Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan Grade 3

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Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan


I. Learning Objectives:
At the end of this topic, the learners are expected to:

A. Most Essential Learning Competencies:

Read words with vowel diagraphs ai (pail) and ay (bay),ea (tea), ee (teeth),oo (food), oa (road).
( EN3PWRIVa-b-8 ;EN3PWRIVd-e-22 and 29)
 Match words, phrases, and sentences containing these words with pictures.
 Spell words that were introduced during word recognition.

II. Learning Resources

A. Subject Matter: ENGLISH
B. References: QUARTER 4, MODULE 6, WEEK 6
C. Materials: Laptop, and powerpoint presentation.
D. Integration: Science- taking care of your body
E. Strategies: Collaborative, Differentiated Instruction

III. Procedure:
Teacher’s Activity Pupils’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activity
1) Daily Routine
- Prayer
- Greeting
- Checking of Attendance

2) Unfreezer
Watch and Sing

B. 3) Drill:
A. Direction: Spell the word.

1. Cheeks

2. bought

3. hair

4. book

5. doughnut

6. Rain eat
C. B. Direction: Read the words with long a and long e. 7. Pain week
Long a Long e 8. Train Read
1. Rain eat KRA 1: OBJ. 2 9. Tail speed
2. Pain week Annotation: I used 10. Pail hear
3. Train Read powerpoint presentation for
4. Tail speed the activity.
5. Pail hear

D. 4. Lesson Proper
a) Motivation
Let us watch the video.
Head, shoulders, knees, toes, eyes,
ears, mouth, nose
b) Presentation
1.) What are the parts of the body mentioned in the video?
They are exercising Ma’am.
Very Good class!

What are the kids doing in the video?

So that we will be healthy.
Very Good!

Why do we need to exercise our body?

That’s right! We need to exercise our body to be healthy.

Take a bath everyday.

Brush your teeth every after meal.
c) Discussion Wash your body before going to
What else do we need to do to take care of our body? sleep.

Good job class. All of your answers are correct.

1. Head
2. Shoulders
Read the words written on the board. 3. Knees
1. Head 4. Toes
2. Shoulders 5. Ears
3. Knees 6. Mouth
4. Toes
5. Ears
6. Mouth

They are two vowels Ma’am.

Very Good!

What have you observed on the underlined letters?

Very Good!

These are called Digraphs. Read it again. Vowel Digraphs

A digraph in the English language is a group of two successive letters
that represent a single sound. The common ones are the
Ee Ma’am
vowel digraphs which include the “ay”and “ai “,”ea” and, “ee” ,
“oo” and “oa”.
Oo Ma’am.
For example: Identify the vowel digraphs used in the word breeze

Very Good! You are correct.

How about the vowel digraph of roof? load ma’am.

Excellent! mail ma’am.

Now, give me a word that has a vowel digraph. glue Ma’am.

Very Good! What else? Yes Ma’am.

Excellent! Another?
Did you understand now our lesson?

E. Guided Practice
Let’s check if you truly understand our lesson.
Direction: Direction: Fill in the blank with the correct vowel digraphs.
Write your answer on the illustration board provided for you.

1. B ___ ___ k

2. S l __ __ p

3. D __ __ g h n u t

4. S t r __ __ m

5. R e c __ __ v e

Vowel digraph Ma’am.

Relieve, dead, beef, meat, loaf,

true, blue, balloon,

F. Generalization
What is our lesson all about?
Very Good! Give me an example of vowel digraph.


Eat healthy foods.

Brush your teeth 3x a day.
Take a bath everyday.
G. Value Integration

How will you take care of your body?

Amazing. Your answers are correct.

IV. Evaluation
A. Direction: Identify in which word will fit the vowel digraph
( computer game)
C. Direction: Identify in which word will fit the vowel digraph

B __ __ k Oo oa L __ __ k
F __ __ l Ei ee P __ __ l
R e c __ __ v e Ie ei D e c __ __ v e
T r __ __ Eu ue G l __ __
T r __ __ n Ai ey S n __ __ l

V. Assignment:
Direction: Write 2 examples/ words in each vowel digraph- ai, oo, oa,
ee, ei, ie, ay, ue.

Prepared by: Noted by:


Adviser Teacher In- Charge

KRA 3: OBJ. 7: Whole lesson

Annotation: I used ICT or powerpoint, video presentation and online
games to address learning goals and to become active of the learners.

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