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Unit 3


Living with a Volcano


Assignment 2: Read the text and fill in the missing gaps in the picture.

A volcano is a cone-shaped mountain with a large hole at the top (main crater). A large volcano may have
hundreds of smaller secondary craters on its sides. In an eruption, volcanoes produce very hot, melted rock.
When it is still under the ground, this hot, melted rock is called magma. Once it comes out of the volcano,
the hot rock is called lava. When a volcano erupts magma is squeezed up from the magma chamber inside
the volcano through a main vent. During an eruption not only lava comes out of an volcano. The hot and
toxic gases and the glowing ash, dust and smoke of a volcanic cloud can be as dangerous to people living
close to a volcano as the lava flows. This makes the area around a volcano a dangerous place. At the same
volcanic eruptions are among the most exciting spectacles in nature and volcanoes are tourist attractions all
over the world.

1. lava flows
2. main crater
3. eruption
4. lava flows
5. magma (in the magma chamber)

Assignment 3: Study the definitions carefully. Then complete the text with the correct forms of the

crust : another term for the earth’s surface

unpredictable : often changing, impossible to say what happens next
volcanic ash : very fine rock that comes out of a volcano during an eruption
volcanologist : a scientist that studies volcanoes
tectonic plates : one of the many large moving pieces under the earth’s surface

Scientists known as _______volcanologists_________________ study a number of different features

of volcanoes. They study the movement of ____tectonic plates________________

deep under the earth. They also study how these movements formed volcanic openings in the earth’s

________crust___________ long ago. When a volcano erupts, these scientists examine the

lava and ______ volcanic ash ________ that come out of it. They want to know why volcanoes

erupt so that they can protect people who live near them. It’s difficult to know what these

________ unpredictable ______________ creations will do next.

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