph/Picture 1.1 – Exploration of Respondents Age]

9 Binding color Sky blue

10. Copies 3 Hard Bind, 1 Spiral Bind and 1 soft Copy

Contents of Project Report

1. Cover page
2. Certificate from the Institution. [To be get from college)
3. Declaration by the student
4. Acknowledgement
5. Table of the contents
6. List of tables and graphs
7. Executive summary
8. Chapter 1: - Introduction: General Introduction about the topic
9. Chapter 2: - Review of Literature: Introduction (Study Area), Background of study, Literature review
(Minimum of 15 From oldest to the Latest Journals and articles relating to your topic)
10. Chapter 3: -Research Methodology:
 Statement of Problem
 Objectives of the study
 Scope of the study
 Research Methodology
a. Types of Research
b. Sampling Design
c. Data collection
d. Instrument design
e. Analysis
 Limitation of the Study
 Chapter schemes

11. Chapter 4 Industry & Company Profile

 Industry Profile
 Company Profile
a. History & background of the company
b. Mission
c. Vision
d. Quality Policy
e. Products and Services
f. Areas of Operations
g. Competitors Information’s
h. SWOT Analysis
i. Future Growth and Prospects
j. Organization Chart

12. Chapter 5: - Analysis and interpretation: Data collected with relevant tables and graphs. Results
obtained by the using statistical tools must be included.
13. Chapter 6: -Findings & Conclusion: Summary of finding, Conclusion and
14. Annexure(s):
 Bibliography
 Questionnaire, if applicable.
 Statement(s) if any

Procedure for submitting your Projects

1. Soft copy of the project should be sent to the guide for the approval by Mail.

2. After approval, a copy of Hard (spiral Bind) should be submitted to the College Guide for Final Approval.

3. College Certificate is issued once the project (Spiral Bind) is approved by the Guide.

4. After collecting the college Certificate, Go ahead for the Final Bind.

5. Remember 3 copies of Project should be submitted to the college.

Wishing you all the best and happy learning!

Patel Institute of Science & Management 
Outer Ring Road
Behind Sakra World Hospital
Bangalore 560103

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